The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The experiment is to see if the meaning of a word (fascism) can be changed by simple repeating. When the books on ideologies change their definitions we know it can be done. So far the educated world has ignored the whole experiment, but it is fun to watch.
The experiment is to see if the meaning of a word (fascism) can be changed by simple repeating. When the books on ideologies change their definitions we know it can be done. So far the educated world has ignored the whole experiment, but it is fun to watch.

Taking your post literally, which "books on ideologies" did you reference?

Watching this message board it is clear to me that definition is critical when one makes a claim and points fingers.

fascism, communism, totalitarianism, despotism, democracy, republicanism, conservatism and liberalism are all commonly used, and many times as a pejorative.

"I know you are" seems to be the method most used, but never is the cliche finished, "but what am I".

If the poster wants to earn, or recover some credibility, s/he must finish that cliche with what they believe and why.
The experiment is to see if the meaning of a word (fascism) can be changed by simple repeating. When the books on ideologies change their definitions we know it can be done. So far the educated world has ignored the whole experiment, but it is fun to watch.

Taking your post literally, which "books on ideologies" did you reference?

Watching this message board it is clear to me that definition is critical when one makes a claim and points fingers.

fascism, communism, totalitarianism, despotism, democracy, republicanism, conservatism and liberalism are all commonly used, and many times as a pejorative.

"I know you are" seems to be the method most used, but never is the cliche finished, "but what am I".

If the poster wants to earn, or recover some credibility, s/he must finish that cliche with what they believe and why.
I have about eight or nine booklets on ideologies that I acquired while attending college. The first one that I pulled off the shelf was "Political Ideologies" by Baradat
How interesting...Republicans keep insisting that Hitler was a liberal and a socialist but for some strange reason, Nazis keep running for office as Republicans, AND WINNING.
Why don't Republicans just start telling these people that they should run as Democrats? After all, it's their pet theory, isn't it?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Additionally, these swastika bearing nimrods keep showing up at rallies like "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville.
Apparently, if the revisionism is actually correct, these people are marching in the wrong rallies.

So, after 113 pages of continual ad nausuem bullshit, it is time to tell the revisionists to go pound sand up their asses.
Hitler was a fascist, and fascists are on the Right of the political spectrum, case closed, end of story.
The experiment is to see if the meaning of a word (fascism) can be changed...
That experiment was successful. The “academics” on the left managed to convince the minions on the left that fascism was “right-wing”.

The experiment proves how astoundingly easy it is to dupe to left-wing minions. I even thoroughly explained to you in another thread how fascism was exclusively left-wing and challenged you to explain how I was wrong. You flat out refused because you knew you couldn’t. Only an idiot would declare that fascism was somehow to the the “right” of libertarianism when the ideologies could not be more polar opposite.
I have about eight or nine booklets on ideologies that I acquired while attending college. The first one that I pulled off the shelf was "Political Ideologies" by Baradat
There is your problem. You should have pulled “The Road to Surfdom” by Friedrich Hayek off of your shelf. You would be exponentially more enlightened if you had. Here, let me show you:
"Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion" - Friedrich Hayek
Isn’t it bizarre how a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and holder of 3 doctorates (including one in political science) would claim that the next stage after communism would be all the way on the opposite end of the spectrum according to you?!? :dunno:
How interesting...Republicans keep insisting that Hitler was a liberal and a socialist but for some strange reason, Nazis keep running for office as Republicans, AND WINNING.
Why don't Republicans just start telling these people that they should run as Democrats? After all, it's their pet theory, isn't it?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Additionally, these swastika bearing nimrods keep showing up at rallies like "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville.
Apparently, if the revisionism is actually correct, these people are marching in the wrong rallies.

So, after 113 pages of continual ad nausuem bullshit, it is time to tell the revisionists to go pound sand up their asses.
Hitler was a fascist, and fascists are on the Right of the political spectrum, case closed, end of story.

Who gives a flying rat's fart?
Hitler was a fascist, and fascists are on the Right of the political spectrum, case closed, end of story.
So Adolf Hitler believed in small, limited government, did he? :lmao:

Nazi is short for National Socialist, nitwit. Socialism is left-wing. Additionally, fascism is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. Libertarians are further to the right than conservatives and constitutionalists. How the fuck could fascism be beyond libertarianism on the right?!? Moron.

The left has literally become the Nazis. Just a bunch of mindless fascists who will not tolerate even a simple question.
For all the predictable speechifying about “diversity” that I heard at cocktail parties and literary events, I became struck by just how politically monolithic this scene really is. It’s not just that writers and editors have to be PC when it comes to their books and their public pronouncements: There also seems to be a crushing uniformity in regard to their privately held viewpoints.
There is nothing tolerant or “diverse” about the left. Absolutely nothing. They will not tolerate even the slightest deviation from their rigid and frightening doctrine. Case in point:
When I cut to the chase and asked why no one at the table seemed to feel aggrieved for women suffering under Islamic oppression, voices were raised and, well, I may or may not have been asked to leave. There were other experiences like this, and I learned to hold my tongue.
Chilling. The left will no longer engage in intellectualism. Not only will they not ask questions in the search for answers, solutions, or a better way, they won’t even tolerate someone else asking questions.

A Glimpse Into the Ideological Monoculture of Literary New York - Quillette
How interesting...Republicans keep insisting that Hitler was a liberal and a socialist but for some strange reason, Nazis keep running for office as Republicans, AND WINNING.
Why don't Republicans just start telling these people that they should run as Democrats? After all, it's their pet theory, isn't it?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Every cause has its traitors.

The left doing what it always does. Changing their sex and resorting to violence...

Wrong. "Changing one's sex" is usually an allegory for opposing prostitution and sex-for-money in general. "Resorting to violence" is an allegory for opposing gun control and involuntary mental health treatment. It's the language of the political left accusing the right.

The left has literally become the Nazis. Just a bunch of mindless fascists who will not tolerate even a simple question.
For all the predictable speechifying about “diversity” that I heard at cocktail parties and literary events, I became struck by just how politically monolithic this scene really is. It’s not just that writers and editors have to be PC when it comes to their books and their public pronouncements: There also seems to be a crushing uniformity in regard to their privately held viewpoints.
There is nothing tolerant or “diverse” about the left. Absolutely nothing. They will not tolerate even the slightest deviation from their rigid and frightening doctrine.

This part is true.

Case in point:
When I cut to the chase and asked why no one at the table seemed to feel aggrieved for women suffering under Islamic oppression, voices were raised and, well, I may or may not have been asked to leave. There were other experiences like this, and I learned to hold my tongue.
Chilling. The left will no longer engage in intellectualism. Not only will they not ask questions in the search for answers, solutions, or a better way, they won’t even tolerate someone else asking questions.

A Glimpse Into the Ideological Monoculture of Literary New York - Quillette

I am banned at the LGBTQ library as well, which definitely does not place me on the political left.
California should be manufacturing jobs that may involve some forms of manufacturing.

Going underground can solve many issues we already have; along with simply building new cities in more stable locations, for underground transit. It could be an option. A natural choice for more efficient transportation hubs.
Unless the left completely controls the content and every facet of this, they are going to freak out over it and resort to violence to shut it down.
“What we’re interested in is giving people a voice,” says Minerva, “because if you don’t publish controversial things, then you might be missing something really important.”
Now that the left has embraced a strict fascist ideology that will not tolerate the slightest dissent or deviation from their narrative, a “Journal of Controversial Ideas” is more important than ever. The facts, the truth, and the science must be pursued at all costs, despite the persecution from Antifa and other progressive groups.

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas.’ Cue the Outcry.
Unless the left completely controls the content and every facet of this, they are going to freak out over it and resort to violence to shut it down.
“What we’re interested in is giving people a voice,” says Minerva, “because if you don’t publish controversial things, then you might be missing something really important.”
Now that the left has embraced a strict fascist ideology that will not tolerate the slightest dissent or deviation from their narrative, a “Journal of Controversial Ideas” is more important than ever. The facts, the truth, and the science must be pursued at all costs, despite the persecution from Antifa and other progressive groups.

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas.’ Cue the Outcry.
What a sad indictment on what the left has done to the United States...
These days, a paper that’s deemed offensive can unleash an online mob and turn an academic’s career and life upside down. It can also cause a journal editor to tiptoe away from a potentially important paper or a scholar not to put fingers to keyboard in the first place.
The U.S. was built on freedom of speech, free thought, etc. Now, scholars are petrified to even create a paper. It's worse than Hitler's Germany. Exactly what the left wanted.

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas.’ Cue the Outcry.
What a sad indictment on what the left has done to the United States...
These days, a paper that’s deemed offensive can unleash an online mob and turn an academic’s career and life upside down. It can also cause a journal editor to tiptoe away from a potentially important paper or a scholar not to put fingers to keyboard in the first place.
The U.S. was built on freedom of speech, free thought, etc. Now, scholars are petrified to even create a paper. It's worse than Hitler's Germany. Exactly what the left wanted.

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas.’ Cue the Outcry.
No outcry just a dose of US history. The second president of the United States along with the conservatives of that time, the Federalists under, Adams, passed the Sedition Act that made it a crime to criticize Federalist politicians. Jefferson claimed the Act violated the Bill of Rights. It was the end of America's first conservative party,
No outcry just a dose of US history. The second president of the United States along with the conservatives of that time, the Federalists under, Adams, passed the Sedition Act that made it a crime to criticize Federalist politicians. Jefferson claimed the Act violated the Bill of Rights. It was the end of America's first conservative party,
One problem hon. The federalists were the progressives. They wanted to expand the size, scope, and power of the federal government (and sadly, they were successful). They were lead by Alexander Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson created the Democratic-Republican Party to directly oppose them. He was a fierce enemy of Alexander Hamilton (a problem for George Washington as both served on his cabinet and both opposed the other), because Jefferson was the ultimate limited government conservative.

If you’re going to administer “doses of U.S. history”, don’t you think you should have the facts straight?

Unless the left completely controls the content and every facet of this, they are going to freak out over it and resort to violence to shut it down.
“What we’re interested in is giving people a voice,” says Minerva, “because if you don’t publish controversial things, then you might be missing something really important.”
Now that the left has embraced a strict fascist ideology that will not tolerate the slightest dissent or deviation from their narrative, a “Journal of Controversial Ideas” is more important than ever. The facts, the truth, and the science must be pursued at all costs, despite the persecution from Antifa and other progressive groups.

Here Comes ‘The Journal of Controversial Ideas.’ Cue the Outcry.
An InfoTainment channel; good capitalists make money not lose money.
The left has literally become the Nazis. Just a bunch of mindless fascists who will not tolerate even a simple question.
For all the predictable speechifying about “diversity” that I heard at cocktail parties and literary events, I became struck by just how politically monolithic this scene really is. It’s not just that writers and editors have to be PC when it comes to their books and their public pronouncements: There also seems to be a crushing uniformity in regard to their privately held viewpoints.
There is nothing tolerant or “diverse” about the left. Absolutely nothing. They will not tolerate even the slightest deviation from their rigid and frightening doctrine. Case in point:
When I cut to the chase and asked why no one at the table seemed to feel aggrieved for women suffering under Islamic oppression, voices were raised and, well, I may or may not have been asked to leave. There were other experiences like this, and I learned to hold my tongue.
Chilling. The left will no longer engage in intellectualism. Not only will they not ask questions in the search for answers, solutions, or a better way, they won’t even tolerate someone else asking questions.

A Glimpse Into the Ideological Monoculture of Literary New York - Quillette
I see you haven't taken your Latin class yet.
Liber, free??
But still love Benito I see
Happy thanksgiving, celebrated on July 4 in the uk

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