The level of entitlement & greed on display from many on this board boggles my mind.

Gramps really believes that liberals don't work for our money. He's in that pickup or on the floor in someone's restroom all day listening to douchebag liars. It's no wonder he has this warped view of reality.
It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.
You should be the last person to talk.
Liberals and middle of the road people are such takers! Gosh, why can't they be productive members of society, like Gramps?

There's a quote from the amazing show True Detective I'd like to share:

You know, throughout history, I bet every old man probably said the same thing. And old men die, and the world keeps spinnin'. - Marty Hart

Take care, Gramps.
It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.

Hate to break it to you, but when you look at statistics on the political leanings of the country, liberals/progressives and 'middle of the road' people (centrists/independents) make up well over half of the population.

Since this country, first and foremost, is founded on a 'majority rules' system of governance, why exactly should what you and other firm right wingers want take precedence over the majority of the country?

Think on that for a few minutes before replying.

But we aren't.
We are the Majority rules with the consent of the Minority.
It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.

Hate to break it to you, but when you look at statistics on the political leanings of the country, liberals/progressives and 'middle of the road' people (centrists/independents) make up well over half of the population.

Since this country, first and foremost, is founded on a 'majority rules' system of governance, why exactly should what you and other firm right wingers want take precedence over the majority of the country?

Think on that for a few minutes before replying.

But we aren't.
We are the Majority rules with the consent of the Minority.
If majority ruled, there would be zero legalized abortion on demand, and no homo wedding. AND no inheritance taxes.
He was complaining about those that won't work, and insist the govt. support them. Your comprehension skills are rather lacking.
Poor Gramps, still so upset he doesn't get his gubmint services for free.

Sorry Gramps. You won't be allowed to freeload, no matter how loudly and how often you whine. America hates parasites like you.
And one day when the likes of old men and women die off, and only the 47%, with a few 1% are left, funds will be running a little short, honey. Then what?
Liberals and middle of the road people are such takers! Gosh, why can't they be productive members of society, like Gramps?

There's a quote from the amazing show True Detective I'd like to share:

You know, throughout history, I bet every old man probably said the same thing. And old men die, and the world keeps spinnin'. - Marty Hart

Take care, Gramps.
If majority ruled, there would be zero legalized abortion on demand, and no homo wedding. AND no inheritance taxes.


Statistics show that more Americans approve of Gay marriage than disapprove now.

The statistics on pro-choice vs pro-life are close and go either way, so a law on that would be instated and reversed every year or so.
Blame FDR. He started this entitlement mentality.
And one day when the likes of old men and women die off, and only the 47%, with a few 1% are left, funds will be running a little short, honey. Then what?

What are you talking about? People die, and the young take their place. There will always be rich old bastards :laugh:
Teach me what? When I was in school kids who misbehaved got whipped in the office. Schools actually taught history & math. Now they teach "everyone is a winner"

I guess they skipped the part in history when the Federal Estate tax was implemented in 1916.
Of course they do, but many are entitled now. If you think they have the work ethic of the oldtimers, as a percentage, you are wrong. Dollars have to support them. And they won't be there.
And one day when the likes of old men and women die off, and only the 47%, with a few 1% are left, funds will be running a little short, honey. Then what?

What are you talking about? People die, and the young take their place. There will always be rich old bastards :laugh:
What do you have against the working class?

Teach me what? When I was in school kids who misbehaved got whipped in the office. Schools actually taught history & math. Now they teach "everyone is a winner"
It's people like TheOldFool who are responsible for the freeloaders who suck off the Government and drive Escalades, Jaguars and Mercedes. Let him have his fun.
He was complaining about those that won't work, and insist the govt. support them. Your comprehension skills are rather lacking.
Poor Gramps, still so upset he doesn't get his gubmint services for free.

Sorry Gramps. You won't be allowed to freeload, no matter how loudly and how often you whine. America hates parasites like you.

Small government types typically take care of their own elderly.

Unlike the entitlement class, who pawn them off on the taxpayers and in nursing homes, and pray they die soon..while voting furiously to legalize their murder under the soft and fuzzy name of "euthanasia"...
If majority ruled, there would be zero legalized abortion on demand, and no homo wedding. AND no inheritance taxes.


Statistics show that more Americans approve of Gay marriage than disapprove now.

The statistics on pro-choice vs pro-life are close and go either way, so a law on that would be instated and reversed every year or so.

Not when it was forced upon them, however. And in fact, not now either, if it comes to voting for it.
I'm particularly amused by the way camp trolls all the threads where the government is making land grabs, screeching "That's OUR land, not theirs!"

I think he thinks that apartment-living, welfare drawing city dwellers have more say over what people do with their land than the people who actually own the land.

Oh wait..they do!

Well, if those apartment-living, welfare drawing city dwellers are citizens, then they do have a right to say what they want, because public lands belong to the public. including them. On the other hand, thieves like Bundy and those miners who are trying to steal the land are nothing but criminals. Why do you support criminals?
Regardless of how hard I work I will never make to the top, however, I don't envy them, nor covet their wealth, status, nor position in society, I do believe all individuals should be free to enjoy the blessings of the the fruits of their labor without government dictating fairness and this crap about wealth inequality.
It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.

Hate to break it to you, but when you look at statistics on the political leanings of the country, liberals/progressives and 'middle of the road' people (centrists/independents) make up well over half of the population.

Since this country, first and foremost, is founded on a 'majority rules' system of governance, why exactly should what you and other firm right wingers want take precedence over the majority of the country?

Think on that for a few minutes before replying.

But we aren't.
We are the Majority rules with the consent of the Minority.

You poor thing. You actually believe it when right wing radio tells you that you are in the majority. Just because you whine louder than anybody else doesn't make you the majority.

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