The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

If Hitler was good with communism, the KPD would have been integrated into the nazi party. Instead they were thrown into concentration camps, such as Dachau.
Yes...because they were a threat to his power. It’s the same reason Saddam Hussein had certain members of the Ba’ath Party executed in 1979 when he took over - despite the fact that he was a member of that party! What part of this are you not getting?

Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

conservatives are fascists and right wing
you are a deranged lunatic who is either LYING or is too stupid to understand the truth


and most progressives are NOT communists.

You choose to believe that lie because you want to kill liberals.

just admit it.

free yourself from the political correctness of lying about your real intent

go outside and shout to the world "I HATE LIBERALS AND I WANT TO KILL THEM!"

be PROUD of your hate!

embrace it
If Hitler was good with communism, the KPD would have been integrated into the nazi party. Instead they were thrown into concentration camps, such as Dachau.
Yes...because they were a threat to his power. It’s the same reason Saddam Hussein had certain members of the Ba’ath Party executed in 1979 when he took over - despite the fact that he was a member of that party! What part of this are you not getting?

Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

FASCISM does not promote freedom and individual liberty.

and neither does your brand of conservatism.
If Hitler was good with communism, the KPD would have been integrated into the nazi party. Instead they were thrown into concentration camps, such as Dachau.
Yes...because they were a threat to his power. It’s the same reason Saddam Hussein had certain members of the Ba’ath Party executed in 1979 when he took over - despite the fact that he was a member of that party! What part of this are you not getting?

Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
How did Hitler hate communism so much, but he also loved socialism?
He didn't hate communism. At all. Stop believing the propaganda. He didn't invade Russia because of their communism, any more than he invaded France because of their capitalism. :eusa_doh:

Buttsoiler must think the rest of the room is as stupid as he is. "He didn't invade Russia because of their communism".
NO SHIT SHERLOCK, but that's the deepest you go into matters of cause and effect --- "oh look my simplistic composition fallacy won't work, therefore the reverse is true". What a moron.
Yes...because they were a threat to his power. It’s the same reason Saddam Hussein had certain members of the Ba’ath Party executed in 1979 when he took over - despite the fact that he was a member of that party! What part of this are you not getting?

Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

There is a new updated definition from Webster's, the Soros Abridged version.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization who are white conservative evangelicals. (Oh, and Trump is Hitler)
Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?
Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?
A collectivist, Imagine that… LOL
Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.
For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.
Much like the tree huggers they can rename control freaks all they want… But a leopard can’t change it’s spots. Fact
For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.
Tell us again how Fascism is "right wing" because it promotes freedom and individual liberty

Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.
Tell us again who gives you these advances to write hallucinogenic fiction.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.

No thanks. I gotta drive.
Progressivism/socialism is the best way to control those you disagree with, all of civilized history is proof. Fact

Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.

No thanks. I gotta drive.
Says the Collectivist
If Hitler was good with communism, the KPD would have been integrated into the nazi party. Instead they were thrown into concentration camps, such as Dachau.
Yes...because they were a threat to his power. It’s the same reason Saddam Hussein had certain members of the Ba’ath Party executed in 1979 when he took over - despite the fact that he was a member of that party! What part of this are you not getting?

Me, I'm not getting the part where you think you can dig yourself out of these self-dug holes by posting absurd counterhistorical bullshit.

Hitler was a virulent anti-communist. Everybody knew that. Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies. In fact Hitler's anti-communism was a major reason he had support in this country before his war gathered momentum (and for some, even after).

Dudmuck is correct, the communists and socialists were the first "guests" to enjoy the luxurious amenities of Dachau.

Fascism and Communism are just two ways of saying "Progressive"

For those with a fatal allergy to history books maybe. For the rest of us the Progressive Era had already come and gone before both of them.

History is SO inconvenient.
LOL. The same history books that say FDRs 2 terms of 20% unemployment make him an economic genius and savior of capitalism
They all have the same basic goal Pogo which is big government control over the masses.
Money and power plus ignore any other political points of views. Many other things also.
Protests are happing all over the world against big government control.
From Hong Kong to Chile, many all around the globe.
Many others are on the left side of the spectrum also because the governments are refusing to address all these big issures.
Instead their fighting within on political viewpoints rather than addresses all of the issues of their citizens.
Not only are Progressivism and Socialism two different things, but what they have in common is that neither of them has jack friggety shit to do with "controlling those one disagrees with". Neither of them are rhetorical machinations.

What a dumbass. What are you doing anywhere near a keyboard?

National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.

No thanks. I gotta drive.
Says the Collectivist

Not sure what that means but it prolly makes FIVE different things.

Onliest thing I collect is facts. That's why when I show up here I'm heavily armed.
National Socialists, Progressives, socialists, Marxists, whatever you want to call them.

Might as well call them Ice cream truck drivers, pilots and plumbers while you're at it because those are all different things.

No thanks. I gotta drive.
Says the Collectivist

Not sure what that means but it prolly makes FIVE different things.

Onliest thing I collect is facts. That's why when I show up here I'm heavily armed.
Says a control freak
They all have the same basic goal Pogo which is big government control over the masses.
Money and power plus ignore any other political points of views. Many other things also.
Protests are happing all over the world against big government control.
From Hong Kong to Chile, many all around the globe.
Many others are on the left side of the spectrum also because the governments are refusing to address all these big issures.
Instead their fighting within on political viewpoints rather than addresses all of the issues of their citizens.


You seem to be on this Big Gummint kick lately Peachie but that doesn't allow you to just take a shovel and dump everything you don't understand into that dustbin because you can't be bothered with distinctions.
They all have the same basic goal Pogo which is big government control over the masses.
Money and power plus ignore any other political points of views. Many other things also.
Protests are happing all over the world against big government control.
From Hong Kong to Chile, many all around the globe.
Many others are on the left side of the spectrum also because the governments are refusing to address all these big issures.
Instead their fighting within on political viewpoints rather than addresses all of the issues of their citizens.


You seem to be on this Big Gummint kick lately Peachie but that doesn't allow you to just take a shovel and dump everything you don't understand into that dustbin because you can't be bothered with distinctions.

What do you think Hong Kong is protesting?
How about the South American protests over crony governments.
5 Latin American protests you may not have heard about

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