The liberal mythology of healthcare being a right

Are all liberals as stupid as you?

why do you try your very best to make it as detestable as possible to engage in conversation with you? what the fuck are you even here fopr, to ridicule people and act like a dickhead? seriously. is your avatar you?

I'm here to defeat liberalism. You have had a certain point of view explained to you several times now, and rather than address it you simply dismiss it.

There's no point in debating a moron like you, so instead you will recieve your well deserved ridicule.

naaahhh. you're just here to jack off in public. You are so ingrained with hatred it's pathetic. Your fellow Americans who don't agree with your politics need to be "Defeated". It's YOUR way or the highway.

Typical and telling.
naaahhh. you're just here to jack off in public. You are so ingrained with hatred it's pathetic. Your fellow Americans who don't agree with your politics need to be "Defeated". It's YOUR way or the highway.

Typical and telling.

Yes, turds like you do need to be defeated. Are you saying we should allow you to wreck the world? Why would anyone want to run the world according to your idiotic agenda?
Does evolution exist? Yet, you can't touch it, see it or smell it. The same goes for gravity, actually. Evolution operates according to certain immutable fundamental principles. Rights work in a similar fashion. They are a property of a living organism called man.

Another logic fail.


Should I explain, or will you just be a dick still in return? See, I've no interest in playing a fucking cherade of who calls the best names and ignores the conversation itself completely, like you do.

You are comparing components of Science, to an idea. That's non-comparible.

Typical liberal argument. When someone offers an analogy, you say the two things are not the same. Of course, if they were the same, it wouldn't be an analogy. It would be the exact same thing.

They are comparable. You simply don't want to let any idea that doesn't conform to your comfortable prejudices to intrude into your thoughts.

Discussing anything with you is a waste of time.

No, the analogy doesn't work because they are in no part comparible.

Being invisible doesn't mean that something does or doesn't exist. It has nothing to do with anything. You said gravity why? Because they're both invisible. It made no logical sense whatsoever.

Rights are philosophical ideas created because men are sentient and that the best way to co-habitate as a species is to observe such ideas. You're blabbering that I don't agree with the rights themselves (you're wrong), when I'm describing, in my view, their origin (man's brain).
Gravity is a testable Force.
naaahhh. you're just here to jack off in public. You are so ingrained with hatred it's pathetic. Your fellow Americans who don't agree with your politics need to be "Defeated". It's YOUR way or the highway.

Typical and telling.

Yes, turds like you do need to be defeated. Are you saying we should allow you to wreck the world? Why would anyone want to run the world according to your idiotic agenda?

defeated at what ya fuckin idiot? you sitting on a message board being a dick all day serves no cause and defeats nothing but time. get a fucking hobby.
naaahhh. you're just here to jack off in public. You are so ingrained with hatred it's pathetic. Your fellow Americans who don't agree with your politics need to be "Defeated". It's YOUR way or the highway.

Typical and telling.

Yes, turds like you do need to be defeated. Are you saying we should allow you to wreck the world? Why would anyone want to run the world according to your idiotic agenda?

Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years... don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.
naaahhh. you're just here to jack off in public. You are so ingrained with hatred it's pathetic. Your fellow Americans who don't agree with your politics need to be "Defeated". It's YOUR way or the highway.

Typical and telling.

Yes, turds like you do need to be defeated. Are you saying we should allow you to wreck the world? Why would anyone want to run the world according to your idiotic agenda?

Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years... don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

It's amazing how dumb you are...

I would strongly recommend you look up the makeup of congress over the past 30 years.

I don't even know where to begin with how ignorant you are...
Again, calling something an inalienable right is just a classification.

And you've set criteria for that classification that leads to things that you clearly would not call inalienable rights.

We would never protect a right that takes away the rights of others.

But by your definition, committing murder must be an inalienable right.

The point of "inalienable" is that it's a freedom, and not a grant that someone else must give you.

And how does that preclude murder?
Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years...

Not really. Libturds run all the universities, the government schools and bureaucracies, the unions and the media.

don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

"Trickle down" is just despicable pejorative turds invented to refer to the free market. It has always worked. Socialism doesn't work. End of story.
To bring this back to the OP, health care can't be - no matter how much we want it be so - an unalienable right.

This thread didn't start with any discussion about health care was an inalienable right. It merely asks whether health care is a right, period.
I kind of skipped from the OP to the last page, and as I would have assumed, we seem to be in a Mexican standoff regarding the definition of a "right".

To me this is quite simple, and I work for a medical insurer, so I do have a dog in this hunt besides my own need for healthcare.

Government delivered medical care will become a right when the government starts providing it, and not before.

Like other posters in this thread, you don't understand the concept of "inalienable right." You view rights as whatever the law grants you. That theory isn't being discussed here.
You need to get laid more often...:razz:
Yes, turds like you do need to be defeated. Are you saying we should allow you to wreck the world? Why would anyone want to run the world according to your idiotic agenda?

Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years... don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

It's amazing how dumb you are...

I would strongly recommend you look up the makeup of congress over the past 30 years.

I don't even know where to begin with how ignorant you are...

Ahhh,... another beer fart heard from.

Hmm... let's see... I got a GOP Majority 16 out of the 30 in the Senate, I got a Democratic Majority in 18 out of 30 in the House With majorities in both houses split 50/50 at 12 years a piece.

Now let's look at the Executive Branch, shall we? 20 out of the 30 years, we've had Republicans in charge with 8 years of Clinton in between that actually MADE PROGRESS, only to be squandered by Junior to the point of economic collapse(with the help of a GOP supermajority 6 out of HIS 8 years).
Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years...

Not really. Libturds run all the universities, the government schools and bureaucracies, the unions and the media.

don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

"Trickle down" is just despicable pejorative turds invented to refer to the free market. It has always worked. Socialism doesn't work. End of story.

Wow, aren't you a mouth breathing tyrannical Prick? End of Story? My vote says it's not, you douchebag.
And there I might agree with you.

Medicare for everyone would be better.

Good, then you'll be joining the effort to repeal PPACA?

No, just replace it with Medicare for everyone.

It will happen one day.

Every other industrialized nation in the world has national health insurance.

We don't even have that in NZ. We have a small percentage of private health cover...

You see, we have this mentality that if you all pay taxes into the health system over your working life, one day you will get to reap the benefits of those taxes. It's like a long-term insurance policy. Strangely enough, it works..
Good, then you'll be joining the effort to repeal PPACA?

No, just replace it with Medicare for everyone.

It will happen one day.

Every other industrialized nation in the world has national health insurance.

We don't even have that in NZ. We have a small percentage of private health cover...

You see, we have this mentality that if you all pay taxes into the health system over your working life, one day you will get to reap the benefits of those taxes. It's like a long-term insurance policy. Strangely enough, it works..

Yeah, that's the way Social Security works here. But you see, we have monied interests(wall Street) that wants to get their hands on that SAFE, SECURE money and play Craps with it, so they can profit off of it.
No, the analogy doesn't work because they are in no part comparible.

Being invisible doesn't mean that something does or doesn't exist. It has nothing to do with anything. You said gravity why? Because they're both invisible. It made no logical sense whatsoever.

You're the dipstick who just got done saying that rights don't exist because you can't touch them or feel them. When I introduced the example of gravity, you claimed they weren't comparable. Now your claiming things do exist even though you can't touch them. You can't even keep track of your own arguments. As i suspected, you're just an imbecile. You don't have the slightest understanding of what you're discussing.

Rights are philosophical ideas created because men are sentient and that the best way to co-habitate as a species is to observe such ideas.

How do you know they are the best way to co-habitate? There must be some principles that determine what is the best way to co-habitate, just as there are principles that govern the process of evolution. Those principles are called rights.

You're blabbering that I don't agree with the rights themselves (you're wrong), when I'm describing, in my view, their origin (man's brain).
Gravity is a testable Force.

According to you, gravity also originated in man's brain. You have failed to explain why the rules that govern the physical world are real while the rules that govern human behavior are "made up." Rights are also "testable." All you have to do is watch what happens in societies where they are trampled on. Go to any third world country and you can observe an empirical experiment.
Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years... don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

It's amazing how dumb you are...

I would strongly recommend you look up the makeup of congress over the past 30 years.

I don't even know where to begin with how ignorant you are...

Ahhh,... another beer fart heard from.

Hmm... let's see... I got a GOP Majority 16 out of the 30 in the Senate, I got a Democratic Majority in 18 out of 30 in the House With majorities in both houses split 50/50 at 12 years a piece.

Now let's look at the Executive Branch, shall we? 20 out of the 30 years, we've had Republicans in charge with 8 years of Clinton in between that actually MADE PROGRESS, only to be squandered by Junior to the point of economic collapse(with the help of a GOP supermajority 6 out of HIS 8 years).


16 out of 20 :lol:

You surely are an idiot.

100 members of Senate.

435 members of House.

Don't even attempt to quantify numbers with me pal - you're not talking to some uneducated progressive here, I'm not your protégé.

Only an idiot would take all congresses (despite majority) add them together and then come up with an equation.. Not to mention I don't even know where you began or ended...

Not to mention that is not how government works..

What the fuck is wrong with you??
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Hey... it's your side that's been basically running things for the past 30 years...

Not really. Libturds run all the universities, the government schools and bureaucracies, the unions and the media.

don't blame "turds like me" because Diarrhea Splatter like yourself still thinks that "trickle down" works.

"Trickle down" is just despicable pejorative turds invented to refer to the free market. It has always worked. Socialism doesn't work. End of story.

Wow, aren't you a mouth breathing tyrannical Prick? End of Story? My vote says it's not, you douchebag.

The votes of morons count for nothing.
Again, calling something an inalienable right is just a classification.

And you've set criteria for that classification that leads to things that you clearly would not call inalienable rights.

We would never protect a right that takes away the rights of others.

But by your definition, committing murder must be an inalienable right.

The point of "inalienable" is that it's a freedom, and not a grant that someone else must give you.

And how does that preclude murder?

It doesn't. Government doesn't protect ALL inalienable rights. It flat out condemns many. I think that's what you guys are getting hung up on. Inalienable doesn't meant must never be violated. It's just an indication that it's not something that is granted by an authority. Again, the point is to distinguish freedoms from grants or favors.

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