The Liberal Bag O' Excuses For Hillary Losing

The following excuses for Hillary losing is supported by a weekly round of MSM 'hair on fire' disinformation:

--Unfair Electoral College (Does the Constitution really matter?)

--Fox News
(Obama likes this one!)

--James Comey (Reid persists with this one...)

--Russia (The current 'flavor of the week')

--Internalized Misogny (A crazy feminist reach...)

--Campaign Staff (Rarely mentioned...Palmeri & Podesta are relieved.)

--Wikileaks (Assange laying low......disappeared?)

--Too Many Deplorables (Liberals would rather deny they ever said it.)

--Bernie's Basement Dwellers (Swear they voted for Hillary.......)

--Huma's Pervert Husband (Never, evah, nevah mentioned...)

--Racism, Sexism (The on-going, never-ending fall back excuse.)

Liberals need to repeat over and over, "My President is Donald Trump", click their heels three times, and realize that they can never go home again.

No excuses are necessary because Clinton won by over 2.8 million votes and counting. More than Carter's victory over Ford in 1976. More than JFK's victory over Nixon in 1960.
But not enough to win
The following excuses for Hillary losing is supported by a weekly round of MSM 'hair on fire' disinformation:

--Unfair Electoral College (Does the Constitution really matter?)

--Fox News
(Obama likes this one!)

--James Comey (Reid persists with this one...)

--Russia (The current 'flavor of the week')

--Internalized Misogny (A crazy feminist reach...)

--Campaign Staff (Rarely mentioned...Palmeri & Podesta are relieved.)

--Wikileaks (Assange laying low......disappeared?)

--Too Many Deplorables (Liberals would rather deny they ever said it.)

--Bernie's Basement Dwellers (Swear they voted for Hillary.......)

--Huma's Pervert Husband (Never, evah, nevah mentioned...)

--Racism, Sexism (The on-going, never-ending fall back excuse.)

Liberals need to repeat over and over, "My President is Donald Trump", click their heels three times, and realize that they can never go home again.

No excuses are necessary because Clinton won by over 2.8 million votes and counting. More than Carter's victory over Ford in 1976. More than JFK's victory over Nixon in 1960.
But not enough to win

Granny sez, "Dat's right!"...........:piss2:

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