The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

That's a neat trick seeing as how I cleaned that post's clock in four different ways three posts above..........

You're punk bitch ass couldn't clean shit. You're nothing but a coward little liar, probably a chip off the old block. And thats all you'll ever be. Own it, loser

As I just said, y'all didn't bother to read the link, ass-sumed a bunch of shit, and got played. As you just demonstrated there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about it now except whine about your own ignorance. Whine on, whiner.

Congratulations, he makes the list.

While we're at it let's put him on the map as well.

>> Clark told the paper that police won't take action against the man who pulled the gun because he didn't commit a crime — but they were still looking for the suspect who fled the scene. <<​

Hear that? Brandishing a firearm in a mall is "not a crime" in Wilkes Barre. No wonder Joe Biden left that area.
Where were ⁦‪Nancy Pelosi‬⁩ and the ⁦‪Dumbocrats when ⁦‪Barack Obama‬⁩ was literally executing American citizens with drone strikes?

Odd that they never concerned themselves with “war powers” while their boy was in the Oval Office.

Just kidding. It’s not “odd” at all. The left is obsessed with power. When they have it, they insist it is unlimited. When they don’t have it, they do everything they can to take it.

House Approves War Powers Resolution Criticizing Trump on Iran
Actual fascism would eliminate the radical left, the anarchists, the terrorists, and the filth and vermin who comprise its illiterate and disaffected demographics, which might be one of the few redeeming qualities of fascism, akin to how Mussolini went after the mafia.

Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

Assuming a short fascist coup in American and Britain resulted in most of the radical, degenerate, anarchist left being rounded up, publicly executed without trial, and made an example of on social media for the rest of the world to see, and for generations to come, I would be tempted to support such a thing, much as it would be a nice cleansing of surplus and worthless population.

Hopefully the idiots will put their archaic racism and sexism aside, and merely focus on the worthlessness of the radical, anarchist, degenerate left - something which I'd venture all thinking men and women of some margin of decency and character could agree to, not being a simple "left/right" issue but more of a human and common sense one - then we could have a sort of cultural cleansing of sorts which pretty much all well-adjusted normal people regardless of their politics could shake hands on, and easily turn a blind eye to, as well as silly leftist notions of "freez peach", "muh rights", "censorship, derp derp", which their cultural and moral superiors can quaintly ignore in theory and practice, like the whining of a helpless, dependent petulant child, or the squawking of a feral ape or dog, nothing more, perhaps even less.
I wonder what works best for conservatives: Liberals are Fascists or liberals are Communists? I guess they use these boards to test-market ideas.
I wonder what works best for conservatives: Liberals are Fascists or liberals are Communists?
I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of the left. Communism and fascism are the exact same ideology. They are synonymous, you high school dropout. As noted by famed economist Friedrich Hayek:
fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”
Both are centralized planned economies by a totalitarian government. It is why, when challenged to articulate how fascism could be to the right of libertarianism, you infamously stated “I don’t have to” ( couldn’t :laugh: ).
Horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. The left simply will not allow the truth to be told. The right needs to push back harder than ever.

Toronto police reportedly threaten reporter with arrest. Reporter's 'crime'? Referring to Qassem Soleimani as a 'terrorist.'
Soleimani was part of Iran military. He follows orders from his country and was loyal to his country.
Terrorists are violent purely for political purpose, and are typically stateless because no state wants them.
Soleimani was part of Iran military. He follows orders from his country and was loyal to his country.
Terrorists are violent purely for political purpose, and are typically stateless because no state wants them.
Let’s pretend for a moment that you are correct (and you’re not in the least) - so? So what? What does that have to do with Canada’s oppressive movement to eliminate free speech?
I wonder what works best for conservatives: Liberals are Fascists or liberals are Communists?
I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of the left. Communism and fascism are the exact same ideology. They are synonymous, you high school dropout. As noted by famed economist Friedrich Hayek:
fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”
Both are centralized planned economies by a totalitarian government. It is why, when challenged to articulate how fascism could be to the right of libertarianism, you infamously stated “I don’t have to” ( couldn’t :laugh: ).
If you read your quote carefully it might dawn on you that Hayek is saying that both Communist and Fascism are similar in that they both have centralized planned economies. I hope I didn't mislead you when I said I quit school after the tenth grade because I went back after the war and completed five years of college under Public Law Sixteen.

; we have is one economy on the left and one on the right and both have centralized planned economies.
If you read your quote carefully it might dawn on you that Hayek is saying that both Communist and Fascism are similar in that they both have centralized planned economies.
Exactly. And the free-market right does not centrally plan an economy. Thank you for finally acknowledging that fascism is unquestionably a left-wing ideology. Game over.
If you read your quote carefully it might dawn on you that Hayek is saying that both Communist and Fascism are similar in that they both have centralized planned economies.
Exactly. And the free-market right does not centrally plan an economy. Thank you for finally acknowledging that fascism is unquestionably a left-wing ideology. Game over.
Of course fascism is right wing. All economic systems have rules and plans and there are no exceptions.
I wonder what works best for conservatives: Liberals are Fascists or liberals are Communists?
I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of the left. Communism and fascism are the exact same ideology. They are synonymous, you high school dropout. As noted by famed economist Friedrich Hayek:
fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”
Both are centralized planned economies by a totalitarian government. It is why, when challenged to articulate how fascism could be to the right of libertarianism, you infamously stated “I don’t have to” ( couldn’t :laugh: ).

This is the assclown who tried to tell this board that the difference between political "left" and "right" is simply "how big the government is". :rofl: Then he had to leave the board and change his name.

Buttsoiler's hilarity never gets old.
Soleimani was part of Iran military. He follows orders from his country and was loyal to his country.
Terrorists are violent purely for political purpose, and are typically stateless because no state wants them.
Let’s pretend for a moment that you are correct (and you’re not in the least) - so? So what? What does that have to do with Canada’s oppressive movement to eliminate free speech?

He IS correct, and you're trying to conflate it with a completely different post because you can't handle it.

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