The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.

Pathetic, says a lot about you.
Guess you were against hill helping 911 families and African kids?
Clinton foundation rated A, Don the cons shut down??
My vet friend says the reason he avoids vet occasions is that he's a 5 deferment coward.
Non of his family served either.
You never reply to my Ben "ban the swarthy Germans" ???
I feel sorry for a person carrying so much bile.
Irony. You responded to your own post when you made that statement. Freudian Slip.
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.[/QUOTE

I'm wor
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.
I'm worried about your bile level.
Must be tough to go around hating all day.
Might help to read both sides
Analysis | Foundation faceoff: The Trump Foundation vs. the Clinton Foundation
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
There's 350000000 people her you know
Want me to quote white supremist selected comments?
Try to research both sides.
May be the reason for your hate
Again sweetie...your illiteracy is killing me. I can’t even figure what you’re even trying to say. Can you take like some basic literary classes and then return to USMB when you can properly communicate? So that we can have a real discussion?
I like to think I have a better life than hating
Well...I salute you. You’re definitely a better person and a better christian than I am. I won’t even attempt to deny it. But...I do hate. And I hate the Clinton’s. Disgusting dirt-bags.

Pathetic, says a lot about you.
Guess you were against hill helping 911 families and African kids?
Clinton foundation rated A, Don the cons shut down??
My vet friend says the reason he avoids vet occasions is that he's a 5 deferment coward.
Non of his family served either.
You never reply to my Ben "ban the swarthy Germans" ???
Tell ya what sparky...get back to me when you can form complete, coherent sentences. I’d love to respond to your post here, but I literally cannot make out a single thing you were trying to say.

What is “hill helping”?
Who is a “5 deferment coward” - Bill Clinton?
What is “Non of his”?
Who is “Ben”?

I can see why you need government to survive. No way in hell you could ever hold down a job and provide for yourself.
Jeez, one liners needed?
Hill, Hillary Clinton
Ben, The guy in your moniker, Ben Franklin.
5 deferment coward, Donald trump. Of course bill was a creep, no excuse for donald
Non of his? None of dons family
And apologies but I'm a multimillionaire with a couple of post docs if you want those explained
What's your excuse?
Not old enough for SS? Given it back?
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
There's 350000000 people her you know
Want me to quote white supremist selected comments?
Try to research both sides.
May be the reason for your hate
Again sweetie...your illiteracy is killing me. I can’t even figure what you’re even trying to say. Can you take like some basic literary classes and then return to USMB when you can properly communicate? So that we can have a real discussion?
How do you have a discussion with a made up mind?
And apologies but I'm a multimillionaire with a couple of post docs have multiple PhD’s and you write like that? Holy Jesus. I have two little girls and I wouldn’t tolerate that type of grammar and sentence structure from them.

Either you’re lying, or you attended the University of Haiti. :lmao:
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
There's 350000000 people her you know
Want me to quote white supremist selected comments?
Try to research both sides.
May be the reason for your hate
Again sweetie...your illiteracy is killing me. I can’t even figure what you’re even trying to say. Can you take like some basic literary classes and then return to USMB when you can properly communicate? So that we can have a real discussion?
How do you have a discussion with a made up mind?
How can you have a discussion with a bunch of jibberish and proprietary shorthand?
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
Let’s have a real discussion here. How many “examples” would it require for you to accept it as just the reality of the left? Give me an actual number.

At what point - in your (allegedly) highly educated mind - does it stop being a “fluke” and starts to be a trend?
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
Let’s have a real discussion here. How many “examples” would it require for you to accept it as just the reality of the left? Give me an actual number.

At what point - in your (allegedly) highly educated mind - does it stop being a “fluke” and starts to be a trend?
you only have anecdotes.
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
Let’s have a real discussion here. How many “examples” would it require for you to accept it as just the reality of the left? Give me an actual number.

At what point - in your (allegedly) highly educated mind - does it stop being a “fluke” and starts to be a trend?

Maybe 6 years research doing literature work, arguing pros and cons daily..
For instance I consider myself a liberal, for the individual and small gov.
There's a topic for discussion when we can't agree even on simple definitions.
You may think liberals are dirty commies, I think they follow the basics of the constitution.
(Which I am skeptical of, slave owners and rapists)
I think it's amusing, al the high level research people I knew always were filled with doubt.
Seems to be the reverse on our old white fart zero college forum. People ar SO sure.
Gawd, I wish I was that way.
This is a forum for made up mind spew not discussion.
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
Let’s have a real discussion here. How many “examples” would it require for you to accept it as just the reality of the left? Give me an actual number.

At what point - in your (allegedly) highly educated mind - does it stop being a “fluke” and starts to be a trend?

Maybe 6 years research doing literature work, arguing pros and cons daily..
I can provide news articles going back 6 years (and more). Let me know if you’d like me to do so.
You may think liberals are dirty commies, I think they follow the basics of the constitution.
There is the keyword and what separates us. You think. I know. I read. I research. I accept reality instead of reject and argue against it.

Want me to prove it? I’ll blow up your nonsense about liberals “following the basics of the constitution” in a single world. Are you ready? Obamacare.

Seems to be the reverse on our old white fart zero college forum.
  1. I would wager at least 75% of the people here attended college
  2. Bill Gates is old. Bill Gates is white. Bill Gates never graduated from college.
Same with Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, and many other innovators and leaders who changed the world. Your belief that one must be approved by a fellow progressive of yours at an institution you approve in order for one to have credibility is as comical as it is tragic.
One cherry picked example to fir your made up mind.
Let’s have a real discussion here. How many “examples” would it require for you to accept it as just the reality of the left? Give me an actual number.

At what point - in your (allegedly) highly educated mind - does it stop being a “fluke” and starts to be a trend?

Maybe 6 years research doing literature work, arguing pros and cons daily..
I can provide news articles going back 6 years (and more). Let me know if you’d like me to do so.
Absolutely, feel free to waste more of your zero life.
Quoting, doesn't count.
You have to be there every day arguing with colleagues.
You can't do that blabbing from your apartment
Seems to be the reverse on our old white fart zero college forum.
  1. I would wager at least 75% of the people here attended college
  2. Bill Gates is old. Bill Gates is white. Bill Gates never graduated from college.
Same with Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, and many other innovators and leaders who changed the world. Your belief that one must be approved by a fellow progressive of yours at an institution you approve in order for one to have credibility is as comical as it is tragic.

In your zero college opinion.
You have to be kidding.
All our foul mouth white boys?
Bill gates is a one off much as I admire him.
I would put more faith on the hundreds of millions of scientists, some of which bill stole their ideas
I think it's well documented that advanced science people earn millions of $ over a life than our high school and liberal degree lads
They are not scratching around trying to pay their rent. Most of my friends have vacation homes and travel the world
Anyway, merry Xmas to you too.
It sounds like it's too late for you to do the 6 + science years so you really don't know what I'm talking about
Know what they say "if you haven't been there, keep your trap shut, you have nothing to say"
You may think liberals are dirty commies, I think they follow the basics of the constitution.
There is the keyword and what separates us. You think. I know. I read. I research. I accept reality instead of reject and argue against it.

Want me to prove it? I’ll blow up your nonsense about liberals “following the basics of the constitution” in a single world. Are you ready? Obamacare.

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It was a joke Ben.
Know what they say about irony?
American "euros think we don't get irony"
Euro "evidently"
I admit I'm not a great supporter of pieces of paper written by white slave owners and rapists
Just thought we could have a laugh
You may think liberals are dirty commies, I think they follow the basics of the constitution.
There is the keyword and what separates us. You think. I know. I read. I research. I accept reality instead of reject and argue against it.

Want me to prove it? I’ll blow up your nonsense about liberals “following the basics of the constitution” in a single world. Are you ready? Obamacare.

View attachment 231468
Not that I care but didn't the supremes uphold it?
Do you think they should have to retire at 62 like the Brit equivalents?

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