The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

So, why did Franco, and Hitler achieve faster economic growth than FDR the fastest economic growth U.S.A President of the 20th century?
Because that’s what totalitarianism does. If I stuck a gun in your face and make you produce for me - my GDP will be higher than someone who doesn’t do that.

But what kind of an asshole wants a gun placed in their face and what’s to be forced to produce for the state? Answer: dumb pollocks.

Actually, more like because Fascists manage private enterprise, they can tweak it, without getting rid of competition.

The U.S.A would see massive benefits from Fascism, all it's industries would be for National Interest, (American workers) not foreigners like the Capitalist jerks are promoting.
The U.S.A is much more dangerous, violent, filled with drugs, and divorce, and all kinds of problems in comparison to Poland.
I agree with you 100% here. Liberty isn’t for pussies. It’s for strong individuals. The weak either resort to drugs/alcohol or they cry like little bitches (yourself, pogo, etc.) about how much they hate the U.S. and love fascism.
I don't even like this country, or want to be here, actually.
So for the ninth time now....leave. Nobody wants you here. We hate ignorant, racist, collectivists. Fidel Castro implemented everything you dream of - go experience your “utopia” first-hand under his brother Raul.

You don't love this country.

You would let your fellow Americans die from lack of healthcare.

You would let your fellow Americans die from poverty.

You would destroy your America's natural environment of beauty.

You would allow America's culture to be destroyed by Bean-ditos from South of the border.

You just like other Individualist selfish, idiots like yourself. (British vagabonds, dirty, dumb, yokels who settled the South)
We think Americans like you are stupid, I mean, how can a people complain about so many societal ills, that they're too dumb to know better that these societal ills are in fact overwhelmingly caused by the Capitalist Individualism they love?
Again...these issues are not caused by capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system, you nitwit. They are caused by a republic democracy (a political system).

It’s no wonder you adore fascism. You’re too stupid to even under stand what it is.
You would let your fellow Americans die from lack of healthcare.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than any one individual.
You would let your fellow Americans die from poverty.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than any one individual.
You would destroy your America's natural environment of beauty.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than esthetics in nature.
You would allow America's culture to be destroyed by Bean-ditos from South of the border.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than your perceived “master race”.
The U.S.A is much more dangerous, violent, filled with drugs, and divorce, and all kinds of problems in comparison to Poland.
I agree with you 100% here. Liberty isn’t for pussies. It’s for strong individuals. The weak either resort to drugs/alcohol or they cry like little bitches (yourself, pogo, etc.) about how much they hate the U.S. and love fascism.

Things always get worse in the U.S.A, because your Republicans are pussies, you do nothing about anything at all, and just let Democrats walk all over your stupid people.
Actually, more like because Fascists manage private enterprise, they can tweak it, without getting rid of competition.
This pollock is literally too stupid to understand what he just said. :lmao:

(Psst....fragile little snowflake...if the oppressive fascist government has enough control over “private enterprise” to both “manage” and ”tweak” it, then it isn’t “private” enterprise at all)

You are literally justifying every stereotype about pollocks... :lmao:
You would let your fellow Americans die from lack of healthcare.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than any one individual.
You would let your fellow Americans die from poverty.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than any one individual.
You would destroy your America's natural environment of beauty.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than esthetics in nature.
You would allow America's culture to be destroyed by Bean-ditos from South of the border.
Yep. Liberty is far more important than your perceived “master race”.

As I said your solution to everything is do nothing.

Then can't seem to grasp why everything gets worse, and Democrats dominate you.

Maybe because you need to stand up for yourselves?

Just a suggestion.
Then can't seem to grasp why everything gets worse, and Democrats dominate you.
Republicans control the White House
Republicans control the House
Republicans control the Senate
Republicans control 33 of the 50 states

Sooooooo....please explain to us all which part the Dumbocrats are “dominating”.
Actually, more like because Fascists manage private enterprise, they can tweak it, without getting rid of competition.
This pollock is literally too stupid to understand what he just said. :lmao:

(Psst....fragile little snowflake...if the oppressive fascist government has enough control over “private enterprise” to both “manage” and ”tweak” it, then it isn’t “private” enterprise at all)

You are literally justifying every stereotype about pollocks... :lmao:

For the most part in Fascist countries businesses could do as they pleased, unless it went against National Interest, then the management stepped in.

This obviously would hold value in modern America, because it would keep jobs in American hands, rather than Illegal Mexicans getting blue collar jobs, legal Indians getting Silicon valley jobs, and manufacturing headed to mass to China,

The Fascists would put our National interests first.
Then can't seem to grasp why everything gets worse, and Democrats dominate you.
Republicans control the White House
Republicans control the House
Republicans control the Senate
Republicans control 33 of the 50 states

Sooooooo....please explain to us all which part the Dumbocrats are “dominating”.

So, why is Abortion still there, why is there still 10 million Illegal immigrants, why is there still Affirmative Action discriminating against White males, why is there still Gay Marriage etc. etc.

Maybe because Republicans are weak, and wouldn't dare stand up to Liberals?

Of course not, it would take government control to combat Liberals.

But, you don't grasp that, you're a dumb, British vagabond Southern Yokel.... AKA a White Negro.
because your Republicans are pussies
The Republicans aren’t “pussies”. They simply respect liberty and the U.S. Constitution. The pussy is the one crying about how scary it is because of crime and those “scary” Mexicans.
you're a dumb, British vagabond Southern Yokel.... AKA a White Negro.
What’s hilarious is that you have no idea what color I am, what nationality, or what region I live in. You continue to illustrate your polish intellect :laugh:

Most people like you are, trace their roots from British Yokel American early Colonialists.

Very few other Whites are like you, and even less non-Whites.
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This obviously would hold value in modern America, because it would keep jobs in American hands,
It’s not hard to keep jobs in American hands. Just outperform your competition for a lower price. You’re such a not only fear Mexicans, you’re even afraid to compete. You’d shit your pants if actual fascists came marching through. You’re too stupid to even realize that you’re afraid of what you demand.
because your Republicans are pussies
The Republicans aren’t “pussies”. They simply respect liberty and the U.S. Constitution. The pussy is the one crying about how scary it is because of crime and those “scary” Mexicans.

If you don't see Mexicans here as an issue, I'm so sorry you don't respect the U.S !Founding Fathers, or this country.
This obviously would hold value in modern America, because it would keep jobs in American hands,
It’s not hard to keep jobs in American hands. Just outperform your competition for a lower price. You’re such a not only fear Mexicans, you’re even afraid to compete. You’d shit your pants if actual fascists came marching through. You’re too stupid to even realize that you’re afraid of what you demand.

You're calling for Americans to settle for lower pay, then call yourself a true American patriot, and smart guy.

No, just no.

You support less for Americans, you're pandering for a Mexican fifth column to replace us.

Not smart, nor patriotic.

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