The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.
Not at all, we have more expressive genes than they do. On top of that, obviously we had more diversity take since were no longer in the freaking trees anymore. The jump from standard mamillian intelgence to human intelligence is still one that is not been able to be explained. It was a massive jump that has scientist scratching their heads today.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Thats not “breeding” Down syndrome out you fool. That’s just aborting a pregnancy. It doesn’t mean you get rid of Down syndrome permanently. That’s caused by disjunction.

And if there is a “master race,” it’s either the Asians or the Jews, not traditional European. Seeing how they on average have an IQ 15 pts Higher than whites.

And humans have become so smart through natural selection genius. You can’t blame and attribute natural selection for humans becoming smart.

These articles also do not answer the issues I brought up, which are scientific fact, that life needs diversity.

It's Eugenics to select against Down Syndrome.

While, they may have not totally eliminate Down Syndrome genes, they've probably limited Down Syndrome genes.
Social Medicine saves a lot of lives.
Tell that to the people of Venezuela. Or Cuba. Or the former U.S.S.R. :eusa_doh:

What about countries like Sweden which pay less for Healthcare, but live longer than us?
What about Sweden? It’s a shit hole like you’re attempting to create here. If you love this ignorance so much....go live in Sweden.

Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age To Pay For Mass Immigration Policy
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study

And if there is a “master race,” it’s either the Asians or the Jews, not traditional European. Seeing how they on average have an IQ 15 pts Higher than whites.

15 points, higher?

Not really.

Actually Israel only has a 94 - 95 IQ, which is modest by Europe's standards.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study

And humans have become so smart through natural selection genius.

Yes, intelligence was selected for due to environmental pressures, and we can do the same with purposeful selection of genes for intelligence.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it.

Actually, it's probably best to NOT mix races.

If you mix too much, you dilute the intensity of the traits.

If say HIV / AIDS becomes a massive problem. (Very likely)

We may rather than mixing, would actually probably wish to select those with HIV / AIDS resistance genes to breed together to save Humanity.
(Which those HIV / AIDS resistance genes are mostly found in Northern Europeans)

So, if you mix Northern Europeans out of existence, you'd actually have a harder time isolating those HIV / AIDS resistance genes.

Yeah, it's true Africans do have in some cases better disease resistance due to their higher genetic diversity.

So, how would it benefit Humanity, to mix Africans with non-Africans to maximize such disease resistance?

Truth is you dilute the traits, when you mix.

Prove me otherwise?
Easy you’re a short sighted fool. Using eugenics to “breed” out or in traits can and DOES lead to bigger problems. Say if you breed in HIV resistance, doing so you could breed in an entirely new genetic disease not seen before, or the HIV resistance gene makes you more susceptible to malaria.

Again LOOK AT DOGS, THATS EUGENICS, PURE BREEDS ARE GENETIC NIGHTMARES WITH SLEWS OF MENTAL, PHYSICAL, AND LONGEVITY PROBLEMS. Golden retrievers used to be very smart, not anymore. That’s what eugenics does.

Also HIV is not going to be a significant long term problem. We already have the tools in place to eradicate it, now it’s just working on the logistical side, which always eventually comes. You do not know what you are talking about.
Do nothing, the only solution Republicans offer for every problem.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

Dear god, eugenics is a pseudoscience. It’s been proven false over and over. IF eugenics was real...then our pure bred dogs wouldn’t be absolute genetic nightmares. They are genetic nightmares because there is a lack of genetic diversity. Healthy genes are diverse genes, a women would not be attracted to the scent of someone who smells like her father or brother, why, because that means their genetic makeup is probably similar to that of her family, even though there is no relation. That scent caused by what sort of bacteria or “normal flora” your body/genes allow/depend on to live. THERE IS NO MASTER RACE. Why? Because life itself strives for diversity, because it’s necessary for life to continue. Diversity isn’t just important in the example that our pure bred dogs are showing us, and how every generation is becoming stupider and stupider, and succumbing to genetic diseases that used to be rare... it’s important because when shit hits the fan, say a new disease starts ripping through a population, or something causes the environment around to change, you’re gonna need some diversity to ensure that some form of the genetic code can handle it. In our production of gametes, our bodies will even randomize the genetic code, so it’s not just the same exact DNA coming from mom or dad. On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

Maybe you shouldn’t use 150 year old “science” proven false a long time ago?

Iceland proves genetic (Eugenics) correct twice in recent years.

Why Down syndrome in Iceland has almost disappeared - CBS News

Natural selection making 'education genes' rarer, says Icelandic study

And humans have become so smart through natural selection genius.

Yes, intelligence was selected for due to environmental pressures, and we can do the same with purposeful selection of genes for intelligence.
That's because Republican's recognize the government doesn't exist to "solve" your perceived problems (or your actual problems). It's such a shame that you don't understand why government does exist.

So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.
Social Medicine saves a lot of lives.
Tell that to the people of Venezuela. Or Cuba. Or the former U.S.S.R. :eusa_doh:

What about countries like Sweden which pay less for Healthcare, but live longer than us?
What about Sweden? It’s a shit hole like you’re attempting to create here. If you love this ignorance so much....go live in Sweden.

Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age To Pay For Mass Immigration Policy

Not really... .Sweden's got high incomes, and net worth.

The productivity of the U.S.A is generally higher than Western Europe leading to a higher GDP, and in return higher wages.

But, keep in mind that U.S.A Southern states have a GDP more, or less like Western Europe, and wages much like Western Europe.

It's White Catholics, and Ashkenazi Jews who largely gave Northern states a bump over their White Protestant British counterpart yokels down South like you.

Furthermore, the U.S.A got a head-start during the World War periods, which allowed us to gain more technology for more productivity, which is why the U.S.A jumped ahead during the World War periods, not before.
So, who's going to solve serious problems, then?


1.) Illegal immigrants gouging the system, and undermining wages.
2.) Islamic immigrants / refugees causing terrorism.
3.) Outsourced jobs taking jobs out of America's hand.
3.) Criminals having more children causing dysgenics.
4.) Idiots having more children causing dysgenics.
5.) Balkanization causing general conflict.
6.) People dying from poverty.
7.) People dying from crumbling infrastructure.
8.) People dying from lack of healthcare.
9.) People dying from criminals because of no Police force.
10.) Wars caused by Anarchy.

On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
It's Eugenics to select against Down Syndrome.
Too bad nobody engaged in eugenics to “select against” pollocks. Not only are Down Syndrome children smarter than pollocks, it would have prevented them from coming to my country and crying for fascism.

The Nazis did, doof, you prove over, and over again you're ignorant.
The Nazis thought Brachycephalic people were inferior, like Poles, Czechs, Russians, Ukrainians, Ashkenazi Jews, Chinese etc.
The reason they massacred many Poles, Russians, and Ashkenazi Jews so much is because of their Brachycephalic skulls.

But, the truth is this is just another stupidity by Western Europeans to claim Dolichocephalic superiority, Dolichocephalic includes Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Africans, Australoids, Arabs etc.

Also many of the best, and brightest Germans were hyper-Brachycephalic, like Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, and Leibniz.

You're very, very dumb.
A.) a Pollock is a fish, a Polak is a Polish male in the Polish language.
B.) You base all Polish people on me, which is not true.
C.) Polish IQ's are way higher than Down Syndrome ones, it's Black people who have IQ's similar to Down Syndrome.
D.) You don't grasp that my positions are more rational for curbing American problems, than yours... You're very dumb, and stuck in your ways, incapable of abstract thought, or logic.
On top of that, diversity is IMPORTANT to continue evolution.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.

How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.
How do you figure that?

Humans are a lot less genetically diverse than other Apes, in fact we're a lot less genetically diverse than most Creatures on this Earth.

We've also evolved into something superior, that can outsmart nature, unlike other Animals.

And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews have very different IQ patterns.

Ashkenazi Jews have extremely high IQ's on verbal performance, but low IQ's on spatial ability.

Asians have very high IQ's on spatial ability, but somewhat low IQ's on verbal performance.

This is probably partially genetic.

Verbal = Left brain
Spatial = Right brain

Ashkenazi Jews do seem to be very left-brain dominant, they do well in Left brain activities like Physics, Mathematics, and Verbal intelligence, but actually don't do so well in right-brain dominant activities like Art, or Engineering.

This is probably because of the fields Ashkenazi Jews took on in Europe, which required Left brain dominance to excel in Banking, and Business with basic Math, and Verbal intelligence required.

Another thing is Ashkenazi Jews kept switching languages, so that might have boosted their Verbal IQ's.
And again we’ve been creating “master races” for hundreds of years now in dog breading. We’ve been doing eugenics and it’s backfireing right in front of our eyes. Breeds like the golden retriever we’re once hands down the best hunting dogs, that’s no longer the case. You should consider yourself lucky if you get a pure breed that not only can still learn simple tricks, but also not do things like chase it’s tail for hours.

I'm not advocating for Eugenics on that scale, nor inbreeding.

I call for minor Positive Eugenics, to curb the general trend of less intelligent people having more kids, and thus taking overtime.

We should be punishing low IQ people for having kids, and rewarding high IQ people having kids.
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.
Oh is it? When did you take this IQ test?

No shit you can alter gene pools. Here’s one for you, leaving food in your fridge for too long proves food can smell bad. Good job.

And no what you’re calling for is even more nonsensical. The problem isn’t the type of eugenics, it’s eugenics itself. DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

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