The left's rejection of science

Tyrone cannot think, but he can parrot. Goebbels is proud of Tyrone, exhibit A of the accuracy of his theory.
Which was further north one million years ago, NA or Greenland?

Greenland, obviously.

First, Greenland and North America are both on the North American plate. That means they move together.

Second, the North American plate moves 1.15 centimeters a year towards the southwest. Over a million years, that's ... 7 miles. Hence, you can't make up some bizarro story about how Greenland was on the opposite side of the North Pole and further south.

What does CO2 have to do with the position of continents?

It's your theory. Don't ask us to explain it.
The world had been cooling for thousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.
So believe "Global Warming" is real, and yet your selfish ass continues to burn up hundreds of hours per month on your computer posting here on USMB? Did you understand the CO2 footprint it took just to build your device? And then you continue that carbon burning "greenhouse gas" build up to run it? What a dick.
I can only imagine how I would react if I actually believed that the extinction of all mankind was imminent, and my lifestyle was directly contributing to it. At a minimum, I would not drive a car anymore. Ever. At all. I would ditch electricity. I wouldn’t eat any kind of meat. I wouldn’t buy mass made consumer products. I wouldn’t give my money to any company that sells items made in factories with giant smokestacks. Those smokestacks are literally killing people. How could you continue shopping like everything is normal? What kind of monster are you? If I were you, I would live as John the Baptist, eating locusts and wild honey out in the desert. Lives are at stake, are they not? The end is near! Why are you so relaxed about it? Have you even started building the ark yet?
So to recap here...either you're lying to everyone or you're a disgusting selfish prick who is causing babies to die from asthma so that you can enjoy modern comforts. Which is it?

Matt Walsh: Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish
The world had been cooling for thousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.
So believe "Global Warming" is real, and yet your selfish ass continues to have a "carbon footprint" the size of Nebraska? What a dick.
Strangely, only the Amish can be seen riding horses and buggies down the street in this country, but even they don’t believe that automobiles are going to annihilate life on Earth. You do believe that, yet you still drive them. You know how much CO2 was emitted in order to produce your iPhone, yet you still buy a new one every 18 months. You know that hurricanes and tornadoes are popping up everywhere because of the factories that make your trendy shoes and clothing, yet you still stock your closet full of them. You know that your air conditioning unit is slowly poisoning the atmosphere and leading us rapidly to certain death, yet you turn it on the moment the temperature rises above 70 degrees outside. You know that your refrigerator is a cancerous tumor metastasizing on Mother Earth, yet you still won’t preserve your food by drying or pickling it. You know how much safer we’d all be if we stopped using electricity, yet you haven’t gotten that ball rolling, either. WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE, aren’t we? And you can’t even be bothered to crack a window and eat pickled cabbage in the dark like a real environmentalist?
So to recap here...either you're lying to everyone or you're a disgusting selfish prick who is causing babies to die from asthma so that you can enjoy modern comforts. Which is it?

Matt Walsh: Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish
When liberals portrayed homosexuality as heterosexuality & men as women, that told me all I needed to know about liberals and science.

Add they have little sense of cause & effect, balance, history & basic universal law. That told me all I needed to know about their sense of math, economics & science. So much for their opinion of themselves that they're on the side of intellect & education.
Liberals unchained slaves, gave women the right to vote, drove the civil rights movement. So they obviously are responsible for some of our most important civil and sociological advances.

NASA put a man on the moon. I don't know what accomploshment an top that.

If you can respect those things then youve got issues
If you want people to start reading your crap, at least use a title that is somewhat compelling.
You're someone who is too fuck'n lazy to even read (I've got $100 right here and now that says you're a love your pot, uh libertarian?). You wouldn't know a "compelling" title if it smacked you in your stupid face and took away your precious weed.
Not lazy, but smart to not eat more shit, esp after reading your thread title BS..
Your pot bet further makes you a loser, so let's see that $100!
I have not smoked marijuana since my college days decades ago.
What a dick you are. LOL!
So believe "Global Warming" is real, and yet your selfish ass continues to have a "carbon footprint" the size of Nebraska? What a dick.

Uber-greenie-weenies are funny.

P@triot, if you want to live in a cave and hump trees all day, nobody is stopping you. Just go do it. Worship Mother Gaia and roll around in the mud with the other hippies. We hope you have a good time.

The rest of us, we like electricity and plumbing.
So believe "Global Warming" is real, and yet your selfish ass continues to have a "carbon footprint" the size of Nebraska? What a dick.
The rest of us, we like electricity and plumbing.
Ahahahaha! Mammy just admitted that "Global Warming" is fake. If it were real, he wouldn't "like electricity and plumbing" as it would be putting the planet and his family & friends at risk.
So believe "Global Warming" is real, and yet your selfish ass continues to have a "carbon footprint" the size of Nebraska? What a dick.
The rest of us, we like electricity and plumbing.
Ahahahaha! Mammy just admitted that "Global Warming" is fake. If it were real, he wouldn't "like electricity and plumbing" as it would be putting the planet and his family & friends at risk.
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
You are proving to be a true blue low IQ puppet, come on just think about it. Take away the wingnuts.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors. They want to see common sense changes, a unified effort to live in a cleaner way, seek energy alternatives that are better for our environment, and to continue learning and searching for ways to stop the damage and promote the healing of our planet. I know what you're thinking "how dare they!" It's really messed up I know!
.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors.
That's exactly the point!!! Why aren't they? I thought the planet was at stake???

(Oh wait....that's right...they know it's just a mechanism to control society and advance fascist left-wing policy)
.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors.
That's exactly the point!!! Why aren't they? I thought the planet was at stake???

(Oh wait....that's right...they know it's just a mechanism to control society and advance fascist left-wing policy)
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives?? Grow up man
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Yep! They would rather have a fascist government punishing others and providing them with government table scraps than have liberty and have to support themesleves.

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