The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars

Anyone notice how libs expect everyone else to be reasonable . But their first instinct is to send death threats and get people fired? Bunch of hypocrites.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Why do you keep repeating the lie?
The two that rushed the cop were not in bathing suits and the one on the left reached behind his back while approaching the cop.

He did not reach behind his back, he had his had by his pocket, and a couple seconds before that, he pulled up his shorts. They were in shorts with a towel, for the swimming party. Holy shit.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Yeah, and you'd be one of those officers shot and killed. Only an idiot would see two big kids, almost twice your own size, screaming at you, coming around behind you, and think "I'm perfectly safe at this moment"... you are a fool. You understand? A total and complete fool, if you don't defend yourself.

That statement was spoken like a true ignorant person. "I would never pull my gun" says someone whose never been in the middle of a hostile crowd surrounding them. Never been beat by a bunch of guys.

So go get yourself killed. Put your money where your mouth is. Join the force, and go deal with situations like that. You are sure quick to judge others in that situation. How about you go show us how it's done. Prove it to us.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Yeah, and you'd be one of those officers shot and killed. Only an idiot would see two big kids, almost twice your own size, screaming at you, coming around behind you, and think "I'm perfectly safe at this moment"... you are a fool. You understand? A total and complete fool, if you don't defend yourself.

That statement was spoken like a true ignorant person. "I would never pull my gun" says someone whose never been in the middle of a hostile crowd surrounding them. Never been beat by a bunch of guys.

So go get yourself killed. Put your money where your mouth is. Join the force, and go deal with situations like that. You are sure quick to judge others in that situation. How about you go show us how it's done. Prove it to us.

Those other 11 cops just showed us how its done.

The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Why do you keep repeating the lie?
The two that rushed the cop were not in bathing suits and the one on the left reached behind his back while approaching the cop.

He did not reach behind his back, he had his had by his pocket, and a couple seconds before that, he pulled up his shorts. They were in shorts with a towel, for the swimming party. Holy shit.

What is it with you morons? A two second Google search and ...BAM!! You're proven wrong yet again. Dont you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?
Texas pool party video shows man reaching for weapon
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Yeah, and you'd be one of those officers shot and killed. Only an idiot would see two big kids, almost twice your own size, screaming at you, coming around behind you, and think "I'm perfectly safe at this moment"... you are a fool. You understand? A total and complete fool, if you don't defend yourself.

That statement was spoken like a true ignorant person. "I would never pull my gun" says someone whose never been in the middle of a hostile crowd surrounding them. Never been beat by a bunch of guys.

So go get yourself killed. Put your money where your mouth is. Join the force, and go deal with situations like that. You are sure quick to judge others in that situation. How about you go show us how it's done. Prove it to us.

Those other 11 cops just showed us how its done.


Ok, that's not the video I watched. They cuffed the girl just the same. The only difference was, when there was 4 cops, the other kids stopped being crazy. When there was more than one, suddenly they were not so brave about screaming and running around the cop.

Besides, I don't really care what cops did what anymore. You show us. You came on here all brave and judging. You back your own words. You show us how it's done, when a dozen people surrounding you.

But you won't. Another arm chair coward on the Internet, claiming everyone else is doing it wrong.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Yeah, and you'd be one of those officers shot and killed. Only an idiot would see two big kids, almost twice your own size, screaming at you, coming around behind you, and think "I'm perfectly safe at this moment"... you are a fool. You understand? A total and complete fool, if you don't defend yourself.

That statement was spoken like a true ignorant person. "I would never pull my gun" says someone whose never been in the middle of a hostile crowd surrounding them. Never been beat by a bunch of guys.

So go get yourself killed. Put your money where your mouth is. Join the force, and go deal with situations like that. You are sure quick to judge others in that situation. How about you go show us how it's done. Prove it to us.

No... She would have freaked out and blown them away. Libs are all talk.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.

Because it's a no-no to draw your gun on a bunch of unarmed teens who are in their bathing suits at a pool party, and of no threat. The cop acted like a real dick.

No, not all of us would pull out a gun. Not all of us are pussies. The other 11 cops still have their job.

Yeah, and you'd be one of those officers shot and killed. Only an idiot would see two big kids, almost twice your own size, screaming at you, coming around behind you, and think "I'm perfectly safe at this moment"... you are a fool. You understand? A total and complete fool, if you don't defend yourself.

That statement was spoken like a true ignorant person. "I would never pull my gun" says someone whose never been in the middle of a hostile crowd surrounding them. Never been beat by a bunch of guys.

So go get yourself killed. Put your money where your mouth is. Join the force, and go deal with situations like that. You are sure quick to judge others in that situation. How about you go show us how it's done. Prove it to us.

No... She would have freaked out and blown them away. Libs are all talk.

Thank you for admitting the cop freaked out, and was a real pussy.
The policeman was immediately flanked by two other policemen when the two kids approached him. As soon as he stood and faced them, before pulling his gun, they began backing away. He was never in any mortal danger.
3 fucking nights in a row, Sean Hannity has been bitching about this.

Enough already

You do know that the ultimate control over your TV, is in your power.... right? If you change the channel, there is nothing Hannity can do. Why are you complaining to us, about what is your TV that you control?
Stfu moron. I saw it while surfing not watching. Do any of you dumbfucks ever have anything of substance to say?
The person who organized the party is allowed TWO guests,not 130.
How is it possible that you dont know this basic fact about the situation...willful ignorance?

a party where you can only invite two people? That sounds... silly. Point was, they weren't tresspassing.

So let's review. The cop had to resign. The guy who posted the "Thanks" signs was outed as a felon who tortured animals, and the lady who started the fight by flinging racial epitaths, has been fired from her job.

All Is Good.
They weren't invited ya fucken moron. Had they been invited they wouldnt have had to climb the fence to get in.

The person who organized the party was a resident. So, yeah, they were.

The person who organized the party is allowed TWO guests,not 130.
How is it possible that you dont know this basic fact about the situation...willful ignorance?
that's hogwash...Yes, I saw the man that said this on a Fox blip....

The rule for the home association 20 guests are allowed for a pool party in the pool area for the's in their rules for the association, NOT TWO....

It is two for each person that lives there on a normal basis, and most of the people at the party were people who lived in this very community and were allowed to be there LEGALLY.

if it is not a party in the pool area, and/or if the party is not set up and held in the gated pool area, then there is no limit to how many people you can have at the party according the to association's rules....they set up their barbeque and their DJ, outside of the pool area....

A handful jumped over the pool fence to get in that area, and those are the people who broke the rules, NOT the people hosting the party, not the guests of the party, who lived in the community.

The cops were called because of a fight and punching and pulling of hair started by the WHITE WOMEN mouthing off racial slurs, from all that I have read on it....?
They weren't invited ya fucken moron. Had they been invited they wouldnt have had to climb the fence to get in.

The person who organized the party was a resident. So, yeah, they were.

The person who organized the party is allowed TWO guests,not 130.
How is it possible that you dont know this basic fact about the situation...willful ignorance?
that's hogwash...Yes, I saw the man that said this on a Fox blip....

The rule for the home association 20 guests are allowed for a pool party in the pool area for the's in their rules for the association, NOT TWO....

It is two for each person that lives there on a normal basis, and most of the people at the party were people who lived in this very community and were allowed to be there LEGALLY.

if it is not a party in the pool area, and/or if the party is not set up and held in the gated pool area, then there is no limit to how many people you can have at the party according the to association's rules....they set up their barbeque and their DJ, outside of the pool area....

A handful jumped over the pool fence to get in that area, and those are the people who broke the rules, NOT the people hosting the party, not the guests of the party, who lived in the community.

The cops were called because of a fight and punching and pulling of hair started by the WHITE WOMEN mouthing off racial slurs, from all that I have read on it....? have to pay a fee in order to have a party and it's limited to 20 people. And it's two guest per household unless you pay that fee if you plan on using the pool. Which they didn't.
They weren't invited ya fucken moron. Had they been invited they wouldnt have had to climb the fence to get in.

The person who organized the party was a resident. So, yeah, they were.

The person who organized the party is allowed TWO guests,not 130.
How is it possible that you dont know this basic fact about the situation...willful ignorance?
that's hogwash...Yes, I saw the man that said this on a Fox blip....

The rule for the home association 20 guests are allowed for a pool party in the pool area for the's in their rules for the association, NOT TWO....

It is two for each person that lives there on a normal basis, and most of the people at the party were people who lived in this very community and were allowed to be there LEGALLY.

if it is not a party in the pool area, and/or if the party is not set up and held in the gated pool area, then there is no limit to how many people you can have at the party according the to association's rules....they set up their barbeque and their DJ, outside of the pool area....

A handful jumped over the pool fence to get in that area, and those are the people who broke the rules, NOT the people hosting the party, not the guests of the party, who lived in the community.

The cops were called because of a fight and punching and pulling of hair started by the WHITE WOMEN mouthing off racial slurs, from all that I have read on it....? have to pay a fee in order to have a party and it's limited to 20 people. And it's two guest per household unless you pay that fee if you plan on using the pool. Which they didn't.
You have to pay a fee IF you have a party that is set up in the gated pool area....they didn't, their party was set up, with barbecue and DJ, OUTSIDE of that gated pool area.

With the exception of just a handful of pool crashers jumping the gate, IF that is even true....

the people using the pool WERE people/kids who lived in the complex and allowed to be there, and allowed to each have 2 guests...

The he man cop had a bad day, and took it out on that girl and others.

and from everything I have read, the white women were the racist trash talkers and the ones who STARTED the fight by punching the girl.....

Everyone in the videos I have seen, were pretty well behaved.....

When the white lady was punching and pulling the hair of the black girl, there were several black kids around her, that could have easily gone ape shit and brought this woman DOWN for hurting their friend, BUT THEY DID NOT.
They weren't invited ya fucken moron. Had they been invited they wouldnt have had to climb the fence to get in.

The person who organized the party was a resident. So, yeah, they were.

The person who organized the party is allowed TWO guests,not 130.
How is it possible that you dont know this basic fact about the situation...willful ignorance?
that's hogwash...Yes, I saw the man that said this on a Fox blip....

The rule for the home association 20 guests are allowed for a pool party in the pool area for the's in their rules for the association, NOT TWO....

It is two for each person that lives there on a normal basis, and most of the people at the party were people who lived in this very community and were allowed to be there LEGALLY.

if it is not a party in the pool area, and/or if the party is not set up and held in the gated pool area, then there is no limit to how many people you can have at the party according the to association's rules....they set up their barbeque and their DJ, outside of the pool area....

A handful jumped over the pool fence to get in that area, and those are the people who broke the rules, NOT the people hosting the party, not the guests of the party, who lived in the community.

The cops were called because of a fight and punching and pulling of hair started by the WHITE WOMEN mouthing off racial slurs, from all that I have read on it....? have to pay a fee in order to have a party and it's limited to 20 people. And it's two guest per household unless you pay that fee if you plan on using the pool. Which they didn't.
You have to pay a fee IF you have a party that is set up in the gated pool area....they didn't, their party was set up, with barbecue and DJ, OUTSIDE of that gated pool area.

With the exception of just a handful of pool crashers jumping the gate, IF that is even true....

the people using the pool WERE people/kids who lived in the complex and allowed to be there, and allowed to each have 2 guests...

The he man cop had a bad day, and took it out on that girl and others.

and from everything I have read, the white women were the racist trash talkers and the ones who STARTED the fight by punching the girl.....

Everyone in the videos I have seen, were pretty well behaved.....

When the white lady was punching and pulling the hair of the black girl, there were several black kids around her, that could have easily gone ape shit and brought this woman DOWN for hurting their friend, BUT THEY DID NOT.

Maybe if they'd followed the rules...
if the cop was five feet tall, about 100 pounds, i think the girl would of opened a can of whoop-ass
Clearly the girl should have been executed on sight..
i still have no idea why the cop tossed her as if she was a rag doll.
Because she was acting like a fucken asshole. :hmpf:
yah, but he didnt have to overact, all he had to do was show her a photo of nancy pelosi without make-up
Apparently he had already been stressed out by two suicide calls before he answered this call. I guess his bullshit level had been reached.
His bullshit level had been reached and he was told to make a public apology or else get punished even more.

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