The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

No, what I'm saying is akin to saying democracy is based on the popular vote. That's the essential feature that makes a government democratic. You're saying it doesn't have to be based on the popular vote, which is nonsensical. Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.
Its not as simple as that.
Wow! We really need to have a thread on what fascism is. And what fascism isn't. This thread is getting totally derailed by having to put on a clinic, so to speak, as to what fascism is...
But speaking to the OP; "no". I do not see the left moving toward fascism. I do see them racing headlong toward socialism, or worse still... Outright communism.
Two sides of the exact same coin, chief. Both are totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.

What's the difference from exerting total control and managing what's going on?

Communists also care more about National Interest, than Capitalists.

The problem is Communists get rid of the free-Market completely which causes no competition, nor incentive, and is stifling of production.

Fascism on the other hand, promotes a happy median, where there is competition, incentive of a free-market, but where the private business is micro-managed for national interest, to benefit the nation, they also will even prop up businesses.

The Nazis knew how to get things done, they would renovate factories, and prop up business.

That's why they had a much better economic turn around than the U.S.A did in the Great Depression.

That's true in a state that is only partially fascist. Complete fascism would entail the abolition of private control of any kind. There is actually no competition or market incentive. Socalled "profits" are determined by the government, so where is the competition?
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

No, what I'm saying is akin to saying democracy is based on the popular vote. That's the essential feature that makes a government democratic. You're saying it doesn't have to be based on the popular vote, which is nonsensical. Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.
Its not as simple as that.
Yes it is. And only the left uses the lame ass excuse "it's not that simple". It almost always is that simple.
Not really. Under a fascist government business decisions would have to be weighed against national interests. Which acts as a checks, and balanced type of oversight. Private ownership is still legit. As is individual profits. One thing a fascist government would prevent a business from doing would be moving jobs to a foreign country, in order to profit at the expense of the domestic labor force.
No big deal really. All businesses in our country are already beholden to many laws. Its just that under fascism, said laws would always be weighed against nationalism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.
Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.

Private businesses imported tons of Black slaves for cheap labor, now they've imported tons of Mexican illegals for cheap labor.

F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.

What's the difference from exerting total control and managing what's going on?

Communists also care more about National Interest, than Capitalists.

The problem is Communists get rid of the free-Market completely which causes no competition, nor incentive, and is stifling of production.

Fascism on the other hand, promotes a happy median, where there is competition, incentive of a free-market, but where the private business is micro-managed for national interest, to benefit the nation, they also will even prop up businesses.

The Nazis knew how to get things done, they would renovate factories, and prop up business.

That's why they had a much better economic turn around than the U.S.A did in the Great Depression.

That's true in a state that is only partially fascist. Complete fascism would entail the abolition of private control of any kind. There is actually no competition or market incentive. Socalled "profits" are determined by the government, so where is the competition?

You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

No, what I'm saying is akin to saying democracy is based on the popular vote. That's the essential feature that makes a government democratic. You're saying it doesn't have to be based on the popular vote, which is nonsensical. Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.
Its not as simple as that.

Yes it is. If you can't define the term with one or two sentences, then it's meaningless. What leftists and facists typically do is produce a long list of criteria that supposedly make a government fascist. The problem with that approach is that all the characteristics listed are found in other kinds of economic systems. The only one that is peculiar to fascism is government control of nominally "private" property in the means of production.
Automobiles in the modern sense were invented by Germany with Mercedes.
Bwahahahahahaha! Henry Ford built the automobile about 70 years before Mercedes even thought about doing it - much less actually creating one.

Notice the propaganda in SSE's post? "in the modern sense". In the actual sense - the U.S. has built everything before any other nation. And that's because nothing promotes prosperity and innovation like the free market.
So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.

Communism exerts total control over the business place.

Fascism just manages what's going on in the business place.

You could see Communism as the producers of business, and Fascists are supervisors of business.

What's the difference from exerting total control and managing what's going on?

Communists also care more about National Interest, than Capitalists.

The problem is Communists get rid of the free-Market completely which causes no competition, nor incentive, and is stifling of production.

Fascism on the other hand, promotes a happy median, where there is competition, incentive of a free-market, but where the private business is micro-managed for national interest, to benefit the nation, they also will even prop up businesses.

The Nazis knew how to get things done, they would renovate factories, and prop up business.

That's why they had a much better economic turn around than the U.S.A did in the Great Depression.

That's true in a state that is only partially fascist. Complete fascism would entail the abolition of private control of any kind. There is actually no competition or market incentive. Socalled "profits" are determined by the government, so where is the competition?

You're confusing Communism for Fascism.

There is little difference between the two - only a meaningless scrap of paper.
Similarities between the Dems and Nazis
1) fanatical assholes
2) religious bigotry
3) aligned with the Islamist
4) absolute government control
5) gun ban
6) white liberals definitely believe that they are superior to other white people
7) censorship of the Press
8) censorship of speech
9) anti democracy
10) propagandist
11) totally corrupt
12) crony capitalist
I disagree. Nationalism is a core tenant of fascism. think it’s impossible for the left to love their country?
I think its impossible for today's left to love the nation, as founded by our forefathers. Additionally I find them unlikely to love the nation, even as it is now. The only love they have for this dirt; is for the socialist vision they wish to turn it into.
You need to widen your view. You keep limiting it to the U.S. Fascism expands far beyond our borders. Yes, the left-wing dirt-bags of this country hate our nation. But that's not the case in Europe and other places.

Capitalists hate this country, especially Elite / Jewish ones.

Jewish dominated Hollywood spreading Liberalism = Capitalist.

Jewish dominated Liberal media = Capitalist.

Companies hiring millions, and millions of illegal Mexicans = Capitalist

Silicon Valley hiring many Asians = Capitalist

Hospitals giving Abortions = Capitalist

Manufacturing jobs going to prop up semi-Communist enemies of America like China, or Vietnam = Capitalist.

No sort of planning, nor patriotism.

Capitalism is about "Me, Mine, and Now"
Automobiles in the modern sense were invented by Germany with Mercedes.
Bwahahahahahaha! Henry Ford built the automobile about 70 years before Mercedes even thought about doing it - much less actually creating one.

Notice the propaganda in SSE's post? "in the modern sense". In the actual sense - the U.S. has build everything before any other nation. And that's because nothing promotes prosperity and innovation like the free market.
I'm afraid that's not right.

Mercedes-Benz - Wikipedia

Mercedes-Benz (German: [mɛʁˈtseːdəsˌbɛnts]) is a global automobile manufacturer and a division of the German company Daimler AG. The brand is known for luxury vehicles, buses, coaches, and lorries. The headquarters is in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. The name first appeared in 1926 under Daimler-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz traces its origins to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's 1901 Mercedes and Karl Benz's 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first gasoline-powered automobile. The slogan for the brand is "the best or nothing".[1]

Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.

No, what I'm saying is akin to saying democracy is based on the popular vote. That's the essential feature that makes a government democratic. You're saying it doesn't have to be based on the popular vote, which is nonsensical. Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.
Its not as simple as that.
Yes it is. And only the left uses the lame ass excuse "it's not that simple". It almost always is that simple.
Not this time. That's why there are two different words, with two different definitions for what is being discussed. Confaltion is the problem here.
Its like looking at a hand full of sand and declaring "its gray"! Only to be told "no, its actually a bunch of white particles, and black particles. You just aren't looking closely enough". Then summarily dismissing truth, because you don't want to put in the effort to understand the very real difference.
Bullshit. The reality is that government makes all the important business decisions. It decides what is produced, how much is produced, where it is produced, the price for what is produced and the wages paid to produce it. It also decides thousands of other details. These decisions are all justified by "the national interest." Whatever the excuse or motive, it's still fascism.
Again... This "rigid" sense of what fascism is limits ones scope of what ways it can be implemented. Much in the way Democracies are practiced in limitless variations, so to can fascist regimes. The core principle being nationalism.

So fascism can be anything you want it to be? That makes the term meaningless. If government doesn't make the decisions for "private" industry, then it isn't fascism. It's capitalism.
No. Fascism has to be framed around nationalism. Usually with a strong authoritarian leader. How the governance of that fascistic regime is fleshed out, and what its specific policies are, and how they are implemented is as diverse as peoples ideas for what's best for their nation.
What you are suggesting, is akin to saying "if a democracy isn't modled exactly like the USAs is not a democracy. Were a democratic republic. I know... But you get the point. There is room for shape and style.
Government control of so-called "private" industry is what makes a government fascist. It's as simple as that.

Private businesses imported tons of Black slaves for cheap labor, now they've imported tons of Mexican illegals for cheap labor.

F Capitalism then.

They care only about business, it's all about greed, nothing about our future of having to deal with a diminished White America, nothing about the future.

Capitalism requires free labor, so slavery is incompatible with it. The government is importing the Mexican illegals, not private business. Government is supposed to control our borders.
You're confusing Communism for Fascism.
You're confusing ideological propaganda with reality. They are two sides of the exact same coin. Both are totalitarian. Period. End of story.

Republicans are idiots being fed propaganda.

They almost all hate Illegal Immigrants, but support Capitalists.

Do, the numb skulls realize most Illegal Immigrants are hired by Capitalists?

I live near Brewster, NY a big Guatemalan illegal neighborhood.

About 30 Guatemalans would sit on the street-corners waiting to be picked up for work by you guessed it Capitalists.

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