The left's rejection of science

,The left does not reject science, there as interested as any person

Great English, Polly.

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Dude, you gotta stop with the polar ice and NA/Greenland talking points. You like to call us parrots yet you keep squawking about the same stuff over and over. They are not effective or convincing points, no matter how many times you say them...
you gotta stop with the polar ice and NA/Greenland talking points.


Because they disprove CO2 based climate change??


Why not just say it - stop THINKING and start PARROTING

Sorry. I think. And when I do, things like CO2 based climate change get busted... hard.

Why is that Antarctic sea ice growing? 6 all time records in 10 years....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Sorry, not happening, but it is funny you think LIQUID H2O is causing more ICE once it HITS THE WATER - moron.

Indeed, in 2007, we went to court over this very issue, and your FRAUD side LOST....

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

Two sides go to court. Court rules no correlation between CO2 and temps in the DATA, and Antarctic ice INCREASING. The side that lost = your side - did not appeal.

Case closed.

"The ice is NOT melting"
"ice cores refute CO2 based climate change"

No appeal...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Sorry, not happening, but it is funny you think LIQUID H2O is causing more ICE once it HITS THE WATER - moron.

Indeed, in 2007, we went to court over this very issue, and your FRAUD side LOST....

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

Two sides go to court. Court rules no correlation between CO2 and temps in the DATA, and Antarctic ice INCREASING. The side that lost = your side - did not appeal.

Case closed.

"The ice is NOT melting"
"ice cores refute CO2 based climate change"

No appeal...


The stunning outward spread of ice floes atop the seas surrounding the South Pole has been caused by cold freshwater flowing out of melting Antarctic glaciers. (Shifting winds may also be playing a role in the breaking of previous Austral sea ice records.) That melting is forming layers of unusually cold and relatively salt-free surface waters in the region, the tops of which are being frosted with layers of blue-white ice.

Expanding Antarctic Sea Ice is Flooding ‘Warning Bell’

WeAndTheWorld | Facts And News Of The World
The rest of us like electricity, which is why we''ll keep creating the renewable energy grid.
So mammaries goes against the results of all science and history and proclaims that the planet is about to explode and melt because of man, but he's not willing to give up USMB and online porn because he "likes" it. What a typical selfish left-wing prick. Demands that the rest of society goes without while he hoards like the gluttonous pig that he is.
The stunning outward spread of ice floes atop the seas surrounding the South Pole has been caused by cold freshwater flowing out of melting Antarctic glaciers.

even as NASA's very own data says just the opposite, as did the British Court.

90% of Earth ice increasing is just like the atmospheric temp readings - the RAW DATA tells us the truth, that Algore has none, and then FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE followed by spin and lie.

Why did the "warmer" side not appeal the British Court ruling on Antarctic ice "increasing?"
You're funny man, i notice this trend with you to only present half a situation then claim some kind of victory. Don't pretend like we weren't talking about people who care about our environment.
We were. And you proclaimed that nobody would want government controlling their lives. I proved you wrong on that. I'm not attempting to present "half" of the situation. There are multiple parts of the conversation and that one you were dead wrong on.
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Sorry, not happening, but it is funny you think LIQUID H2O is causing more ICE once it HITS THE WATER - moron.

Indeed, in 2007, we went to court over this very issue, and your FRAUD side LOST....

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

Two sides go to court. Court rules no correlation between CO2 and temps in the DATA, and Antarctic ice INCREASING. The side that lost = your side - did not appeal.

Case closed.

"The ice is NOT melting"
"ice cores refute CO2 based climate change"

No appeal...


The stunning outward spread of ice floes atop the seas surrounding the South Pole has been caused by cold freshwater flowing out of melting Antarctic glaciers. (Shifting winds may also be playing a role in the breaking of previous Austral sea ice records.) That melting is forming layers of unusually cold and relatively salt-free surface waters in the region, the tops of which are being frosted with layers of blue-white ice.

Expanding Antarctic Sea Ice is Flooding ‘Warning Bell’

WeAndTheWorld | Facts And News Of The World
So let me get this straight want to reject the government (NASA) that you worship any other time in favor of "Climate" funded by George Soros and Al Gore (who are making billions off of you dummies)?!? Bwahahahaha!
They are not effective or convincing points, no matter how many times you say them...
Of course not....even though they obliterate the left-wing false narrative, you need to declare them "not effective" and "not convincing" to save face. The ego is just too big to admit you were duped by the left masters, uh chief?
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Sorry, not happening, but it is funny you think LIQUID H2O is causing more ICE once it HITS THE WATER - moron.

Indeed, in 2007, we went to court over this very issue, and your FRAUD side LOST....

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

Two sides go to court. Court rules no correlation between CO2 and temps in the DATA, and Antarctic ice INCREASING. The side that lost = your side - did not appeal.

Case closed.

"The ice is NOT melting"
"ice cores refute CO2 based climate change"

No appeal...


The stunning outward spread of ice floes atop the seas surrounding the South Pole has been caused by cold freshwater flowing out of melting Antarctic glaciers. (Shifting winds may also be playing a role in the breaking of previous Austral sea ice records.) That melting is forming layers of unusually cold and relatively salt-free surface waters in the region, the tops of which are being frosted with layers of blue-white ice.

Expanding Antarctic Sea Ice is Flooding ‘Warning Bell’

WeAndTheWorld | Facts And News Of The World
So let me get this straight want to reject the government (NASA) that you worship any other time in favor of "Climate" funded by George Soros and Al Gore (who are making billions off of you dummies)?!? Bwahahahaha!

No I'm saying that the new sea ice around Antarctica is mostly melt water and that the increase in the extend is possibly due to increased melt water.

Scientists have just stumbled upon a major discovery in Antarctica, and an incredibly alarming one at that. Researchers at Columbia University’s Earth Institute have found that melting is occurring at a much faster pace than had previously been thought, and it’s only likely to increase.

The findings, which were published in the journal Nature, stated that there was an extensive amount of meltwater drainage that was flowing in parts of Antarctica where they didn’t expect it. The Earth Institute also provided video showing a 400 foot wide waterfall as a river of water cascaded down the Nansen ice shelf and into the ocean.

Scientists stunned by huge discovery in Antarctica
Scientists have just stumbled upon a major discovery in Antarctica, and an incredibly alarming one at that. Researchers at Columbia University’s Earth Institute have found that melting is occurring at a much faster pace than had previously been thought, and it’s only likely to increase.
Even if that is reliable (and I'm skeptical given the history of these people), that's just called "weather". Sometimes it's hotter than normal. Sometimes it's colder than normal. Maybe it's melting some now, but in 2014 (the year it was supposed to "disappear" according to the left-wing nut-jobs), the ice had actually expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles). We will see that again (and we'll see some melting again).
new sea ice around Antarctica is mostly melt water

Ice melts into water. That water flows into water and then freezes again - brilliant. Give you a government grant for a "study" claiming that....

Oh, by the way, one problem.... you also claim the Arctic is melting... yet that sea ice is not increasing.... blowing away your bullshit once again...
The Earth Institute also provided video showing a 400 foot wide waterfall as a river of water cascaded down the Nansen ice shelf and into the ocean.

The Antarctic Peninsula is tectonically active. Wait for some magma and scream GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, NASA satellite data shows Antarctic ice INCREASING at least 80 billion tons each year... and we went to court on that issue in 2007, your side lost, and was too chicken to appeal.... because in court DATA TALKS and FUDGE WALKS.
Here's the reason why the SAT bonus for blacks in Ivy League admissions is so often discussed, not because there is any reason to believe that the factors encouraging discrimination are STRONGER in Ivy League Admissions, but that it is very competitive and very well DOCUMENTED, as opposed to hiring.

If a poor white kid and a poor black kid both apply to the same Ivy League school, and have identical application packets and SAT scores, the poor white kid will have a MUCH HARDER time of getting admitted than the poor black kid.

And all the reasons for that discrimination are seen in employment, celebration of Diversity, targeting of minorities, fear of discrimination lawsuits if minorities are under represented regardless of reasons, ect.

That's not my belief, that is documented reality to the tune of 230 SAT points.
What's the percentage of white kids in college vs black kids? You didn't answer my question from before so I'll try again. Who has a better chance of getting a job? Poor white guy or poor black guy. Go by the stats

Your question demonstrates my point.

I am against discrimination.


That IS discrimination. You are judging people, not by their actions, or the content of their character, BUT BY THEIR SKIN COLOR.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Are you aware that you just did the Logical Fallacy of Begging the Question, twice?

Or are you too stupid.
Spin it any way you want, but the fact is, your "small government" mantra doesn't hold up when you consider those two issues you want government to waste its time on.

Sure it does. Try to be less stupid and dishonest.

lol, like you can.
you gotta stop with the polar ice and NA/Greenland talking points.


Because they disprove CO2 based climate change??


Why not just say it - stop THINKING and start PARROTING

Sorry. I think. And when I do, things like CO2 based climate change get busted... hard.

Why is that Antarctic sea ice growing? 6 all time records in 10 years....

It doesn't prove what you think it is proving! It doesn't even address warming cooling rates and effects of pollution. Your point is that the climate changes naturally and is effected by platonic shifts, but you don't take into account any of the factors that we are discussing. You are acting like a brainless parrot. So try turning on that brain of yours and entering the conversation
The world really is younger than recorded Chinese history.

And God put bones in the ground to show us what creatures on other planets look like.

And we were shimmered into being from dirt.

Nothing else explains it.

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