The left's rejection of science

When liberals portrayed homosexuality as heterosexuality & men as women, that told me all I needed to know about liberals and science.

Add they have little sense of cause & effect, balance, history & basic universal law. That told me all I needed to know about their sense of math, economics & science. So much for their opinion of themselves that they're on the side of intellect & education.
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his is another one that is really going to sting since you value ideology over reality. But there is just no stopping reality, mammy. It just keeps coming at you.

So, In total disgrace, you abandoned your "Climate scientists made failed predictions!" big lie. That's for the best, given the magnitude of your failure. I see you're trying some new deflections. Let's see what propaganda your cult told you to parrot.

No, only one scientist says that, Zwally, and he appears to be wrong. All the other studies disagree.


So, cherrypicking fallacy used on your part. Expected, as cherrypicking is a staple tactic of those who suck hard at science. The honest people look at all the data, while cultists like you only look at cult-approved info.

Oh, even if that was true, it would mean bad things in a different way. The measured sea level rise has to be coming from somewhere. If it's not coming from Antarctic melt, it's means the melt must be worse elsewhere.

Remember when I told you that the world was coming off of a natural cooling period and you lost your shit?

I don't think anyone remembers that, being it's crazy talk on your part. I'm the one who has constantly been pointing out the world was cooling naturally, until humans turned up the thermostat. Being how that simple fact annihilates the denier "The warming is natural!" theory, it often causes deniers to lose their shit.

A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in February is now getting the attention of prominent climate change skeptics. The study claims the Antarctic Peninsula is cooling and that the previous warming in the second half of the 21st century is “an extreme case.” The researchers also found the recent cooling trend, which they say began in 1998-99, has already had a significant impact on the Antarctic Peninsula’s cryosphere, slowing down “glacier recession.”

Yes, just as the scientists predicted. That's been known for years. Thanks for pointing out how good the science has been. Another correct prediction by climate scientists.

And the truth shall set you free! See - scientists have been tracking this data for many decades. They know when the planet will naturally increase in temperature due to the cycle they tracked and they know when the planet will naturally cool due to the cycle they have tracked.

The Antarctic peninsula is not the planet. You're not very bright. This is second grade level stuff, and you fail at it. You don't take a global average by looking at one tiny spot. But then, cherrypicking is one of your staple tactics.

And it was on a natural cooling period for the decade predicted.

Ice age tomorrow!

You cult has been saying that for 40 years straight now. That ice age never arrives, and it just keeps warming strongly, but you still BELIEVE. You have faith that the HolyIceAge will arrive, no matter what the evidence says.

That is, until a little later, when you'll flipflop from "It's cooling!" to "The warming is natural!". All deniers flipflop like that. Their conspiracy theories contradict each other, but to be a denier is to ignore logic.
If you want people to start reading your crap, at least use a title that is somewhat compelling.
See? You continue to love the sound of your own voice. You're someone who is too fuck'n lazy to even read (I've got $100 right here and now that says you're a love your pot, uh libertarian?). You wouldn't know a "compelling" title if it smacked you in your stupid face and took away your precious weed.
I see you're trying some new deflections.
Experts usually talk about their field of expertise. Hence the reason you bring up "deflections" even when they are no appropriate for the situation. And speaking of "deflections" my duped little left-wing nitwit, you still haven't answered why all of these hundreds and hundreds of left-wing dimwits that you have deemed "not scientists" were speaking out in public, in interviews, etc. about global warming?

Stop deflecting and answer the question. The last time I posed it, in typical left-wing fascist fashion, you said "I don't give a shit" and ran away like a little bitch. Well - if the truth matters and "Global Warming" is important to you, you should give a shit that people who you have deemed as not qualified are spreading propaganda. Oops...bitch.
So, In total disgrace, you abandoned your "Climate scientists made failed predictions!" big lie. can't lie your way out of this. It's all documented in this thread for everyone to see. I placed you over my knee and made you my permanent bitch on USMB. I've probably added close to 25 links in this thread alone with indisputable fact. Hell, you added one link and it contradicted your own lies. Then you got frustrated like the small child that you are and ran away after making tons of vulgar remarks.

The debate is over. Science has proven that "Global Warming" is a scam. The left-wing predictions about the environment failed over 97% of the time. The planet is just coming off a cooling period during a time when they were telling you it was "heating" up. The polar ice-cap expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq miles) at a time when the left predicted it would be completely melted and gone.

I get it, snowflake. You're embarrassed that you were so easy to dupe. You feel ashamed at your ignorance and your failure to fact-check. But don't take it out on everyone else. You have no one else to blame but yourself for being a minion.
And speaking of "deflections" my duped little left-wing nitwit, you still haven't answered why all of these hundreds and hundreds of left-wing dimwits that you have deemed "not scientists" were speaking out in public, in interviews, etc. about global warming?

Because we don't have the authoritarian state that you dream about, meaning people have free speech.

Why did you think that wasn't a retarded question? Because it was.

Stop deflecting and answer the question. The last time I posed it, in typical left-wing fascist fashion, you said "I don't give a shit" and ran away like a little bitch. Well - if the truth matters and "Global Warming" is important to you, you should give a shit that people who you have deemed as not qualified are spreading propaganda. Oops...bitch.

When the topic is the science, normal people don't give a shit about who gives a speech somewhere. You don't see the honest people here making lists of dumb things conservatives have said on the topic, even though there's no shortage of such material. Only cowards have to resort to such tactics. Over here on the rational side, we base our policies on the science, hence the science supports us, hence we can always simply point to the science to "win". The science always contradicts you, so you always have to always deflect from it. can't lie your way out of this.

Instead of these constant meltdowns that nobody reads, how about you address the science?

Oh wait, you can't.

And everyone sees that.

Now, try another meltdown. That will show everyone how good your science is. Really, it will.
Remember when I told you that the world was coming off of a natural cooling period and you lost your shit?
I don't think anyone remembers that, being it's crazy talk on your part. I'm the one who has constantly been pointing out the world was cooling naturally, until humans turned up the thermostat.
Daaaaamn bitch....I just caught you in yet another lie. Page 7 of this thread, post #69:
The planet has been warming strongly and steadily for years. Only the most shameless frauds and liars still try to pass off the insane "it's cooling" story. Even the most brainwashed deniers don't say something that crazy any more. They've all retreated to "the warming is natural!" or "Warming is good!". Didn't you get the memo?
So in post #69 you adamantly insist that the planet (and I quote) "has been warming strongly and steadily" and then call anyone who accurately states that it has in fact been cooling to be (and I quote again) "shameless frauds and liars" of an "insane...story".

But now on page 61 in post 602 you declare that you are the one who has been (and I quote) "pointing out that the world was cooling naturally". Geez even lie about your lies. Caught red-handed...bitch

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: can't lie your way out of this.
Instead of these constant meltdowns that nobody reads, how about you address the science?
I've done that! I've filled this thread with links to facts about the science proving that "Global Warming" is a scam (hence the reason the left had to rebrand it to "Climate Change" after 97.4% of their predictions failed so badly, the exact opposite actually occurred).
And speaking of "deflections" my duped little left-wing nitwit, you still haven't answered why all of these hundreds and hundreds of left-wing dimwits that you have deemed "not scientists" were speaking out in public, in interviews, etc. about global warming?

Because we don't have the authoritarian state that you dream about, meaning people have free speech.
Just because we have "free speech" doesn't mean you should spread propaganda. I mean, I could come out tomorrow and declare that everything we know about rocket propulsion is 100% wrong. But that would be very irresponsible and idiotic of me since I'm not a rocket scientist and know nothing about that field.

Would you like to try again, my fragile little snowflake? The deeper you dig to get out of your previous lie, the worse it gets for you.
how about you address the science?

OK, there was a big rise in CO2 in the atmosphere, and the two and only two measures showed NO WARMING in highly correlated fashion. Guess what the "scientists" did with that data?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Over the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, so what did CO2 have to do with either event?
OK, there was a big rise in CO2 in the atmosphere, and the two and only two measures showed NO WARMING in highly correlated fashion.

No, you're lying outright. Surface measurements, satellite measurements and balloon measurements all show strong warming.

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Because one's a continent, and one's not. Now, as that arrangement hasn't changed for many millions of years, what's it got to do with the current fast warming?

Over the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, so what did CO2 have to do with either event?

The normal people just point out that Greenland is further north, so it's colder. You appear to be the only kook on the planet who says that the whole earth should show a uniform temperature based only on CO2 levels.
Surface measurements, satellite measurements and balloon measurements all show strong warming.

only AFTER your fraudulent heroes FUDGED the data...

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

So FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE they did....

Because one's a continent, and one's not.

In other words, CO2 had NOTHING TO DO with either....


The normal people just point out that Greenland is further north, so it's colder. You appear to be the only kook on the planet who says that the whole earth should show a uniform temperature based only on CO2 levels.

Two land masses right next to each other, one freezes, one thaws, and somehow CO2 concentrated over NA and fled Greenland.... that's what the "Warmers" are left to argue...


Daaaaamn bitch....I just caught you in yet another lie. Page 7 of this thread, post #69:

I think people have noticed that all you can do is weep "liar!" at everyone who spanks you. And that you're really obsessed with me, enough to go searching through hundreds of posts for an excuse to cry at me.

The world had been cooling for thousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.

Hence, when I say the world was warming, it does not preclude me from also saying the world had been cooling. Time frames, cockgobbler. A first grader can grasp them. You can't. You're a profoundly stupid human being.

Now, go have another tantrum. I'll skim it. Depending how bored I am, I might laugh at you more. Nobody else will read it. You're comic relief.

only AFTER your fraudulent heroes FUDGED the data...

If all the science didn't contradict you, you wouldn't have to invent these conspiracy theories. Sucks to be you.

Two land masses right next to each other, one freezes, one thaws, and somehow CO2 concentrated over NA and fled Greenland.... that's what the "Warmers" are left to argue...

No, we keep pointing out one of them is further north, so it freezes. You're a gibbering retard.
Title, left rejects science, from reading ALL the posts you would learn that not many understand science, left or right, did any one read the article on sea ice that was posted? interesting article, because science is complicated , we have people who have education plus on the job experience in specialized fields. If we look to see the combination of education and our choice of who has the best info. that could help. my self its over my pay grade so I stick to focus on pollution. that's bad stuff easy to see. in this area of science left leaners do a better job.
The world had been cooling for thousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly. it hasn't. You can't get any fact straight. The natural cooling and heating of the planets temperature alters roughly every 10 years or so in a natural cycle. It has not been "cooling for thousands of years".
And that you're really obsessed with me, enough to go searching through hundreds of posts for an excuse to cry at me.
I don't have to go "searching" you dimwit. I'm not an idiot like you. I can remember what people say. You clearly are incapable of that based on your endless misinformation.
Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.

"The World" is not "the surface of growing urban areas" which is where she gets that data....

If all the science didn't contradict you, you wouldn't have to invent these conspiracy theories.

Scientific questions are not conspiracy theories, even though your birdbrain cannot answer them....

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