The Liberal Rape Myth

What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?


Rape is not part and parcel of any one ideology or party. The entire thing is stupid. We are talking about sexual criminal behavior here, not politics. The OP, asshole that she is, is trying to pin a crime on an ideology. She is simply batshit crazy.



the bullshit created by the Mckinnon-Dworkin axis of evil is not anti-man ideology?

What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
Instead you prefer woman lying about abuse.


Really? Are you really admitting you'd prefer the other?

Where did I post lets go back to those times?

You post the accusation, then swear I agree, typical lefty games. I keep making the mistake you might be honest....then bam.

It's funny how you were the first to post an accusation and swear I agree. But I guess I can't expect too much from a conservative anyhow.
This thread is brought to you by the poster who has repeatedly said - as an assertion of fact - that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

The basis for that assertion of fact? Unproven accusations.

I guess this thread, in a very roundabout way, is a PoliticalChic mea culpa.

Is Bill Cosby a rapist?
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online
This thread is brought to you by the poster who has repeatedly said - as an assertion of fact - that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

The basis for that assertion of fact? Unproven accusations.

I guess this thread, in a very roundabout way, is a PoliticalChic mea culpa.

Is Bill Cosby a rapist?

Conservative cultural behavioural icon Bill Cosby? He is the subject of multiple unproven accusations.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Why pretend that it is only liberals who do this? How does anchoring your point with an outright lie make for a credible argument about someone else lying?
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online
Can't be easy having a lying skank for a daughter. Was he there? Apparently, she wasn't either.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Interesting what you've exposed about yourself in that fantasy you've just posted.

No doubt the post of some little pimply faced twerp who yearned to be notice by the girls who told you to 'get lost.'
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online
Can't be easy having a lying skank for a daughter. Was he there? Apparently, she wasn't either.

You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
This thread is brought to you by the poster who has repeatedly said - as an assertion of fact - that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

The basis for that assertion of fact? Unproven accusations.

I guess this thread, in a very roundabout way, is a PoliticalChic mea culpa.

Clinton Misogyny - SexJuanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Interesting what you've exposed about yourself in that fantasy you've just posted.

No doubt the post of some little pimply faced twerp who yearned to be notice by the girls who told you to 'get lost.'

If it were the 50's I'd write you off as one of those dumb women complaining I talked about earlier and everyone would agree with me. Hell maybe I'll just do that anyways.
You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
You may think I'm a terrible bastard, but what would you think of someone whose lies could potentially destroy the lives of others?

I have heard from the skank's roommate and father, butI have also read the Washington Post's report.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Its her own fault for wearing a short skirt.

Obviously, she's asking for it and, as the RWs tell us, no really means yes.

The real victims here are the rapists.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Why pretend that it is only liberals who do this? How does anchoring your point with an outright lie make for a credible argument about someone else lying?

"Why pretend that it is only liberals who do this?"
Because that is the truth.

.... universities are the monasteries of Liberalism, and turn out dolts who actually believe the lies meant to describe crises.

5. " My university recently hosted a forum on rape for female college students. They emphasized that rape is a serious issue on campus using statistics. Fact: 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape. " Rape Statistics Are 1 in 4 women raped Skeptical analysis.

6. "... central tenet is that one-quarter of all college girls will be raped or be the targets of attempted rape by the end of their college years (completed rapes outnumbering attempted rapes by a ratio of about three to two). The girls’ assailants are not terrifying strangers grabbing them in dark alleys but the guys sitting next to them in class or at the cafeteria.

This claim, first published in Ms.magazine in 1987, took the universities by storm. By the early 1990s, campus rape centers and 24-hour hotlines were opening across the country, aided by tens of millions of dollars of federal funding. Victimhood rituals sprang up: first the Take Back the Night rallies, in which alleged rape victims reveal their stories to gathered crowds of candle-holding supporters; then the Clothesline Project, in which T-shirts made by self-proclaimed rape survivors are strung on campus, while recorded sounds of gongs and drums mark minute-by-minute casualties of the “rape culture.” A special rhetoric emerged: victims’ family and friends were “co-survivors”; “survivors” existed in a larger “community of survivors.” The Campus Rape Myth by Heather Mac Donald City Journal Winter 2008
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online
Can't be easy having a lying skank for a daughter. Was he there? Apparently, she wasn't either.

You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story

She ADMITS that she has NO personal knowledge of the FACTS - so why is her hearsay relevant?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.


You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online

Nice deflection.

Is Bill Cosby a rapist?

If the accusation is sufficient for guilt in the case of Cosby, why not in the case of Clinton?

And I oppose rape, if you ever read anything I ever posted on it, and think it should be a capital crime.

You believe that it is perfectly alright for feminazis to use sexual criminal behavior to enforce their ideology?

It is not the guilt or innocence of the accused that matters to libs, it is extent to which the charges can promote an agenda.

Just look at how Virginia gang rape lie is playing out.

It didn't happen, but, it brings to light the great problems on our campuses.

The great problem on our campuses is that people think this way.

Yea opposing rape is suuuuuch a terrible agenda.

Here's an article about the girl's father confirming she WAS raped and complaining about how she has been crucified by asshole conservatives:
Father of girl at center of UVA gang rape storm defends her saying she WAS raped Daily Mail Online
Can't be easy having a lying skank for a daughter. Was he there? Apparently, she wasn't either.

You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story

She ADMITS that she has NO personal knowledge of the FACTS - so why is her hearsay relevant?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anything that enforces accusation of white frat boys, antithesis of feminazis, is readily acceptable. Does the Duke lacrosse team ring a bell?
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Interesting what you've exposed about yourself in that fantasy you've just posted.

No doubt the post of some little pimply faced twerp who yearned to be notice by the girls who told you to 'get lost.'

If it were the 50's I'd write you off as one of those dumb women complaining I talked about earlier and everyone would agree with me. Hell maybe I'll just do that anyways.

And you'd be just as wrong as you are in each and every one of your posts.

…galactically stupid…

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