The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

noun (sometimes capital)
  1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
  2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
  3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified body fascism
Word Origin
C20: from Italian fascismo, from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =​


A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews (see also Jews) in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.

(both not only in the dictionary, but literally at


mass noun
  • 1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  1. 1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
    ‘this is yet another example of health fascism in action’
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach

Still more?​

(fæʃɪzəm )

uncountable noun

Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.
...the rise of fascism in the 1930s.
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Still yet more?

fasc´ism Pronunciation: făsh´ĭz'm

n. 1. a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government; - opposed to democracy and liberalism.

2. an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.

3. Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.

4. broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; - often used pejoratively in this sense.

fascism - definition and synonyms

noun [uncountable] /ˈfæˌʃɪzəm/
Contribute to our Open Dictionary

a very right-wing political system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition. Fascism was practiced in Italy and Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

Even more still yet more?​

Fascism Definition:
A form of government which is authoritarian, oppressively conservative, who believe in the supremacy of the stated national group, and which, at least initially, purports to vest law-making and administrative authority in the hands of workers or their organizations.

Poor Buttsoiler. Wherever he's having his teacher read this to him the room just got fifteen degrees warmer.

The more definitions are destabilized, the more disoriented the discussion. Perhaps that is the goal of those who so fervently want to change.

"Perhaps"? Reading the posts by those who hate Obama, liberals, progressives, Democrats, immigrants, gays, people of color, Muslims and RINO's one can only surmise that dishonesty is the foundation of their posts, framed by denial that these are their character flaws and are consistent with all neo fascists and authoritarians.

It's leftists in this country and only leftists using violence to shut down speech, Holmes

Really, so Mueller&Co are leftist too, for trying to shut down collusion with the Russians? Or am I a leftist - still and forever left ill defined by fools who echo each other's failed rhetoric, or
maybe the Antifa who use fire to fight fire?

Mudd seems stuck on posting alternative facts, those not supported by evidence or reality.
noun (sometimes capital)
  1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
  2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
  3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified body fascism
Word Origin
C20: from Italian fascismo, from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =​


A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews (see also Jews) in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.

(both not only in the dictionary, but literally at


mass noun
  • 1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  1. 1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
    ‘this is yet another example of health fascism in action’
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach

Still more?​

(fæʃɪzəm )

uncountable noun

Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.
...the rise of fascism in the 1930s.
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Still yet more?

fasc´ism Pronunciation: făsh´ĭz'm

n. 1. a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government; - opposed to democracy and liberalism.

2. an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.

3. Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.

4. broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; - often used pejoratively in this sense.

fascism - definition and synonyms

noun [uncountable] /ˈfæˌʃɪzəm/
Contribute to our Open Dictionary

a very right-wing political system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition. Fascism was practiced in Italy and Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

Even more still yet more?​

Fascism Definition:
A form of government which is authoritarian, oppressively conservative, who believe in the supremacy of the stated national group, and which, at least initially, purports to vest law-making and administrative authority in the hands of workers or their organizations.

Poor Buttsoiler. Wherever he's having his teacher read this to him the room just got fifteen degrees warmer.

The more definitions are destabilized, the more disoriented the discussion. Perhaps that is the goal of those who so fervently want to change.

So true. We recognize this tactic but you've defined it eloquently.

I'll tackle yet another example of the same deflective wilful ignorance right now... roll tape.

NAZI - German for the socialist party

Pure unmitigated pulled-out-the-ass bullshit.

"Nazi" is short for the word "national" which means exactly what it looks like in English but in German sounds like "nat-see-o-nall", hence the abbreviation "Nazi" which is a common German short form (Beatle historians will recall the band hanging out with the "Exis" (existentialists) in Hambug). At most we might infer "nationalists" but here it's just an adjective serving the same function as the first word in the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco).

The cognate short-form Geman term for the Socialists was "Sozi" -- which works exactly the same way. If the political force Hitler associated with really wanted to be actual Socialists --- THAT is what they would have called themselves.

The term "socialist" was already in the name of the NSDAP* when Hitler joined it around 1920. He disapproved of it but went along for its marketing value and deceit factor. The actual Socialist Party (Sozis) were his enemies, the targets of his S.A. ("brownshirts") thugs, and the first prisoners at Dachau once he amassed enough power to eliminate opposition. The name was a ruse to gain that power. A Big Lie. Hitler's crew had little to do with socialism other than to stamp it out, and (obviously) everything to do with nationalism --- hence "Nazi".

*The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (English: /ˈnɑːtsi, ˈnætsi/),[6] was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. --- Wiki​

The actual German Socialist Party is called the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), the "Social Democratic Party of Germany", which is over 150 years old. It was (temporarily) outlawed by the Nazis in 1933, assaulted by its brownshirts, and sent to concentration camps.

It's a most interesting psychological study that the dishonest historical revisionist I quoted above would attempt an Ass-ociation Fallacy with the universally despised Nazis by employing its own tactic -- the Big Lie. That speaks volumes.
Last edited:
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Socialism is a centrally managed economy. Capitalism is a distributed planned economy (employers, employees, customers, producers, ...).

Facism is a centrally managed economy. Which is why the term NAZI includes that it's socialist. Hey, Hitler was smarter than you are ...
noun (sometimes capital)
  1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
  2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
  3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified body fascism
Word Origin
C20: from Italian fascismo, from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =​


A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews (see also Jews) in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.

(both not only in the dictionary, but literally at


mass noun
  • 1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  1. 1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
    ‘this is yet another example of health fascism in action’
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach

Still more?​

(fæʃɪzəm )

uncountable noun

Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.
...the rise of fascism in the 1930s.
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Still yet more?

fasc´ism Pronunciation: făsh´ĭz'm

n. 1. a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government; - opposed to democracy and liberalism.

2. an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.

3. Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.

4. broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; - often used pejoratively in this sense.

fascism - definition and synonyms

noun [uncountable] /ˈfæˌʃɪzəm/
Contribute to our Open Dictionary

a very right-wing political system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition. Fascism was practiced in Italy and Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

Even more still yet more?​

Fascism Definition:
A form of government which is authoritarian, oppressively conservative, who believe in the supremacy of the stated national group, and which, at least initially, purports to vest law-making and administrative authority in the hands of workers or their organizations.

Poor Buttsoiler. Wherever he's having his teacher read this to him the room just got fifteen degrees warmer.

The more definitions are destabilized, the more disoriented the discussion. Perhaps that is the goal of those who so fervently want to change.

"Perhaps"? Reading the posts by those who hate Obama, liberals, progressives, Democrats, immigrants, gays, people of color, Muslims and RINO's one can only surmise that dishonesty is the foundation of their posts, framed by denial that these are their character flaws and are consistent with all neo fascists and authoritarians.

It's leftists in this country and only leftists using violence to shut down speech, Holmes

Really, so Mueller&Co are leftist too, for trying to shut down collusion with the Russians? Or am I a leftist - still and forever left ill defined by fools who echo each other's failed rhetoric, or
maybe the Antifa who use fire to fight fire?

Mudd seems stuck on posting alternative facts, those not supported by evidence or reality.

So you're claiming that Mueller is using force to shut down free speech? I'm not a fan of the guy, but where is he doing that, Bubba?
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.
noun (sometimes capital)
  1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
  2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
  3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified body fascism
Word Origin
C20: from Italian fascismo, from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =​


A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews (see also Jews) in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.

(both not only in the dictionary, but literally at


mass noun
  • 1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  1. 1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
    ‘this is yet another example of health fascism in action’
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach

Still more?​

(fæʃɪzəm )

uncountable noun

Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.
...the rise of fascism in the 1930s.
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Still yet more?

fasc´ism Pronunciation: făsh´ĭz'm

n. 1. a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government; - opposed to democracy and liberalism.

2. an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.

3. Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.

4. broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; - often used pejoratively in this sense.

fascism - definition and synonyms

noun [uncountable] /ˈfæˌʃɪzəm/
Contribute to our Open Dictionary

a very right-wing political system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition. Fascism was practiced in Italy and Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

Even more still yet more?​

Fascism Definition:
A form of government which is authoritarian, oppressively conservative, who believe in the supremacy of the stated national group, and which, at least initially, purports to vest law-making and administrative authority in the hands of workers or their organizations.

Poor Buttsoiler. Wherever he's having his teacher read this to him the room just got fifteen degrees warmer.

The more definitions are destabilized, the more disoriented the discussion. Perhaps that is the goal of those who so fervently want to change.

"Perhaps"? Reading the posts by those who hate Obama, liberals, progressives, Democrats, immigrants, gays, people of color, Muslims and RINO's one can only surmise that dishonesty is the foundation of their posts, framed by denial that these are their character flaws and are consistent with all neo fascists and authoritarians.

It's leftists in this country and only leftists using violence to shut down speech, Holmes

Really, so Mueller&Co are leftist too, for trying to shut down collusion with the Russians? Or am I a leftist - still and forever left ill defined by fools who echo each other's failed rhetoric, or
maybe the Antifa who use fire to fight fire?

Mudd seems stuck on posting alternative facts, those not supported by evidence or reality.

So you're claiming that Mueller is using force to shut down free speech? I'm not a fan of the guy, but where is he doing that, Bubba?

Forcing people to tell the truth, and thus move the investigation forward. Coercion is a us of force Kaz, something an educated person would know.
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

LOL, Rump, just like the Magic Negro (and virtually ALL others except JFK), is playing a role and he is playing it o perfection. Only a liar and a fool chooses to believe that he/she actually has a say in anything. The public is being played like a fiddle by the powers that be. they want the populace deeply separated so we are. They want us at each others throats, so we are.

It's gotten so bad, so quickly that MANY (including you) would support "reeducation camps" for dissenters of leftist thought.
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Socialism is a centrally managed economy. Capitalism is a distributed planned economy (employers, employees, customers, producers, ...).

Facism is a centrally managed economy. Which is why the term NAZI includes that it's socialist. Hey, Hitler was smarter than you are ...

Empires are centrally managed economies. Japan before Pearl Harbor was socialist?
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

LOL, Rump, just like the Magic Negro (and virtually ALL others except JFK), is playing a role and he is playing it o perfection. Only a liar and a fool chooses to believe that he/she actually has a say in anything. The public is being played like a fiddle by the powers that be. they want the populace deeply separated so we are. They want us at each others throats, so we are.

It's gotten so bad, so quickly that MANY (including you) would support "reeducation camps" for dissenters of leftist thought.

a. What is "leftist thought"?
b. Me & "reeducation camps"?

The fact is re as in reeducation suggests those who use pejoratives as substantive, such as the term "leftist", and those who believe a deep state actually exists and runs our nation, lack the ability (i.e. the education) to think.

I accept the tentative explanation that a cabal exists, but without evidence a statement that one exists is nothing more than a conspiracy hypothesis.

A real theory would have some facts to support further inquiry, such as pointing out how Grover Norquist and his Wednesday Night Meetings with co-conspirators plan to shrink our government to the size they could drown it in a bathtub.
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...
"Fascism". That wasn't hyperbolic enough.

"EXTREME fascism." Yeah, now yer talkin'.


Yep, like "wet water". Because when the Doublethinkers go to disorient the dialogue by pretending a term to be its own opposite, extremism in defense of doublethinkery is no vice.

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" (still number one on the rhetorical shit parade)
"Liberalism is Fascism"

All part and parcel of "alternate facts"
Last edited:
The more definitions are destabilized, the more disoriented the discussion. Perhaps that is the goal of those who so fervently want to change.

"Perhaps"? Reading the posts by those who hate Obama, liberals, progressives, Democrats, immigrants, gays, people of color, Muslims and RINO's one can only surmise that dishonesty is the foundation of their posts, framed by denial that these are their character flaws and are consistent with all neo fascists and authoritarians.

It's leftists in this country and only leftists using violence to shut down speech, Holmes

Really, so Mueller&Co are leftist too, for trying to shut down collusion with the Russians? Or am I a leftist - still and forever left ill defined by fools who echo each other's failed rhetoric, or
maybe the Antifa who use fire to fight fire?

Mudd seems stuck on posting alternative facts, those not supported by evidence or reality.

So you're claiming that Mueller is using force to shut down free speech? I'm not a fan of the guy, but where is he doing that, Bubba?

Forcing people to tell the truth, and thus move the investigation forward. Coercion is a us of force Kaz, something an educated person would know.

Damn you're stupid. By your definition, every government is fascist. You're a complete imbecile.

I was talking about on the streets, Holmes. No, you don't have the right to beat people up you disagree with. And it's your side and only your side doing that. Just like the Brown Shirts which you become more like every day
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.
Last edited:
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Socialism is a centrally managed economy. Capitalism is a distributed planned economy (employers, employees, customers, producers, ...).

Facism is a centrally managed economy. Which is why the term NAZI includes that it's socialist. Hey, Hitler was smarter than you are ...

Empires are centrally managed economies. Japan before Pearl Harbor was socialist?

That's not necessarily true. The Roman empire was not socialist for centuries. Neither was the Spanish empire. They both got rich on minimum government control over their own people and low taxes. They both fell as government grew and became socialist.

I'm afraid I don't know enough about the Japanese economy pre-WWII to say how socialist or capitalist they were
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news
"Fascism". That wasn't hyperbolic enough.

"EXTREME fascism." Yeah, now yer talkin'.


Too soon, Trump has yet to light a fire to the Capitol, and start building camps for protesters. That time will come (and has metaphorically already), and then it will be too late for apologists like yo..

Trumped up, will become the new normal, as Trump begins to prosecute all those who dare to question his behavior; thus 1984 will become a reality.
"Fascism". That wasn't hyperbolic enough.

"EXTREME fascism." Yeah, now yer talkin'.


Too soon, Trump has yet to light a fire to the Capitol, and start building camps for protesters. That time will come (and has metaphorically already), and then it will be too late for apologists like yo..

Trumped up, will become the new normal, as Trump begins to prosecute all those who dare to question his behavior; thus 1984 will become a reality.
Say, why don't we supply OP Buttsoiler with a contemporary example since his title demonstrates he has no clue what he's yammering about ---.

Culled from the definitions above:

. fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation

Now let's see that in action. We'll assume that Buttsoiler can't understand German o Italian since he's struggling so much with English... Let's show him an example using real basic fourth-grade English.....

It boggles the mind that a Buttsoiler who claims to be able to pick up all his questionable possessions and evacuate for a hurricane in twenty minutes ---- completely missed this shit.

Well stated, clear, concise and defined. Only a liar or a fool does not see Trump for what he is, that being an example of powers borrowed from some banana republic spurious leader - once again Trump is an empty suit.

I see, so you morons think that fascism is just a personality trait, not a system of government, huh? And that's a compelling argument to you.

Fascism is where there's a nominal head of companies, but they are controlled by government. It's a minor tweak of socialism.

Maybe that's why NAZI stands for the socialist party in German ...

I'm afraid you've already been discredited as a liar in post 2182. You should read it before you dig yourself even deeper.

You said there's also another term for socialists than the one the NAZIs used that you like better, you said the NAZIs called themselves socialists before Hitler joined as if that contradicts that he joined a socialist party and you said there was another socialist party as if there can be only one.

None of those contradict that the NAZIs called themselves a socialist party. You really are a horrible writer. I so totally believe you that your career was in fake news

I guess when I advised you to "read" 2182, the crucial assumption was that you could "read".

Clearly that was a leap too far. It would be unsporting to enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed so you'll just have to continue to look retarded. It appears to be what you want.

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