The Liberal Paradigm

Nice use of personal blog sites to make your case, Ms PC. Too bad you couldn't find any official data to back your clains.

Yet you didn't provide any data to dispute it, did you.

How about disputing this:
The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time.


You can pound sand, you don't have to wait. I can find just as many blogs with their own data promoting their own personal political agenda with no accountability until hell freezes over. Publish hard data from sources like the FBI or just continue to pound sand

Still no disputing the data I provided?

How about this:
The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time.

You are so full of it. Switching over to the Clintons now because you cannot defend your shaky data that was published by some blogger.
Nice use of personal blog sites to make your case, Ms PC. Too bad you couldn't find any official data to back your clains.

Yet you didn't provide any data to dispute it, did you.

How about disputing this:
The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time.


You can pound sand, you don't have to wait. I can find just as many blogs with their own data promoting their own personal political agenda with no accountability until hell freezes over. Publish hard data from sources like the FBI or just continue to pound sand

Still no disputing the data I provided?

How about this:
The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time.

You are so full of it. Switching over to the Clintons now because you cannot defend your shaky data that was published by some blogger.

I never 'switched'....the subject remains criminality and Democrats/Liberals

Like this:

The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time
So women get raped, beaten and murdered for liberal causes, its for a good cause its worth it right. We have plenty of women we can sacrifice a few. If it helps we could provide women with cyanide capsules so if they are getting raped or beaten they could just pop a pill and end their life quickly would that help?
i have to agree, but sort of, because once everyone who calls me a misogynist has been dispatched to the concentration camp and disposed of, and there's no one left calling me that, then i can stop being a misogynist. i never wanted to be a misogynist in the first place, and i never was, still not really, but i'll just keep getting accused of it anyways simply because i want lower taxes and a balanced budget in the government. so why not just give them all the hatred they seem to want? making a bloody and costly war on women might be the only way to satisfy the liberal's spinning delusions of reality.
So women get raped, beaten and murdered for liberal causes, its for a good cause.

And a hallmark of the Liberals is a push to disarm law abiding citizens.

How can they get a single vote????

They have a Nazi like propaganda media controlling the narrative. Do you ever see the thousands of crimes committed by illegals on American citizens being reported? Nope!
People who rely on blog sites for data are losers and fear the truth lest it wrest them from their bubble.

Still nothing?

Could it be because you are nothing?

Everyone tells you that?

OK, here's some interesting info from several reliable sources (not blogs) corroborating my take on your insipid, desperate partisan hackery.
Crime dropped like a rock, by 1/3 during the 1990s.
Who was POTUS from 1993 to 2001?
Three guesses.
So you see, you can juggle the data any way you want. And I don't give Bill Clinton the credit for this drop. Crime Decline.pdf
10 (Not Entirely Crazy) Theories Explaining the Great Crime Decline
The Crime Decline | Department of Government and Justice Studies | Appalachian State University

Now climb back into your dark hole and try to brew your racism and hatred somewhere else.
Your crocodile tears for the woman who was attacked is offensive as well. Using her as a tool for your white supremacy agenda.

Here, let me help PC on this one-) About the same, rated by the FBI. Is that good enough for you?

City tops FBI's list of most dangerous urban centers in America

So the title of the chart says "...each state" and they are only showing 10 states. What happened to the other 40? The Daily Mail is considered a yellow tabloid in England. At least it was when I was there.

We all know that Chicago is the most dangerous city in the United States and they don't have it listed. Next.....
A random crime? Blame liberals!

PC must be running out of material, if she's stooping that low.

So.....I have to teach you English vocabulary, too???

  1. 1.
    a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
    "there is a new paradigm for public art in this country"
    synonyms: model, pattern, example, exemplar, template, standard, prototype, archetype
    "why should your sets of values be the paradigm for the rest of us?"
San Francisco is unquestionably the Liberal paradigm

The comments by citizens of said Liberal paradigm attest to what a city becomes when Liberals are in charge.

Don't believe it?
The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:

1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT

2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT

3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT

4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT

5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT

6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT

7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT

8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT

9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT

Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT)

And the republican party still can't win there? Jesus what a feckless sorry excuse for a political party.

Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.
Your crocodile tears for the woman who was attacked is offensive as well. Using her as a tool for your white supremacy agenda.

Here, let me help PC on this one-) About the same, rated by the FBI. Is that good enough for you?

City tops FBI's list of most dangerous urban centers in America

So the title of the chart says "...each state" and they are only showing 10 states. What happened to the other 40? The Daily Mail is considered a yellow tabloid in England. At least it was when I was there.

We all know that Chicago is the most dangerous city in the United States and they don't have it listed. Next.....

You have to read the entire thing, bitch, not just cherry pick.
A random crime? Blame liberals!

PC must be running out of material, if she's stooping that low.

So.....I have to teach you English vocabulary, too???

  1. 1.
    a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
    "there is a new paradigm for public art in this country"
    synonyms: model, pattern, example, exemplar, template, standard, prototype, archetype
    "why should your sets of values be the paradigm for the rest of us?"
San Francisco is unquestionably the Liberal paradigm

The comments by citizens of said Liberal paradigm attest to what a city becomes when Liberals are in charge.

Don't believe it?
The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:

1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT

2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT

3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT

4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT

5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT

6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT

7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT

8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT

9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT

Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT)

And the republican party still can't win there? Jesus what a feckless sorry excuse for a political party.

"Jesus what a feckless sorry excuse..."

As you are for a poster.

The beating of a defenseless wife, mother, sister daughter, and you only concern is that the Criminal Party be reelected.

Disgusting. serve a purpose. You validate Coulter's comment:
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

Now get back into your sewer.

I looked at the demographics of the top 9 being that it is a confirmed Democrat mayor. Fenton said the reason Republicans can't and a a feckless sorry excuse for a party. He failed to understand that the Democrats have a built in plantation just waiting to keep their Democrat massahs in power.
Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.

Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism, being how it's stating all blacks are stupid enough to be manipulated. Calling an entire race stupid is unmistakably racist.

Not being stupid, blacks recognize that as racism, so they don't vote for the people who use such tactics. If you want blacks to vote for you, you have to stop using such openly racist tactics.
Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.

Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism, being how it's stating all blacks are stupid enough to be manipulated. Calling an entire race stupid is unmistakably racist.

Not being stupid, blacks recognize that as racism, so they don't vote for the people who use such tactics. If you want blacks to vote for you, you have to stop using such openly racist tactics.

It's not all of them. It's the 95% that continue to vote Democrat despite the poor results of having done so.

Blacks vote Democrat because a Democrat said they'd be doing it for 200 years and they gladly obliged him. I don't know what you call a group of people that vote for a party at a 95% rate and starting doing so after a President of that party said what he said. I don't call it smart.
Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.

Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism, being how it's stating all blacks are stupid enough to be manipulated. Calling an entire race stupid is unmistakably racist.

Not being stupid, blacks recognize that as racism, so they don't vote for the people who use such tactics. If you want blacks to vote for you, you have to stop using such openly racist tactics.

Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.

Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism, being how it's stating all blacks are stupid enough to be manipulated. Calling an entire race stupid is unmistakably racist.

Not being stupid, blacks recognize that as racism, so they don't vote for the people who use such tactics. If you want blacks to vote for you, you have to stop using such openly racist tactics.

It's not all of them. It's the 95% that continue to vote Democrat despite the poor results of having done so.

Blacks vote Democrat because a Democrat said they'd be doing it for 200 years and they gladly obliged him. I don't know what you call a group of people that vote for a party at a 95% rate and starting doing so after a President of that party said what he said. I don't call it smart.

Nobody is saying all African-Americans are stupid. We see slightly over 20% of them are voting GOP in Florida. That is a vast improvement, wouldn't you say!

Ever wonder why suicide bombers can go and blow themselves up, when virtually every shrink will tell you the strongest feeling in humans is "self preservation?" It is called "brainwashing." Now are you going to call all Islamists stupid because they celebrate this sacrifice? Of course not! When you are inundated each and every day with the same nonsense, you begin to believe it.

Now then, let us use an example: I live 20 mls from Chicago, never go there, and don't own a business where anyone works for me. I interact with African-Americans at places of business that I go to, and that is about it. What if I decide to go to Chicago for some reason, take a wrong turn, and end up getting robbed, beaten, or killed, just because whitey is holding them down! Isn't that painting with a wide brush? And the funny thing is, I am not even white, I am 2nd generation Hispanic, lol, and just look white.

African Americans have been brainwashed as a community, period! Some resist, but I am positive it is very difficult for them to do. It is almost laughable when you think about it, were it not so sad. Every time you see BLM on TV, they are screaming about killing cops, burn down a place, kill whitey.

Now I ask people NOT of color this question--------->when was the last time; if ever, you and your neighbors discussed screwing black people, kicking their rearends, denying them jobs if they show up, or burning your town down if any of that happens?

You see, the brainwashing is done by D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S for the sole purpose of getting them to vote en mass one way, nothing more, nothing less. And the Democrats do not care what riot they cause, who gets beaten, who loses their life, as long as they get elected. And once they are elected, they lock their voting bloc back into the liberal plantation, and save them for the next election. If you ask me, it is disgusting that people who do NOT run their communities get the blame for the things that the D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-C man as it were, puts them through. And when anyone points it out, it must be racism, correct!

And the most obvious example that what I have said is 100% correct, is the backbone of GOP social politics, the voucher. If an inner city school stinks, why would not an African-American mother and father want to send their children to a better school? Is anyone on here going to tell me that they would not want what is best for their children academically! And yet, the Democrats fight this tooth and nail. Why? Because the education of the children on the liberal plantation MUST be stopped. Why, what would happen if these children ended up in a more divers school, learned more, and became friends with some students who were not black; finding out that they are not as bad as they were told, and in fact just like them! Why the liberal plantation would crumble within 10 to 12 years, and where would the bigot Democrats then get their votes! Oh wait, from the Hispanics; which is why the Democrats now are concentrating on them, pulling the same racial politics all over again. In other words, history repeats itself, and if the Democrats have their way, in the not to distant future, we will be talking about the rise of the Hispanic barrios all over America.
A random crime? Blame liberals!

PC must be running out of material, if she's stooping that low.

So.....I have to teach you English vocabulary, too???

  1. 1.
    a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
    "there is a new paradigm for public art in this country"
    synonyms: model, pattern, example, exemplar, template, standard, prototype, archetype
    "why should your sets of values be the paradigm for the rest of us?"
San Francisco is unquestionably the Liberal paradigm

The comments by citizens of said Liberal paradigm attest to what a city becomes when Liberals are in charge.

Don't believe it?
The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:

1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT

2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT

3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT

4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT

5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT

6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT

7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT

8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT

9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT

Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT)

And the republican party still can't win there? Jesus what a feckless sorry excuse for a political party.

And, after decades of Democrat misery, crime, poverty and corruption, the citizens of these cities still can't see the futility of their position and vote differently. What a splendid example of blind and ignorant population.
People who rely on blog sites for data are losers and fear the truth lest it wrest them from their bubble.

Still nothing?

Could it be because you are nothing?

Everyone tells you that?

OK, here's some interesting info from several reliable sources (not blogs) corroborating my take on your insipid, desperate partisan hackery.
Crime dropped like a rock, by 1/3 during the 1990s.
Who was POTUS from 1993 to 2001?
Three guesses.
So you see, you can juggle the data any way you want. And I don't give Bill Clinton the credit for this drop. Crime Decline.pdf
10 (Not Entirely Crazy) Theories Explaining the Great Crime Decline
The Crime Decline | Department of Government and Justice Studies | Appalachian State University

Now climb back into your dark hole and try to brew your racism and hatred somewhere else.

This who you'll be voting for?

The most corrupt, congenital liar is the candidate of the Criminal Party, with the aim of putting her and her 'KSP' (Known Sexual Predator) husband back in at the scene of the crime.....the crime where they stole silverware, dishes and furniture from the People's House as they were leaving last time
Your crocodile tears for the woman who was attacked is offensive as well. Using her as a tool for your white supremacy agenda.

Are you posting to me?

You believe I'm white?

You're a reliable Democrat voter, huh?

BTW....the 'supremacy' that I advance is that of moi.....thanks for proving it.
Looking at the demographics, it's easy to tell why Democrats win. They have a built in plantation.

Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism, being how it's stating all blacks are stupid enough to be manipulated. Calling an entire race stupid is unmistakably racist.

Not being stupid, blacks recognize that as racism, so they don't vote for the people who use such tactics. If you want blacks to vote for you, you have to stop using such openly racist tactics.

"Saying that blacks are on a plantation is patronizing racism..."
How very Liberal of you.

I know that Liberals don't read anything but bumper-stickers...but this from Star Parker's book "Uncle Sam's Plantation"....

1. "I would steal money from my mother's purse...steal property and money from neighbors or local merchants....I lusted after the finest designer labels...and blamed racism, my parents, and any other excuse society would allow me to use for my laziness. My attitude of victimization, coupled with my unwillingness to develop the habits necessary to attain financial independence, led me further into povery.

2. This is Star Parker: "Parker was born to mostly absent parents and raised in a nonreligious home; she says she was raised "by the secular 'I'm okay, you're okay' doctrine that says people should be allowed to make their own rules and shouldn't judge other people's lives." She lived in Japan for three years and returned to the U.S., moving to East St. Louis, Illinois, at twelve, at which point she says she "just joined right in" with the "anger and tension among blacks" in the area.[4] "I bought into the lie that there was nothing in America for me except institutional racism and glass ceilings that would keep me from getting promoted," she said.[4]

She said that after one arrest for shoplifting, her white high school guidance counselor told her "not to worry about it, because I was a 'victim of racism, lashing out at society.'" [5] After attending church at the behest of her friends, she embraced Christianity and began turning her life around.[4]" Star Parker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. The root cause of this poverty is the perverse, counterproductive incentives arising from the welfare system itself. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

4. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. From Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

Gee....I just referenced three that more than you've read in your entire life?

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