The left's rejection of science

Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Yep! They would rather have a fascist government punishing others and providing them with government table scraps than have liberty and have to support themesleves.
If thats really what you think then you are just showing how little "common sense" you have. You can have policy and ideological disagreements, but if you want to be taken seriously or intellectually respected you have to display understanding of your opponents positions. You are so far off from doing that i'm afraid you will just continue to be looked at as a partisan drone.
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Yep! They would rather have a fascist government punishing others and providing them with government table scraps than have liberty and have to support themesleves.
If thats really what you think then you are just showing how little "common sense" you have.
The fact that you don't even grasp there are socialists, marxists, and even a Communist Party U.S.A. in America shows how uninformed you are and unqualified to be discussing this subject matter.
Daaaaamn bitch....I just caught you in yet another lie. Page 7 of this thread, post #69:

I think people have noticed that all you can do is weep "liar!" at everyone who spanks you. And that you're really obsessed with me, enough to go searching through hundreds of posts for an excuse to cry at me.

The world had been cooling for thousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.

Hence, when I say the world was warming, it does not preclude me from also saying the world had been cooling. Time frames, cockgobbler. A first grader can grasp them. You can't. You're a profoundly stupid human being.

Now, go have another tantrum. I'll skim it. Depending how bored I am, I might laugh at you more. Nobody else will read it. You're comic relief.


The world had been cooling forthousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.

LMFAO, have any links?
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
You are proving to be a true blue low IQ puppet, come on just think about it. Take away the wingnuts.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors. They want to see common sense changes, a unified effort to live in a cleaner way, seek energy alternatives that are better for our environment, and to continue learning and searching for ways to stop the damage and promote the healing of our planet. I know what you're thinking "how dare they!" It's really messed up I know!

promote the healing of our planet.

Since when was it sick?

My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.
Lol. First look at this thread and bam! Matthew embarrassed himself again. Matt, please stop hating science.
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Yep! They would rather have a fascist government punishing others and providing them with government table scraps than have liberty and have to support themesleves.
If thats really what you think then you are just showing how little "common sense" you have.
The fact that you don't even grasp there are socialists, marxists, and even a Communist Party U.S.A. in America shows how uninformed you are and unqualified to be discussing this subject matter.
We aren't talking liking about political parties we are talking about people that believe science and support the environment
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
You are proving to be a true blue low IQ puppet, come on just think about it. Take away the wingnuts.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors. They want to see common sense changes, a unified effort to live in a cleaner way, seek energy alternatives that are better for our environment, and to continue learning and searching for ways to stop the damage and promote the healing of our planet. I know what you're thinking "how dare they!" It's really messed up I know!

promote the healing of our planet.

Since when was it sick?

View attachment 125868
Google "Effects of pollution"

Learn something
If these left-wing nut-jobs even remotely believed that "Global Warming" real - they would sell their home, sell their automobile, dispose of their electronics (cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.) and live like the Amish does.

Why would you live like mamooth does if you truly believed it was causing catastrophic harm to the planet?!? What kind of selfish asshole would do that?
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
You are proving to be a true blue low IQ puppet, come on just think about it. Take away the wingnuts.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors. They want to see common sense changes, a unified effort to live in a cleaner way, seek energy alternatives that are better for our environment, and to continue learning and searching for ways to stop the damage and promote the healing of our planet. I know what you're thinking "how dare they!" It's really messed up I know!

promote the healing of our planet.

Since when was it sick?

View attachment 125868
Google "Effects of pollution"

Learn something

Pollution and climate change are two different things, don't ever confuse the two even for your propaganda.

It doesn't make you look smart
Do you really need an answer to that? Come on dude, step it up, show just a sliver of intelligence please.
Dude....come on. You're telling me you would continue to contribute to the problem if you honestly thought it would destroy the entire planet? Be honest for once....
You are proving to be a true blue low IQ puppet, come on just think about it. Take away the wingnuts.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors. They want to see common sense changes, a unified effort to live in a cleaner way, seek energy alternatives that are better for our environment, and to continue learning and searching for ways to stop the damage and promote the healing of our planet. I know what you're thinking "how dare they!" It's really messed up I know!

promote the healing of our planet.

Since when was it sick?

View attachment 125868
Google "Effects of pollution"

Learn something

Pollution and climate change are two different things, don't ever confuse the two even for your propaganda.

It doesn't make you look smart
Isn't the whole discussion about how man made pollution and how the consumption of earths resources effects our habitat and climate?

You asked when the earth got sick. I gave you an answer
The world had been cooling forthousands of years. Then, about 1970, it started warming strongly.

LMFAO, have any links?
Mamooth almost never does. It is so rare for that brainwashed buffoon to add a link. She's all propaganda and no facts.
We aren't talking liking about political parties we are talking about people that believe science and support the environment
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Having a little trouble following along here, Slade? You denied that people want a totalitarian form of government controlling society. I just proved you wrong yet again.
LMFAO, have any links?

Of course I do. We both know you've seen them many times before. The data always contradicts your cult dogma, so the only options you have are to pretend you haven't seen the data, or pretend the data is fraudulent.

Bear, P@triot, which of those two tactics are you two squealers going to use this time? After all, everyone knows you two wusses are going to find some excuse to cry and run. You denier cult wimps always run, every time. There's not even a single testicle to be found in the whole lot of you combined.

Global Average Temperature dropping for the past 8000 years.

File:Holocene Temperature Variations.png - Wikimedia Commons


Temperature taking off around 1970.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

Ahahahaha! Mammy just admitted that "Global Warming" is fake. If it were real, he wouldn't "like electricity and plumbing" as it would be putting the planet and his family & friends at risk.

Check it out. P@triot now says that even indoor climbing is killing the climate, that's how much of a unhinged greenie-freak he's become.

Look, tree-humper. We get it. You love mother Gaia. You dislike bathing. You dig women with hairy armpits and life in your commune. Fine. Go live in a cave. Have children with your hairy women and give them names like "Starshine" and "Che Jr.".

The rest of us like electricity, which is why we''ll keep creating the renewable energy grid.
We aren't talking liking about political parties we are talking about people that believe science and support the environment
Really? They all know and support this "mechanism of control" because these millions of people want a fascist left wing government running their lives??
Having a little trouble following along here, Slade? You denied that people want a totalitarian form of government controlling society. I just proved you wrong yet again.
You're funny man, i notice this trend with you to only present half a situation then claim some kind of victory. Don't pretend like we weren't talking about people who care about our environment. That was what the whole conversation was about. You claimed their belief in the science and support of environment efforts was rooted in their desire to have government control their lives. Look, the missing piece:

.... most environmentally conscious people aren't calling for everybody to drop everything and live like dessert island survivors.

That's exactly the point!!! Why aren't they? I thought the planet was at stake???
(Oh wait....that's right...they know it's just a mechanism to control society and advance fascist left-wing policy)
And there Trump is ignoring this "consensus."


Wonder why the media isn't going more batshit over this??

Maybe they already know what is "coming..."

Just to answer the question,The left does not reject science, there as interested as any person left or right who think the world is more than 6000 years old, there is just no agreement on who has the honest facts & who's peddling lies to line there pockets.

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