The left's rejection of science

A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.

Yet you won't show us that study. The list you posted isn't from that study. Why did you pretend it was? Oh, that's right. You believed the big lie you read on a denier website. What a surprise. Good cultist.

What's more, your list of pointless factoids doesn't show any failed predictions from climate scientists. They're all either:

A. Not from climate scientists
B. Vague statements that aren't predictions.
C. Predictions that came true.

So, congrats on batting .000. What's the next fraud you're going to move on to?

When you find that actual paper, do let us know, eh? Don't count on your masters to point you to it, of course. They don't want you to see anything that even resembles actual science.
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Matthews is a big environmentalists and he supports the Party that supports massive population growth.

I'm curious how he deals with the contradiction.

Do you have a point you would like to make?

LOL! Rhetorical question, I know, lefty troll.
Of coarse I have a point. Studies show immigrants coming into the country are more likely to start businesses and thus, help the economy. And if those businesses go "green", then they help both the economy and the environment.

Some massive leaps there.

1. Starting businesses, certainly contributes to the economy, thought one wonders about the extra competition to native born AMERICANS who might be wanting to start up similar businesses.

2. Assuming that the businesses will turn green, is completely unsupported and does little if ANYTHING to balance out the environmental impact of massive population growth.
Some massive leaps there.

1. Starting businesses, certainly contributes to the economy, thought one wonders about the extra competition to native born AMERICANS who might be wanting to start up similar businesses.

2. Assuming that the businesses will turn green, is completely unsupported and does little if ANYTHING to balance out the environmental impact of massive population growth.
I don't have a fucking clue. I just threw it in the bed with Madonna and see if she'd sleep with it.
Salt Lake City, the capital of one of the most conservative states in the US, has committed to a plan of using 100% renewables by 2032.

That if anything should tell you how far out on the fringe the typical USMB RW'er is on energy issues.
You lack the intellect to ask the most important question: why? You didn't address that (presumably because you're not bight enough too but possibly because you have something to hide).

Are they doing it because they bought into the "Global Warming" scam or are they doing it because of massive federal subsidies?

Are they doing it because they want to "save the plant" ( :lmao: ), or because they believe that renewable energy can save their tax payer's money over the long term?

Get back to us when you have link backing up your claim and when you can provide the full story.

They are doing presumably because it's the smart thing to do, which distinguishes them from retards like you.

Matthews is a big environmentalists and he supports the Party that supports massive population growth.

I'm curious how he deals with the contradiction.

Do you have a point you would like to make?

LOL! Rhetorical question, I know, lefty troll.
Of coarse I have a point. Studies show immigrants coming into the country are more likely to start businesses and thus, help the economy. And if those businesses go "green", then they help both the economy and the environment.

Some massive leaps there.

1. Starting businesses, certainly contributes to the economy, thought one wonders about the extra competition to native born AMERICANS who might be wanting to start up similar businesses.

2. Assuming that the businesses will turn green, is completely unsupported and does little if ANYTHING to balance out the environmental impact of massive population growth.

Most business started by illegals are personal services, like maid service. they are indistinguishable from hourly jobs.
If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun.
Again is scientific fact that life has begun at conception. Do you have any idea how many lives are sitting in Intensive Care Units across the country as we speak that are hooked to life-support machines because their current condition is unsustainable for life? Does that mean their life "hasn't begun"? Dumb ass.

Turning off life support is murder ?
If it isn't, then why aren't you in a hospital right now turning off all the life sustaining machines to save tax payer money?
If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun.
Again is scientific fact that life has begun at conception. Do you have any idea how many lives are sitting in Intensive Care Units across the country as we speak that are hooked to life-support machines because their current condition is unsustainable for life? Does that mean their life "hasn't begun"? Dumb ass.

Turning off life support is murder ?
Yes, Timmah, it is.
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

View attachment 124027

Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
Even though I am a Democrat I would support Right to Life. No one could argue that the fetus a young girl is carrying
is not life. Of course it is.

The real problem is the GOP. They are all for it and the radical Christians vote for them because
of it. But look at how the GOP does it:

1. No welfare, 2. no food stamps, and for sure, 3. no health insurance for these additional
welfare babies. So what are we creating here, England 1200? The GOP is all for it until they discover that it might cost
them some $. Then they won't be able to give the big corporations a 20% tax break. See what I mean? It's hypocrisy in
the present tense.
What's more, your list of pointless factoids doesn't show any failed predictions from climate scientists. They're all either:

B. Vague statements that aren't predictions.
Bwahahaha! When a study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized, mammaries arbitrarily declares them "not predictions" but rather "statements". just can't make this stuff up.

How many scientists do you suppose agree with the Republican consensus that God created Man in his present form less than 10,000 years ago?

In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins
That isn't the Republican consensus, douche bag.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Read the link.

In the meantime are you implying that the conservatives who are in fact Creationists are fucking idiots?
Anyone who isn't a creationist is a fucking idiot.
What's more, your list of pointless factoids doesn't show any failed predictions from climate scientists. They're all either:

B. Vague statements that aren't predictions.
This is why Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office this evening. The American people are tired of dimwits like mammaries denying reality and denying science.

How much of a tool does one have to be to declare that a study proving "Global Warming" to be a fraud is "false" because the 97.4% of failed predictions weren't really predictions, but rather, "statements"? :laugh:

Snowflake, just like you don't get to redefine life, you don't get to redefine predictions. I know that you get shaken to your core when reality doesn't align with your ideology, but you're just going to have to find a way to deal with that.
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours
Bwahahaha! When a study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized,

I can always track you down by the trail of piddle you leave behind. Let's remain with what made you wet yourself this time.

You're declaring a study exists, but refusing to show us where it is. Why won't you show us the actual study?

Then, you're pretending your list of fudgy factoids came from the study, when it's just stupid crap that a denier blog put together.

Then, your list of fudgy factoids contains not a single failed prediction from a climate scientist.

mammaries arbitrarily declares them "not predictions" but rather "statements".

If you're not just crying now out of rage and butthurt, you can point to a failed prediction from a climate scientist in that list.

Oh, you can run now, if you need to. We both you're going to run eventually, so you may as well get it over with.
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Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a DUDE that identifies more with being a woman than a man so HE transitioned. You can be a dick and call HIM mentally deranged and try and make HIM feel like more of an outcast than HE already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that HE and people like Him go through... choice is yours
This is pricelessly stupid stuff right here.
How many scientists do you suppose agree with the Republican consensus that God created Man in his present form less than 10,000 years ago?

In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins
That isn't the Republican consensus, douche bag.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Read the link.

In the meantime are you implying that the conservatives who are in fact Creationists are fucking idiots?
Anyone who isn't a creationist is a fucking idiot.

So you honestly believe that humans magically appeared on earth one day a few thousand years ago.

With that you have achieved the're more retarded than I thought you were.
I have to believe that of all the funny things there are about conservatives, the funniest is that they don't think there's any such thing as science.

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