The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

How convenient that socialized medicine didn't exist in the 18th century. Hell medicine itself hardly yet existed ---
Medicine hardly existed? Benjamin Franklin built the first hospital in the U.S. in Philadelphia in the 1700’s.

As far as physicians - they can trace that back at least 5,000 years to Imhotep of the Egyptian dynasty.
The first physician to emerge is Imhotep, chief minister to King Djoser in the 3rd millennium bce, who designed one of the earliest pyramids, the Step Pyramid at Ṣaqqārah, and who was later regarded as the Egyptian god of medicine and identified with the Greek god Asclepius.Oct 25, 2017
Medical information in the Edwin Smith Papyrus may date to a time as early as 3000 BC. Imhotep in the 3rd dynasty is sometimes credited with being the founder of ancient Egyptian medicine and with being the original author of the Edwin Smith Papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical observations.
How convenient that socialized medicine didn't exist in the 18th century. Hell medicine itself hardly yet existed --- they were still using frickin' leeches.
I have some really bad news for you...leeches are still used in medicine to this very day. They are more effective than anything that modern day medicine or technology can produce - and their use by people over 200 years ago illustrates the brilliance and resourcefulness of people from that era.
These days, leeches are used to help heal skin grafts -- the process for treating burns in which blood tissue is transferred from one part of the body to another -- by removing blood pooled under the graft and restoring blood circulation in blocked veins. They've also been used in reattaching fingers and other body parts [sources: MSNBC, PBS].
Conversely, your mocking their use of them illustrates both your ignorance combined with your smug progressive inflated sense of self.

Are leeches being used in modern medicine?
I want less laws and more freedom.
So then you completely agree with - and support - President Trump rolling back regulations (including environmental regulations). Right?

The fact is - you’ve filled USMB with your deep fascist desire to control over facet of society with laws and regulations. All one needs to do is a search of your posts to prove you’re lying right now (as you always do).
wahahaha!!! The founders deeply believed in limited government. If they believed in socialized medicine - they would have included it in the U.S. Constitution.

How convenient that socialized medicine didn't exist in the 18th century. Hell medicine itself hardly yet existed --- they were still using frickin' leeches.

And how ironic that when the first socialized medicine did start a century later, it was in Germany.

What's "ironic" about it? Germany has always been a nation of obedient goosesteppers. They will calmly line up to take their turn in the gas chambers, so why would they object to socialized medicine? Most of today's medical advances were developed in the United States, the freest country on Earth. Goosesteppers don't innovate. That's an activity largely reserved to free men.

What's "ironic" about it is that Buttsoiler was just at the same moment trying to paint everybody who knows more than him, which is a long way of saying "everybody" --- with a Nazi brush. That, and the fact that in his abject ignorance he had no clue he was 100 years too soon with the "socialized medicine" song and dance.
My Polish people are getting fiercely more pro-Fascist / Totalitarian, more anti-Jewish, and anti-Muslim by a huge margin. and your fellow pollocks have earned your reputations for being astoundingly stupid.

All of you should get the fuck out of my country and go back to Poland where you people belong.

:clap2: Excellent. Saved for future sigline.


EDIT -- the future is now, the future is fair. You may already have won; you may already be there. Congratulations ButtSoiler --- you're (in)famous. See below. Ho ho ho.
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...they won't vote Republican, or support Individualism.
Oh the irony. Absolutely priceless coming from the devout (and self-admitted) fascist. The foundation of is the elimination of individualism for the “good” of the state.

Well, basically just British Americans are extreme individualists, the 2nd in line are Brits from Britain.

I'm not a Brit, my family came from Poland in the early 20th century.

No, even newer White arrivals to the U.S.A support extreme individualism, like the U.S.A South, and to an extent the Mid-West which both have a lot of British Colonial descendants.

Actually non-Whites are even more likely to be extreme collectivists.
But, these stupid twits have by design done nothing, because they're weak, stupid, sub-Humans, who do nothing about their replacement racially, culturally, and also politically.
They’ve “done nothing” because the U.S. Constitution dictates that they can’t centrally plan our lives. Sorry, not sorry.

Okay, thanks for proving my point, Individualism is for the weak, and stupid.
The U.S.A won't even exist as you know it
It wouldn’t exist as I know it if I were to hop on your idiotic fascist train, either. As long as I have liberty, I’ll recognize the U.S.

What's idiotic about Fascism?

It has solutions to all of America's current ills, Individualist Capitalists on the other hand are not only incapable of solving American ills, they're part of the problem.
My Polish people are getting fiercely more pro-Fascist / Totalitarian, more anti-Jewish, and anti-Muslim by a huge margin. and your fellow pollocks have earned your reputations for being astoundingly stupid.

All of you should get the fuck out of my country and go back to Poland where you people belong.

We think Americans like you are stupid, I mean, how can a people complain about so many societal ills, that they're too dumb to know better that these societal ills are in fact overwhelmingly caused by the Capitalist Individualism they love?
wahahaha!!! The founders deeply believed in limited government. If they believed in socialized medicine - they would have included it in the U.S. Constitution.

How convenient that socialized medicine didn't exist in the 18th century. Hell medicine itself hardly yet existed --- they were still using frickin' leeches.

And how ironic that when the first socialized medicine did start a century later, it was in Germany.

What's "ironic" about it? Germany has always been a nation of obedient goosesteppers. They will calmly line up to take their turn in the gas chambers, so why would they object to socialized medicine? Most of today's medical advances were developed in the United States, the freest country on Earth. Goosesteppers don't innovate. That's an activity largely reserved to free men.

A lot of the medical advancements in the U.S.A have come from recent arrival Jews, and other people who aren't typical to America.

Yeah, Germans are hyper-obedient to people like Hitler, or Merkel blindly.

However, Germany actually was a pioneer of Social Medicine.

It's hilarious that you even compare Social Medicine to the Holocaust. Hahaha.

Social Medicine saves a lot of lives.
I want less laws and more freedom.
So then you completely agree with - and support - President Trump rolling back regulations (including environmental regulations). Right?

The fact is - you’ve filled USMB with your deep fascist desire to control over facet of society with laws and regulations. All one needs to do is a search of your posts to prove you’re lying right now (as you always do).

Why should we ruin God's Country by getting rid of environmental regulations, exactly?

You British Southerner yokels have such stupid, and bizarre views.
wahahaha!!! The founders deeply believed in limited government. If they believed in socialized medicine - they would have included it in the U.S. Constitution.

How convenient that socialized medicine didn't exist in the 18th century. Hell medicine itself hardly yet existed --- they were still using frickin' leeches.

And how ironic that when the first socialized medicine did start a century later, it was in Germany.

What's "ironic" about it? Germany has always been a nation of obedient goosesteppers. They will calmly line up to take their turn in the gas chambers, so why would they object to socialized medicine? Most of today's medical advances were developed in the United States, the freest country on Earth. Goosesteppers don't innovate. That's an activity largely reserved to free men.

What's "ironic" about it is that Buttsoiler was just at the same moment trying to paint everybody who knows more than him, which is a long way of saying "everybody" --- with a Nazi brush. That, and the fact that in his abject ignorance he had no clue he was 100 years too soon with the "socialized medicine" song and dance.

You define "everyone who knows more than him," as every snowflake who swallows government propaganda without question. In other words, you define them to be goosesteppers.
Okay, thanks for proving my point, Individualism is for the weak, and stupid.
Collectivism is for the cowardly and extremely stupid...

Individuals are selfish, stupid f*ckers, they don't seem to even be aware that there's a World out there, besides their own stupid aelfishness.
Furthermore, it's weak, a philosophy which says allow thy criminal, and idiot races in because they should be judged as individuals, is just dumb, and weak.
We think Americans like you are stupid
And yet you people left your country to come to my country. What does that say about how stupid all of you pollocks are?

By the people surrendered like pussies to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. And then you waited for the U.S. and Russia to come save your ass.
So, why did Franco, and Hitler achieve faster economic growth than FDR the fastest economic growth U.S.A President of the 20th century?
Because that’s what totalitarianism does. If I stuck a gun in your face and make you produce for me - my GDP will be higher than someone who doesn’t do that.

But what kind of an asshole wants a gun placed in their face and what’s to be forced to produce for the state? Answer: dumb pollocks.
We think Americans like you are stupid
And yet you people left your country to come to my country. What does that say about how stupid all of you pollocks are?

By the people surrendered like pussies to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. And then you waited for the U.S. and Russia to come save your ass.

I don't even like this country, or want to be here, actually.

The U.S.A is much more dangerous, violent, filled with drugs, and divorce, and all kinds of problems in comparison to Poland.

Furthermore, the stupids in this country tolerate their replacement by the Mexican illegal take-over of the U.S.A.

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