The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I disagree. Nationalism is a core tenant of fascism. This is completely lacking amongst the leftist agenda.
You know what else is a “core tenant” of fascism? Complete and total government control. The primary element of the leftist agenda (and completely incompatible with the small, limited government agenda of the right).
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.
I disagree. Nationalism is a core tenant of fascism. This is completely lacking amongst the leftist agenda.
You know what else is a “core tenant” of fascism? Complete and total government control. The primary element of the leftist agenda (and completely incompatible with the small, limited government agenda of the right).
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.

You're thinking of Communism.

Fascism only has minimal control over Companies, mostly just to make sure they benefit National interest.

In today's America, it would obviously include cracking down on companies who export jobs to China, and who import Mexican illegals to the U.S.A.

How does that benefit the National Interest?

This is not Patriotic, nor Democratic.

These are Capitalists ruining a nation for cheap labor.

Only because many Americans are weak, and stupid, they tolerate it.

Yeah, charts like this below prove why the U.S.A is failing.

The same reason every government including our own, churns out propaganda. It can be useful...
Yeah...and our government is filled with left-wing fascists (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer).
They are anything but fascists. They are ardent multiculturalism, socialists. Nationalism is despised by them.

Mussolini was way less racist than FDR.

This idea that Fascists are all mega-racists is BS.

However, yes Mussolini put Italian interests first, but he wasn't really racist.

The leftists just kick, and scream Fascist, not knowing what they're doing.

So do Republicans, they join them, also not knowing what they're doing.
True. Fascism one of the least understood forms of governance. It is also often conflated with socialism. Which really is a shame, because the two are distinctly different.

It's well understood. It's a form of socialism.
Then you misunderstand it well.
The same reason every government including our own, churns out propaganda. It can be useful...
Yeah...and our government is filled with left-wing fascists (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer).
They are anything but fascists. They are ardent multiculturalism, socialists. Nationalism is despised by them.

Mussolini was way less racist than FDR.

This idea that Fascists are all mega-racists is BS.

However, yes Mussolini put Italian interests first, but he wasn't really racist.

The leftists just kick, and scream Fascist, not knowing what they're doing.

So do Republicans, they join them, also not knowing what they're doing.
True. Fascism one of the least understood forms of governance. It is also often conflated with socialism. Which really is a shame, because the two are distinctly different.

It's well understood. It's a form of socialism.

Fascism is Corporatism in the sense that Corporations are regulated government.
As there are different definitions of Corporatism which mean differently.
Fascists fear facts, discussions, science, and the exchange of information. And they will always resort to either violence - or advocating for violence - to prevent all of it.

‘Punch them in the face’: Student tells cheering crowd how to shut up College Republicans


Fascists = #1 creators of economic growth.

Fascists killed less than Communists, and Capitalists.

Prove otherwise?
Who have capitalists killed?

30 - 60 million in Raj India by Capitalist Britain.

20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.

Horseshit. Capitalism hasn't killed 20 million people in the USA, and you're blaming capitalism for what happened in India instead of imperialism. I also think that figure is absurd, but I haven't researched the issue, so I won't render a judgement on it.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia
Its one thing to dislike fascism. But if one is going to hate fascism... Hate fascism for what it is. Don't hate it, for what its not. Primarily, socialism...
You know what else is a “core tenant” of fascism? Complete and total government control. The primary element of the leftist agenda (and completely incompatible with the small, limited government agenda of the right).
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
Fascists fear facts, discussions, science, and the exchange of information. And they will always resort to either violence - or advocating for violence - to prevent all of it.

‘Punch them in the face’: Student tells cheering crowd how to shut up College Republicans


Fascists = #1 creators of economic growth.

Fascists killed less than Communists, and Capitalists.

Prove otherwise?
Who have capitalists killed?

30 - 60 million in Raj India by Capitalist Britain.

20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.

Horseshit. Capitalism hasn't killed 20 million people in the USA, and you're blaming capitalism for what happened in India instead of imperialism. I also think that figure is absurd, but I haven't researched the issue, so I won't render a judgement on it.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia

Communist propaganda.

Capitalism and the US government are two separate things.
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.
Yeah...and our government is filled with left-wing fascists (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer).
They are anything but fascists. They are ardent multiculturalism, socialists. Nationalism is despised by them.

Mussolini was way less racist than FDR.

This idea that Fascists are all mega-racists is BS.

However, yes Mussolini put Italian interests first, but he wasn't really racist.

The leftists just kick, and scream Fascist, not knowing what they're doing.

So do Republicans, they join them, also not knowing what they're doing.
True. Fascism one of the least understood forms of governance. It is also often conflated with socialism. Which really is a shame, because the two are distinctly different.

It's well understood. It's a form of socialism.

Fascism is Corporatism in the sense that Corporations are regulated government.
As there are different definitions of Corporatism which mean differently.

"Regulated government?" That term is nonsensical. Government regulates private businesses, not the other way around.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.

What's the difference from exerting total control and managing what's going on?
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

Fascists = #1 creators of economic growth.

Fascists killed less than Communists, and Capitalists.

Prove otherwise?
Who have capitalists killed?

30 - 60 million in Raj India by Capitalist Britain.

20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.

Horseshit. Capitalism hasn't killed 20 million people in the USA, and you're blaming capitalism for what happened in India instead of imperialism. I also think that figure is absurd, but I haven't researched the issue, so I won't render a judgement on it.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia

Communist propaganda.

Capitalism and the US government are two separate things.

Capitalists like Churchill, FDR, and Truman killed each killed way more than the Founding Father of Fascism Mussolini.
You know what else is a “core tenant” of fascism? Complete and total government control. The primary element of the leftist agenda (and completely incompatible with the small, limited government agenda of the right).
Not neccessarily. Under fascism private property, and business is allowed. Socialism however most always has the state lay claim to everything.
I find the left to be much more akin to socialism, than fascism.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.

You're thinking of Communism.

Fascism only has minimal control over Companies, mostly just to make sure they benefit National interest.

In today's America, it would obviously include cracking down on companies who export jobs to China, and who import Mexican illegals to the U.S.A.

How does that benefit the National Interest?

This is not Patriotic, nor Democratic.

These are Capitalists ruining a nation for cheap labor.

Only because many Americans are weak, and stupid, they tolerate it.

Yeah, charts like this below prove why the U.S.A is failing.


That's wrong. Fascism exerts total control over private business. That's what we observed in Germany, Italy and Spain. The justification is irrelevant.
Who have capitalists killed?

30 - 60 million in Raj India by Capitalist Britain.

20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.

Horseshit. Capitalism hasn't killed 20 million people in the USA, and you're blaming capitalism for what happened in India instead of imperialism. I also think that figure is absurd, but I haven't researched the issue, so I won't render a judgement on it.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia

Communist propaganda.

Capitalism and the US government are two separate things.

Capitalists like Churchill, FDR, and Truman killed each killed way more than the Founding Father of Fascism Mussolini.

They were politicians, not capitalists, especially FDR and Truman.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.

What's the difference from exerting total control and managing what's going on?

Communists also care more about National Interest, than Capitalists.

The problem is Communists get rid of the free-Market completely which causes no competition, nor incentive, and is stifling of production.

Fascism on the other hand, promotes a happy median, where there is competition, incentive of a free-market, but where the private business is micro-managed for national interest, to benefit the nation, they also will even prop up businesses.

The Nazis knew how to get things done, they would renovate factories, and prop up business.

That's why they had a much better economic turn around than the U.S.A did in the Great Depression.
It's allowed in name only. Since the government makes all the business decisions, there is no real private property in business. The so-called "owners" have been reduced to factory managers. That's where the left wants to take this country. That's why they have their infantile tantrums whenever their fascist regulatory regime is dismantled.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

No, what I'm saying is akin to saying democracy is based on the popular vote. That's the essential feature that makes a government democratic. You're saying it doesn't have to be based on the popular vote, which is nonsensical. Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.
Wow! We really need to have a thread on what fascism is. And what fascism isn't. This thread is getting totally derailed by having to put on a clinic, so to speak, as to what fascism is...
But speaking to the OP; "no". I do not see the left moving toward fascism. I do see them racing headlong toward socialism, or worse still... Outright communism.
30 - 60 million in Raj India by Capitalist Britain.

20 - 30 million by the Capitalist U.S.A since WW2.

Horseshit. Capitalism hasn't killed 20 million people in the USA, and you're blaming capitalism for what happened in India instead of imperialism. I also think that figure is absurd, but I haven't researched the issue, so I won't render a judgement on it.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia

Communist propaganda.

Capitalism and the US government are two separate things.

Capitalists like Churchill, FDR, and Truman killed each killed way more than the Founding Father of Fascism Mussolini.

They were politicians, not capitalists, especially FDR and Truman.

Capitalist promoting Politicians, who killed a good deal of people.
I disagree. Nationalism is a core tenant of fascism. think it’s impossible for the left to love their country?
I think its impossible for today's left to love the nation, as founded by our forefathers. Additionally I find them unlikely to love the nation, even as it is now. The only love they have for this dirt; is for the socialist vision they wish to turn it into.
You need to widen your view. You keep limiting it to the U.S. Fascism expands far beyond our borders. Yes, the left-wing dirt-bags of this country hate our nation. But that's not the case in Europe and other places.

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