The level of entitlement & greed on display from many on this board boggles my mind.

It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.
Where do you live, so I can see if you have anything worth stealing???
Teach me what? When I was in school kids who misbehaved got whipped in the office. Schools actually taught history & math. Now they teach "everyone is a winner"
It's people like TheOldFool who are responsible for the freeloaders who suck off the Government and drive Escalades, Jaguars and Mercedes. Let him have his fun.
Yeah the government just dropped off 2 new waverunners for me. They'll go great with the yacht that they gave me last month. :cool:
I finally got that anal bleaching from Uncle Sam....
We recently reached a milestone in the US, the top 1% now pay 50% of the taxes, that's your liberal fairness for you.

Maybe you can find a 1%er who will let you sponsor him. You can offset some of his tragic tax disadvantage with some of your tax windfall.
Poor Gramps, still so upset he doesn't get his gubmint services for free.

Sorry Gramps. You won't be allowed to freeload, no matter how loudly and how often you whine. America hates parasites like you.

Welfare isn't a government service, mooch.
I'm particularly amused by the way camp trolls all the threads where the government is making land grabs, screeching "That's OUR land, not theirs!"

I think he thinks that apartment-living, welfare drawing city dwellers have more say over what people do with their land than the people who actually own the land.

Oh wait..they do!
racist much you vile idiot? Theres PLENTY of non-urban-types on social welfare. F you
It's as if you liberals & middle of the road people were born in an alternate America. Where stealing from your neighbors to suit your own needs was an acceptable form of employment.

You always want MORE taxes.
You always want more pay.
You always want free or subsidized bullshit from the government.

You think that working any menial job entitles you to a portion of my money via tax theft. Then to add insult to injury you want to take ap portion of what would rightfully belong to my children upon my death.

This mentality was NOT taught in school when I grew up.
You should be the last person to talk.
^ that
Of course, and they are worse than someone struggling on minimum wage to support themselves or their families.
Hell that Clive Bundy, a welcher and user is a perfect example the tea party /right wingers love.

I'm particularly amused by the way camp trolls all the threads where the government is making land grabs, screeching "That's OUR land, not theirs!"

I think he thinks that apartment-living, welfare drawing city dwellers have more say over what people do with their land than the people who actually own the land.

Oh wait..they do!
racist much you vile idiot? Theres PLENTY of non-urban-types on social welfare. F you
Of course, and they are worse than someone struggling on minimum wage to support themselves or their families.
Hell that Clive Bundy, a welcher and user is a perfect example the tea party /right wingers love.

I'm particularly amused by the way camp trolls all the threads where the government is making land grabs, screeching "That's OUR land, not theirs!"

I think he thinks that apartment-living, welfare drawing city dwellers have more say over what people do with their land than the people who actually own the land.

Oh wait..they do!
racist much you vile idiot? Theres PLENTY of non-urban-types on social welfare. F you
Only because the grasping, covetous losers in the cities prevent us from earning a living.
...Since this country, first and foremost, is founded on a 'majority rules' system of governance, why exactly should what you and other firm right wingers want take precedence over the majority of the country?
Think on that for a few minutes before replying

Soooo, you're saying the majority - because they are the majority - has the right to vote themselves gov't freebies paid for with the confiscated wealth of the minority?
Read the following and then think long and hard before you answer:

a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
...Since this country, first and foremost, is founded on a 'majority rules' system of governance, why exactly should what you and other firm right wingers want take precedence over the majority of the country?
Think on that for a few minutes before replying

Soooo, you're saying the majority - because they are the majority - has the right to vote themselves gov't freebies paid for with the confiscated wealth of the minority?
Read the following and then think long and hard before you answer:

a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Mob rule.

It's okay when they do it.

It's not okay when we do it.

It's okay when they circumvent the will of the people illegally in order to impose bad law that the people refuse to support...

But it's not okay for the people to object to bad law.

But if the people support their nonsense, it's okay again.
For one who admonishes others for their lack of comprehensive skills, yours could use some work.

How is my statement incorrect?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but red states generally are 'red' because of high concentration of conservative voters, right?

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