The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The experiment is to see if the meaning of a word (fascism) can be changed by simple repeating. When the books on ideologies change their definitions we know it can be done. So far the educated world has ignored the whole experiment, but it is fun to watch.
Same with liberal, Latin, free, for the individual and small gov.
But our old white trumpies repeat it so many times they have no idea of the real definition
Most of the corporate guys I know think of themselves as liberal
(Not the knees news version)
If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts...
Is there something you aren't telling us, Patriot?

It's okay. We're all friends here.

Hey, our patriot is a fan of Ben who tried to ban Germans.
"They are swarthy, can't speak English and are are taking our jobs"
Leave him alone to suck off his socialist benefits and desperately search for one off examples which fit his made up mind
Notice you never see the other side, a clue to real research people
If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts...
Is there something you aren't telling us, Patriot?

It's okay. We're all friends here.

Hey, our patriot is a fan of Ben who tried to ban Germans.
"They are swarthy, can't speak English and are are taking our jobs"
Leave him alone to suck off his socialist benefits and desperately search for one off examples which fit his made up mind
Notice you never see the other side, a clue to real research people
That's why there's no point in reading his voluminous one sided posts
If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts...
Is there something you aren't telling us, Patriot? It's okay. We're all friends here.
Yes there is as a matter of fact. What I'm not telling you is that I'm sickened by your queer homosexual acts and I do not wish to be a part of your disturbed life style. I don't want to see you engaging in the acts you engage in with men. Deal with it.

None of us understand why you are so desperate to share your homosexual insanity with the rest of us when none of us are interested. Just keep it behind closed doors and be quiet about it already. There is something wrong if making it public gets you off to this degree.
If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts...
Is there something you aren't telling us, Patriot? It's okay. We're all friends here.
Yes there is as a matter of fact. What I'm not telling you is that I'm sickened by your queer homosexual acts and I do not wish to be a part of your disturbed life style. I don't want to see you engaging in the acts you engage in with men. Deal with it.

None of us understand why you are so desperate to share your homosexual insanity with the rest of us when none of us are interested. Just keep it behind closed doors and be quiet about it already. There is something wrong if making it public gets you off to this degree.

Interesting how our old white fart socialist benefit sucking boys seem to know so much about gays
If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts...
Is there something you aren't telling us, Patriot? It's okay. We're all friends here.
Yes there is as a matter of fact. What I'm not telling you is that I'm sickened by your queer homosexual acts and I do not wish to be a part of your disturbed life style. I don't want to see you engaging in the acts you engage in with men. Deal with it.

None of us understand why you are so desperate to share your homosexual insanity with the rest of us when none of us are interested. Just keep it behind closed doors and be quiet about it already. There is something wrong if making it public gets you off to this degree.

Interesting how our old white fart socialist benefit sucking boys seem to know so much about gays
And have no problem with a total low life who dragged his wife by the hair before raping her, wanted to screw his daughter and bragged about his pussy grabbing.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Here is a hint, do you know what the term "NAZI" stands for?

Il'' give you a hint, they were self described socialists who gave up on a coup in favor of elections to gain power.

Now I know what you are thinking, they conducted mass genocide.

Well just pretend the unborn are Jews and there ya go!
And have no problem with a total low life who dragged his wife by the hair before raping her, wanted to screw his daughter and bragged about his pussy grabbing.
What are you talking about?!? All of us hate Bill Clinton.
I think he's a low life like our coward 5 deferment Pres. Zero family in the military.
But I don't hate either one.
They are not worth it
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Interesting how our old white fart socialist benefit sucking boys seem to know so much about gays
Interesting how upset the left gets when facts are forced down their throat. Sadly, they prefer cocks there instead of facts.
There we go again gay ref. Mmmm
What facts?
That SS Medicare and VA Are not socialist programs?
You don't seem to have any patriotic problem sucking off them??
Still supporting our German immigrant ban founder I see?
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.
The left are pure fascists. Just running for office on a platform that they don’t agree with results in threats of rape and death threats from them.
A woman who is running for the House of Representatives in Vermont posted a death and rape threat letter that she received from a pro-socialism group last week in the mail. The letter states that the mother of two will be raped and killed and that there will be "no equal rights for Republicans."
But they didn’t just stop there.
My comrades will kill you and the Constitution
They proudly declare their intent to “kill” the U.S. Constitution.

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ‘We are hunting you’
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.

Pathetic, says a lot about you.
Guess you were against hill helping 911 families and African kids?
Clinton foundation rated A, Don the cons shut down??
My vet friend says the reason he avoids vet occasions is that he's a 5 deferment coward.
Non of his family served either.
You never reply to my Ben "ban the swarthy Germans" ???
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.

Pathetic, says a lot about you.
Guess you were against hill helping 911 families and African kids?
Clinton foundation rated A, Don the cons shut down??
My vet friend says the reason he avoids vet occasions is that he's a 5 deferment coward.
Non of his family served either.
You never reply to my Ben "ban the swarthy Germans" ???
I feel sorry for a person carrying so much bile.
The left are pure fascists. Just running for office on a platform that they don’t agree with results in threats of rape and death threats from them.
A woman who is running for the House of Representatives in Vermont posted a death and rape threat letter that she received from a pro-socialism group last week in the mail. The letter states that the mother of two will be raped and killed and that there will be "no equal rights for Republicans."
But they didn’t just stop there.
My comrades will kill you and the Constitution
They proudly declare their intent to “kill” the U.S. Constitution.

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ‘We are hunting you’
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
There's 350000000 people her you know
Want me to quote white supremist selected comments?
Try to research both sides.
May be the reason for your hate
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.

Pathetic, says a lot about you.
Guess you were against hill helping 911 families and African kids?
Clinton foundation rated A, Don the cons shut down??
My vet friend says the reason he avoids vet occasions is that he's a 5 deferment coward.
Non of his family served either.
You never reply to my Ben "ban the swarthy Germans" ???
Tell ya what sparky...get back to me when you can form complete, coherent sentences. I’d love to respond to your post here, but I literally cannot make out a single thing you were trying to say.

What is “hill helping”?
Who is a “5 deferment coward” - Bill Clinton?
What is “Non of his”?
Who is “Ben”?

I can see why you need government to survive. No way in hell you could ever hold down a job and provide for yourself.

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