The Liberal Commitment.....

Well, in fairness, it's been a long time since I saw a liberal claim to be tolerant.

They'll come right out and admit that if they don't like what you say they'll make you pay the consequences.

And that's IF they allow you to say it in the FIRST place, as we see on college campuses.
Where do you see tolerance on the Right that you don't see on the Left?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.

What's the bigotry in being intolerant of people who advocate discrimination against gays?
If that's all you people did, none.

So why are you in this thread trying to trash liberals over Chik Fil A?
The first sentence in the thread is " tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...".

I'm addressing the intolerance of people like you.

If you don't like that, too bad.

And yet you cannot cite a single example of my intolerance that isn't justified by any reasonable measure.
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.

What's the bigotry in being intolerant of people who advocate discrimination against gays?
If that's all you people did, none.

So what do "you people" do?
Point out the nastiness, bigotry, dishonesty and destructive behaviors of the PC Police.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.

What's the bigotry in being intolerant of people who advocate discrimination against gays?
If that's all you people did, none.

So why are you in this thread trying to trash liberals over Chik Fil A?
The first sentence in the thread is " tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...".

I'm addressing the intolerance of people like you.

If you don't like that, too bad.

And yet you cannot cite a single example of my intolerance that isn't justified by any reasonable measure.
It depends on who is doing the reasonable measuring.

Doesn't it?
Where do you see tolerance on the Right that you don't see on the Left?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.
What's the bigotry in being intolerant of people who advocate discrimination against gays?
If that's all you people did, none.

So why are you in this thread trying to trash liberals over Chik Fil A?
The first sentence in the thread is " tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...".

I'm addressing the intolerance of people like you.

If you don't like that, too bad.

And yet you cannot cite a single example of my intolerance that isn't justified by any reasonable measure.
It depends on who is doing the reasonable measuring.

Doesn't it?

Well, you offer the measure, and cite the examples where my intolerance isn't justified.
It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.

I don't suffer fools lightly. You can't make a cogent argument. You're just in this thread to babble about your pet peeve, irrational as it is.
Where do you see tolerance on the Right that you don't see on the Left?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
Mac, I have had people on this board say that I should be shot because they disagreed with my politics. I have seen others threatened, directly or indirectly, in the same manner. And that kind of post has been on the right. Yes, there are people here that carry the PC business to silliness, both on the right and the left. But the hope for a violent civil war, the extreme bigotry, is almost all on the part of the right.
If that's all you people did, none.

So why are you in this thread trying to trash liberals over Chik Fil A?
The first sentence in the thread is " tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...".

I'm addressing the intolerance of people like you.

If you don't like that, too bad.

And yet you cannot cite a single example of my intolerance that isn't justified by any reasonable measure.
It depends on who is doing the reasonable measuring.

Doesn't it?
Well, you offer the measure, and cite the examples where my intolerance isn't justified.
It is my opinion that you are every bit as bigoted as those you loathe.

Standard behavior for hardcore partisan ideologues.

I'm under no obligation to run my examples by you.
It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.

If you were even capable of living up to your own standards,

you would tolerate my alleged bigotry.

As it is you're as guilty as anyone of what you obsessively condemn.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.

I don't suffer fools lightly. You can't make a cogent argument. You're just in this thread to babble about your pet peeve, irrational as it is.
Then I strongly recommend utilizing the "ignore" feature for me.

Otherwise, you're just whining about me.
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
Mac, I have had people on this board say that I should be shot because they disagreed with my politics. I have seen others threatened, directly or indirectly, in the same manner. And that kind of post has been on the right. Yes, there are people here that carry the PC business to silliness, both on the right and the left. But the hope for a violent civil war, the extreme bigotry, is almost all on the part of the right.

Mac won't complain about the conservative version of what he labels as the PC Police. He doesn't want to damage his closet conservative credentials.
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
Mac, I have had people on this board say that I should be shot because they disagreed with my politics. I have seen others threatened, directly or indirectly, in the same manner. And that kind of post has been on the right. Yes, there are people here that carry the PC business to silliness, both on the right and the left. But the hope for a violent civil war, the extreme bigotry, is almost all on the part of the right.
I see plenty of bigotry on both ends of the political spectrum.

Seems to me each should clean their OWN houses before attacking the other.
Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.

I don't suffer fools lightly. You can't make a cogent argument. You're just in this thread to babble about your pet peeve, irrational as it is.
Then I strongly recommend utilizing the "ignore" feature for me.

Otherwise, you're just whining about me.

I'm exposing your intolerance for the entertainment of all who are intelligent enough to appreciate it. tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

.....simply doesn't exist. I'll prove it,

A prime example of thought-crime police, patrolled and enforced by your Liberal government:

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport." Denver puts Chick-fil-A's restaurant bid on back burner

What happens to those who dare to have an opinion that differs from that endorsed by Liberals/Progressives/Democrats?
Pay attention:

1. Once upon a time in America....actually, in the summer of 2012, a fast food CEO became embroiled in a battle because he had an opinion that ran counter to the Liberal viewpoint.

"In July 2012, [Dan] Cathy made headlines when he said "guilty as charged" in response to a question about whether the company was in"support of the traditional family.".... his views on same-sex marriage have not changed.

"I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word and I’m just personally committed to that,” he told the AJC [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ].

“I know others feel very different from that and I respect their opinion and I hope that they would be respectful of mine.
[Get that? He's obviously not a Liberal.]
... I think that’s a political debate that’s going to rage on. And the wiser thing for us to do is to stay focused on customer service.”

... last June when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, [he tweetied], "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies."
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage Controversy

2. Of course, Liberals responded with their version of 'the Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief.....'

a. Salon called Cathy ' an unapologetic homophobe' Chick-fil-A: Antibiotic-free, but still pretty terrible -

b. And the Village Voice wrote " homophobic chicken peddler/Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy." Chick-Fil-A Flap: Brooklyn Republican Invites Homophobic Chicken Peddler Dan Cathy To Open Restaurant

c. And Slate: " Racism persists, but at least racists have been formally politically defanged. Homophobes, meanwhile, have not." The Chick-fil-A Fried Chicken Fiasco Is a Harsh Reminder of the Hatred That Gays and Lesbians Face

3. And those bastions of Liberal indoctrination, the universities, showed their open-mindedness:

a. " Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A....." Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A

b. "Colleges Rally to Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus" Colleges Rally To Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Did I mention that 'The Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief' .....doesn't exist.

Just gets better.

Her opening post is just another example of right wing hypocrisy and failure to recognize the "tolerance paradox".

Right wingers demand the right to be intolerant, to voice their bigotry, and to practice unlawful discrimination without adverse consequences.

Any opposition to right wing intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination is labeled as "liberal intolerance". Intolerance of right wing intolerance is not tolerated by right wingers. Whew. To right wingers, the only "rights" that matter are their perceived "rights".

For instance, Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel ... the person/organization that is defending County Clerk Kim Davis's "right" to discriminate during the course of her official duties as an agent for the State of Kentucky ... called for a boycott of Target and backed boycotts and pressure campaigns against McDonalds, Starbucks, Lowe’s, Pay Pal, and companies that say “Happy Holidays.” - See more at: For Conservatives, Boycotts Are Noble Efforts When They Support Them, Otherwise It's 'Economic Terrorism'

"Right wingers demand the right to be intolerant, blah blah blah..."

Clearly you share the views found in fascists, and totalitarians of all stripes.

Yes....everyone is entitled to any views at all.

At all.

It is only when they follow with actions that harm others.....not "offend others"....that they must be checked.

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Reform yourself.

They gave money (see material support) to anti gay groups.

Let me put it to you in a way you might be able to grasp...

Imagine that you found out Breitbart or Drudge gave money to pro choice or environmental protection groups...
It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
Mac, I have had people on this board say that I should be shot because they disagreed with my politics. I have seen others threatened, directly or indirectly, in the same manner. And that kind of post has been on the right. Yes, there are people here that carry the PC business to silliness, both on the right and the left. But the hope for a violent civil war, the extreme bigotry, is almost all on the part of the right.
I see plenty of bigotry on both ends of the political spectrum.

Seems to me each should clean their OWN houses before attacking the other.

Yes, sure.

To you, conservative bigotry, for example, is racism.

Liberal bigotry is when liberals won't tolerate conservative racism.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Why would one tolerate what one disagrees with? Does the anti-abortion crowd tolerate abortion? Should they?
My goodness, you are defensive.

If you don't like my opinion on your bigotry, too bad.

I don't suffer fools lightly. You can't make a cogent argument. You're just in this thread to babble about your pet peeve, irrational as it is.
Then I strongly recommend utilizing the "ignore" feature for me.

Otherwise, you're just whining about me.

I'm exposing your intolerance for the entertainment of all who are intelligent enough to appreciate it.
Ah, okay.

Thank goodness we have you to represent the "intelligent" people.

Where do you see tolerance on the Right that you don't see on the Left?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.

Manifested how?
Start a thread on that and I'll respond.

This thread is about the blatant intolerance of the Left, which used to stand for freedom of thought, openness and curiosity before it was taken over by the PC Police.

It would be thoroughly dishonorable for the 'left' or anyone else for that matter to be tolerant of bigotry.
How about their OWN bigotry?

Oh, that's right, they're not bigots.


Newsflash! It's actually okay to be intolerant of intolerance. It's how you stop it. We decided, as a society, that it's not okay to use the N word as an epithet. We became intolerant of its common use. That's good.
The Left has become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

And that really is a shame.
Manifested how?
You're not really inferring that liberals are not intolerant, are you?

Please tell me you're either kidding or being obtuse.

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