The legal status of same-sex marriages in the USA and the Russian Federation is the same

There is no definition of marriage as a union of same-sex partners.

I didn't say there was.

But there is the Equal Protection Clause.

"equal protection, in United States law, the constitutional guarantee that no person or group will be denied the protection under the law that is enjoyed by similar persons or groups. In other words, persons similarly situated must be similarly treated. Equal protection is extended when the rules of law are applied equally in all like cases and when persons are exempt from obligations greater than those imposed upon others in like circumstances. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, one of three amendments adopted in the immediate aftermath of the American Civil War (1861–65), prohibits states from denying to any person “the equal protection of the laws.”"

From: equal protection | United States law
"Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy asserted that the right to marry is a fundamental right “inherent in the liberty of the person” and is therefore protected by the due process clause, which prohibits the states from depriving any person of “life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” By virtue of the close connection between liberty and equality, the marriage right is also guaranteed by the equal protection clause, which forbids the states from “deny[ing] to any person…the equal protection of the laws.” Kennedy then argued at length that “the reasons marriage is fundamental,” including its connection with individual liberty, “apply with equal force to same-sex couples.” Such considerations, he concluded, compel the court to hold that “same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry.”"
There is no definition of marriage as a union of same-sex partners.

There is a clause in the 14th amendment that guarantees equal protection under the law.

The bigger question is why free citizens must beg permission and pay for a license from the gov't in order to be allowed to marry?
Have you found where the US Constitution mentions marriage at all?
since there was no such thing then, there was no need for it. Any innovation, such as the "marriage of a man with a dog", should be legally defined if it is introduced into legislation.
since there was no such thing then, there was no need for it. Any innovation, such as the "marriage of a man with a dog", should be legally defined if it is introduced into legislation.

No. Marriage, by numerous definitions, requires consent from both parties. Dogs cannot consent.
According to the logic of the Supreme Court, the ban on polygamous marriage is also a violation of the 14th Amendment?
That may come up in the future.
Does this mean that same-sex and polygamous marriages are allowed in the Russian Federation, based on the fact that there is also a provision of the 14th amendment there?
It matters because the highest court in the land ruled that banning same sex marriages was unconstitutional, based on those 2 clauses.
And who cares what the degenerates decided, who belong in a madhouse at best?
Is it possible to make a crocodile a US citizen? Is it written somewhere that it should be a human?

Again, you should read the 14th amendment. The definition is there. And no, a crocodile cannot be a US Citizen.
And who cares what the degenerates decided, who belong in a madhouse at best?

As long as they sit on the US Supreme Court, their rulings are law. Most of them have also studied constitutional law to a great extent.
Does this mean that same-sex and polygamous marriages are allowed in the Russian Federation, based on the fact that there is also a provision of the 14th amendment there?

You are the Russian here. You tell us.
This is not the first time that I have come across extremely degenerate decisions of the supreme court. The situation of equating US paraphernalia with a toothbrush as property is also a good example of psychiatry.
And at the same time, all this directly contradicts US law.

Are there woman sitting on the Supreme Court? Maybe this is the notorious female logic?

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