The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.
You’re calling for socialism/fascism. Both the epitome of stupidity.

Fascism achieved great economic results better than Capitalism
Even if that were true (and it’s not)...who gives a shit? You sound like the idiot slave owners during abolition. Liberty trumps economics prosperity, jack-ass.

Haha, actually Slave owners thought Slavery was a "Liberty" and their right to "Profit" off of their "Cheap Labor"

Sounds more like you, actually.
You’re the one calling for government control and oppression. I’m the one advocating for freedom. Only an idiotic pollock could claim calling for liberty somehow equates to slavery.

Slavery = Liberty, it was ended by Government ending that Liberty.

Illegal Immigrants = Liberty.

Military = Collectivism, and anti-Liberty.

Police = Collectivism, and anti-Liberty.

So, actually, no you don't even support Liberty, or go against Collectivism on all things.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.
I'm NOT for breeding Humans.

I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.
I'm NOT for Humans inbreeding.

I support for very little to change, Men, and Women would still meet like they do, and chose who they want as mates.
If that Man, and Woman have kids, and have low IQ's, they'd pay a fine for that.
if that Man, and Woman have kids, and have high IQ's they'd get a tax reduction for that.

That's NOT promoting Inbreeding, nor Breeding Humans like Dogs.

This is just tweaking our society, to STOP the dysgenic's promoted by idiots having too many kids.

No, I don't want to eliminate genetic diversity, nor would that happen.

I support minor adjustments so the intelligent have more kids, than the stupid.

That has absolutely nothing to do with diversity.
Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

And NO, WEVE BEEN BREEDING DOGS FOR INTELLEGENCS FOR CENTURIES. The problem that creates is that it limits the gene pool, and vwallah, a genetic nightmare is created. That’s eugenics in practice, there’s not another form of eugenics, because eugenics requires “pureness”, as you so strongly advocate for. There is no, “well they just didnt do eugenics right, we’ll do it right this time.” THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO EUGENICS BECAUSE IT IS PSUEDOSCIENCE. YOU CANT LIMIT GENE POOLS WHILE TRYING TO NOT LIMIT GENE POOLS, ITS AN OXYMORON, A PARADOX.

And “breeding” ISNT THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN GENETICS. The environment around a subject is not only important for cognitive development, but also very important to GENETIC DEVELOPMENT, thanks to epigenetics.

I took an IQ test about 10 years ago, and scored a 124 IQ.

How many times do I have to tell you?
I do not intend for eugenics in the way it was done with Dogs?

Dog breeding is strongly inbreeding by taking Dogs with certain gene, and breeding them over, and over again until they get the desired trait from those genes.

I'm talking about within our society with 100's millions, nothing about inbreeding.

NO, I'm talking about rewarding the intelligent of society for having children, and punishing the less intelligent of society for having children.

That's in no way, or form inbreeding.
So you’re 18 now?

That’s exactly what was done with dogs. They all didn’t start out looking different. As a matter of fact, breeding the wolves and wild dogs with the domesticated gene, is what led to the unintended consequence of having dogs look so different. It led to wild changes in collagen, as well as fur. We then further bred dogs into different groups based on intelligence. Our “pure breeds” were just the most popular breeds to arise out of the our eugenics hobby.

I'm 31 years old.

Some Dogs aren't smarter than Wolves?
Some Dogs aren't friendlier than Wolves?
Some Dogs don't run faster than Wolves?

Okay, so what?
Eugenics on Dogs DID ACHIEVE positive results, even if with some Genetic damage.

I'm NOT talking about breeding Humans, doof.

I'm talking about just promoting the higher IQ peoples for having children, and punishing the lower IQ peoples for having children WITHIN our monstrous society.
TO COMBAT the fact that intelligence genes are presumably diminishing, as showed that Iceland study, as does the fact that Human brains are shrinking, or DIVERSITY IS NECASSARY FOR THE CONTINUATION OF LIFE. SUPPRESSING DIVERSITY LEADS TO UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Humans = Genetically low in diversity.

Insects = Genetically very high in diversity.

Which would you rather be?
Ok then, punish everyone outside of Asians and German Jews. Problem solved.

What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

Really? So to insects threaten the earth? Do they make weapons of mass destruction? Do they genetically alter plants so that they can't reproduce? Do they pollute the earth to the point that they can't live in that area? Do insects threaten all other species on the globe?

Seems to me that mankind has the knowledge, but the wisdom is lacking to the point that knowledge may destroy the human race.
From my vantage point, any system that wishes to destroy a free market and free trade is one hell bent on fascism.

Any government that wishes to monitor each and every financial transaction and then determine what of that should be redistributed is the most fascist and dictatorial governments of them all.
What a hack, you call for inbreeding, and purity making for Dog stupidity.

But,then tout of the most Inbred (Ashkenazi Jews) and the most racially pure (Chinese) as the most intelligent.

Also most Ashkenazi Jews are Polish Jews, and Polish Americans also have a higher IQ too.

White Americans do have a higher IQ than the U.S.A average, because their IQ is more like that of Ashkenazi Jews, and Asians, than like Blacks, and Hispanics.

So, you're wrong, over, and over again.
Wow you’re an idiot...I’ve been mocking you with the German Jew and Asian point. Clearly you should be punished for having a low IQ, I hope you haven’t done any breeding. It’s widley known it had NOTHING to do with genes, but culture. Both Asians and Jews culturally push scholarship very heavily, and the Jews in their religious teachings use a lot of thought excercises to teach starting at a young age.


Actually my IQ is 124, well above average.

Genes obviously play a big role in education, and intelligence.

Genetic links to educational attainment identified: Study examines genetic influences on behavior

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

I'm not advocating for the same kind of eugenics as Dogs.

Furthermore, Dogs do prove you can alter genes by Eugenics.

Epic fail.

DIVERSITY is what is key to survival. You’ve displayed over and over you do not know what you’re talking about. You’re just cherry picking non-sequitars, half of which, go against you’re own arguments.

Is that why the highest genetic diversity population of Humans the San Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and have the lowest recorded IQ's on the planet?

No, you don't know what you're talking about.

Insects have much higher genetic diversity in general than Mammals.

Yes, they might be able to survive due to being able to reproduce quick, and in large batches.

However, they can't make a rocket, and colonize space with Insect intellects to survive.

They can't use their intellects to alter the path of a incoming asteroid to survive.

We might be able to do just that to survive.

We also live long compared to insects, and enjoy much.

Yes, I'd say Human lives are more valuable than the much more genetically diverse Insect.
Most people would agree, which is why we don't call people Hitler for using Gas to kill insects.

Really? So to insects threaten the earth? Do they make weapons of mass destruction? Do they genetically alter plants so that they can't reproduce? Do they pollute the earth to the point that they can't live in that area? Do insects threaten all other species on the globe?

Seems to me that mankind has the knowledge, but the wisdom is lacking to the point that knowledge may destroy the human race.

If Insects were massive in size, and intellect, they would've wiped out Humans no doubt.
Then you refuse to grasp the data on Polish Americans being rather a high IQ, and educated population. You just mouth off from "Jokes"
Dimwit here doesn’t see the irony of a self-professed fascist who states that eugenics needs to be leveraged to eliminate “inferior” races and people, whining about someone countering his argument by using the stereotype about his Polish heritage.

Now that is hilarious (and - in the ultimate irony - actually supports the stereotype) :lmao:
Then you refuse to grasp the data on Polish Americans being rather a high IQ, and educated population. You just mouth off from "Jokes"
Dimwit here doesn’t see the irony of a self-professed fascist who states that eugenics needs to be leveraged to eliminate “inferior” races and people, whining about someone countering his argument by using the stereotype about his Polish heritage.

Now that is hilarious (and - in the ultimate irony - actually supports the stereotype) :lmao:

I never said anything about eliminating inferior races.
The U.S.A is successful, because it has the biggest White population in the World.....
The U.S. is the elite super-power in the world because we have limited number of Polish pussies.

It's not going to be for long, because pussies like you don't do anything about the Mexican fifth column eroding this nation.
The U.S.A is successful, because it has the biggest White population in the World.....
The U.S. is the elite super-power in the world because we have limited number of Polish pussies.

I dare you to name any nation with so many impressive battles as Poles have had?

Battle of Kletsk 1506 7,000 Poles beat 20,000 Tatars.

Battle of Obertyn 1531 5,000 Poles beat 17,000 Moldovians.

Battle of Lubieszow 1577 2,000 Poles beat 12,000 Germans.

Battle of Wenden 1601 700 Poles beat 3,000 Swedes.

Battle of Kircholm 1605 3,000 Poles beat 10,000 Swedes.

Battle of Klushino 1610 6,000 Poles beat 35,000 Russian + Swedish forces.

Battle of Khotyn 1621 60,000 Poles beat 150,000 Ottoman Turks.

Battle of Martynow 1624 5,000 Poles beat 15,000 Tatars.

Siege of Azbarazh 1647 10,000 Poles held off 140,000 Cossack + Tatar forces.

Battle of Bila Tserkva 1651 12,000 Poles beat 50,000 Cossack + Tatar forces.

Siege of Jasna Gora 1655. 310 Poles beat 3,200 Swedes.

Battle of Podhajce 1667 3,000 Polish soldiers, and 6,000 Polish villagers, beat 20,000 Tatars, 15,000 Cossacks, and 3,000 Turkish Janissarries.

Battle of Kamenets 1672 1,500 Poles held off 80,000 Ottoman Turks for 9 days.

Battle of Trembowla 1675 300 Poles held off 30,000 Turks for a month.,

Battle of Hodow 1694 400 Poles beat 40,000 Tatars.

Wilno Uprising 1794 1,500 Poles held off 8,000 Russian forces.

Warsaw Uprising 1794 3,000 Poles beat 8,000 Russian forces.

Battle of Fuengirola 1810 400 Poles beat 3,500 British, and 1,000 Spanish forces.

Battle of Olszynka Grochowska in 1831 36,000 Poles beat 60,000 Russians.

Battle of Kostiuchnowka 1916 5,500 Poles beat 13,000 Russians.

Battle of Komarow 1920 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviets.

Battle of Zadworze 1920 300 Poles tactical Polish victory despite losing against 17,000 Soviets of the First Cavalry Division.

Battle of Wizna 1939 700 Poles held off 42,200 German Nazis for 3 days.
It's not going to be for long, because pussies like you don't do anything about the Mexican fifth column eroding this nation.
We the people elected President Trump to the White House and gave control of the House, the Senate, and 33 of 50 states to the Republicans. We did something. We’re addressing the illegal aliens.
It's not going to be for long, because pussies like you don't do anything about the Mexican fifth column eroding this nation.
We the people elected President Trump to the White House and gave control of the House, the Senate, and 33 of 50 states to the Republicans. We did something. We’re addressing the illegal aliens.

Not doing a very good job of it, still tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York.
I dare you to name any nation with so many impressive battles as Poles have had?
You pussies surrendered to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in like 4 hours. :lmao:

I dare you to tell me who - other than pussies - surrenders? The British sure as hell didn’t. The Russians didnt. The U.S. didn’t. But those pussy polacks couldn’t throw their hands in the air and surrender fast enough.
I dare you to name any nation with so many impressive battles as Poles have had?
You pussies surrendered to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in like 4 hours. :lmao:

I dare you to tell me who - other than pussies - surrenders? The British sure as hell didn’t. The Russians didnt. The U.S. didn’t. But those pussy polacks couldn’t throw their hands in the air and surrender fast enough.

Because you can't use Blitzkrieg Tank tactics in Water like the English Channel, or like deep snow in Central Russia's Winter.

But, to have a real discussion with you, is like having a conversation with a clown.
Not doing a very good job of it, still tons of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York.
New York is a progressive state (ie a sanctuary state). If you’re dumb enough to live there, I don’t feel sorry for you.

The states with the most Mexicans lare Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, only 1 of those is particularly Progressive (California)

The states with the most Blacks are Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia, none of those are Progressive.

It seems you, and your Southern Ilk don't care much about your Minority buddies.
Because you can't use Blitzkrieg Tank tactics in Water like the English Channel
The brits didn’t live in the English Channel, you dumb polack. They lived in large, dense cities such as London. Would you like to try another excuse?

Because you can't drive a Blitzkrieg Tank attack across the English Channel.

You're really stupid, how British are you?

I've never seen more stupid Whites, than the British.

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