The Liberal Rape Myth

Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
I don't know what sick twisted universe you sprouted from, but it's obvious you haven't been on the earth for very long. In the 50s, women were very strong individuals who also acted like ladies. Slap one on the ass or honk her breast and you'd likely get her palm across your face, shortly before her brothers and her father beat the living shit out of you. Then a cop somewhere who wasn't forced to wear a bullet proof vest because of cop killing gang bangers would haul your ass to jail.
In the 50s, nobody fucking DARED call a woman dumb. It was suicide. She'd fuck you up and then her family would fuck you up.
Today, women have Miley Cyrus as a role model, creating dances that emulate ass fucking during awards ceremonies. No wonder no one takes them seriously any more.
In the 50s, most of the time you wouldn't have sex with a woman until the honeymoon. Today, NINE YEAR OLD GIRLS are giving birth.
Do the math.

Back in the 50's a women made your dinner, scheduled your appointments, and chain smoked cigarettes because it was considered improper for them to do anything. They lived a couple steps above sharia law.

Good to see that you haven't attempted to repeat your absurd assault on civility and truth.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
I don't know what sick twisted universe you sprouted from, but it's obvious you haven't been on the earth for very long. In the 50s, women were very strong individuals who also acted like ladies. Slap one on the ass or honk her breast and you'd likely get her palm across your face, shortly before her brothers and her father beat the living shit out of you. Then a cop somewhere who wasn't forced to wear a bullet proof vest because of cop killing gang bangers would haul your ass to jail.
In the 50s, nobody fucking DARED call a woman dumb. It was suicide. She'd fuck you up and then her family would fuck you up.
Today, women have Miley Cyrus as a role model, creating dances that emulate ass fucking during awards ceremonies. No wonder no one takes them seriously any more.
In the 50s, most of the time you wouldn't have sex with a woman until the honeymoon. Today, NINE YEAR OLD GIRLS are giving birth.
Do the math.

Back in the 50's a women made your dinner, scheduled your appointments, and chain smoked cigarettes because it was considered improper for them to do anything. They lived a couple steps above sharia law.

You're full of shit. In the 50s, women controlled most of the country's wealth. Today, they bang anything that'll move and they do it for free. And they have the fucking GALL to look down on married women.
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
I don't know what sick twisted universe you sprouted from, but it's obvious you haven't been on the earth for very long. In the 50s, women were very strong individuals who also acted like ladies. Slap one on the ass or honk her breast and you'd likely get her palm across your face, shortly before her brothers and her father beat the living shit out of you. Then a cop somewhere who wasn't forced to wear a bullet proof vest because of cop killing gang bangers would haul your ass to jail.
In the 50s, nobody fucking DARED call a woman dumb. It was suicide. She'd fuck you up and then her family would fuck you up.
Today, women have Miley Cyrus as a role model, creating dances that emulate ass fucking during awards ceremonies. No wonder no one takes them seriously any more.
In the 50s, most of the time you wouldn't have sex with a woman until the honeymoon. Today, NINE YEAR OLD GIRLS are giving birth.
Do the math.

Back in the 50's a women made your dinner, scheduled your appointments, and chain smoked cigarettes because it was considered improper for them to do anything. They lived a couple steps above sharia law.

You're full of shit. In the 50s, women controlled most of the country's wealth. Today, they bang anything that'll move and they do it for free. And they have the fucking GALL to look down on married women.

In the 50's women were subservient. I'm sure you also think black people would be better off if we reintroduced segregation :cuckoo:
Back in the 50's you could slap a girl's ass and honk a titty and no one would think twice about it. Nobody gave two fucks about it because, hell, who wants to listen to a dumb woman complaining anyways? She needs to shut the hell up and get back to answering the phones!

Let's go back to those times what do you think cons? It would be great right?
I don't know what sick twisted universe you sprouted from, but it's obvious you haven't been on the earth for very long. In the 50s, women were very strong individuals who also acted like ladies. Slap one on the ass or honk her breast and you'd likely get her palm across your face, shortly before her brothers and her father beat the living shit out of you. Then a cop somewhere who wasn't forced to wear a bullet proof vest because of cop killing gang bangers would haul your ass to jail.
In the 50s, nobody fucking DARED call a woman dumb. It was suicide. She'd fuck you up and then her family would fuck you up.
Today, women have Miley Cyrus as a role model, creating dances that emulate ass fucking during awards ceremonies. No wonder no one takes them seriously any more.
In the 50s, most of the time you wouldn't have sex with a woman until the honeymoon. Today, NINE YEAR OLD GIRLS are giving birth.
Do the math.

Back in the 50's a women made your dinner, scheduled your appointments, and chain smoked cigarettes because it was considered improper for them to do anything. They lived a couple steps above sharia law.

You're full of shit. In the 50s, women controlled most of the country's wealth. Today, they bang anything that'll move and they do it for free. And they have the fucking GALL to look down on married women.

In the 50's women were subservient. I'm sure you also think black people would be better off if we reintroduced segregation :cuckoo:

You moron.....what the heck do you think your party is trying to do but separate the races????

"Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder
US Attorney General Eric Holder complained about subtle Racism "cited disciplinary practices in schools that punish black males at three times the rate of their white peers."

Should Schools Have Racial Disciplinary Quotas? "
Punish more Asian and White Students - demands Eric Holder Human Stupidity Irrationality Self Deception

You can always know what the Left is's what they blame the Right for.
Looks like threads like mine actually do have an effect...../

"Rolling Stone Article on Rape at University of Virginia Failed All Basics, Report Says
Rolling Stone magazine retracted its article about a brutal gang rape at aUniversity of Virginia fraternity after the release of a report on Sunday that concluded the widely discredited piece was the result of failures at every stage of the process."

It's interesting to read what lefties said back in December.
Regardless that story is retracted, lefties are not sorry, they are satisfied. The end justifies the means. Damage's done.
I predict that Rolling Stone disappears in 3 years.

The lawsuits will take such a toll, that even if they don't lose them all, the burden of defending themselves will bankrupt them and they'll go buh-bye.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of scumbags.

This is typical of EVERYTHING dimocrap scum do, people.

Everything. Everything they do is an Orwellian lie. All of it. Every last bit.

None of this means that there aren't real problems we need to deal with. Young, attractive women are the targets of sexual violence. Young attractive women shouldn't feel like a pork chop in a lion's den but too often, they do.

But lying about it does nothing, INVENTING shit does nothing. All it does is turn people off.

So dimocraps, being the scum of the earth they are, actually HARM the people they're purporting to help in order to garner cheap political points.

Initially, they'll pick up votes but later on, as they are proven to be the lying scum they are, people may dismiss the problem because of it.

Same thing that happens with EVERYTHING dimocrap scum do. They score cheap political points and once the lie is found out, it's too late and the people they were trying to help are left to suffer in the Ghettos created by lying scumbag dimocrap filth in the effort to 'help' those on whose behalf they scored the points.

dimocrap filth aren't 'fixing' anything. All they do is talk shit and tell lies. One they've gotten all the usefulness out of a topic they've been lying about, they move on to the next one and start over..... Leaving the people they were pretending to help at Sea without a lifeboat.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period
I predict that Rolling Stone disappears in 3 years.

The lawsuits will take such a toll, that even if they don't lose them all, the burden of defending themselves will bankrupt them and they'll go buh-bye.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of scumbags.

This is typical of EVERYTHING dimocrap scum do, people.

Everything. Everything they do is an Orwellian lie. All of it. Every last bit.

None of this means that there aren't real problems we need to deal with. Young, attractive women are the targets of sexual violence. Young attractive women shouldn't feel like a pork chop in a lion's den but too often, they do.

But lying about it does nothing, INVENTING shit does nothing. All it does is turn people off.

So dimocraps, being the scum of the earth they are, actually HARM the people they're purporting to help in order to garner cheap political points.

Initially, they'll pick up votes but later on, as they are proven to be the lying scum they are, people may dismiss the problem because of it.

Same thing that happens with EVERYTHING dimocrap scum do. They score cheap political points and once the lie is found out, it's too late and the people they were trying to help are left to suffer in the Ghettos created by lying scumbag dimocrap filth in the effort to 'help' those on whose behalf they scored the points.

dimocrap filth aren't 'fixing' anything. All they do is talk shit and tell lies. One they've gotten all the usefulness out of a topic they've been lying about, they move on to the next one and start over..... Leaving the people they were pretending to help at Sea without a lifeboat.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period

This country's worst times in the last 100 years were under republican administrations. The great republican depression after Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and the bush/cheney depression. Then don't forget, the most corrupt administrations always under a republican so far. Grant, Harding, Nixon, Reagan.
Here we go again!

Democrat politicians use lies that are regularly proven false....

...because Democrat voters are recognized as fonts of ignorance.

Here's Democrat Governor of NY, Cuomo, recycling the rape lie....

"(Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday that he would push for legislation requiring both public and private universities in the state to enact a uniform sexual assault policy requiring "affirmative consent" in their definitions of consensual sex.

Speaking at New York University in Manhattan, Cuomo, a Democrat, said codifying a sexual assault policy across all campuses would make it easier for victims to report crimes.

"One out of four women are victims, but only 5 percent are being reported," Cuomo said. "When you leave alone a crime, you allow the criminal to do it again. And that’s what we’re doing now."
Cuomo wants statewide affirmative consent campus sex assault bill

One can only conclude that Liberal/Democrat parents are willingly sending their daughters off to be sexually assaulted.

You believe that?

Talk about cognitive dissonance.
George Will wrote a column in which he questioned whether college campus rapes are being handled in such a manner that encourages false reporting.

Of course, that is exactly what the Left is all about....advancing victimhood.

"Will, who is distributed by the The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate, has been under fire from U.S. senators, media, and women's equality groups since the publication of his June 6 column, which argued that efforts to fight sexual assault have made "victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges."
An open letter to the university's administration is currently circulating, with more than 200 students and faculty members signing on to the statement opposing Will's appearance."
George Will Ohio Campus Appearance Sparks Protests Over Rape Column Blog Media Matters for America
George Will wrote a column in which he questioned whether college campus rapes are being handled in such a manner that encourages false reporting.

Of course, that is exactly what the Left is all about....advancing victimhood.

"Will, who is distributed by the The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate, has been under fire from U.S. senators, media, and women's equality groups since the publication of his June 6 column, which argued that efforts to fight sexual assault have made "victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges."
An open letter to the university's administration is currently circulating, with more than 200 students and faculty members signing on to the statement opposing Will's appearance."
George Will Ohio Campus Appearance Sparks Protests Over Rape Column Blog Media Matters for America
It is one of the biggest problems we face as a nation easily the elite left can dupe millions of Americans to their cause of division. Dividing us while they enrich and empower themselves. It is all very depressing.
George Will wrote a column in which he questioned whether college campus rapes are being handled in such a manner that encourages false reporting.

Of course, that is exactly what the Left is all about....advancing victimhood.

"Will, who is distributed by the The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate, has been under fire from U.S. senators, media, and women's equality groups since the publication of his June 6 column, which argued that efforts to fight sexual assault have made "victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges."
An open letter to the university's administration is currently circulating, with more than 200 students and faculty members signing on to the statement opposing Will's appearance."
George Will Ohio Campus Appearance Sparks Protests Over Rape Column Blog Media Matters for America
It is one of the biggest problems we face as a nation easily the elite left can dupe millions of Americans to their cause of division. Dividing us while they enrich and empower themselves. It is all very depressing.
You are quite paranoid, as well as ridiculous.
George Will wrote a column in which he questioned whether college campus rapes are being handled in such a manner that encourages false reporting.

Of course, that is exactly what the Left is all about....advancing victimhood.

"Will, who is distributed by the The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate, has been under fire from U.S. senators, media, and women's equality groups since the publication of his June 6 column, which argued that efforts to fight sexual assault have made "victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges."
An open letter to the university's administration is currently circulating, with more than 200 students and faculty members signing on to the statement opposing Will's appearance."
George Will Ohio Campus Appearance Sparks Protests Over Rape Column Blog Media Matters for America
It is one of the biggest problems we face as a nation easily the elite left can dupe millions of Americans to their cause of division. Dividing us while they enrich and empower themselves. It is all very depressing.
You are quite paranoid, as well as ridiculous.
Apparently some are incapable of accepting reality.
George Will wrote a column in which he questioned whether college campus rapes are being handled in such a manner that encourages false reporting.

Of course, that is exactly what the Left is all about....advancing victimhood.

"Will, who is distributed by the The Washington Post News Service and Syndicate, has been under fire from U.S. senators, media, and women's equality groups since the publication of his June 6 column, which argued that efforts to fight sexual assault have made "victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges."
An open letter to the university's administration is currently circulating, with more than 200 students and faculty members signing on to the statement opposing Will's appearance."
George Will Ohio Campus Appearance Sparks Protests Over Rape Column Blog Media Matters for America
It is one of the biggest problems we face as a nation easily the elite left can dupe millions of Americans to their cause of division. Dividing us while they enrich and empower themselves. It is all very depressing.
You are quite paranoid, as well as ridiculous.
Apparently some are incapable of accepting reality.
Some day you may overcome this.
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!


They have to because they proceed from crisis to crisis., and their just aren't enough crises for 'em.
The Liberal/Progressive/Democrat crowd needs to pretend that there is some imminent disaster....or who needs 'em.
And the alleged-almost-gonna be- victims need them!!!

Two of their fav victim groups are women and black folks....and they may have overplayed their hand vis-a-vis earth-dwellers, now that the Global Warming scam is unraveling.

This thread will reveal how they lie, and use the lie to construct crises.....and keep same in mind when you hear about to the current claims of racism by police!

2. And what fuels their game is the fact that truth is not a requirement for 'em! We on the right are far more wedded to veracity because we're simply better human beings than Liberals are.

....well, perhaps we'd be a bit more careless with the truth, too, if we knew we'd have the cover of the main stream media....

3. Case in point....some imaginary "War On Women," coming from the party that was and is led by a rapist.
It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" Women and girls are the vast majority of victims:nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.*

Men and boys, however, are also at risk:
1 in 71 men – or almost 1.6 million – have been sexually assaulted during their lives.*

Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are young between the ages of 16 and 24. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 80% of female victims were sexually assaulted before they turned 25.*

[*Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J. Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011)The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

College students are particularly vulnerable, with 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college.***

[***Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C.H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study(221153). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [Hereafter cited as CSA (2007)].; Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C. H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2009) College Women’s Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and DrugFacilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College. Journal of American College Health, 57(6), 639-647.]

Victims may be further traumatized by social media– through which the details of an assault can “go viral.” While this is an un-researched issue, a number of high profile sexual assault cases have drawn attention to this relatively new and disturbing dynamic.**

[**The White House Council on Women and Girls (2014). Rape and sexual assault: A renewed call to action. Office of the Vice President.]]

"New campus sexual assault rules give accused students more rights, Betsy DeVos says"

1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!


They have to because they proceed from crisis to crisis., and their just aren't enough crises for 'em.
The Liberal/Progressive/Democrat crowd needs to pretend that there is some imminent disaster....or who needs 'em.
And the alleged-almost-gonna be- victims need them!!!

Two of their fav victim groups are women and black folks....and they may have overplayed their hand vis-a-vis earth-dwellers, now that the Global Warming scam is unraveling.

This thread will reveal how they lie, and use the lie to construct crises.....and keep same in mind when you hear about to the current claims of racism by police!

2. And what fuels their game is the fact that truth is not a requirement for 'em! We on the right are far more wedded to veracity because we're simply better human beings than Liberals are.

....well, perhaps we'd be a bit more careless with the truth, too, if we knew we'd have the cover of the main stream media....

3. Case in point....some imaginary "War On Women," coming from the party that was and is led by a rapist.
It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" Women and girls are the vast majority of victims:nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.*

Men and boys, however, are also at risk:
1 in 71 men – or almost 1.6 million – have been sexually assaulted during their lives.*

Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are young between the ages of 16 and 24. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 80% of female victims were sexually assaulted before they turned 25.*

[*Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J. Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011)The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

College students are particularly vulnerable, with 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college.***

[***Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C.H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study(221153). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [Hereafter cited as CSA (2007)].; Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C. H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2009) College Women’s Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and DrugFacilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College. Journal of American College Health, 57(6), 639-647.]

Victims may be further traumatized by social media– through which the details of an assault can “go viral.” While this is an un-researched issue, a number of high profile sexual assault cases have drawn attention to this relatively new and disturbing dynamic.**

[**The White House Council on Women and Girls (2014). Rape and sexual assault: A renewed call to action. Office of the Vice President.]]

"New campus sexual assault rules give accused students more rights, Betsy DeVos says"

View attachment 336395

Check THIS out.

It's no surprise that victims' rights activists and their allies are furious about the Education Department's proposed changes to Title IX, the federal statute that deals with sex and gender discrimination on campus.

It is surprising, however, to see the American Civil Liberties Union joining in this chorus. The ACLU has long defended the rights of accused terrorists, criminals, neo-Nazis, and the Westboro Baptist Church. The group works tirelessly to protect due process, even for the least sympathetic among us

It's about college kids doing what they've been doing for decades. Getting drunk and hooking up for an occasional night debauchery. The ground rules have apparently changed so hungover co-eds in can claim rape in place of simple regret for their actions. What happened with the UVA co-ed is simply a manifestation of this absurdity on steroids.
Excuse me, college kids have not always been living in co-ed dorms and allowed to have opposite sex overnight visitors.

Gratuitous, meaningless sex with multiple partners was NOT the norm 50 years ago.

Ain't Progress wonderful?
Do you have any idea how few college students live on campus in dorms these days? My daughter was one of the few because her dorm and meals came with the scholarship she received. She was one of the very few of her friends who actually lived in the dorm!

My son, older daughter, wife and I all attended college and none of us lived in a dorm.
Last edited:
1. Best be sitting down when you read this: Liberals Lie!!!!


They have to because they proceed from crisis to crisis., and their just aren't enough crises for 'em.
The Liberal/Progressive/Democrat crowd needs to pretend that there is some imminent disaster....or who needs 'em.
And the alleged-almost-gonna be- victims need them!!!

Two of their fav victim groups are women and black folks....and they may have overplayed their hand vis-a-vis earth-dwellers, now that the Global Warming scam is unraveling.

This thread will reveal how they lie, and use the lie to construct crises.....and keep same in mind when you hear about to the current claims of racism by police!

2. And what fuels their game is the fact that truth is not a requirement for 'em! We on the right are far more wedded to veracity because we're simply better human beings than Liberals are.

....well, perhaps we'd be a bit more careless with the truth, too, if we knew we'd have the cover of the main stream media....

3. Case in point....some imaginary "War On Women," coming from the party that was and is led by a rapist.
It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.

4. Now, the "Liberal Rape Myth."

" Women and girls are the vast majority of victims:nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.*

Men and boys, however, are also at risk:
1 in 71 men – or almost 1.6 million – have been sexually assaulted during their lives.*

Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are young between the ages of 16 and 24. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 80% of female victims were sexually assaulted before they turned 25.*

[*Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J. Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011)The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

College students are particularly vulnerable, with 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college.***

[***Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C.H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study(221153). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [Hereafter cited as CSA (2007)].; Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C. H., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S. L. (2009) College Women’s Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and DrugFacilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College. Journal of American College Health, 57(6), 639-647.]

Victims may be further traumatized by social media– through which the details of an assault can “go viral.” While this is an un-researched issue, a number of high profile sexual assault cases have drawn attention to this relatively new and disturbing dynamic.**

[**The White House Council on Women and Girls (2014). Rape and sexual assault: A renewed call to action. Office of the Vice President.]]

"New campus sexual assault rules give accused students more rights, Betsthy DeVos says"

View attachment 336395

Check THIS out.

It's no surprise that victims' rights activists and their allies are furious about the Education Department's proposed changes to Title IX, the federal statute that deals with sex and gender discrimination on campus.

It is surprising, however, to see the American Civil Liberties Union joining in this chorus. The ACLU has long defended the rights of accused terrorists, criminals, neo-Nazis, and the Westboro Baptist Church. The group works tirelessly to protect due process, even for the least sympathetic among us


January 19th, 1920 ACLU was founded. It grew out of a predecessor group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau, which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism. The founding director of the ACLU, Roger Nash Baldwin, was deeply involved with the communist movement. As late as 1935 he gave a speech stating that his political vision was communist.

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