The Liberal Commitment.....

Chik Fil A currently has 30 franchises operating in Denver.

And that applies to

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner
The barbecue place had a tough go as well...

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.
Some say the only places one finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.
Not always.

5. Here is the actual exchange between Adam Smith, "Mr. Tolerance," and the Chick-fil-A employee:

"The day after posting his rant, Smith lost his job and Vante released a statement noting that Smith’s actions “did not reflect [their] corporate values in any way.”

According to Boston News, Smith went from earning $200,000 a year, with cushy stock options valued at $1 million, to losing everything. His family even had to move into an RV."
After Berating Innocent Chick-Fil-A Worker, Many Say He's Now Getting Exactly What He Deserves
And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

I'm for letting the good people of the great city of Denver govern their city as they choose, within the limits of their power as a local government.

Why aren't you? Somehow that makes you the totalitarian doesn't it?
What they do in Denver directly effects her life in Brooklyn.

That's because I'm an American, with the values that Americans should have.

You're excused from both.

Tell us why you support the totalitarian action of zoning adult book stores out of certain localities.

Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?
Chik Fil A currently has 30 franchises operating in Denver.

And that applies to

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner
The barbecue place had a tough go as well...

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.
Nope, but the locals didn't like their stance and since they control the zoning that's how it goes. Don't try to put your nudie club next to the preschool, it ain't happenin'.
Some say the only places one finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.
Not always.

5. Here is the actual exchange between Adam Smith, "Mr. Tolerance," and the Chick-fil-A employee:

"The day after posting his rant, Smith lost his job and Vante released a statement noting that Smith’s actions “did not reflect [their] corporate values in any way.”

According to Boston News, Smith went from earning $200,000 a year, with cushy stock options valued at $1 million, to losing everything. His family even had to move into an RV."
After Berating Innocent Chick-Fil-A Worker, Many Say He's Now Getting Exactly What He Deserves

The guy was an asshole, and learned that Free Speech can be very expensive. I sure wish the rest of you would as well...
Chik Fil A currently has 30 franchises operating in Denver.

And that applies to

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner
The barbecue place had a tough go as well...

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Chik fil A gave material support to anti-gay rights groups that work to limit or deny gay rights.
I'm for letting the good people of the great city of Denver govern their city as they choose, within the limits of their power as a local government.

Why aren't you? Somehow that makes you the totalitarian doesn't it?
What they do in Denver directly effects her life in Brooklyn.

That's because I'm an American, with the values that Americans should have.

You're excused from both.

Tell us why you support the totalitarian action of zoning adult book stores out of certain localities.

Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
What they do in Denver directly effects her life in Brooklyn.

That's because I'm an American, with the values that Americans should have.

You're excused from both.

Tell us why you support the totalitarian action of zoning adult book stores out of certain localities.

Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...
Some say the only places one finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.
Not always.

5. Here is the actual exchange between Adam Smith, "Mr. Tolerance," and the Chick-fil-A employee:

"The day after posting his rant, Smith lost his job and Vante released a statement noting that Smith’s actions “did not reflect [their] corporate values in any way.”

According to Boston News, Smith went from earning $200,000 a year, with cushy stock options valued at $1 million, to losing everything. His family even had to move into an RV."
After Berating Innocent Chick-Fil-A Worker, Many Say He's Now Getting Exactly What He Deserves

The guy was an asshole, and learned that Free Speech can be very expensive. I sure wish the rest of you would as well...

".... Free Speech can be very expensive...."

Which of these would endorse this view?
Communists, socialists, Liberals, Fascists, Progressives, Nazi's, totalitarians...

Right....all of 'em.

How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.

Due to the brainwashed dozens around here, I get to prove same daily.
That's because I'm an American, with the values that Americans should have.

You're excused from both.

Tell us why you support the totalitarian action of zoning adult book stores out of certain localities.

Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Communists, socialists, Liberals, Fascists, Progressives, Nazi's, totalitarians...

How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Liberals, although the individual must be in balance with the society. Moderation, in all things eh?

Libertarians are the selfish children who care fuck all about society, not liberals.
Tell us why you support the totalitarian action of zoning adult book stores out of certain localities.

Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...
Attacks on Chick fil A have nothing to do with zoning, NYLiar.

Looks like you haven't a leg to stand on, huh?

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...

Vulgarity: the Liberal version of a white flag.

It doesn't have anything to do with denying or issuing a permit/license to a business?

Are localities that deny operating permits for adult bookstores totalitarians?

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...

Vulgarity: the Liberal version of a white flag.

You need to learn how adults talk, and think.

Tell us, this Free of Speech you are so proud of, are there any valid restrictions on it? We're still waiting on an answer from you, many days later...
"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...

Vulgarity: the Liberal version of a white flag.

You need to learn how adults talk, and think.

Tell us, this Free of Speech you are so proud of, are there any valid restrictions on it? We're still waiting on an answer from you, many days later...

Translation: I whipped you up, down, and sideways.

Free speech is free....with only the Brandenburg test as a possible exception.

The Brandenburg test (also known as the imminent lawless action test)[edit]
The three distinct elements of this test (intent, imminence, and likelihood) have distinct precedential lineages.

Judge Learned Hand was possibly the first judge to advocate the intent standard, in Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten,[10] reasoning that "f one stops short of urging upon others that it is their duty or their interest to resist the law, it seems to me one should not be held to have attempted to cause its violation". The Brandenburg intent standard is more speech-protective than Hand's formulation, which contained no temporal element.

The imminence element was a departure from earlier rulings. Brandenburg did not explicitly overrule the bad tendency test, but it appears that after Brandenburg, the test is de facto overruled. The Brandenburg test effectively made the time element of the clear and present danger test more defined and more rigorous.
Brandenburg v. Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....drop back anytime you require further education. tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

.....simply doesn't exist. I'll prove it,

A prime example of thought-crime police, patrolled and enforced by your Liberal government:

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

What happens to those who dare to have an opinion that differs from that endorsed by Liberals/Progressives/Democrats?
Pay attention:

1. Once upon a time in America....actually, in the summer of 2012, a fast food CEO became embroiled in a battle because he had an opinion that ran counter to the Liberal viewpoint.

"In July 2012, [Dan] Cathy made headlines when he said "guilty as charged" in response to a question about whether the company was in"support of the traditional family.".... his views on same-sex marriage have not changed.

"I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word and I’m just personally committed to that,” he told the AJC [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ].

“I know others feel very different from that and I respect their opinion and I hope that they would be respectful of mine.
[Get that? He's obviously not a Liberal.]
... I think that’s a political debate that’s going to rage on. And the wiser thing for us to do is to stay focused on customer service.”

... last June when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, [he tweetied], "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies."
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage Controversy

2. Of course, Liberals responded with their version of 'the Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief.....'

a. Salon called Cathy ' an unapologetic homophobe' Chick-fil-A: Antibiotic-free, but still pretty terrible -

b. And the Village Voice wrote " homophobic chicken peddler/Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy." Chick-Fil-A Flap: Brooklyn Republican Invites Homophobic Chicken Peddler Dan Cathy To Open Restaurant

c. And Slate: " Racism persists, but at least racists have been formally politically defanged. Homophobes, meanwhile, have not." The Chick-fil-A Fried Chicken Fiasco Is a Harsh Reminder of the Hatred That Gays and Lesbians Face

3. And those bastions of Liberal indoctrination, the universities, showed their open-mindedness:

a. " Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A....." Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A

b. "Colleges Rally to Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus" Colleges Rally To Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Did I mention that 'The Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief' .....doesn't exist.

Just gets better.


Does anyone recall any thread started by PoliticalChic wherein she has tolerated the freedom of thought and beliefs of anyone who disagreed with her?

Her tolerance " .....simply doesn't exist." She has proved it, over and over and over. tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

.....simply doesn't exist. I'll prove it,

A prime example of thought-crime police, patrolled and enforced by your Liberal government:

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

What happens to those who dare to have an opinion that differs from that endorsed by Liberals/Progressives/Democrats?
Pay attention:

1. Once upon a time in America....actually, in the summer of 2012, a fast food CEO became embroiled in a battle because he had an opinion that ran counter to the Liberal viewpoint.

"In July 2012, [Dan] Cathy made headlines when he said "guilty as charged" in response to a question about whether the company was in"support of the traditional family.".... his views on same-sex marriage have not changed.

"I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word and I’m just personally committed to that,” he told the AJC [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ].

“I know others feel very different from that and I respect their opinion and I hope that they would be respectful of mine.
[Get that? He's obviously not a Liberal.]
... I think that’s a political debate that’s going to rage on. And the wiser thing for us to do is to stay focused on customer service.”

... last June when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, [he tweetied], "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies."
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage Controversy

2. Of course, Liberals responded with their version of 'the Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief.....'

a. Salon called Cathy ' an unapologetic homophobe' Chick-fil-A: Antibiotic-free, but still pretty terrible -

b. And the Village Voice wrote " homophobic chicken peddler/Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy." Chick-Fil-A Flap: Brooklyn Republican Invites Homophobic Chicken Peddler Dan Cathy To Open Restaurant

c. And Slate: " Racism persists, but at least racists have been formally politically defanged. Homophobes, meanwhile, have not." The Chick-fil-A Fried Chicken Fiasco Is a Harsh Reminder of the Hatred That Gays and Lesbians Face

3. And those bastions of Liberal indoctrination, the universities, showed their open-mindedness:

a. " Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A....." Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A

b. "Colleges Rally to Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus" Colleges Rally To Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Did I mention that 'The Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief' .....doesn't exist.

Just gets better.


Does anyone recall any thread started by PoliticalChic wherein she has tolerated the freedom of thought and beliefs of anyone who disagreed with her?

Her tolerance " .....simply doesn't exist." She has proved it, over and over and over.

You imbecile....debate is exactly what I encourage.

Just because those of limited IQ cannot compete, i.e., you.....doesn't mean that freedom of thought and beliefs are not tolerated.

Your fear of my judgment is warranted and heartwarming.
Zoning is a local issue. Don't piss off the locals, it's their sandbox so don't pee in it if you want to play...

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...

Vulgarity: the Liberal version of a white flag.

You need to learn how adults talk, and think.

Tell us, this Free of Speech you are so proud of, are there any valid restrictions on it? We're still waiting on an answer from you, many days later...

Translation: I whipped you up, down, and sideways.

Free speech is free....with only the Brandenburg test as a possible exception.

The Brandenburg test (also known as the imminent lawless action test)[edit]
The three distinct elements of this test (intent, imminence, and likelihood) have distinct precedential lineages.

Judge Learned Hand was possibly the first judge to advocate the intent standard, in Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten,[10] reasoning that "f one stops short of urging upon others that it is their duty or their interest to resist the law, it seems to me one should not be held to have attempted to cause its violation". The Brandenburg intent standard is more speech-protective than Hand's formulation, which contained no temporal element.

The imminence element was a departure from earlier rulings. Brandenburg did not explicitly overrule the bad tendency test, but it appears that after Brandenburg, the test is de facto overruled. The Brandenburg test effectively made the time element of the clear and present danger test more defined and more rigorous.
Brandenburg v. Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....drop back anytime you require further education.
Nice cut and paste. How about in your own words, or do you agree with the above Supreme Court ruling that Free Speech can be restricted?

BTW, that's not the only exception, there are many. So, are these okay? United States free speech exceptions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

"...whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage,..."

Only a liar would pretend it has anything to do with any other issue. are a liar!
You need to learn about zoning laws and the obvious, don't fuck with the locals. Maybe they don't have zoning laws where you come from...

Vulgarity: the Liberal version of a white flag.

You need to learn how adults talk, and think.

Tell us, this Free of Speech you are so proud of, are there any valid restrictions on it? We're still waiting on an answer from you, many days later...

Translation: I whipped you up, down, and sideways.

Free speech is free....with only the Brandenburg test as a possible exception.

The Brandenburg test (also known as the imminent lawless action test)[edit]
The three distinct elements of this test (intent, imminence, and likelihood) have distinct precedential lineages.

Judge Learned Hand was possibly the first judge to advocate the intent standard, in Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten,[10] reasoning that "f one stops short of urging upon others that it is their duty or their interest to resist the law, it seems to me one should not be held to have attempted to cause its violation". The Brandenburg intent standard is more speech-protective than Hand's formulation, which contained no temporal element.

The imminence element was a departure from earlier rulings. Brandenburg did not explicitly overrule the bad tendency test, but it appears that after Brandenburg, the test is de facto overruled. The Brandenburg test effectively made the time element of the clear and present danger test more defined and more rigorous.
Brandenburg v. Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....drop back anytime you require further education.
Nice cut and paste. How about in your own words, or do you agree with the above Supreme Court ruling that Free Speech can be restricted?

BTW, that's not the only exception, there are many. So, are these okay? United States free speech exceptions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia admission that the only objection you are reduced to is the method with which the material is provided???

Examples of conservative totalitarianism towards businesses:

1. Giuliani's massive shutdown of gentlemen's clubs and various other similar businesses. Yes, PoliticalChic's favorite NYC mayor.

2. 'Dry' red states where businesses are banned from selling alcohol.

3. Tennessee TV station refuses to air marriage equality ad featuring gay doctor, reservist LINK, so now conservatives are losing 3 to 1, for those scoring at home.

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