The legal and just system.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The legal and justice system in this country do not protect Blacks as it do Whites. We have come a long was but not far enough. Time for talks has long been over. The blood of Emmet Till still screams out of justice.

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system when you can pick a fight with someone like Zimmerman did and when you are getting your ass kicked pull out a gun and shoot that person claiming self defense and you are not arrested, no investigation of the homicide and a jury finds you not guilty.

The judge abused her power when she would not let race to be considered when Zimmerman clearly made it an issue with his 911 call and his account of the incident that was full of inconsistencies. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon just because he was black. The jury proved that when you are White you are right and when you are Black you are wrong.
If you're white, you're right - On Line Opinion - 25/5/2006
Just because their had been break-ins by Black did not give Zimmerman the right to target Trayvon because he was Black. But the jury gave him that right. They did not consider the rights of Trayvon at all in their decision. He was in his home and had a right to stand his ground and protect himself. They believed Zimmerman’s account because he was White and Hispanic are considered White.
Why are Hispanics and latinos considered white in the census

Zimmerman did testify in the 911 calls and in he account of the incident and he was not credible but yet the jury found him to be 101% credible. Member of the jury said Trayvon could have walked away? If the jury felt they made the right decision then why are they not showing their faces?
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Five years ago when my son was walking to my apartment in a complex he was asked by the maintenance man "what are you doing around here" and he said none of your damn business and continued to my apartment. My son was 45 years old and has a degree and earned over $130,000. He is Native American and Puerto Rican.
Remember the incident with Harvard Professor Henry Lousi Gates being confronted in his own home by police.
Harvard professor Gates arrested at Cambridge home - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Travyon was on a fag bashing mission, why wasn't that brought into consideration?

Also, the fuck up in the Oval Office is a black, Negro Colored African American so, please Shut the Fuck Up
One member of the jury said Zimmerman got out of his car because he wanted to do right. This has to be a "you must be a red neck" joke. The members of the jury has lot of these jokes.
Travyon was on a fag bashing mission, why wasn't that brought into consideration?

Also, the fuck up in the Oval Office is a black, Negro Colored African American so, please Shut the Fuck Up

Trayvon was not staking the fag, the fag was stalking him. He was on the phone two houses away from his home. Zimmerman was on a mission to kill a n***r. Sound like you are on a Crusade Frank.
How did "fag" get into this anyway?
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Travyon was on a fag bashing mission, why wasn't that brought into consideration?

Also, the fuck up in the Oval Office is a black, Negro Colored African American so, please Shut the Fuck Up

Trayvon was not staking the fag, the fag was stalking him. He was on the phone two houses away from his home. Zimmerman was on a mission to kill a n***r. Sound like you are on a Crusade Frank.
How did "fag" get into this anyway?

His GF brought it up in an interview with Piers Morgan. Also, it's clear your opinion is totally separated from what actually happened
I probably would have felt the same as Trayvon if I had been followed by a creepy ass cracker like Zimmerman. Only difference I would have been prepared to stand my grounds.I would not have bothered to ask him why was he following me. It is on if he got into my space.......period. Trayvon was planning to break in an apartment with a can of tea and a bag of skittles. That is lame.
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Travyon was on a fag bashing mission, why wasn't that brought into consideration?

Also, the fuck up in the Oval Office is a black, Negro Colored African American so, please Shut the Fuck Up

Trayvon was not staking the fag, the fag was stalking him. He was on the phone two houses away from his home. Zimmerman was on a mission to kill a n***r. Sound like you are on a Crusade Frank.
How did "fag" get into this anyway?

His GF brought it up in an interview with Piers Morgan. Also, it's clear your opinion is totally separated from what actually happened

You people have created your own facts and your own laws and they do not protect Blacks as they do Whites.

The legal and justice system in this country do not protect Blacks as it do Whites. We have come a long was but not far enough. Time for talks has long been over. The blood of Emmet Till still screams out of justice.

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system when you can pick a fight with someone like Zimmerman did and when you are getting your ass kicked pull out a gun and shoot that person claiming self defense and you are not arrested, no investigation of the homicide and a jury finds you not guilty.

The judge abused her power when she would not let race to be considered when Zimmerman clearly made it an issue with his 911 call and his account of the incident that was full of inconsistencies. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon just because he was black. The jury proved that when you are White you are right and when you are Black you are wrong.
If you're white, you're right - On Line Opinion - 25/5/2006
Just because their had been break-ins by Black did not give Zimmerman the right to target Trayvon because he was Black. But the jury gave him that right. They did not consider the rights of Trayvon at all in their decision. He was in his home and had a right to sstand his ground and protect himself. They believed Zimmerman’s account because he was White and Hispanic are considered White.
Why are Hispanics and latinos considered white in the census

Zimmerman did testify in the 911 calls and in he account of the incident and he was not credible but yet the jury found him to be 101% credible. Member of the jury said Trayvon could have walked away? If the jury felt they made the right decision then why are they not showing their faces?

You have proved that you did not watch the trial at all and are just committing on the political rhetoric spins in the news and on the blogs.
The case had nothing to do with the Stand you ground Law and had nothing to do with race.
Zimmerman did not pick a fight with Trayvon.
Trayvon would still be alive today if he had not decided to fight Zimmerman.
It was proved in court that Zimmerman had the right to defend himself.
Zimmerman was following Trayvon because of his actions, not because he was Black.
You should watch the 7-11 video of Trayvon, he looked and walked like he was on something. It also supports what Zimmerman said in the 911 call.
Even the store attendant was watching him because of that very same thing, that Zimmerman did. Not because he was Black.
[ame=]Trayvon Martin Full 7-11 Video Surveillance Footage - - YouTube[/ame]

Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes. How would you react if a 6 foot 3 inch 17 year old was on top of you, bashing your head into the cement trying to bash your brains out?

You know the same thing can be said about poor white people who go into stores. They are profiled also. Store clerks follow you around prejudging that you might be there with intent to steal.
Trayvon was not staking the fag, the fag was stalking him. He was on the phone two houses away from his home. Zimmerman was on a mission to kill a n***r. Sound like you are on a Crusade Frank.
How did "fag" get into this anyway?

His GF brought it up in an interview with Piers Morgan. Also, it's clear your opinion is totally separated from what actually happened

You people have created your own facts and your own laws and they do not protect Blacks as they do Whites.

Like I said, you and Reality had a bad falling out, I'd be a fool to keep talking to you about this, so, Adios!
Travyon was on a fag bashing mission, why wasn't that brought into consideration?

Also, the fuck up in the Oval Office is a black, Negro Colored African American so, please Shut the Fuck Up

It wasn't brought up because Jeantel didn't think of it until much later. In fact, the account she gave Piers Morgan was completely different from the one she gave on the stand. It wasn't even close to the same case. She had more time for her imagination to run and was in no danger of being cross examined.

The legal and justice system in this country do not protect Blacks as it do Whites. We have come a long was but not far enough. Time for talks has long been over. The blood of Emmet Till still screams out of justice.

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system when you can pick a fight with someone like Zimmerman did and when you are getting your ass kicked pull out a gun and shoot that person claiming self defense and you are not arrested, no investigation of the homicide and a jury finds you not guilty.

The judge abused her power when she would not let race to be considered when Zimmerman clearly made it an issue with his 911 call and his account of the incident that was full of inconsistencies. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon just because he was black. The jury proved that when you are White you are right and when you are Black you are wrong.
If you're white, you're right - On Line Opinion - 25/5/2006
Just because their had been break-ins by Black did not give Zimmerman the right to target Trayvon because he was Black. But the jury gave him that right. They did not consider the rights of Trayvon at all in their decision. He was in his home and had a right to sstand his ground and protect himself. They believed Zimmerman’s account because he was White and Hispanic are considered White.
Why are Hispanics and latinos considered white in the census

Zimmerman did testify in the 911 calls and in he account of the incident and he was not credible but yet the jury found him to be 101% credible. Member of the jury said Trayvon could have walked away? If the jury felt they made the right decision then why are they not showing their faces?

You have proved that you did not watch the trial at all and are just committing on the political rhetoric spins in the news and on the blogs.
The case had nothing to do with the Stand you ground Law and had nothing to do with race.
Zimmerman did not pick a fight with Trayvon.
Trayvon would still be alive today if he had not decided to fight Zimmerman.
It was proved in court that Zimmerman had the right to defend himself.
Zimmerman was following Trayvon because of his actions, not because he was Black.
You should watch the 7-11 video of Trayvon, he looked and walked like he was on something. It also supports what Zimmerman said in the 911 call.
Even the store attendant was watching him because of that very same thing, that Zimmerman did. Not because he was Black.
[ame=]Trayvon Martin Full 7-11 Video Surveillance Footage - - YouTube[/ame]

Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes. How would you react if a 6 foot 3 inch 17 year old was on top of you, bashing your head into the cement trying to bash your brains out?

You know the same thing can be said about poor white people who go into stores. They are profiled also. Store clerks follow you around prejudging that you might be there with intent to steal.

TM was 5'11 in bare feet, probably stood at least 6' in shoes.

Please don't do as liberals do and fabricate facts.

The legal and justice system in this country do not protect Blacks as it do Whites. We have come a long was but not far enough. Time for talks has long been over. The blood of Emmet Till still screams out of justice.

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system when you can pick a fight with someone like Zimmerman did and when you are getting your ass kicked pull out a gun and shoot that person claiming self defense and you are not arrested, no investigation of the homicide and a jury finds you not guilty.

The judge abused her power when she would not let race to be considered when Zimmerman clearly made it an issue with his 911 call and his account of the incident that was full of inconsistencies. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon just because he was black. The jury proved that when you are White you are right and when you are Black you are wrong.
If you're white, you're right - On Line Opinion - 25/5/2006
Just because their had been break-ins by Black did not give Zimmerman the right to target Trayvon because he was Black. But the jury gave him that right. They did not consider the rights of Trayvon at all in their decision. He was in his home and had a right to sstand his ground and protect himself. They believed Zimmerman’s account because he was White and Hispanic are considered White.
Why are Hispanics and latinos considered white in the census

Zimmerman did testify in the 911 calls and in he account of the incident and he was not credible but yet the jury found him to be 101% credible. Member of the jury said Trayvon could have walked away? If the jury felt they made the right decision then why are they not showing their faces?

You have proved that you did not watch the trial at all and are just committing on the political rhetoric spins in the news and on the blogs.
The case had nothing to do with the Stand you ground Law and had nothing to do with race.
Zimmerman did not pick a fight with Trayvon.
Trayvon would still be alive today if he had not decided to fight Zimmerman.
It was proved in court that Zimmerman had the right to defend himself.
Zimmerman was following Trayvon because of his actions, not because he was Black.
You should watch the 7-11 video of Trayvon, he looked and walked like he was on something. It also supports what Zimmerman said in the 911 call.
Even the store attendant was watching him because of that very same thing, that Zimmerman did. Not because he was Black.
[ame=]Trayvon Martin Full 7-11 Video Surveillance Footage - - YouTube[/ame]

Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes. How would you react if a 6 foot 3 inch 17 year old was on top of you, bashing your head into the cement trying to bash your brains out?

You know the same thing can be said about poor white people who go into stores. They are profiled also. Store clerks follow you around prejudging that you might be there with intent to steal.

TM was 5'11 in bare feet, probably stood at least 6' in shoes.

Please don't do as liberals do and fabricate facts.

I'm going with what Trayvon Martins Dad said in an interview last year in Mar 26,2013 as to how tall he was.
I should think that his Dad would know how tall his own son was.

Trayvon was given his name in part to reflect his father Tracy's name. "I wanted his name to be close to mine," says Martin. He remembers his son as a playful child. "Every time he'd hear me come in the house," says Martin, "he'd act like he was asleep. He'd throw his head under the cover and act like he was asleep, and I pulled the cover back, and he'll just bust out laughing." They called him Baby Bear. By the time he was a teenager, his friends were calling him Slim for his 6 ft. 3 in., 140-lb. frame atop his lanky legs

Trayvon Martin's Parents Speak Out: Family Mission, Grief - TIME

The store clerk in the 7-11 says he is 5'10" and look how much taller Trayvon is.
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You have proved that you did not watch the trial at all and are just committing on the political rhetoric spins in the news and on the blogs.
The case had nothing to do with the Stand you ground Law and had nothing to do with race.
Zimmerman did not pick a fight with Trayvon.
Trayvon would still be alive today if he had not decided to fight Zimmerman.
It was proved in court that Zimmerman had the right to defend himself.
Zimmerman was following Trayvon because of his actions, not because he was Black.
You should watch the 7-11 video of Trayvon, he looked and walked like he was on something. It also supports what Zimmerman said in the 911 call.
Even the store attendant was watching him because of that very same thing, that Zimmerman did. Not because he was Black.
Trayvon Martin Full 7-11 Video Surveillance Footage - - YouTube

Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes. How would you react if a 6 foot 3 inch 17 year old was on top of you, bashing your head into the cement trying to bash your brains out?

You know the same thing can be said about poor white people who go into stores. They are profiled also. Store clerks follow you around prejudging that you might be there with intent to steal.

TM was 5'11 in bare feet, probably stood at least 6' in shoes.

Please don't do as liberals do and fabricate facts.

I'm going with what Trayvon Martins Dad said in an interview last year in Mar 26,2013 as to how tall he was.
I should think that his Dad would know how tall his own son was.

Trayvon was given his name in part to reflect his father Tracy's name. "I wanted his name to be close to mine," says Martin. He remembers his son as a playful child. "Every time he'd hear me come in the house," says Martin, "he'd act like he was asleep. He'd throw his head under the cover and act like he was asleep, and I pulled the cover back, and he'll just bust out laughing." They called him Baby Bear. By the time he was a teenager, his friends were calling him Slim for his 6 ft. 3 in., 140-lb. frame atop his lanky legs

Trayvon Martin's Parents Speak Out: Family Mission, Grief - TIME

The store clerk in the 7-11 says he is 5'10" and look how much taller Trayvon is.

The M.E. measured and weighed him. I think I'll go with the M.E.'s report.
One member of the jury said Zimmerman got out of his car because he wanted to do right. This has to be a "you must be a red neck" joke. The members of the jury has lot of these jokes.

Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.
His GF brought it up in an interview with Piers Morgan. Also, it's clear your opinion is totally separated from what actually happened

You people have created your own facts and your own laws and they do not protect Blacks as they do Whites.

Like I said, you and Reality had a bad falling out, I'd be a fool to keep talking to you about this, so, Adios!

To her the truth is a flexible concept.

The legal and justice system in this country do not protect Blacks as it do Whites. We have come a long was but not far enough. Time for talks has long been over. The blood of Emmet Till still screams out of justice.

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system when you can pick a fight with someone like Zimmerman did and when you are getting your ass kicked pull out a gun and shoot that person claiming self defense and you are not arrested, no investigation of the homicide and a jury finds you not guilty.

The judge abused her power when she would not let race to be considered when Zimmerman clearly made it an issue with his 911 call and his account of the incident that was full of inconsistencies. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon just because he was black. The jury proved that when you are White you are right and when you are Black you are wrong.
If you're white, you're right - On Line Opinion - 25/5/2006
Just because their had been break-ins by Black did not give Zimmerman the right to target Trayvon because he was Black. But the jury gave him that right. They did not consider the rights of Trayvon at all in their decision. He was in his home and had a right to stand his ground and protect himself. They believed Zimmerman’s account because he was White and Hispanic are considered White.
Why are Hispanics and latinos considered white in the census

Zimmerman did testify in the 911 calls and in he account of the incident and he was not credible but yet the jury found him to be 101% credible. Member of the jury said Trayvon could have walked away? If the jury felt they made the right decision then why are they not showing their faces?

And when you axed da man about it, he say: Watchu talk'n 'bout Willis?
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TM was 5'11 in bare feet, probably stood at least 6' in shoes.

Please don't do as liberals do and fabricate facts.

I'm going with what Trayvon Martins Dad said in an interview last year in Mar 26,2013 as to how tall he was.
I should think that his Dad would know how tall his own son was.

Trayvon was given his name in part to reflect his father Tracy's name. "I wanted his name to be close to mine," says Martin. He remembers his son as a playful child. "Every time he'd hear me come in the house," says Martin, "he'd act like he was asleep. He'd throw his head under the cover and act like he was asleep, and I pulled the cover back, and he'll just bust out laughing." They called him Baby Bear. By the time he was a teenager, his friends were calling him Slim for his 6 ft. 3 in., 140-lb. frame atop his lanky legs

Trayvon Martin's Parents Speak Out: Family Mission, Grief - TIME

The store clerk in the 7-11 says he is 5'10" and look how much taller Trayvon is.

The M.E. measured and weighed him. I think I'll go with the M.E.'s report.

I wouldn't trust them, given the testimony at the trial.
Cloths stored improperly in wet plastic bag, or one instrument used for all five fingers under Trayvon's fingernails. That office was run in a sloppy way.
I bet they did not get the correct height of him either, especially when his report said that Rigor Mortis was complete.
When Rigor Mortis sets in, it is impossible to get the correct height and the pictures of him that showed him dead in the grass shows that his legs were bent.

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