The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Most people like you are, trace their roots from British Yokel American early Colonialists.
Well early British-Americans weren’t in the south. The original 13 colonies were in New England, chief.

You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.
You’re calling for socialism/fascism. Both the epitome of stupidity.

Fascism achieved great economic results better than Capitalism at a time when jobs weren't going in mass to foreigners by outsourcing, or importing immigrants.

Obviously Fascism would achieve even much greater economic results today, when so many jobs go to foreigners, which Fascism would crack down on this issue to keep jobs, and money in our pockets.

How is that stupid?

I think you're what's stupid.
If you don't see Mexicans here as an issue, I'm so sorry you don't respect the U.S !Founding Fathers, or this country.
There are only two things I see as a problem - violating the law (including dirt-bag illegal aliens) and loss of liberty. Both of which you advocate for.

I don't support illegal aliens, if anything you do.

You in so many words say I should compete with foreigner Mexicans by lowering my wages.

What was that supposed to mean?
If you don't see Mexicans here as an issue, I'm so sorry you don't respect the U.S !Founding Fathers, or this country.
loss of liberty.

Are you sure the Founding Fathers were like you?

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:

  • Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.
  • Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.
  • Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.
  • Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making.
For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight controll of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Citizens governed corporations by detailing operating conditions not just in charters but also in state constitutions and state laws. Incorporated businesses were prohibited from taking any action that legislators did not specifically allow.

States also limited corporate charters to a set number of years. Unless a legislature renewed an expiring charter, the corporation was dissolved and its assets were divided among shareholders. Citizen authority clauses limited capitalization, debts, land holdings, and sometimes, even profits. They required a company’s accounting books to be turned over to a legislature upon request. The power of large shareholders was limited by scaled voting, so that large and small investors had equal voting rights. Interlocking directorates were outlawed. Shareholders had the right to remove directors at will.

In Europe, charters protected directors and stockholders from liability for debts and harms caused by their corporations. American legislators explicitly rejected this corporate shield. The penalty for abuse or misuse of the charter was not a plea bargain and a fine, but dissolution of the corporation.

What the Founding Fathers Believed: Stock Ownership for All

Madison wrote in a letter on voting that “the owners of the country itself form the safest basis of free government” and stressed “the universal hope of acquiring property.” Washington, in a letter on immigration,
said broad-based ownership would insure “the happiness of the lowest class of people because of the equal distribution of property.” Adams favored“preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue (by making) … the acquisition of land easy to every member of society.”

Jefferson wrote to Madison that “legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property.”

Even Alexander Hamilton, favorite of the moneyed interests, argued that few people wanted to be wage laborers only, and he believed, like Henry Ford centuries later, that a strong middle class was needed to become energetic customers of businesses in the entire economy.

This view showed up in policies. Washington gave tax incentives to New England cod fishers to rebuild their fleets after the Revolutionary War on the condition that the captains and the crew sign contracts ensuring broad-based profit sharing among all workers. He also favored grants of substantial land to veterans of the Revolutionary War to make them into self-sufficient property-owners. Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase to allow for more land ownership by citizens. The founders also sought to outlaw primogeniture, the practice whereby all property was inherited by the first-born son, the underpinning of feudal economies throughout Europe.

Since the early days of the U.S., land was the main productive asset. Administration after administration provided inexpensive land to citizens. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 allowed citizens to cheaply acquire land in what would become Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and a third of Minnesota. Throughout the first half of the 19th century, the Federal government sold large plots to citizens at low prices,
We think Americans like you are stupid
What does that say about how stupid all of you pollocks are?

Polish Americans actually have had IQ's, and education rates more like Asian Americans, than White Americans.
(Meaning higher than White Americans)

109 IQ for Polish Americans in the 1970's according to this, beating Chinese Americans with a 108 IQ, German Americans with a 105 IQ, Irish Americans with a 105 IQ, Italian Americans with a 100 IQ, Mexican Americans with a 88 IQ, and Puerto Rican Americans with a 82 IQ.

American Ethnic Groups

The picture of Polonia that emerges from Census data is highly positive. Polish Americans, who numbered 9,887,799 in 2008, are slightly older, better educated, wealthier, more likely to hold professional and management positions and own homes than the general American population. Median age of Polish Americans is 38.7 years as compared to 36.9 years of the general American population. Bachelor and higher degrees are held by 36.1% of PolAms as compared to 27.7% of the general population. 41.3% of PolAms hold professional and managerial positions as compared to 34.9%. Median family income of PolAms is $79,494 versus $63,360. Only 7.1% of PolAms fall under the poverty line, compared to13.2% of Americans. 74.4% of Polish Americans own their own homes versus 66.4% of the general population.

PAC National Conference October 2009
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.
Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

This is exactly why we need to start cracking down on Academia, and the Media promoting false agenda's.

The truth is Evolution is akin to Eugenics.

The fact that these very biased, or idiotic scientists teach Evolution, but say Eugenics is discredited, proves there's something very, very wrong.

Evolution often happens through isolating genes through genetic drift, this can also happen through planned breeding.

That's actually how Humans bred Dogs away from Wolves, by isolating genes, through planned breeding (Eugenics)

So, yes I do resent that these disgusting ;people tell us that Eugenics is discredited.
No, it's really not.
These dirt-bags are on track to ruin Humanity's intelligence, just because they have "Feelings" and "No logic"
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare...

Ashkenazi Jews have high IQ's, and inbred big time.

Chinese have high IQ's, and are probably the purest nation.

Now, tri-racial Puerto Ricans on the other hand, are very mixed up, and have low IQ's.

San Bushman, have the highest recorded genetic diversity, and also the lowest IQ's recorded too.

Why, why, why, why, why?
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it.

Actually, it's probably best to NOT mix races.

If you mix too much, you dilute the intensity of the traits.

If say HIV / AIDS becomes a massive problem. (Very likely)

We may rather than mixing, would actually probably wish to select those with HIV / AIDS resistance genes to breed together to save Humanity.
(Which those HIV / AIDS resistance genes are mostly found in Northern Europeans)

So, if you mix Northern Europeans out of existence, you'd actually have a harder time isolating those HIV / AIDS resistance genes.

Yeah, it's true Africans do have in some cases better disease resistance due to their higher genetic diversity.

So, how would it benefit Humanity, to mix Africans with non-Africans to maximize such disease resistance?

Truth is you dilute the traits, when you mix.

Prove me otherwise?
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Thats not “breeding” Down syndrome out you fool. That’s just aborting a pregnancy. It doesn’t mean you get rid of Down syndrome permanently. That’s caused by disjunction.

And if there is a “master race,” it’s either the Asians or the Jews, not traditional European. Seeing how they on average have an IQ 15 pts Higher than whites.

And humans have become so smart through natural selection genius. You can’t blame and attribute natural selection for humans becoming smart.

These articles also do not answer the issues I brought up, which are scientific fact, that life needs diversity.
You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.
You’re calling for socialism/fascism. Both the epitome of stupidity.

Fascism achieved great economic results better than Capitalism
Even if that were true (and it’s not)...who gives a shit? You sound like the idiot slave owners during abolition. Liberty trumps economics prosperity, jack-ass.
You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.
You’re calling for socialism/fascism. Both the epitome of stupidity.

Fascism achieved great economic results better than Capitalism
Even if that were true (and it’s not)...who gives a shit? You sound like the idiot slave owners during abolition. Liberty trumps economics prosperity, jack-ass.

Haha, actually Slave owners thought Slavery was a "Liberty" and their right to "Profit" off of their "Cheap Labor"

Sounds more like you, actually.

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