The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

This country has no central planning.
Nor should it. If that’s to scary for you, you should find a new nation to call home.

Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.

Well, except when it comes to terrorism, then it's time to go War far away for Islamist's living in the U.S.A.
Republicans claim to be so good with facts, figures, and saving people money.

Well, explain how deporting, and building walls, is cheaper, and more effective in keeping out Illegal immigrants, as opposed to throwing those who hire illegals in jail?
Because a job is not the only reason illegal aliens come here. Hell, it’s not even a top five reason, genius. :eusa_doh:

Jobs support Illegal Immigrants with income.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.
So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
You don't even realize that you just defeated your own position. Immigration is already the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. And you're claiming they are failing miserably at it. Well, if the federal government can't even succeed at what they are constitutionally responsible for, why would you want to expand their power into something that they aren't constitutionally responsible for? :eusa_doh:
It isn't liberals that has made this country the most imprisoned on earth. Hell, we were trying to change that.
It isn't liberals that started the war on drugs that breaks the forth amendment of our constitution.
It isn't liberals that want to let gays, trans and non-religious be fired or even beaten for being different.
It isn't liberals that want to force religious conformity on all.

Allowing people to be who they're is fascism in your mind? What a sad little mind you must have.
So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?

8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
See what I mean about your perceived "problems"? There is no lack of healthcare in the U.S. In fact, we have an abundance of it.

Because the U.S.A has Universal Healthcare.
Just the most stupid, and inefficient form of it.... The U.S.A covers most people who don't get Healthcare, with Medicaid, or Medicare.... Then the uninsured get their ER visits covered by the Government.

(Well before ACA)
Now basically everyone's covered.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

It never fails that P@t gets everything 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

I swear liberterianism and the alt-right is nothing more then "made"' up facts that make up an alt-reality that is so 180 from the real world. Ones mind must be totally fucked to believe in this shit.
So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
You don't even realize that you just defeated your own position. Immigration is already the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. And you're claiming they are failing miserably at it. Well, if the federal government can't even succeed at what they are constitutionally responsible for, why would you want to expand their power into something that they aren't constitutionally responsible for? :eusa_doh:

They've failed because Capitalists, Liberals, and Jews have kicked, and screamed for Immigration.

Keep in mind, there were basically no Liberals, before Jews used Capitalist freedom of Hollywood, and the media to brainwash the masses to kick, and scream
about racists, and Fascists as a reaction to WW2.

What did Republicans do?
Kick, and scream about racists, and Fascists too.

As you do.

Well, when the Brown people overtake America, your Republicans will vanish too.

No commonsense.
Republicans only cut taxes,and go to war.

Other than that, they're castrated figure-heads.

Who have done jack about Immigration illegal, or legal , jack about abortion, jack about Gay marriage, jack about Affirmative Action discriminating against their biggest fan-base the White male, jack about outsourced jobs.
(Which are all big Republican fan-bases)

Democrats on the other hand, are doers, they've done everything they've wanted, even if most of it is also garbage.

Republicans only cut taxes,and go to war. Other than that, they're castrated figure-heads. Who have done jack about Immigration illegal
Remember what I said about how fascists will do anything to prevent facts and promote propaganda? Well, you just proved that yet again...

Fear of deportation drives people off food stamps in US

New illegal immigration numbers reveal Trump’s incredible impact on the border

Canada's Trudeau warns against entering country 'irregularly'
Of course it does. Just consider the banking system. You don't think the federal reserve controls what banks do? It most certainly does. It controls the interest rates they charge, the reserves they have on hand, the qualifications required of mortgage recipients and thousands of other details.

Completely drifted off from my point.

Capitalism has empowered a Mexican fifth column, and a semi-Communist China hostile to us all in the name of cheap labor.

This will most likely lead to this countries demise.
I'd say within 50 years there's a 95% chance of either Mexicans, or Chinese overthrowing the U.S.A

Why? Because of Capitalist idiots immediate greed for cheap labor, to the expenses of future generations.

Capitalism didn't do that. Democrat politicians are responsible.

Capitalism is just as bad, if not worse than Democrats for going against National Interest.

Capitalists be they Republicans, or Democrats hire tons of illegal Mexicans.

Capitalists be they Republicans, or Democrats hire tons of people in China.

The reason is?
Cheap labor.

Capitalism may have at one time been good for America.

No more, the greed has become too intense, and Capitalism has become a massive screw-up.

Capitalists can't hire anyone the government hasn't allowed to enter the country, so your argument fails. The politicians are responsible, not capitalists.

Republicans claim to be so good with facts, figures, and saving people money.

Well, explain how deporting, and building walls, is cheaper, and more effective in keeping out Illegal immigrants, as opposed to throwing those who hire illegals in jail?

Well, explain how having people pay for prime rates for private healthcare with profit incentive jacking up prices, is somehow more beneficial than National healthcare?

It's far easier to keep them out in the first place than it is to deport them once they are here. The latter requires a legal process, which is never cheap, and the Dims will piss and moan about every last one claiming they are good hard workers just looking for a better life. Keeping them off our soil in the first place is the much more politically palatable option.
Well, when the Brown people overtake America, your Republicans will vanish too.
Nobody will ever “take over America” my very scared little friend - because real Americans such as myself, BriPat, Broke Loser, etc. will never allow it.

If 70% of the U.S.A is Mexican.
(Which is very likely in the future)
It's pretty hard to solve a war against Mexicans.

Furthermore, most of the younger generations aren't like you, they're mostly Liberal.

You've failed in all aspects.

America as we know it, is done for,
have to be dumb not to know it.
Completely drifted off from my point.

Capitalism has empowered a Mexican fifth column, and a semi-Communist China hostile to us all in the name of cheap labor.

This will most likely lead to this countries demise.
I'd say within 50 years there's a 95% chance of either Mexicans, or Chinese overthrowing the U.S.A

Why? Because of Capitalist idiots immediate greed for cheap labor, to the expenses of future generations.

Capitalism didn't do that. Democrat politicians are responsible.

Capitalism is just as bad, if not worse than Democrats for going against National Interest.

Capitalists be they Republicans, or Democrats hire tons of illegal Mexicans.

Capitalists be they Republicans, or Democrats hire tons of people in China.

The reason is?
Cheap labor.

Capitalism may have at one time been good for America.

No more, the greed has become too intense, and Capitalism has become a massive screw-up.

Capitalists can't hire anyone the government hasn't allowed to enter the country, so your argument fails. The politicians are responsible, not capitalists.

Republicans claim to be so good with facts, figures, and saving people money.

Well, explain how deporting, and building walls, is cheaper, and more effective in keeping out Illegal immigrants, as opposed to throwing those who hire illegals in jail?

Well, explain how having people pay for prime rates for private healthcare with profit incentive jacking up prices, is somehow more beneficial than National healthcare?

It's far easier to keep them out in the first place than it is to deport them once they are here. The latter requires a legal process, which is never cheap, and the Dims will piss and moan about every last one claiming they are good hard workers just looking for a better life. Keeping them off our soil in the first place is the much more politically palatable option.

If illegals have no source of income, they'll leave, that's a lot cheaper than deporting them.
America as we know it, is done for, you'd have to be dumb not to know it.
Clearly the United States with its independence and personal responsibility requirements is far too scary a place for you. The way to rectify that is to move to a nation where the government controls and plans everything - like Raul Castro’s Cuba.

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