The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

I just looked up MORON in the dictionary.....

MORON: conservatives who continue to believe that fascism is LEFT WING and NOT right wing.

(and there was a picture of politicalchic as an example)
Conservatives are trying to say that they voted for fascism, and trying to stop their fascism is thus fascist.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

I just looked up MORON in the dictionary.....

MORON: conservatives who continue to believe that fascism is LEFT WING and NOT right wing.

(and there was a picture of politicalchic as an example)

Yea, because everyone knows that, like fascists, the right-wing opposes free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy whereas the left supports free-market capitalism with as few government regulations and taxation as possible.
The Dumbocrats brown-shirts are out in force. Using violence against anyone who refuses to embrace the left’s fascist ideology.

VIDEO: 14-year-old boy brutally beaten on school bus over his support for President Trump

Where the fuck does your link mention anything about "Dumocrats", Buttsoiler ya steaming pile of wank?

What, you think frickin' KIDS are voters now?

In the section that allows the American people to vote for their representatives, you dumb ass :laugh:

Oh by all means DO quote for the class the part of the Constitution provides for children voting for their representatives, Buttsoiler. This oughta be hilarious.

What a maroon.
Democrats think it should be illegal to disagree with them, or to ever greet any of their incoherent babblings with anything less than genuflection.
You’re exactly right (as always). Check out this little gem from those nutjobs. Even when stating something 100% factual and accurate without being insulting, the fascists immediately try to shut you down...

Twitter locks out anti-abortion site for tweet on transgender with male genitalia who complained about being turned away by gynecologist

Makes perfect sense . . . if you're a delusional leftist twit who thinks wishful thinking trumps reality. It's clearly FAR more important to choose a doctor based on what's going to support one's fantasies of stealing femaleness for oneself than on silly things like which doctor actually has the training and experience to deal with the pesky REAL bodily organs one actually possesses.

And hey, if it makes it harder for ACTUAL women to get the healthcare they need because good doctors get put out of business, well fuck those bitches anyway, right? We'll just relegate them back to second-class citizen status and tell 'em to shut up and accept their place.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

I just looked up MORON in the dictionary.....

MORON: conservatives who continue to believe that fascism is LEFT WING and NOT right wing.

(and there was a picture of politicalchic as an example)

I just looked up "dictionary", and it doesn't mean "leftist gibberish fools want to believe."
Democrats think it should be illegal to disagree with them, or to ever greet any of their incoherent babblings with anything less than genuflection.
You’re exactly right (as always). Check out this little gem from those nutjobs. Even when stating something 100% factual and accurate without being insulting, the fascists immediately try to shut you down...

Twitter locks out anti-abortion site for tweet on transgender with male genitalia who complained about being turned away by gynecologist

Makes perfect sense . . . if you're a delusional leftist twit who thinks wishful thinking trumps reality.

Actually the thread title cites "Liberal", not "leftist". And the link doesn't even bring up either one. Nor does either the link, or the thread title, mention political parties.




The left will not tolerate anything short of complete and total subservience to their ideology. The irony is that liberals in college claim to be all about “open minds”.

Jewish college student is given ultimatum: Cancel your trip to Israel or you will be kicked out of student government

Number One Buttsoiler (with your level of ignorance it's always necessary to keep count), your entire link makes no mention anywhere of "the left" at all. Nor, Number Two, does it make any mention of Liberalism, which is supposed to be your own topic here. Number Three, apparently you didn't read your own link or you would have figured out that McGill University is in Montréal, not the United States, and Number Four Buttsoiler, the entire decision is about bribery accepted by office holders, so it has zero to do with any kind of politics ANYWAY.

>> The motion, written before Councillor/Director Chan declined to attend Face to Face, expressed disapproval of both Councillors/Directors Wright and Chan – Jewish and non-Jewish – accepting gifts of more than a modest value in their official capacities. It makes the claim that accepting the offer of a free trip, which was gifted to them based on their status as a leader on campus, compromises their ability to be perceived as impartial when representing the entire student body on the Board of Directors. Specifically, the motion communicates to the Board of Directors that a free trip given in one’s capacity as a student leader should be considered a gift over $50, an argument which is relevant when applying a Policy that reads, “[Individuals can] under no circumstances any gifts from any person in excess of $50.00 in value”. <<​

YOUR OWN LINK took me there, Buttsoiler. Too bad you didn't learn to actually READ it.
The left will not tolerate anything short of complete and total subservience to their ideology. The irony is that liberals in college claim to be all about “open minds”.

Jewish college student is given ultimatum: Cancel your trip to Israel or you will be kicked out of student government
You are correct sir

That's a neat trick seeing as how I cleaned that post's clock in four different ways three posts above, using his own link.

Perhaps you're an idiot. Perhaps you're illiterate.
Of course to be fair there's no reason both cannot be true concurrently.

Buttsoiler failed to read his own link. You did too.
That's a neat trick seeing as how I cleaned that post's clock in four different ways three posts above..........

You're punk bitch ass couldn't clean shit. You're nothing but a coward little liar, probably a chip off the old block. And thats all you'll ever be. Own it, loser

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