The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews have very different IQ patterns.

Ashkenazi Jews have extremely high IQ's on verbal performance, but low IQ's on spatial ability.

Asians have very high IQ's on spatial ability, but somewhat low IQ's on verbal performance.

This is probably partially genetic.

Verbal = Left brain
Spatial = Right brain

Ashkenazi Jews do seem to be very left-brain dominant, they do well in Left brain activities like Physics, Mathematics, and Verbal intelligence, but actually don't do so well in right-brain dominant activities like Art, or Engineering.

This is probably because of the fields Ashkenazi Jews took on in Europe, which required Left brain dominance to excel in Banking, and Business with basic Math, and Verbal intelligence required.

Another thing is Ashkenazi Jews kept switching languages, so that might have boosted their Verbal IQ's.
Oh my god...are you saying nuture is more important than nature? What a concept...Now you’re getting it, took a while.
I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews have very different IQ patterns.

Ashkenazi Jews have extremely high IQ's on verbal performance, but low IQ's on spatial ability.

Asians have very high IQ's on spatial ability, but somewhat low IQ's on verbal performance.

This is probably partially genetic.

Verbal = Left brain
Spatial = Right brain

Ashkenazi Jews do seem to be very left-brain dominant, they do well in Left brain activities like Physics, Mathematics, and Verbal intelligence, but actually don't do so well in right-brain dominant activities like Art, or Engineering.

This is probably because of the fields Ashkenazi Jews took on in Europe, which required Left brain dominance to excel in Banking, and Business with basic Math, and Verbal intelligence required.

Another thing is Ashkenazi Jews kept switching languages, so that might have boosted their Verbal IQ's.
Oh my god...are you saying nuture is more important than nature? What a concept...Now you’re getting it, took a while.

Nope, I'm saying Jews are Left brain dominant because of selective pressures of their careers, and language changes pushed their genes that way.
I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.
We think Americans like you are stupid
By the people surrendered like pussies to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. And then you waited for the U.S. and Russia to come save your ass.

You're proving us (Polish Fascists) as correct though, Poland chose Democracy, and Capitalism in WW2, and Hitler, and Stalin chose different, and butchered Poland for that.

Max Kolonko a Polish commentator in New York speaks of this in his video about Dictators.

He speaks of Poland chosing Pilsudski as a dictator and prevaling around 1920, and how then Poland chose Democracy, and became flattened by Dictators like Hitler, and Stalin.

He also speaks of Poland being wiped off the map for it's Philosophical Constitition (Democracy) in Europe by Dictators like Russia, and Prussia.

Starting at 11.40 in this video below. (Click the CC button in the lower right, for Sub-titles in English)

Poland didn't really surrender, so you're wrong as usual.

Actually Poles played a big role in fighting Nazis throughout WW2, they fought on the Western front with Polish forces being the first to capture Montecassino, and the Polish 303 Kosciuszko Squadron being the best scoring squadron in the Battle of Britain, they also fought on the Eastern Front in the Battle of Kolobrzeg, and Battle of Bautzen etc.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.
What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I took an IQ test about 10 years ago, and scored a 124 IQ.

How many times do I have to tell you?
I do not intend for eugenics in the way it was done with Dogs?

Dog breeding is strongly inbreeding by taking Dogs with certain gene, and breeding them over, and over again until they get the desired trait from those genes.

I'm talking about within our society with 100's millions, nothing about inbreeding.

NO, I'm talking about rewarding the intelligent of society for having children, and punishing the less intelligent of society for having children.

That's in no way, or form inbreeding.
What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I don't deny environmental impacts on intelligence, actually.

What I do argue is that environment alone can't explain why Blacks, and some other groups as a collective, tend to lag behind so much in intelligence.

Once again Academia, and the media have duped the masses into racial equality.

That's why we need to crack down on them, they aren't doing any favors for Humanity, by allowing groups with more idiotic, and degenerate characteristics to take over by higher birth rates.
What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

Eugenics is NOT Pseudoscience.

Racial equality IS Pseudoscience.

Race has no meaning IS Pseudoscience.

Genes have no basis in intelligence IS Pseudoscience.

These are very common themes in modern science, which are Pseudoscience.

However, you've proven you CAN use genetic breeding to alter genes by EUGENICS, as we have through Dog breeding.

So, okay, how can you claim it's a Pseudoscience?
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I took an IQ test about 10 years ago, and scored a 124 IQ.

How many times do I have to tell you?
I do not intend for eugenics in the way it was done with Dogs?

Dog breeding is strongly inbreeding by taking Dogs with certain gene, and breeding them over, and over again until they get the desired trait from those genes.

I'm talking about within our society with 100's millions, nothing about inbreeding.

NO, I'm talking about rewarding the intelligent of society for having children, and punishing the less intelligent of society for having children.

That's in no way, or form inbreeding.
So you’re 18 now?

That’s exactly what was done with dogs. They all didn’t start out looking different. As a matter of fact, breeding the wolves and wild dogs with the domesticated gene, is what led to the unintended consequence of having dogs look so different. It led to wild changes in collagen, as well as fur. We then further bred dogs into different groups based on intelligence. Our “pure breeds” were just the most popular breeds to arise out of the our eugenics hobby.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

Eugenics is NOT Pseudoscience.

Racial equality IS Pseudoscience.

Race has no meaning IS Pseudoscience.

Genes have no basis in intelligence IS Pseudoscience.

These are very common themes in modern science, which are Pseudoscience.

However, you've proven you CAN use genetic breeding to alter genes by EUGENICS, as we have through Dog breeding.

So, okay, how can you claim it's a Pseudoscience?
YES BECAUSE BREEDING FOR TRAITS LIKE INTELLIGENCE IS A GREAT RECIPE FOR DISASTER. It may work in the short run, but you’re creating a parabolic decline for the not so distant future dumb ass. We only started practicing eugenics with dogs in the 1800s, didn’t take long for that collapse.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study

And if there is a “master race,” it’s either the Asians or the Jews, not traditional European. Seeing how they on average have an IQ 15 pts Higher than whites.

Asians have higher IQ's, but the White intellectual elite has accomplished much more than the Asian intellectual elite.

This could very well be due to Class, Europe had a much bigger class system, which my theory rivals Eugenics, in that it pushes Smart, or Rich people together to breed, so the genes for intelligence are more compacted at the top, and therefor extreme genius is presumably more likely to be expressed.
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Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I took an IQ test about 10 years ago, and scored a 124 IQ.

How many times do I have to tell you?
I do not intend for eugenics in the way it was done with Dogs?

Dog breeding is strongly inbreeding by taking Dogs with certain gene, and breeding them over, and over again until they get the desired trait from those genes.

I'm talking about within our society with 100's millions, nothing about inbreeding.

NO, I'm talking about rewarding the intelligent of society for having children, and punishing the less intelligent of society for having children.

That's in no way, or form inbreeding.
So you’re 18 now?

That’s exactly what was done with dogs. They all didn’t start out looking different. As a matter of fact, breeding the wolves and wild dogs with the domesticated gene, is what led to the unintended consequence of having dogs look so different. It led to wild changes in collagen, as well as fur. We then further bred dogs into different groups based on intelligence. Our “pure breeds” were just the most popular breeds to arise out of the our eugenics hobby.

I'm 31 years old.

Some Dogs aren't smarter than Wolves?
Some Dogs aren't friendlier than Wolves?
Some Dogs don't run faster than Wolves?

Okay, so what?
Eugenics on Dogs DID ACHIEVE positive results, even if with some Genetic damage.

I'm NOT talking about breeding Humans, doof.

I'm talking about just promoting the higher IQ peoples for having children, and punishing the lower IQ peoples for having children WITHIN our monstrous society.
TO COMBAT the fact that intelligence genes are presumably diminishing, as showed that Iceland study, as does the fact that Human brains are shrinking, or the fact that PISA scores are declining in most of the Developed World.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.

I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.

I support for very little to change, Men, and Women would still meet like they do, and chose who they want as mates.
If that Man, and Woman have kids, and have low IQ's, they'd pay a fine for that.
if that Man, and Woman have kids, and have high IQ's they'd get a tax reduction for that.

That's NOT promoting Inbreeding, nor Breeding Humans like Dogs.

This is just tweaking our society, to STOP the dysgenic's promoted by idiots having too many kids.
DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I took an IQ test about 10 years ago, and scored a 124 IQ.

How many times do I have to tell you?
I do not intend for eugenics in the way it was done with Dogs?

Dog breeding is strongly inbreeding by taking Dogs with certain gene, and breeding them over, and over again until they get the desired trait from those genes.

I'm talking about within our society with 100's millions, nothing about inbreeding.

NO, I'm talking about rewarding the intelligent of society for having children, and punishing the less intelligent of society for having children.

That's in no way, or form inbreeding.
So you’re 18 now?

That’s exactly what was done with dogs. They all didn’t start out looking different. As a matter of fact, breeding the wolves and wild dogs with the domesticated gene, is what led to the unintended consequence of having dogs look so different. It led to wild changes in collagen, as well as fur. We then further bred dogs into different groups based on intelligence. Our “pure breeds” were just the most popular breeds to arise out of the our eugenics hobby.

I'm 31 years old.

Some Dogs aren't smarter than Wolves?
Some Dogs aren't friendlier than Wolves?
Some Dogs don't run faster than Wolves?

Okay, so what?
Eugenics on Dogs DID ACHIEVE positive results, even if with some Genetic damage.

I'm NOT talking about breeding Humans, doof.

I'm talking about just promoting the higher IQ peoples for having children, and punishing the lower IQ peoples for having children WITHIN our monstrous society.
TO COMBAT the fact that intelligence genes are presumably diminishing, as showed that Iceland study, as does the fact that Human brains are shrinking, or the fact that PISA scores are declining in most of the Developed World.
Jackass an IQ test doesn’t really work unless you take it at a young’s not accurate when you take it as an adult. It’s like taking LSATs after you’ve passed the bar exam. Let me guess, you took it online too? I took it as a kid, in 4th grade, I scored higher than you...when I was in 4th grade, I got moved out of SPED class very fast and into advanced placement when they found out I just didn’t really care about school. Turns out my teacher was the stupid one, not me. Sure I wasn’t a fast reader like the rest of the class, but I just didn’t do any reading, didn’t practice because I never had too (im still a slow reader). But when I took the logic test and only got the last question wrong (which I still maintain to this day the question is faulty, because if I can only see one side of the freaking shoe, I can’t confidently determine an anomaly when it could be the same on the other side), well holy shit, it turned out I had the logic of an 8th grader in 4th grade. Now does being a slow reader mean I lack in reading comprehension or language skills? NO, because I was a wizard in translating ancient koine Greek. I would translate the passage, in a matter of minutes and sleep for the other 40 mins while the rest of the class was still translating. I did OK in gen chem, but was a wizard in organic chem...plenty of my peers were the opposite. What’s my point here...that’s diversity, what I’m a genius at, or smart at, or good at, doesn’t mean I’m good at everything. You could put a supreme team of architects and engineers together, and they’d still find a way to design a blunder, because they’re not thinking like builders. You could have two docs arguing over a diagnosis, when they’re both wrong and it was a respiratory therapist who got it right. DIVERSITY IS NECASSARY FOR THE CONTINUATION OF LIFE. SUPPRESSING DIVERSITY LEADS TO UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.

I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.

I support for very little to change, Men, and Women would still meet like they do, and chose who they want as mates.
If that Man, and Woman have kids, and have low IQ's, they'd pay a fine for that.
if that Man, and Woman have kids, and have high IQ's they'd get a tax reduction for that.

That's NOT promoting Inbreeding, nor Breeding Humans like Dogs.

This is just tweaking our society, to STOP the dysgenic's promoted by idiots having too many kids.
You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.
You’re calling for socialism/fascism. Both the epitome of stupidity.

Fascism achieved great economic results better than Capitalism
Even if that were true (and it’s not)...who gives a shit? You sound like the idiot slave owners during abolition. Liberty trumps economics prosperity, jack-ass.

Haha, actually Slave owners thought Slavery was a "Liberty" and their right to "Profit" off of their "Cheap Labor"

Sounds more like you, actually.
You’re the one calling for government control and oppression. I’m the one advocating for freedom. Only an idiotic pollock could claim calling for liberty somehow equates to slavery.
You're proving us (Polish Fascists) as correct though, Poland chose Democracy, and Capitalism in WW2, and Hitler, and Stalin chose different, and butchered Poland for that.
Pollocks (like all Europeans) are pussies. The U.S. has been the world’s elite super power since it’s inception because we’re not. That’s why Germany overthrew them in 4 hours. It had nothing to do with capitalism or democracy.

If fascism works so well and had anything to do with it - Germany and Italy wouldn’t have gotten their asses handed to them the moment we entered the war.
I don't deny environmental impacts on intelligence, actually. What I do argue is that environment alone can't explain why Blacks, and some other groups as a collective, tend to lag behind so much in intelligence.
Like all lefties - you don’t even believe the bullshit you are peddling. Pollocks are infamous for “lagging behind in intelligence”. So if you believed your own bullshit, you’d kill yourself to ensure your inferior DNA did not get passed on and you’d advocate for eugenics against all pollocks.
I don't deny environmental impacts on intelligence, actually. What I do argue is that environment alone can't explain why Blacks, and some other groups as a collective, tend to lag behind so much in intelligence.
Like all lefties - you don’t even believe the bullshit you are peddling. Pollocks are infamous for “lagging behind in intelligence”. So if you believed your own bullshit, you’d kill yourself to ensure your inferior DNA did not get passed on and you’d advocate for eugenics against all pollocks.

I told you a Pollock is a fish, and you repeat your idiocy, anyways. LOLOLOL

Wow, you're too stupid for words.

Then you refuse to grasp the data on Polish Americans being rather a high IQ, and educated population.

You just mouth off from "Jokes"

You're truly a mega-dunce.
You're proving us (Polish Fascists) as correct though, Poland chose Democracy, and Capitalism in WW2, and Hitler, and Stalin chose different, and butchered Poland for that.
Pollocks (like all Europeans) are pussies. The U.S. has been the world’s elite super power since it’s inception because we’re not. That’s why Germany overthrew them in 4 hours. It had nothing to do with capitalism or democracy.

If fascism works so well and had anything to do with it - Germany and Italy wouldn’t have gotten their asses handed to them the moment we entered the war.

No, and No.

No one has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

The Texans brag about losing the Alamo, because they were outnumbered, well the Alamo is pretty much garbage, compared to some Polish victories.

No, the U.S.A lost the War of 1811 with Britain.

So, no U.S.A wasn't always a super-power.

The U.S.A is successful, because it has the biggest White population in the World.....

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