The left's rejection of science

You're funny man, i notice this trend with you to only present half a situation then claim some kind of victory. Don't pretend like we weren't talking about people who care about our environment.
We were. And you proclaimed that nobody would want government controlling their lives. I proved you wrong on that. I'm not attempting to present "half" of the situation. There are multiple parts of the conversation and that one you were dead wrong on.
Of course there are wingnuts and extremists on all sides of the equation. I'm not denying that they exist and I don't consider that sliver of the population when talking about major issues like this. The majority of people that support environmental issues aren't hoping the government can come in and take co trip of their lives. To proclaim so is ludicrous
The percentage of Americans who perceive "Global Warming" as a serious threat is at its lowest point since 1998. Oops....

Media Made Right Call to Ignore Climate Change in Debates
It rose from 35% to 42% since 2000.
Yeah...that's for the percentage of the population that have been duped into buying into the scam. However, the people that have recognized it as being a scam is at it's highest mark (57%) since 1998.
Sure it does. Try to be less stupid and dishonest.

lol, like you can.
Bullshit. Wasting time on abortion issues and who gets married to who, is a total waste of my fucking tax dollars and I won't have any part of it. You're wasting my god-damn money on these non-issues.
The percentage of Americans who perceive "Global Warming" as a serious threat is at its lowest point since 1998. Oops....

Media Made Right Call to Ignore Climate Change in Debates
It rose from 35% to 42% since 2000.
Yeah...that's for the percentage of the population that have been duped into buying into the scam. However, the people that have recognized it as being a scam is at it's highest mark (57%) since 1998.
Here, study...
What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts

1. Public views on climate change and climate scientists
It's fall down hilarious watching these people tell the world to cut back while they live the most gluttonous lifestyle imaginable. The left-wing minions are so easy to dupe...
According to the U.K. Daily Mail, he arrived in Milan by private jet. From the airport, he hopped in an SUV and was taken through the city via a 14-vehicle convoy. The president and his entourage then took up two floors of a hotel whose most expensive rooms cost $10,000 a night. All this to tell the rest of the world they need to endure privations.
And he had the audacity to tell people they needed to cut back on their steaks because of "Global Warming" and "Income Inequality". What an asshole...

Obama Destroys Environment on Way to Climate Change Speech in Italy
What's the percentage of white kids in college vs black kids? You didn't answer my question from before so I'll try again. Who has a better chance of getting a job? Poor white guy or poor black guy. Go by the stats

Your question demonstrates my point.

I am against discrimination.


That IS discrimination. You are judging people, not by their actions, or the content of their character, BUT BY THEIR SKIN COLOR.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.
Sure it does. Try to be less stupid and dishonest.

lol, like you can.
Bullshit. Wasting time on abortion issues and who gets married to who, is a total waste of my fucking tax dollars and I won't have any part of it. You're wasting my god-damn money on these non-issues.

That would be your perspective based on your assumption that your beliefs are the only possible views.

As always, liberals are unable or unwilling to understand any viewpoint not their own.
Your question demonstrates my point.

I am against discrimination.


That IS discrimination. You are judging people, not by their actions, or the content of their character, BUT BY THEIR SKIN COLOR.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.

You are ignoring the actual documented facts, such as the 230 sat point bonus.

Also, you specif unfairness to poor whites, and then support your argument talking about the level of power of rich whites.

You are irrationally wedded to the idea of this nation being racist, and the policies that people like you have forced, ARE UNFAIR to whites, and poor whites are suffering.
new sea ice around Antarctica is mostly melt water

Ice melts into water. That water flows into water and then freezes again - brilliant. Give you a government grant for a "study" claiming that....

Oh, by the way, one problem.... you also claim the Arctic is melting... yet that sea ice is not increasing.... blowing away your bullshit once again...

Fresh water freezes at a higher temperature that salt water.

Since 1979 when the satellites came on line, the summer minimum ice (Sept 15 or so) has been shrinking.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.

You are ignoring the actual documented facts, such as the 230 sat point bonus.

Also, you specif unfairness to poor whites, and then support your argument talking about the level of power of rich whites.

You are irrationally wedded to the idea of this nation being racist, and the policies that people like you have forced, ARE UNFAIR to whites, and poor whites are suffering.
You completely ignored my statement... Do you agree or disagree?

There is an inherent advantage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. These advantages create a favorable atmosphere and culture for whites no matter if they are rich or poor. Racism and favoritism is still very prevalent in this country and without a balancing factor in our laws, then many whites who are in power positions will more often associate, hire, pick, and prefer whites over minorities.

We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time.
There is an inherent advantage that white people have in this country.

The whole smorgasbord of left wing bullshit in one beaked birdbrain.
You honestly don't think this is true? Before you answer take a moment to think about the wealthiest areas of the country with the best elementary schools, middle school, and high schools. What ratio of white kids vs black kids do you think these areas and schools have? Do you not recognize that growing up in these environments does a tremendous amount in the development of these children? Jump to our businesses. Look at the white collar jobs, the owners, the bosses? What do you think the black to white ratio is amongst this community? Many people in this country are unbiased and fair but bias still exists in many. Just look at this message board as an example. There are several outright racists on this board. They don't deny it. They are proud to boast about it. It still exists.

We can have policy disagreements and debates about how to best address the problems, but to simply deny that the problem exists is plain ignorant.
When a black Kentucky basketball player called a white Wisconsin player the N-word, were you outraged?

Would you have been outraged if the Wisconsin player had called the Kentucky player the N-word?
When a black Kentucky basketball player called a white Wisconsin player the N-word, were you outraged?

Would you have been outraged if the Wisconsin player had called the Kentucky player the N-word?
It all depends on context but both are not tasteful or appropriate ways to speak to others... especially in an environment where others can hear.
Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.

You are ignoring the actual documented facts, such as the 230 sat point bonus.

Also, you specif unfairness to poor whites, and then support your argument talking about the level of power of rich whites.

You are irrationally wedded to the idea of this nation being racist, and the policies that people like you have forced, ARE UNFAIR to whites, and poor whites are suffering.
You completely ignored my statement... Do you agree or disagree?

There is an inherent advantage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. These advantages create a favorable atmosphere and culture for whites no matter if they are rich or poor. Racism and favoritism is still very prevalent in this country and without a balancing factor in our laws, then many whites who are in power positions will more often associate, hire, pick, and prefer whites over minorities.

We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time.

I disagree.

Rich white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

Powerful white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

This fact is demonstrated by the discrimination the presumably mostly white faculty and alumni of Ivy League Colleges practice against poor and middle class whites.

You focus on appearance and skin color and ASSUME racist favorism while ignoring actual documented racist discrimination. Against whites. Often BY whites. Because of all the reasons you've offered in support of the discrimination.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.

Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.

You are ignoring the actual documented facts, such as the 230 sat point bonus.

Also, you specif unfairness to poor whites, and then support your argument talking about the level of power of rich whites.

You are irrationally wedded to the idea of this nation being racist, and the policies that people like you have forced, ARE UNFAIR to whites, and poor whites are suffering.
You completely ignored my statement... Do you agree or disagree?

There is an inherent advantage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. These advantages create a favorable atmosphere and culture for whites no matter if they are rich or poor. Racism and favoritism is still very prevalent in this country and without a balancing factor in our laws, then many whites who are in power positions will more often associate, hire, pick, and prefer whites over minorities.

We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time.

I disagree.

Rich white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

Powerful white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

This fact is demonstrated by the discrimination the presumably mostly white faculty and alumni of Ivy League Colleges practice against poor and middle class whites.

You focus on appearance and skin color and ASSUME racist favorism while ignoring actual documented racist discrimination. Against whites. Often BY whites. Because of all the reasons you've offered in support of the discrimination.
Lets get your terminology fixed. You are objecting to discrimination against whites. Not racist discrimination. Racism is discrimination because of a feeling that one race is superior to another. What you are objecting to are laws/regulations that help a particular race. Not because there is a consensus that blacks are superior to whites but because there is an imbalance of power and opportunity that has resulted from generations of real racist policy that we have had in this country from its inception till 1960.

Also, I didn't say anything about "doing favors" don't put words in my mouth. I said that statistically speaking whites have greater numbers in "power positions" and they show preferential treatment to other whites. (I must note, although it should be obvious, that i'm not talking about every single white person)
Because they are unfair to poor and middle class whites.

And you did dismiss.
Sorry man, we just don't see the world through the same lenses. I don't understand how you cant recognize the inherent advanage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time. We are moving in the right direction but still have a ways to go.

You are ignoring the actual documented facts, such as the 230 sat point bonus.

Also, you specif unfairness to poor whites, and then support your argument talking about the level of power of rich whites.

You are irrationally wedded to the idea of this nation being racist, and the policies that people like you have forced, ARE UNFAIR to whites, and poor whites are suffering.
You completely ignored my statement... Do you agree or disagree?

There is an inherent advantage that white people have in this country. We comprise a majority of numbers , hold a large majority of the power positions, and own most of the wealth in this country. These advantages create a favorable atmosphere and culture for whites no matter if they are rich or poor. Racism and favoritism is still very prevalent in this country and without a balancing factor in our laws, then many whites who are in power positions will more often associate, hire, pick, and prefer whites over minorities.

We started to set things right in the 60s with the civil rights act that evened the playing field with our laws, but culturally changes towards equality takes much more time.

I disagree.

Rich white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

Powerful white people do not do me favors because of our shared skin color.

This fact is demonstrated by the discrimination the presumably mostly white faculty and alumni of Ivy League Colleges practice against poor and middle class whites.

You focus on appearance and skin color and ASSUME racist favorism while ignoring actual documented racist discrimination. Against whites. Often BY whites. Because of all the reasons you've offered in support of the discrimination.
Lets get your terminology fixed. You are objecting to discrimination against whites. Not racist discrimination. Racism is discrimination because of a feeling that one race is superior to another. What you are objecting to are laws/regulations that help a particular race. Not because there is a consensus that blacks are superior to whites but because there is an imbalance of power and opportunity that has resulted from generations of real racist policy that we have had in this country from its inception till 1960.

Also, I didn't say anything about "doing favors" don't put words in my mouth. I said that statistically speaking whites have greater numbers in "power positions" and they show preferential treatment to other whites. (I must note, although it should be obvious, that i'm not talking about every single white person)

IF the discrimination is based on race, it is reasonable to call it racist. And it is.

Preferential treatment is another way of saying "favors". Don't play semantic games.

The documented reality of the 230 point bonus blacks get, is proof that whatever ever few whites might try to give "preferential treatment" to whites, they are VASTLY OUT WEIGHTED by a system, and laws, and a culture that celebrates diversity, that fears lawsuits, that tries to make up for past injustice, BY MASSIVE DISCRIMINATION in favor of blacks/against whites.
IF the discrimination is based on race, it is reasonable to call it racist. And it is.
It is absolutely NOT reasonable to call it racist. It doesn't fit the definition nor does it align with the spirit of the term.

Preferential treatment is another way of saying "favors". Don't play semantic games.

The documented reality of the 230 point bonus blacks get, is proof that whatever ever few whites might try to give "preferential treatment" to whites, they are VASTLY OUT WEIGHTED by a system, and laws, and a culture that celebrates diversity, that fears lawsuits, that tries to make up for past injustice, BY MASSIVE DISCRIMINATION in favor of blacks/against whites.
I already responded with my feelings about the SAT bump, i don't think that is a good method to use to help enrollment. We were discussing general policies that support blacks and minorities. I hope that we evolve to a future where we ween off all these policies and we live in a more free, fair, accepting and diverse society, but we are in a transition and where imbalances are found then it is appropriate to institute some temporary policies to try and help the problems.
I am by far the most pro-science person on this board and would triple the funding if I had my way....I am a leftist. ;) The right seems to be very blind to the reality that they'll kill most science in this nation and replace it with fucking religion.

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