The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Fascists fear facts, discussions, science, and the exchange of information. And they will always resort to either violence - or advocating for violence - to prevent all of it.

‘Punch them in the face’: Student tells cheering crowd how to shut up College Republicans
I would love to have one of those assholes try that with me.
Here’s the key bripat9643 - they only try it in mobs. They are cowards. If they don’t outnumber you 20 to 1, they won’t try punching you in the face.

That’s why I carry everywhere I go. One on one, I can send any progressive to the hospital in seconds. But nobody can fight 20 people at a time and that’s how the left operates.

I also refuse to stop if a mob of them blocks the street. I’m not having my head bashed in with a brick like Reginald Deny. If a mob of them blocks the street, I’m doing a U-turn if I can. If not, I’m hitting the gas and plowing right through them as fast as possible. I will not stop under any circumstances (and that goes double if my children are with me). I hope more states pass laws that prevent motorists from being charged with a crime if they hit people who are intentionally blocking a road, like (North or South Dakota?) did.
Says one of those who ran in the runaway mob at Charlottesville.

You neo-fascist alt right Brownshirts are cowards, period.
About 30 Guatemalans would sit on the street-corners waiting to be picked up for work by you guessed it Capitalists.
That's called the free-market. Your fear of it illustrates is that either you can't or won't compete with them. That's not capitalism's problem - that is your problem. Show up and perform that labor better at a cheaper cost, and they will be picking YOU up for a ride rather than a Guatemalan.
Then why did Hitler need a ministry of propaganda? Why did he need Goerbels? Oops...
The same reason every government including our own, churns out propaganda. It can be useful...
Yeah...and our government is filled with left-wing fascists (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer).
They are anything but fascists. They are ardent multiculturalism, socialists. Nationalism is despised by them.

Mussolini was way less racist than FDR.

This idea that Fascists are all mega-racists is BS.

However, yes Mussolini put Italian interests first, but he wasn't really racist.

The leftists just kick, and scream Fascist, not knowing what they're doing.

So do Republicans, they join them, also not knowing what they're doing.
True. Fascism one of the least understood forms of governance. It is also often conflated with socialism. Which really is a shame, because the two are distinctly different.
Fascism is distinctly and accurately conflated with Brown Shirt Alt Right mobs.
20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.
More fascist propaganda... :cuckoo:
It's really communist propaganda, but it suits the purposes of fascists. As I have said previously, the two are actually indistinguishable.

Well, if Capitalists killed more the Fascists, why all the kicking, and screaming about Fascism?
Where have I said capitalists killed more than fascists?
The same reason every government including our own, churns out propaganda. It can be useful...
Yeah...and our government is filled with left-wing fascists (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer).
They are anything but fascists. They are ardent multiculturalism, socialists. Nationalism is despised by them.

Mussolini was way less racist than FDR.

This idea that Fascists are all mega-racists is BS.

However, yes Mussolini put Italian interests first, but he wasn't really racist.

The leftists just kick, and scream Fascist, not knowing what they're doing.

So do Republicans, they join them, also not knowing what they're doing.
True. Fascism one of the least understood forms of governance. It is also often conflated with socialism. Which really is a shame, because the two are distinctly different.
Fascism is distinctly and accurately conflated with Brown Shirt Alt Right mobs.

All the violent goosestepping mobs in this election were Hillary supporters.
About 30 Guatemalans would sit on the street-corners waiting to be picked up for work by you guessed it Capitalists.
That's called the free-market. Your fear of it illustrates is that either you can't or won't compete with them. That's not capitalism's problem - that is your problem. Show up and perform that labor better at a cheaper cost, and they will be picking YOU up for a ride rather than a Guatemalan.

The Free market sucks, if it supports illegal immigrants to get jobs over Americans, cut the wages of Americans, and as an added bonus Balkanize the U.S.A with a Mexican sub-culture whom many think Mexico should take back land in the U.S.A

Wow, what good patriots,
Wow, What good planning.
F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

Well, if Capitalists killed more the Fascists, why all the kicking, and screaming about Fascism?
A. It hasn't

B. Because nothing trumps liberty. Nothing. I'd rather see more death and carnage in freedom than a well-oiled machine of oppression.

Capitalists of Britain stole resources from India, and Ireland for their Capitalism greed, 30 - 60 million starved to death as a result.

Capitalists of the U.S.A have caused perpetual war to promote Capitalism as the Capitalist Police force, 20 - 30 million were killed in these wars.

So sorry, but that's more killed by Capitalism, than Fascism.
[Capitalists of Britain stole resources from India, and Ireland for their Capitalism greed, 30 - 60 million starved to death as a result.
That wasn't done by "capitalists", snowflake. That was done by government. Oppressive government. The same thing you desire now. Oh the irony... :lmao:
F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

I hate Democrats too.

Democrats are Egalitarian jerks.

They think all demographics are equal, with no proof of that.

They also promote minorities to get votes, to replace both Whites, and Republicans in the process.
F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

Now there is a clear statement you don't know history, P@triot. The economic appropriation of Irish and Indian economic assets was done by capitalists and their companies. You want unfettered capitalism, and that is what happens without government leveling the playing field.
F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Spoken like a true liberal. Racist. Hate for the free market. Vintage.

Liberals are Racists now? HAhaha.
Uh..yeah. And if you didn't swallow the progressive propaganda, you'd know that. Watch and LEARN...

The political terms "Left" and "Right" were first used during the French Revolution (1789–1799) and referred to seating arrangements in the French parliament: those who sat to the right of the chair of the parliamentary president were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Old Regime.[15][16][17][18] The original Right in France was formed as a reaction against the "Left" and comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition and clericalism.[4]:693 The use of the expression la droite ("the right") became prominent in France after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815, when it was applied to the Ultra-royalists.[19] The people of English-speaking countries did not apply the terms "right" and "left" to their own politics until the 20th century.[20]

Although the right-wing originated with traditional conservatives, monarchists and reactionaries, the term extreme right-wing has also been applied to movements including fascists, Nazis and racial supremacists.[21] From the 1830s to the 1880s, there was a shift in the Western world of social class structure and the economy, moving away from nobility and aristocracy towards capitalism.[22] This general economic shift toward capitalism affected centre-right movements such as the British Conservative Party, which responded by becoming supportive of capitalism.[23] In the United States, the Right includes both economic and social conservatives.[24] In Europe, economic conservatives are usually considered liberal and the Right includes nationalists, nativist opposition to immigration, religious conservatives and historically a significant presence of right-wing movements with anti-capitalist sentiments including conservatives and fascists who opposed what they saw as the selfishness and excessive materialism inherent in contemporary capitalism.[25][26]

Right-wing politics - Wikipedia

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