The Liberal Rape Myth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!


They have to because they proceed from crisis to crisis., and their just aren't enough crises for 'em.
The Liberal/Progressive/Democrat crowd needs to pretend that there is some imminent disaster....or who needs 'em.
And the alleged-almost-gonna be- victims need them!!!

Two of their fav victim groups are women and black folks....and they may have overplayed their hand vis-a-vis earth-dwellers, now that the Global Warming scam is unraveling.

This thread will reveal how they lie, and use the lie to construct crises.....and keep same in mind when you hear about to the current claims of racism by police!

2. And what fuels their game is the fact that truth is not a requirement for 'em! We on the right are far more wedded to veracity because we're simply better human beings than Liberals are.

....well, perhaps we'd be a bit more careless with the truth, too, if we knew we'd have the cover of the main stream media....

3. Case in point....some imaginary "War On Women," coming from the party that was and is led by a rapist.
It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" Women and girls are the vast majority of victims:nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.*

Men and boys, however, are also at risk:1 in 71 men – or almost 1.6 million – have been sexually assaulted during their lives.*

Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are young between the ages of 16 and 24. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 80% of female victims were sexually assaulted before they turned 25.*

[*Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J. Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011)The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

College students are particularly vulnerable, with 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college.***

[***Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C.H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study(221153). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [Hereafter cited as CSA (2007)].; Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C. H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2009) College Women’s Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and DrugFacilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College. Journal of American College Health, 57(6), 639-647.]

Victims may be further traumatized by social media– through which the details of an assault can “go viral.” While this is an un-researched issue, a number of high profile sexual assault cases have drawn attention to this relatively new and disturbing dynamic.**

[**The White House Council on Women and Girls (2014). Rape and sexual assault: A renewed call to action. Office of the Vice President.]]
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" c]

Date Rape' on Campus

Ah, now we see what is going on here. For generations now, girls, while consenting implicitly to sex, have wanted to assuage their guilt by being able to tell themselves afterward that they had not planned the action, and that they were merely “swept off their feet” by the charm of the guy and/or the magic of the moment. Hence, as all implicitly consenting parties have been long aware, the use of liquor is a marvelous catalyst of this feet-sweeping. Now, along comes our baneful feminist theoreticians who have been able to use their besotted theories to (a) free girls, once and for all, from guilt for their actions, and (b) to load that guilt onto the poor, hapless male population.
This, like the Duke lacrosse team, are total fiasco's. Liberals trying to find victims where there are none. It's more than just sleazy.
Add the woman who helped shoot Rev Al to stardom, Tawana Brawley case

One one hand the left justifies criminal behavior as if it is part of a culture (don't shoot hands up, I can't breathe) that victimizes them, then on the other hand they fake victimhood :dunno:
Their motto is the ends justify the means. So lying is okay.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.
The problem is there was no sexual criminal behavior. Erdely and the liberal rag Rolling Stone made it up based on some skank's false testimony.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?


Rape is not part and parcel of any one ideology or party. The entire thing is stupid. We are talking about sexual criminal behavior here, not politics. The OP, asshole that she is, is trying to pin a crime on an ideology. She is simply batshit crazy.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?


Rape is not part and parcel of any one ideology or party. The entire thing is stupid. We are talking about sexual criminal behavior here, not politics. The OP, asshole that she is, is trying to pin a crime on an ideology. She is simply batshit crazy.
We are talking about left-wing media publicizing a false accusation and a scandal.

The shoe fits.

It's not a gay issue you know.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Instead you prefer woman lying about abuse.

This thread is brought to you by the poster who has repeatedly said - as an assertion of fact - that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

The basis for that assertion of fact? Unproven accusations.

I guess this thread, in a very roundabout way, is a PoliticalChic mea culpa.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Instead you prefer woman lying about abuse.


Really? Are you really admitting you'd prefer the other?

Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Instead you prefer woman lying about abuse.


Really? Are you really admitting you'd prefer the other?


Well, whatever it is, RD-**** will turn it into something pornographic and then whine like a baby somewhere in the Lounge...
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!


They have to because they proceed from crisis to crisis., and their just aren't enough crises for 'em.
The Liberal/Progressive/Democrat crowd needs to pretend that there is some imminent disaster....or who needs 'em.
And the alleged-almost-gonna be- victims need them!!!

Two of their fav victim groups are women and black folks....and they may have overplayed their hand vis-a-vis earth-dwellers, now that the Global Warming scam is unraveling.

This thread will reveal how they lie, and use the lie to construct crises.....and keep same in mind when you hear about to the current claims of racism by police!

2. And what fuels their game is the fact that truth is not a requirement for 'em! We on the right are far more wedded to veracity because we're simply better human beings than Liberals are.

....well, perhaps we'd be a bit more careless with the truth, too, if we knew we'd have the cover of the main stream media....

3. Case in point....some imaginary "War On Women," coming from the party that was and is led by a rapist.
It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" Women and girls are the vast majority of victims:nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.*

Men and boys, however, are also at risk:1 in 71 men – or almost 1.6 million – have been sexually assaulted during their lives.*

Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are young between the ages of 16 and 24. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 80% of female victims were sexually assaulted before they turned 25.*

[*Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J. Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011)The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

College students are particularly vulnerable, with 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college.***

[***Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C.H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study(221153). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [Hereafter cited as CSA (2007)].; Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C. H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2009) College Women’s Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and DrugFacilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College. Journal of American College Health, 57(6), 639-647.]

Victims may be further traumatized by social media– through which the details of an assault can “go viral.” While this is an un-researched issue, a number of high profile sexual assault cases have drawn attention to this relatively new and disturbing dynamic.**

[**The White House Council on Women and Girls (2014). Rape and sexual assault: A renewed call to action. Office of the Vice President.]][/QUOTE]There is no doubt, some rape accusations are not the truth.

On the other hand, the psyche of a rape vicitm is cluttered with all manner of self defense mechanisms that keep the victim from coming out with it.

There isn't a solution to this dilemna.
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" c]

Date Rape' on Campus

Ah, now we see what is going on here. For generations now, girls, while consenting implicitly to sex, have wanted to assuage their guilt by being able to tell themselves afterward that they had not planned the action, and that they were merely “swept off their feet” by the charm of the guy and/or the magic of the moment. Hence, as all implicitly consenting parties have been long aware, the use of liquor is a marvelous catalyst of this feet-sweeping. Now, along comes our baneful feminist theoreticians who have been able to use their besotted theories to (a) free girls, once and for all, from guilt for their actions, and (b) to load that guilt onto the poor, hapless male population.

I never understood that part.

If feminism freed all these women to be powerful persons in charge of their own sexuality, how does Bwana Dick dupe so many into the sack and get away with it without consequence?
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Instead you prefer woman lying about abuse.


Really? Are you really admitting you'd prefer the other?

Where did I post lets go back to those times?

You post the accusation, then swear I agree, typical lefty games. I keep making the mistake you might be honest....then bam.

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