The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars

The cop mishandled the girl. There is no excuse for man handling a teenage girl in that manner if she poses no physical threat to you.

And if she resists a peaceful order to leave the area? He was a bit rough with her yes, but when you repeatedly ignore orders to leave the area, what other options are you giving the officer?
Most instances like that, cops are watchful, but give people more of a chance to leave the area. ( especially end of school type situations)
He acted like it was a zombie apocalypse.

more of a chance? You don't need "more of a chance". This is more Western wimp talk. You don't need more of a chance. When you are told to leave.... you just do it. When he says "get on the ground" you just do it. When he says "face down, hands behind your back", you just do it.

I guess I'm the only one that had parents. When my father said "time to go" it was time to go. When he said "clean up this mess", it was time to clean up the mess. My father taught me to do as I was told when confronted with authority. The police officer is the authority. Shut up.... keep your mouth closed... and do as your told. It's part of being in a civilized society. Go live in Libya if you don't like authority. See what's it like to live without an authority.

I use to go to plenty of large parties where the cops came and not once did they tell anyone face down, hands behind your back. There was also a little talking back ... the cops simply didn't react the same way.

Im not against police or authority at all. I have a ton of respect for what cops do every day. I just don't think they are right all the time.
The cop mishandled the girl. There is no excuse for man handling a teenage girl in that manner if she poses no physical threat to you.

And if she resists a peaceful order to leave the area? He was a bit rough with her yes, but when you repeatedly ignore orders to leave the area, what other options are you giving the officer?
Most instances like that, cops are watchful, but give people more of a chance to leave the area. ( especially end of school type situations)
He acted like it was a zombie apocalypse.

more of a chance? You don't need "more of a chance". This is more Western wimp talk. You don't need more of a chance. When you are told to leave.... you just do it. When he says "get on the ground" you just do it. When he says "face down, hands behind your back", you just do it.

I guess I'm the only one that had parents. When my father said "time to go" it was time to go. When he said "clean up this mess", it was time to clean up the mess. My father taught me to do as I was told when confronted with authority. The police officer is the authority. Shut up.... keep your mouth closed... and do as your told. It's part of being in a civilized society. Go live in Libya if you don't like authority. See what's it like to live without an authority.

I use to go to plenty of large parties where the cops came and not once did they tell anyone face down, hands behind your back. There was also a little talking back ... the cops simply didn't react the same way.

Im not against police or authority at all. I have a ton of respect for what cops do every day. I just don't think they are right all the time.

Of course not. As I said, I had a cop pull a gun on me. Apparently he thought I didn't stop soon enough, and thought I was trying to evade.

The problem is, people think that because the cop is wrong, means they don't have to obey authority. No. You still have to obey. Obama is President. If he asks me to do something... I'm going to do it. "But Obama is terrible!" Yeah.... I think he is a bad president... but he's still president.

So what did I do? The cop said, put the cell phone on the dash. I put the cell phone on the dash, right in the middle of a call. I didn't even say "I'll call you back", I simply obeyed the order of the cop.

He said, put your hands on the steering wheel. I put my hands on the steering wheel. None of this is complicated.

I didn't taunt. I didn't argue. I did exactly as I was told. That's how this works.

The police officer told those ladies in the video to go home. It was very clear. It very direct. There was nothing ambiguous about it.

Bottom Line: They should have gone home. Period. No questions. No arguments. No discussion. He gave them an order, he has the authority, they should have done it. PERIOD. PERIOD!

That to me...... is the end. That's game over. That's game set match. Shows finished, lights out.

And honestly... the moment you refuse to obey the order of a police officer.... I really honestly don't care what happens to you. That's on you from that moment on.

"so you think cops are always right?!??!" No. Doesn't matter.

Does everyone understand that the law is meant to only protect those who follow the law? Do you get that? The law, isn't there to protect people who violate the law. Ignoring our modern stupidity, that's the way it was for hundreds of years. So when someone refuses to follow the law, by refusing to obey a police officer, they should not be protected. They should be harmed. I want law breakers harmed. I think that's WONDERFUL when a law breaker is punished.

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