The Liberal Rape Myth

Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Interesting what you've exposed about yourself in that fantasy you've just posted.

No doubt the post of some little pimply faced twerp who yearned to be notice by the girls who told you to 'get lost.'
I tell ya' if I had pulled that with the girls my family allowed me to date(yes, parent's once told kids who they were allowed to date),
I would have gotten my ass beat by two sets of parents.
This thread is brought to you by the poster who has repeatedly said - as an assertion of fact - that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

The basis for that assertion of fact? Unproven accusations.

I guess this thread, in a very roundabout way, is a PoliticalChic mea culpa.

Clinton Misogyny - SexJuanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Sort out the ones that were bonafide accusations of rape.

From those sort out the ones that were ever proven.

It's funny how you want to double down on your own hypocrisy here.

What do you have left?
You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
You may think I'm a terrible bastard, but what would you think of someone whose lies could potentially destroy the lives of others?

I have heard from the skank's roommate and father, butI have also read the Washington Post's report.

The only people who know the truth are the girl and her supposed attackers. Most rapes go unreported and rapists walk free. It is because of people like you who immediately demonize the women who speak out about them. A stigma that has maintained for hundreds of years that raped women are dirty sluts.

I have a sibling who recently graduated from UVA and if you know the culture of parties and fraternities down there you'd know that the girl's account is not out of the question.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it.
Not if you were a negro doing it to one of the Gods most precious creations on earth, a white woman

All right I think this is absolute, unquestionable, SOLID proof that you are a joke account. Which makes the majority of all your posts I've read actually pretty hilarious. :thup:

Carry on.
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Sort out the ones that were bonafide accusations of rape.

From those sort out the ones that were ever proven.

It's funny how you want to double down on your own hypocrisy here.

What do you have left?

And therein lies the problem.

Unlike Kobe Bryant, not many of us can fork over 10 million dollars to defend ourselves.

The court will declare the accuse an indigent , will assign him a public defender or appoint counsel, who will insist that the accuse plead guilty and to the slammer he goes..

You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
You may think I'm a terrible bastard, but what would you think of someone whose lies could potentially destroy the lives of others?

I have heard from the skank's roommate and father, butI have also read the Washington Post's report.

The only people who know the truth are the girl and her supposed attackers. Most rapes go unreported and rapists walk free. It is because of people like you who immediately demonize the women who speak out about them. A stigma that has maintained for hundreds of years that raped women are dirty sluts.

I have a sibling who recently graduated from UVA and if you know the culture of parties and fraternities down there you'd know that the girl's account is not out of the question.
Of course the girl knows the truth, but she lied. The Rolling Stone proceeded to publish the story without any substantiation whatsoever. The behavior of both is unacceptable, and the corresponding condemnation cannot be overstated. There were young lives and careers at stake in an effort to groundlessly exacerbate an issue.
Sort out the ones that were bonafide accusations of rape.

From those sort out the ones that were ever proven.

It's funny how you want to double down on your own hypocrisy here.

What do you have left?

And therein lies the problem.

Unlike Kobe Bryant, not many of us can fork over 10 million dollars to defend ourselves.

The court will declare the accuse an indigent , will assign him a public defender or appoint counsel, who will insist that the accuse plead guilty and to the slammer he goes..

That's simply absurd. Rape cases are notoriously hard to prosecute without scientific evidence. However, it's probably still true that in some "less sophisticated" locales, the politically powerful may convict a man based solely upon a woman's testimony. But, the real issue seems to be in terms of what constitutes "date rape." Two kids get blind drunk and unable to communicate beyond physical semi-conscious responses, and you get a male kid whose future in grad school just went down the crapper.

but to be fair, we're posting on a thread started by some crazy chick so why should anything make sense.
You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
You may think I'm a terrible bastard, but what would you think of someone whose lies could potentially destroy the lives of others?

I have heard from the skank's roommate and father, butI have also read the Washington Post's report.

The only people who know the truth are the girl and her supposed attackers. Most rapes go unreported and rapists walk free. It is because of people like you who immediately demonize the women who speak out about them. A stigma that has maintained for hundreds of years that raped women are dirty sluts.

I have a sibling who recently graduated from UVA and if you know the culture of parties and fraternities down there you'd know that the girl's account is not out of the question.
Of course the girl knows the truth, but she lied. The Rolling Stone proceeded to publish the story without any substantiation whatsoever. The behavior of both is unacceptable, and the corresponding condemnation cannot be overstated. There were young lives and careers at stake in an effort to groundlessly exacerbate an issue.

Rolling Stone failed the girl, the fraternity, and its readers. I won't blame the girl. Especially because her troubles that first semester are documented and her friends support her account that something happened.

Rolling Stone's a piece of crap magazine anyways. This is probably the most attention anyone's paid to it in 30 years.
You are a terrible bastard of a person and I pity those who have to be around you every day.

If anyone else is interested here is the girl's roommate supporting her story:

"Clark then adds, "While I cannot say what happened that night, and I cannot prove the validity of every tiny aspect of her story to you, I can tell you that this story is not a hoax, a lie or a scheme. Something terrible happened to Jackie at the hands of several men who have yet to receive any repercussions.""

UVa Rape Victim s Freshman Roommate Defends Her Story
You may think I'm a terrible bastard, but what would you think of someone whose lies could potentially destroy the lives of others?

I have heard from the skank's roommate and father, butI have also read the Washington Post's report.

The only people who know the truth are the girl and her supposed attackers. Most rapes go unreported and rapists walk free. It is because of people like you who immediately demonize the women who speak out about them. A stigma that has maintained for hundreds of years that raped women are dirty sluts.

I have a sibling who recently graduated from UVA and if you know the culture of parties and fraternities down there you'd know that the girl's account is not out of the question.
Of course the girl knows the truth, but she lied. The Rolling Stone proceeded to publish the story without any substantiation whatsoever. The behavior of both is unacceptable, and the corresponding condemnation cannot be overstated. There were young lives and careers at stake in an effort to groundlessly exacerbate an issue.

Rolling Stone failed the girl, the fraternity, and its readers. I won't blame the girl. Especially because her troubles that first semester are documented and her friends support her account that something happened.

Rolling Stone's a piece of crap magazine anyways. This is probably the most attention anyone's paid to it in 30 years.
I didn't read the article, but it's notable imo that Rolling Stone held itself accountable for the error. George Will wrote a column months ago on how the date rape on campus accusations are really unfair to some males, and he got hammered for it ... but he was right.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Boys will be boys and afterall, the women enjoy the attention

Right guys?
I had the misfortune of attending Liberal public schools in the Bronx and was fed a steady diet of the Big Lies. I didn't think teachers would lie, but they did. They said that FDR saved the economy, McCarthy started a red Scare and used his HUAC to Blacklist innocent Hollywood writers and actors, and LBJ was a Civil Right hero.

Progressives are pathological lairs.

Once you understand that, the rest is easy.

I also have to credit their Soviet Masters for brainwashing them so thoroughly that they love the USSR and Communism with a greater love than even former Politburo Members
I had the misfortune of attending Liberal public schools in the Bronx and was fed a steady diet of the Big Lies. I didn't think teachers would lie, but they did. They said that FDR saved the economy, McCarthy started a red Scare and used his HUAC to Blacklist innocent Hollywood writers and actors, and LBJ was a Civil Right hero.

Progressives are pathological lairs.

Once you understand that, the rest is easy.

I also have to credit their Soviet Masters for brainwashing them so thoroughly that they love the USSR and Communism with a greater love than even former Politburo Members

How much longer until ebola kills us all Frank?
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?

Boys will be boys and afterall, the women enjoy the attention

Right guys?
Link to some posts by "guys" that back you up.
On to exposing the Liberal 'rape myth'....

7. " If the one-in-four statistic is correct—it is sometimes modified to “one-in-five to one-in-four”—campus rape represents a crime wave of unprecedented proportions.

No crime, much less one as serious as rape, has a victimization rate remotely approaching 20 or 25 percent, even over many years. The 2006 violent crime rate in Detroit, one of the most violent cities in America, was 2,400 murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate of 2.4 percent.

The one-in-four statistic would mean that every year, millions of young women graduate who have suffered the most terrifying assault, short of murder, that a woman can experience. "
City-journal, Op. Cit.

A wise observer of the scene once said "Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals."

That's why they are Liberals: they actually believe the stupidity put forth! Having been indoctrinated in government schools and universities....they no longer believe that they have the ability to question....they just take their marching orders and proceed.

One constantly hopes that, at some point they will wise up.
What a sad thread, attaching an issue of sexual criminal behavior to one ideology and act like it is going to stick.

How utterly stupid can the OP be? Well, today, we found out.
It took you this long?

I try to be generous, even to the weak in spirit and soul, like PoliticalShit. poor thing.

Seems, once again, I've destroyed you and left you with nothing but vulgarity.

Love it when you reveal your true nature.
I hear that womens bodies have protections against rape. Her body shuts down and she can't get pregnant

So if the woman got pregnant, she must have enjoyed it

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