The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

The political terms "Left" and "Right" were first used during the French Revolution (1789–1799) and referred to seating arrangements in the French parliament: those who sat to the right of the chair of the parliamentary president were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Old Regime.[15][16][17][18] The original Right in France was formed as a reaction against the "Left" and comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition and clericalism.[4]:693 The use of the expression la droite ("the right") became prominent in France after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815, when it was applied to the Ultra-royalists.[19] The people of English-speaking countries did not apply the terms "right" and "left" to their own politics until the 20th century.[20]

Although the right-wing originated with traditional conservatives, monarchists and reactionaries, the term extreme right-wing has also been applied to movements including fascists, Nazis and racial supremacists.[21] From the 1830s to the 1880s, there was a shift in the Western world of social class structure and the economy, moving away from nobility and aristocracy towards capitalism.[22] This general economic shift toward capitalism affected centre-right movements such as the British Conservative Party, which responded by becoming supportive of capitalism.[23] In the United States, the Right includes both economic and social conservatives.[24] In Europe, economic conservatives are usually considered liberal and the Right includes nationalists, nativist opposition to immigration, religious conservatives and historically a significant presence of right-wing movements with anti-capitalist sentiments including conservatives and fascists who opposed what they saw as the selfishness and excessive materialism inherent in contemporary capitalism.[25][26]

Right-wing politics - Wikipedia

Do you have a point, here? Nothing you just stated disputed the fact that fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing.
Wow, What good planning.
I don't want my life planned out for me, snowflake. It speaks volumes about your child-like ineptitude that you feel you need someone to plan your life out for you. :dunno:
Bad form... Why take the leftist path of resorting to name calling. What is being discussed in regard to form of governance is the planning of the nations future. Not your individual persons. I love capitalism as well. However like anything else... Taken to the extreme, it can have adverse effects long term. If one is only concerned about the here, and now. For themselves alone... Then unchecked capitalism is clearly the best form of governance... Bit if one is concerned for the long term success of their nation and descendants... One has to realize the limitations, and adverse effects of unchecked capitalism.
A fascistic regime can strike a happy balance between the two. Not saying it always has. But it certainly can.
F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

The political terms "Left" and "Right" were first used during the French Revolution (1789–1799) and referred to seating arrangements in the French parliament: those who sat to the right of the chair of the parliamentary president were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Old Regime.[15][16][17][18] The original Right in France was formed as a reaction against the "Left" and comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition and clericalism.[4]:693 The use of the expression la droite ("the right") became prominent in France after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815, when it was applied to the Ultra-royalists.[19] The people of English-speaking countries did not apply the terms "right" and "left" to their own politics until the 20th century.[20]

Although the right-wing originated with traditional conservatives, monarchists and reactionaries, the term extreme right-wing has also been applied to movements including fascists, Nazis and racial supremacists.[21] From the 1830s to the 1880s, there was a shift in the Western world of social class structure and the economy, moving away from nobility and aristocracy towards capitalism.[22] This general economic shift toward capitalism affected centre-right movements such as the British Conservative Party, which responded by becoming supportive of capitalism.[23] In the United States, the Right includes both economic and social conservatives.[24] In Europe, economic conservatives are usually considered liberal and the Right includes nationalists, nativist opposition to immigration, religious conservatives and historically a significant presence of right-wing movements with anti-capitalist sentiments including conservatives and fascists who opposed what they saw as the selfishness and excessive materialism inherent in contemporary capitalism.[25][26]

Right-wing politics - Wikipedia

Do you have a point, here? Nothing you just stated disputed the fact that fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing.

Well, according to the Original Right wing, and Liberal definitions.

I'm a Right winger, and you're a Liberal.

Liberals = Liberty.

Right Wingers = Traditions, and Inequality.

So, how does that make me, rather than you the Liberal?
Wow, What good planning.
I don't want my life planned out for me, snowflake. It speaks volumes about your child-like ineptitude that you feel you need someone to plan your life out for you. :dunno:

I want my country to plan for the future.
So that the next generation of children don't live like garbage.
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.

You're thinking of Communism.

Fascism only has minimal control over Companies, mostly just to make sure they benefit National interest.

In today's America, it would obviously include cracking down on companies who export jobs to China, and who import Mexican illegals to the U.S.A.

How does that benefit the National Interest?

This is not Patriotic, nor Democratic.

These are Capitalists ruining a nation for cheap labor.

Only because many Americans are weak, and stupid, they tolerate it.

Yeah, charts like this below prove why the U.S.A is failing.


That's wrong. Fascism exerts total control over private business. That's what we observed in Germany, Italy and Spain. The justification is irrelevant.

The fruits of Fascism produce much better economic results than Communism, and slightly better economic results than Capitalism.

Why did Franco's Spain see the #1 economic growth period in Europe of the 20th century.

Why did Hitler's Germany see the #1 economic growth period of any major power in the Great Depression era.

Keep in mind FDR saw the #1 economic growth period in the U.S.A during the 20th century, and he was dwarfed by Hitler's economic growth of the Great Depression.

Which then again, proves Micro-Managing an economy in a loosely private Free-Market wields the best results, as FDR was the most like a Fascist in America's history.
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
Sweden was just as capitalist before the war. Why didn't it kill anyone then? You're blaming capitalism for what politicians do.

Sweden in the 17th century killed a lot of people, they first killed millions of Germans in the 30 Year War, then they killed millions of Poles in the Deluge.

Not that I'd be so ignorant to call them Capitalist back then.

However, more like Mercantilism, which BTW was in some ways a sort of proto-Capitalism.
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
You couldn't find 20,000 to 30,000 people that capitalism has been responsible for the death of in the U.S.

Capitalism wiped out entire tribes of people.

The Tasmanian Aborigines, and the Selk'nam Genocide are prime examples of this.

How many tribes have been wiped out by Fascism?
wikipedia, which can be changed by anybody, is not a good source for definitions of "left" and "right" and for terms like "fascism."
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
Sweden was just as capitalist before the war. Why didn't it kill anyone then? You're blaming capitalism for what politicians do.

Yeah, and Germany killed a lot in WW1 too.

So, maybe Germans are the problem, rather than Fascism?

Considering that Germany wasn't Fascist in WW1.

What was Germany in WW1?
Wasn't it a Capitalist Monarchy?

But, I guess that's "Cool" hardly any Jews were killed then.

Instead Kaiser gased White Christians by the millions, with mustard gas.

But, they weren't Jews... So it doesn't matter.. Right?
Now there is a clear statement you don't know history, P@triot. The economic appropriation of Irish and Indian economic assets was done by capitalists and their companies. You want unfettered capitalism, and that is what happens without government leveling the playing field.
Really? How did the capitalists appropriate anything without the government using force?
You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
You're confusing ideological propaganda with reality. They are two sides of the exact same coin. Both are totalitarian. Period. End of story.

Fascism is actually pretty intermediate between Capitalism, and Communism.
It's only "intermediate" in the sense that it's not further left than communism. However, it is about 95% of the way to communism.
You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
You're confusing ideological propaganda with reality. They are two sides of the exact same coin. Both are totalitarian. Period. End of story.

Fascism is actually pretty intermediate between Capitalism, and Communism.
It's only "intermediate" in the sense that it's not further left than communism. However, it is about 95% of the way to communism.

Nope, because Fascism allows private ownership of business, and land.
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
Sweden was just as capitalist before the war. Why didn't it kill anyone then? You're blaming capitalism for what politicians do.

Sweden in the 17th century killed a lot of people, they first killed millions of Germans in the 30 Year War, then they killed millions of Poles in the Deluge.

Not that I'd be so ignorant to call them Capitalist back then.

However, more like Mercantilism, which BTW was in some ways a sort of proto-Capitalism.
Sweden wasn't capitalist in the 17th Century, so your agrument is dashed right there.
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
Sweden was just as capitalist before the war. Why didn't it kill anyone then? You're blaming capitalism for what politicians do.

Sweden in the 17th century killed a lot of people, they first killed millions of Germans in the 30 Year War, then they killed millions of Poles in the Deluge.

Not that I'd be so ignorant to call them Capitalist back then.

However, more like Mercantilism, which BTW was in some ways a sort of proto-Capitalism.
Sweden wasn't capitalist in the 17th Century, so your agrument is dashed right there.

Sure, but you were implying that Swedes were uber-Peaceful.
You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
You're confusing ideological propaganda with reality. They are two sides of the exact same coin. Both are totalitarian. Period. End of story.

Fascism is actually pretty intermediate between Capitalism, and Communism.
It's only "intermediate" in the sense that it's not further left than communism. However, it is about 95% of the way to communism.

Nope, because Fascism allows private ownership of business, and land.

It doesn't allow private ownership in any real sense. If you don't have control, then you don't have ownership. If you have a title to a car, but your brother in law ts to use it whenever he wants, then he's the true owner, not you. Under fascism, the so-called "owners" have no control. The government makes all the decisions.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:

Why has Capitalist U.S.A killed way more in the modern era than Social Democracy Sweden?
Sweden was just as capitalist before the war. Why didn't it kill anyone then? You're blaming capitalism for what politicians do.

Sweden in the 17th century killed a lot of people, they first killed millions of Germans in the 30 Year War, then they killed millions of Poles in the Deluge.

Not that I'd be so ignorant to call them Capitalist back then.

However, more like Mercantilism, which BTW was in some ways a sort of proto-Capitalism.
Sweden wasn't capitalist in the 17th Century, so your agrument is dashed right there.

Sure, but you were implying that Swedes were uber-Peaceful.

They were when they were capitalists before WW II.
You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
You're confusing ideological propaganda with reality. They are two sides of the exact same coin. Both are totalitarian. Period. End of story.

Fascism is actually pretty intermediate between Capitalism, and Communism.
It's only "intermediate" in the sense that it's not further left than communism. However, it is about 95% of the way to communism.

Nope, because Fascism allows private ownership of business, and land.

It doesn't allow private ownership in any real sense. If you don't have control, then you don't have ownership. If you have a title to a car, but your brother in law ts to use it whenever he wants, then he's the true owner, not you. Under fascism, the so-called "owners" have no control. The government makes all the decisions.

Totally off base.

Fascism would step in to regulate private enterprise if they didn't benefit national interest.
Communism would step in to replace, and destroy private enterprise, because enterprise causes inequality.

Not the same thing.
Wow, What good planning.
I don't want my life planned out for me, snowflake. It speaks volumes about your child-like ineptitude that you feel you need someone to plan your life out for you. :dunno:

I want my country to plan for the future.
So that the next generation of children don't live like garbage.
Every person in the country is always planning for the future. The question is who clans will prevail, mine of the government's.

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