The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Fascism is right wing totalitarianism
You can’t have right-wing totalitarianism. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful. That’s why you nitwit cry so hard about libertarians!

Fascism is right wing totalitarianism
You can’t have right-wing totalitarianism. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful. That’s why you nitwit cry so hard about libertarians!

View attachment 232137

Not true what-so-ever, the original Right were Authoritarian Social Conservatives for tradition, while the oriignal Left were Capitalists for Social Liberalism, and Rights.

You're a dim-bulb, at best.
Just for me to have a laugh can you send me just one indisputable link.? Don't you realise Just by saying indisputable destroys whatever position you have? Here's an indisputable one for you
Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism
Sweetie...I don’t link to Op/Eds very often. When I link to a news story about ANTIFA assaulting people - that is indisputable. Even if your fragile mind can’t reconcile it with your bat-shit crazy ideology.
Fascism is right wing totalitarianism
You can’t have right-wing totalitarianism. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful. That’s why you nitwit cry so hard about libertarians!

View attachment 232137
Liberal fascism is a garbage book and so is the political Spectrum that goes along with it, super duper.
Then you should have zero problem explaining how fascism is further to the right of libertarianism. And can’t.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Fascism is right wing totalitarianism
You can’t have right-wing totalitarianism. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful. That’s why you nitwit cry so hard about libertarians!

View attachment 232137
Liberal fascism is a garbage book and so is the political Spectrum that goes along with it, super duper.
Then you should have zero problem explaining how fascism is further to the right of libertarianism. And can’t.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Capitalism is Liberalism, not only is it Market Liberalism to loosen the market up into less regulations AKA Capitalism, but actually Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, crude forms of Capitalist glory, including selling Porn, Gangster Rap music, Abortion, Gay marriage merchandise, Ilicit Drugs, Hollywood raunchy & shoot 'em up films, as well as Media, and Internet companies pushing Liberalism, and censoring out the oppositional opinion.

You're not a very bright person, at all.
All OCD, and no thoughts, you're racial scum.
More irony from the dumb polack. One has “no thoughts” if they are educated with proper grammar. :laugh:

You can't even get political spectrum, or political implementation correct.

Yet, you start having OCD panic attacks, when there's a creative syntax.

Western Europeans are a filthy race, and it's time your horrible defects go extinct, already.
Capitalism is Liberalism
Psst...dumb polack...that’s like saying human is canine.

Capitalism is an economic system. Liberalism is a political ideology. You’re literally too stupid to even understand the basics. :laugh:

Uh, you're one of the most obnoxious, arrogant, and ignorant users here.

- Right Wing was initially Authoritarianism.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia

Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism', while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism'.[14]

Market Liberalism = Capitalism.

Economic liberalism - Wikiquote

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Economic liberalism is an economic system organized on individual lines, which means that the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by individuals or households rather than by collective institutions or organizations. It includes a spectrum of different economic policies, such as freedom of movement, but it is always based on strong support for a market economy and private property in the means of production. Although economic liberalism can also be supportive of government regulation to a certain degree, it tends to oppose government intervention in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition.

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

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Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. Closely related to economic liberalism, it developed in the early 19th century, building on ideas from the previous century as a response to urbanization and to the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States.[1][2][3] Notable individuals whose ideas contributed to classical liberalism include John Locke,[4] Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Robert Malthus, and David Ricardo. It drew on the classical economic ideas espoused by Adam Smith in Book One of The Wealth of Nations and on a belief in natural law,[5] utilitarianism,[6] and progress.[7] The term "classical liberalism" was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier 19th-century liberalism from the newer social liberalism.[8]
Fascism is right wing totalitarianism
You can’t have right-wing totalitarianism. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful. That’s why you nitwit cry so hard about libertarians!

View attachment 232137
Liberal fascism is a garbage book and so is the political Spectrum that goes along with it, super duper.
Then you should have zero problem explaining how fascism is further to the right of libertarianism. And can’t.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Because totalitarianism is at the far end of the spectrum, both right-wing and left-wing. Right-wing totalitarianism is fascism, left wing totalitarianism is communism.That's the way it's been for a hundred years and it's not changing because some right-wing a****** wrote a stupid book, super duper.

your political spectrum is the joke where right wing is unicorns and freedom while everything bad happens on the left wing.

in reality, right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like Nazi ism, while left wing totalitarianism is communist, no capitalism.

You're basically the same thing as a Negro, an obnoxious, stupid, dirty beast.
Good luck ever getting another job if that dumb face is actually your photo while you’re posting extreme racist rhetoric! :laugh:

You're up there with IM2, Asceplias, Tiggered, Ringel, Jillian, Irosie, and Unkotare, when it comes to being a massive idiot.
Capitalism is Liberalism
Psst...dumb polack...that’s like saying human is canine.

Capitalism is an economic system. Liberalism is a political ideology. You’re literally too stupid to even understand the basics. :laugh:
Uh, you're one of the most obnoxious, arrogant, and ignorant users here.
Don’t blame me because you’re the living stereotype of the dumb polack. You don’t even grasp the difference between political systems and economic systems!
Capitalism is Liberalism
Psst...dumb polack...that’s like saying human is canine.

Capitalism is an economic system. Liberalism is a political ideology. You’re literally too stupid to even understand the basics. :laugh:
Uh, you're one of the most obnoxious, arrogant, and ignorant users here.
Don’t blame me because you’re the living stereotype of the dumb polack. You don’t even grasp the difference between political systems and economic systems!

Explain how Capitalism pushes for socially Conservative values, exactly?

You're probably a stupid Irish Mick, I can't think of any other ethnicity this dumb, and obnoxious, that's not a Negro.

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