The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party
Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

There was nothing Social about the Wiemar Republic once Hitler imposed Art. 48; then the Republic became a shame! It devolved into an Oligarchy lead by a Despot the moment it was put in effect.

***Article 48 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919–1933) allowed the President, under certain circumstances, to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Reichstag. This power was understood to include the promulgation of "emergency decrees"

Known today and as used by Trump as Executive Orders.
I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

There was nothing Social about the Wiemar Republic once Hitler imposed Art. 48; then the Republic became a shame! It devolved into an Oligarchy lead by a Despot the moment it was put in effect.

***Article 48 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919–1933) allowed the President, under certain circumstances, to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Reichstag. This power was understood to include the promulgation of "emergency decrees"

Known today and as used by Trump as Executive Orders.

Socialism is central economic planning. Only government can centrally plan an economy because only government can use force to compel citizens to act against their own interest.

The NAZIs ran German industry. Companies had to follow NAZI economic planning and they needed to get all major decisions approved by the government.

Germany was by definition socialist
The left has become so radicalized, they support any and all lawlessness if they believe it will usher in progressive control.
Before what would become a heated exchange over her opposition to illegal immigration—because, you know, it’s the law—Nielsen in her opening statement explained what should be obvious to all
Thank goodness the adults are back in charge and the laws are once again being properly enforced.
“It is our policy that anyone crossing the border illegally will be detained and referred for prosecution. We will no longer exempt classes or groups of individuals from prosecution,” says Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
It goes to show the extraordinary radicalization of the left that the Secretary of Homeland Security has to argue with Democrats that the law will be enforced.

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen Shows That She Truly Understands Border Security
Known today and as used by Trump as Executive Orders.
It was Barack Insane Obama who issued hundreds of unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums.

Every single Executive Order by President Trump has been constitutional and appropriate.

Not to mention, you progressives live to shred the U.S. Constitution and filter unlimited power to the Oval Office. Then you whine like little bitches when you’re no longer the party sitting in it.
Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.
I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

You always know someone knows they didn't do well when they use phrases like "mopped the floor with it" because you know that no one would know that if you didn't tell them.

Like that you still haven't contradicted that NAZI is a socialist party and that's in the name of the party.

What are you, eight? Seriously? Or is 50 hillbilly for eight?
Most Americans knew the word "socialist" was simply an add on to Nazi. Even Time magazine in 1933 said this: "Essentially the Nazi put the word socialist into their name simply as a lure to discontented workers".
Most Americans knew the word "socialist" was simply an add on to Nazi. Even Time magazine in 1933 said this: "Essentially the Nazi put the word socialist into their name simply as a lure to discontented workers".

They were by definition socialists as they ran Germany as a centrally planned economy. So why ever they used the term, it was accurate. NAZIs were unambiguously leftists
Most Americans knew the word "socialist" was simply an add on to Nazi. Even Time magazine in 1933 said this: "Essentially the Nazi put the word socialist into their name simply as a lure to discontented workers".

I've been pointing out exactly that to these moron revisionistas the entire time I've been here. I have no doubt they think Post Grape Nuts has either of those ingredients, that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is either of those things, and that when they go to see a concert by "10,000 Maniacs" they complain that most of the band didn't show up.

Some people wallow so deeply in their own self-delusion that they don't even care that they're playing morons on the internets.
I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.
Well since Hitler never lied to his people it sounds like Nazi is socialism. We should begin changing all those book and booklets of political ideologies because they all read that fascism is right wing.
Well since Hitler never lied to his people it sounds like Nazi is socialism. We should begin changing all those book and booklets of political ideologies because they all read that fascism is right wing.

That's the other glaring illogic ---- "we know Naziism was socialism because we have it on no less an authority than Adolf Hitler!"

The really weird part is how they twist themselves into a place where that makes sense.
I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example
You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use
trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

No Dumbass it's not an "acronym". An acronym would be something like "Department of Insane Claims by Kaz" --- DICK.

I already told you, "Nazi", as well as "Sozi" which you just learned from me yesterday in post 2182, are German short form slang based on pronunciations. They're not "acronyms". "NAZI" doesn't stand for "Nurds Addressing Zoological Interests".

Your reading comprehension gets worser by the minute.
I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use
trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

No Dumbass it's not an "acronym". An acronym would be something like "Department of Insane Claims by Kaz" --- DICK.

I already told you, "Nazi", as well as "Sozi" which you just learned from me yesterday in post 2182, are German short form slang based on pronunciations. They're not "acronyms". "NAZI" doesn't stand for "Nurds Addressing Zoological Interests".

Your reading comprehension gets worser by the minute.

Nazi | Definition of Nazi in English by Oxford Dictionaries

NAZI: A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party

German, abbreviation representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist ‘national socialist’

Germans run words together to form new words. You can call it an abbreviation, but that doesn't change that socialist is part of the word.

They also were socialists by definition as they ran a centrally planned economy.

You're wrong. So are you admitting that as Wry Catcher demanded?

He's going to give us both examples where he admitted he was wrong
Aaaaannd there he goes again doubling./ tripling / quadrupling down on Moron. Not only can he not acknowledge he completely whiffed on what the fuck an "acronym" is --- he also trots in exactly the canard we mentioned just a couple of posts up --- his "credible source" is .... the Nazis. :lmao:

Germans run words together to form new words. You can call it an abbreviation

No actually you can't. That's called a compound word, Shitferbrains.

See what I just did there?
Well since Hitler never lied to his people it sounds like Nazi is socialism. We should begin changing all those book and booklets of political ideologies because they all read that fascism is right wing.

That's the other glaring illogic ---- "we know Naziism was socialism because we have it on no less an authority than Adolf Hitler!"

The really weird part is how they twist themselves into a place where that makes sense.

It's not logical, for sure; it's an example of a post echoing the meme, a Big Lie of propaganda passed around on the Internet by biddable people who never fact check.

They are the set of the willfully ignorant who want to believe everything which supports their biases, which are built on a foundation of fake news provided by Hannity, Limbaugh, Wiener (aka Savage) and others who profit from the BIG LIES, and they become fellow travelers of this form of neo fascism.
You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

Several times I've admitted mistakes and offered Mea culpa.
You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

Sure, you asked nicely, so I'll comply:

Search Results for Query: Mea culpa | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

Several times I've admitted mistakes and offered Mea culpa.
I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

I took your fake news post apart. Nowhere did you even contract me that NAZI stands for the socialist party

Oh trust me, I wouldn't "contract" you to fill my gas tank. Skip English class today?

I not only proved you wrong about what "Nazi" is short for AND showed you how it works AND showed you why "Nazi" and not "Sozi" is the operative term, I articulated the attitude of those Nazis TO those Sozis AND gave you the name of the actual socialist party -- the one that the Nazis banned, persecuted, and sent to concentration camps.

In other words I took your ignorant post and mopped the floor with it. And there's nothing you can do about that except admit you got busted for the ignoramus you purport to be.

Kaz will never admit any of his misconceived and toxic opinions are wrong, and will never offer a mea culpa; no matter how stupid his past comments have been proved to be his own brand of bullshit he will use trumpspeak, the new normal of the goofy set.

I live my life only to learn from and be more like you. So give me an example of a mistake that you admitted to. So?

Here's one that Dopey Pogo the Drunken Hillbilly won't admit to. The term "NAZI" is an acronym with sozi, or socialism, as part of the name of the party. But he insists that it's not there. Which is just dumb as shit since he could Google the English translation of NAZI and see that it is.

What about you? Give me an example of a mistake you admitted to so I can learn from your example

Sure, you asked nicely, so I'll comply:

Search Results for Query: Mea culpa | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I just felt the total humility you felt when you said, "Mea Culpa will have to do, idiot"

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