The Liberal System


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
It's sad what the left has done to the black folks...

The Racist Liberal System

August 30, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


George Zimmerman was tried, convicted and sentenced in the media on the charge of Racism in the First Degree without a single piece of supporting evidence other than the bare fact of his altercation with a black man.


Paula Deen was tried, convicted and sentenced as the Nation’s Worst Racist (after the passing of George Wallace) for using a racial slur about a man who put a gun to her head back in 1986. Walmart stopped selling a cookbook because its author said something bad back when Sam Walton was still CEO and America and Russia were going head to head over whether Communism or Capitalism would dominate. (Communism won, but Capitalism gets to sell cheap copies of the rope it’s being hung with.)

The black murderers of Chris Lane, a white Australian baseball player, one of whom tweeted that he hated white people and boasted of assaulting five of them since the Zimmerman verdict and the other who used Black Nationalist signage, are not being accused of racism. That means that if they ever write a prison cookbook, Walmart will probably sell it.


A white man shooting a black man is presumed racist. A black man shooting a white man is described an indictment of society as a whole. A white man shooting a black man is put down to individual racism, but a black man shooting a white man is written off as a response to white racism. James Edwards’ sister has already begun advancing that defense.


If we lived in the racist America that MSNBC liberals claim we do, David Duke would have appeared with members of the Bush administration and had his own show on FOX. Instead Al Sharpton hosts Attorney General Eric Holder and has his own show on MSNBC. That simple contrast tells the whole dirty truth about the unequal treatment of black racism.

It’s not that liberals don’t know that black racism exists. They know it exists and they embrace it as a rallying call for social justice by warning white Americans that their “oppression” has consequences.


Racism, like any form of xenophobia, is unfortunately indigenous to the human character. To privilege one form of racism over another is to justify it and to dehumanize its victims as deserving of abuse.

If black racism is described as anger and white racism as bigotry, then white people are held responsible both for their own bigotry and for the bigotry directed at them. To liberals, this is simple social justice, but to anyone who has made a study of bigotry this is characteristic of the way that bigots fault their victims for the hate and violence that they direct at them.

The liberal position on black racism is racist. It is a “moderate” racism in that it deplores violent expressions of “anger,” but argues furiously and insistently for the rightness of the anger itself.


We don’t need to have a national conversation that justifies black racism and saddles its victims with more affirmative penalties. What we must do is send a message that it is intolerable and unacceptable.

The racial double standard does black men no favors. The murder of Chris Lane is not the fault of history, but of two black men and their white getaway driver, their families, and above all else, the education and entertainment figures that taught them that hating white people was their birthright.


A system that can see white racism in a Rorschach inkblot, but can’t see black racism when it’s pulling the trigger is the very definition of a racist system.

The Racist Liberal System | FrontPage Magazine
Liberals figure out how to keep black people enslaved a long time ago. Pay them (with taxpayer's money) to do nothing. All they have to do is vote Democrat, otherwise they lose their free ride. Pretty good deal for the Democrats, lousy deal for everyone else.
It's sad what the left has done to the black folks...

The Racist Liberal System

The Racist Liberal System | FrontPage Magazine
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

Conservative Quotes - BrainyQuote

Although it is not true that all progressive/liberals are cock suckers, it is true that most cock suckers are progressive/liberal.
- A_J

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Fiddling Away Black Futures
Why the 2016 election will do little to improve the lives of African Americans -- no matter who wins.

Most black politicians, ministers, civil rights advocates and professionals support Hillary Clinton's quest for the presidency. Whoever becomes the next president, whether it's a Democrat or Republican, will mean little or nothing in terms of solutions to major problems that confront many black people. We've already seen that even a black president means little or nothing. Politics and political power cannot significantly improve the lives of most black people and may even be impediments.

Blacks hold high offices and dominate the political arenas in Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and other cities. Yet these are the very cities with the nation's poorest educational outcomes, highest crime rates, high illegitimacy rates and other forms of social pathology. Let's look at this pattern, focusing just on Philadelphia, Detroit and Baltimore, cities with large black populations and black-held political power for nearly a half-century.

In Philadelphia, only 19 percent of eighth-graders score proficient in math and 16 percent in reading. In Detroit, there is only a 4 percent proficiency level in math and 7 percent in reading. In Baltimore, it's a 12 percent proficiency in math and 13 percent in reading. These results are even more depressing when one tallies the percentages of students scoring "below basic" on the National Assessment of Education Progress test, often referred to as "the nation's report card." Below basic means that a student is unable to demonstrate even partial mastery of knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient work at his grade level. In Philadelphia, 47 percent scored below basic in math and 42 percent in reading. In Baltimore, it was respectively 59 and 49 percent. In Detroit, 73 percent scored below basic in math and 56 percent in reading.


Fiddling Away Black Futures

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