The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

I'm glad you officially declared that Pride Parades are part of the gay culture at large. And, that what goes on in them is indeed pornographic. What you forgot to add is that children are invited and encouraged by the gay culture at large to watch... And of course you left that out because that is the definition of sex crime against children.

Yawn... frankly, most kids see things that are more pornographic than that on TV and video games... but do go on.

Mind you, I'm a democrat and got behind many of their good platforms such as green energy, universal healthcare and environmental causes. But I draw the line at violating children. So do a lot of other middle dems. Enough to tip an election. I sometimes wonder if Mook isn't a republican operative. But I think at the end of the day he is a misguided gay cultie with blinders on as he zealously strives to forward the dogma of his faith.

One more time, buddy.

We don't want you homophobic pieces of shit in our coalition.

Take your hate and your stupidity and shop it somewhere else.
^^ Now see, there you go. Flattery will get you nowhere. A lesson old "fuck the voters" Mook failed to get back in 2016.

Apparently PC bullying works in slanted courts & cocktail parties better than it does behind the voting curtain. And it's why more centric Hillary attacked Mook. She was in touch with her base & knew instinctively why dems took the 2016 hit. Mook misjudged the reach of PC dogma into the middle ranks. You can't win elections without the middle.

Hillary should've attacked herself for knowing that the Mook Mafia's formula was a fatal plan.
Apparently PC bullying works in slanted courts & cocktail parties better than it does behind the voting curtain. And it's why more centric Hillary attacked Mook. She was in touch with her base & knew instinctively why dems took the 2016 hit. Mook misjudged the reach of PC dogma into the middle ranks. You can't win elections without the middle.

Again, you haven't shown any actual statistical evidence that homophobia was a factor in 2016. The factor was Hillary's massive personal unpopularity and people defecting to third parties...

YOu guy's have lost this argument... don't believe me, please stand on your desk tomorrow and spew out the homophobic shit you spew here every day... let us know how long you have a job.
Again, you haven't shown any actual statistical evidence that homophobia was a factor in 2016. The factor was Hillary's massive personal unpopularity and people defecting to third parties...

First of all, many deranged males believing they are female are actually still sexually attracted to females. So there's nothing "gay" about them. (which makes their presence in female-only intimate hygiene areas even more of a danger besides the fact that they are deranged at the same time). Secondly, Hillary wasn't the only democrat that lost in 2016.

If you want statistical evidence, just look at the returns in the Rust Belt in 2016. If you want to keep playing pretend that "nobody" (and I quote you here directly) has a problem with deranged boys and men using their girls/women's intimate hygiene areas by force of tyrannical (non-voted) law, then go ahead. It makes the conservative's job much easier in 2018 on raking in the votes. Let's test your gamble, shall we?

(Stay tuned).
First of all, many deranged males believing they are female are actually still sexually attracted to females. So there's nothing "gay" about them. (which makes their presence in female-only intimate hygiene areas even more of a danger besides the fact that they are deranged at the same time). Secondly, Hillary wasn't the only democrat that lost in 2016.

No, but the ones who did were running against incumbents...

Secondly, you have virtually no cases of women being assaulted by trannies, in or out of bathrooms. It just doesn't happen that often.

If you want statistical evidence, just look at the returns in the Rust Belt in 2016. If you want to keep playing pretend that "nobody" (and I quote you here directly) has a problem with deranged boys and men using their girls/women's intimate hygiene areas by force of tyrannical (non-voted) law, then go ahead. It makes the conservative's job much easier in 2018 on raking in the votes. Let's test your gamble, shall we?

So if the Democrats take the house, then you'll admit this is a non-issue?

Of course you won't.

So let's look at the returns in the Rust Belt, shall we.

PA - Romney got 46.59% of the vote in 2012, Trump got 48.18

WI- Romney got 45.89% of the vote in 2012, Trump got 47.22%

MI - Romney got 44.71%, Trump got 47.55%

Wow, Guy, these aren't groundswell numbers, are they? He didn't clear a majority in any of these states. He maybe bumped up his numbers by 2%.

The Democrats would be better served by getting the Stein voters back on the reservation than trying to appeal to the Transphobic assholes who are on the wrong side of history.
The Democrats would be better served by getting the Stein voters back on the reservation than trying to appeal to the Transphobic assholes who are on the wrong side of history.

OK, so finally you're using the label correctly. "homophobia" is a fear of gays. No woman would really be that afraid of a gay man using her bathroom, unless she had been raped and was processing information kneejerk from PTSD. However, as you now correctly admit, "trannies" are often still sexually attracted to women. And since they can't accept reality on its terms, they are insane by definition. So, asking women & school girls to admit males/men who are 1. deranged and 2. still sexually attracted to females... into their intimate hygiene areas... is most definitely NOT going to be seen as "the right side of history".

And most especially not from a female/woman's perspective.

And this is why Hillary Clinton attacked Robby Mook November 2016. Middle women are almost always the ones who tip the scales on crossover voting. Their menfolk also don't take kindly to their girls being forced to have deranged males using insanity as an excuse to gain "legitimate" access to their intimate hygiene sequestered areas.
OK, so finally you're using the label correctly. "homophobia" is a fear of gays. No woman would really be that afraid of a gay man using her bathroom, unless she had been raped and was processing information kneejerk from PTSD. However, as you now correctly admit, "trannies" are often still sexually attracted to women.

well, no, they really aren't. They believe they ARE women. I'm sorry you don't get this. The problem is you are confusing transvestite with transsexual.

And since they can't accept reality on its terms, they are insane by definition.

We don't take away people's rights because they have a mental condition. 17% of American suffer from some kind of mental condition. We usually try to accommedate them. So, yeah, as long as i have to put up with some twit bringing their "comfort dog" into Starbucks, I guess you all have to put up with Trannies using the bathroom of their choice.

Oh, Starbucks has fixed this problem, too. All the bathrooms are unisex now.
And this is why Hillary Clinton attacked Robby Mook November 2016.

Hillary has been attacking everyone involved in her campaign, reminding us all that she's an awful person and why so many Americans would rather have a game show host in charge instead of her.

The Democrats are not going come back appealling to the homophobic and transphobic assholes on the wrong side of history.

Want to be Homophobic? Move to Russia, they'll love you there. At least until they catch you on the "down low".
Your buzzword "homophobic", is growing quite flaccid in a standoff where the stakes are high. Again, trannies are MEN who harbor a deranged belief that they are not male. AND these deranged males, many of them, remain sexually attracted to females.

Fearing these males entering our daughters', wives' & our other womenfolk's private segregated intimate hygiene areas is 1 normal 2 healthy 3 good fear. And because of this, normal, healthy, good people from the middle ranks of voters tipped the scales against dems in 2016. The school bathroom thing was the icing on the forced (non voter approved) LGBT cult social-engineering cake.

Your cult pushed too hard, too much, too quick & voters woke up from their PC hypnosis & smelled the coffee.
Your buzzword "homophobic", is growing quite flaccid in a standoff where the stakes are high. Again, trannies are MEN who harbor a deranged belief that they are not male. AND these deranged males, many of them, remain sexually attracted to females.

again, you are confusing transvestite with transsexual... but never mind.

Only deranged people I see are you homophobes who realize you are on the wrong side of history.

Fearing these males entering our daughters', wives' & our other womenfolk's private segregated intimate hygiene areas is 1 normal 2 healthy 3 good fear. And because of this, normal, healthy, good people from the middle ranks of voters tipped the scales against dems in 2016. The school bathroom thing was the icing on the forced (non voter approved) LGBT cult social-engineering cake.

2016 had nothing to do with that issue... wasn't even talked about..

So if Democrats take Congress this year, or win in 2020, will you concede you homophobes have lost the national argument?

Didn't think so.
Your buzzword "homophobic", is growing quite flaccid in a standoff where the stakes are high. Again, trannies are MEN who harbor a deranged belief that they are not male. AND these deranged males, many of them, remain sexually attracted to females.

again, you are confusing transvestite with transsexual... but never mind.
No, I'm talking about the males who say they believe they are women and are "transitioning" (a thing that is not possible, even doctors admit) to try to be female. THEY are often still sexually attracted to women.

So dems promoting these deranged males to access actual females' intimate hygiene areas is bad for the party. Hillary knew this instinctively. So did Mook. He just chose to ignore it. For some reason known only to the Mook Mafia.
No, I'm talking about the males who say they believe they are women and are "transitioning" (a thing that is not possible, even doctors admit) to try to be female. THEY are often still sexually attracted to women.

Guy, you spend way too much time thinking about what these guys/ladies think... your obsession is starting to become boring.
Guy, you spend way too much time thinking about what these guys/ladies think... your obsession is starting to become boring.

It may be boring but so is politics in general. I suppose you'll throw out anything to cause other people to not want to consider the topic seriously. And, that's because you're frightened of it. Or rather, your frightened of a repeat of 2016 and want people to believe it's anything but the Mook Mafia's doing...
It may be boring but so is politics in general. I suppose you'll throw out anything to cause other people to not want to consider the topic seriously. And, that's because you're frightened of it. Or rather, your frightened of a repeat of 2016 and want people to believe it's anything but the Mook Mafia's doing...

Guy, Hillary didn't lose because she didn't appeal to the latent homosexuals who have to convince themselves they hate the gays.
Guy, you spend way too much time thinking about what these guys/ladies think... your obsession is starting to become boring.

It may be boring but so is politics in general. I suppose you'll throw out anything to cause other people to not want to consider the topic seriously. And, that's because you're frightened of it. Or rather, your frightened of a repeat of 2016 and want people to believe it's anything but the Mook Mafia's doing...

And here you said on numerous occasions that trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage were going to harm candidate Trump. This odd thread is just another fantasy of yours where trannies and gay marriage are to blame. Like Dylan Roof, Chris Mercer, and everything else in your bizarro world.
When the Commie party started looking better than the Democrat Party people voted across the ticket and said" NO" and that is where it stands for the time being. Calif is showcasing what the Progressives are presenting as their goals. Americans find these goals and values not American. So just standby for more blood letting.
Many people are ungrateful for the good economy.

No, we just realize he has nothing to do with it. And he's going to fuck it up, eventually.

The question is, how many of you Koolaid drinkers will keep drinking the koolaid when he does.
And here you said on numerous occasions that trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage were going to harm candidate Trump. This odd thread is just another fantasy of yours where trannies and gay marriage are to blame. Like Dylan Roof, Chris Mercer, and everything else in your bizarro world.

Trumps not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. So like many merchants who erred on the side of PC sleight of hand, he believed that saying men could use the ladies rooms in Trump tower might get him brownie points. Target Stores was a lesson for all. Leave it to an idiot misogynist like a Trump also to completely overlook how that offends all sensible women.

Dumb as that was, it was nothing like an executive Order forcing everyone in the country to have their little girls in school let boys into their showers etc! A private business blunder vs a public mandate.

If you don’t believe it cost dems up & down votes, do my experiment this year & try it again. :popcorn:

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