The liberals are not relenting on the global warming bullshit. Behold John Kerry.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
My Way News - In Indonesia, Kerry blasts climate change deniers

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Climate change may be the world's "most fearsome" weapon of mass destruction and urgent global action is needed to combat it, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday, comparing those who deny its existence or question its causes to people who insist the Earth is flat.

In a speech to Indonesian students, civic leaders and government officials in Jakarta, Kerry laid into climate change skeptics, accusing them of using shoddy science and scientists to delay measures needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases at the risk of imperiling the planet. He also went after those who dispute who is responsible for such emissions, arguing that everyone and every country must take responsibility and act immediately.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," he said, referring to what he called "big companies" that "don't want to change and spend a lot of money" to act to reduce the risks. He later singled out big oil and coal concerns as the primary offenders.

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts," Kerry told the audience gathered at a U.S. Embassy-run American Center in a Jakarta shopping mall. "Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits."

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry said. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society,"

Kerry, saying that 97 percent of scientists who have weighed in on the issue agree that the phenomenon is real, argued that the cost of inaction to environments and economies will far outweigh the significant expense of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that trap solar heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the Earth's rising temperatures.


There is simply too much money here at stake for these con artists to relent. They know they still have the worlds attention and a majority of the world still does not question where all of the money that has been driven by this world wide scam actually goes.

They will not give up and in fact they will be even more insistent, regardless of people being stranded in the antarctic by thick ice that they went to prove was not there, or the fact the polar ice cap grew by 60% last year.

The California drought certainly helps their scam. Oh, Obama is all over it, isn't he? Cause Obama would never tell a lie, right? Right?
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In related news, the liberals are also still clinging to evolution, gravity and the round earth theory.
Saw the science guy "debating" a right wing politician from Tennessee this morning on a talk show.

She giggled and smirked on the split screen every time he talked.

Worse, she had that ignorant "yawl" "Jethro/Ellie Mae" accent so many have.

It is nice seeing someone who is both reputable and has a scientific background at least trying to educate those on the right. I feel it's a lost cause. These people have lost the ability to actually "learn" anything significant.

Reminds me of Pat Robertson. This is a guy who believes gays walk around with AIDS "stick rings" giving people AIDS when they shake hands. Who believe 9/11 happened because God was angry gays are allowed to exist in this country. A guy who mused about how nice it would be if everyone in America was "forced" to become his type of Christian.

This nutjob fruitcake said evolution is so documented that if you don't accept it, you run the risk of being a "joke". It's the same with climate change.
Well now, horses were once the power of civilization. Somehow we survive just fine without them. Will be the same for using hydrocarbons and coal as fuel. We will do just fine without using them.

As for the rest of the anti-science flap yap here, the coming decade will prove what damned ignorant fools you truly are.
The mouse that roared.. It's his job. Why? Nobody really knows.
Orchestrated effort to build an election year issue since Dem Congressional Leadership sent a letter to
the media chastizing them for not "covering" Climate Change..

All to entertain Abraham, GoldiRocks and Mammy, I "spose..
In related news, the liberals are also still clinging to evolution, gravity and the round earth theory.

Don't forget the "wild liberal theory of evaporation". The first time I heard that phrase, I spewed.
Well now, horses were once the power of civilization. Somehow we survive just fine without them. Will be the same for using hydrocarbons and coal as fuel. We will do just fine without using them.

As for the rest of the anti-science flap yap here, the coming decade will prove what damned ignorant fools you truly are.

I wanna see Kerry's wife's portfolio. :eusa_whistle:
The politically dim don't get it.

This is nothing but throwing a bone to the far left. Gets them out in November thinking their representative dummies are actually doing something for them. They're not. In contested districts, climate change will most certainly not be an issue because its a big loser. There will be zero legislation out of Congress this The only climate change related stuff coming is via executive fiat........insignificant.

Dang.....even the New York Times acknowledges that cheap fossil fuels are vital to the poor.......

and lets not forget that within the pages of this forum, we have already established that green energy policies fuck over the poor. We've also established that the far left with their established global warming agenda don't give a fuck about the poor. Sticking to the established narrative is the priority.......fuck the poor.
I've never been more embarrassed by this bunch running our government than I am of this stupid bunch..

Lurch Kerry should sell his yacht and give up his millions (he married into) because climate change is going to destroy it anyway...

frikken joke these people are
Lets also remember.......people on the far left and particularly those who are part of the global warming religion do not ever give a crap about the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of the green policies they support. The poor get poorer and the middle class suffers across the board.......not even debatable.

But don't take my word for it..........

Those not wanting to pretend that green energy policies are a zero sum game need to read THIS >>>

Europe?s Renewable Energy: The Law of Unintended Consequences - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

Links are all multiple referenced.
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Our SoS running around the country WAILING about climate change

how pathetic can they make us look
The mouse that roared.. It's his job. Why? Nobody really knows.
Orchestrated effort to build an election year issue since Dem Congressional Leadership sent a letter to
the media chastizing them for not "covering" Climate Change..

All to entertain Abraham, GoldiRocks and Mammy, I "spose..

Here’s an interesting insight from BBC science correspondent, Pallab Ghosh, who claimed that he witnessed the end of science journalism some eight years ago. At that time, claims were emerging that oil companies were paying people to go to policy conferences and instill doubt about climate change. This is not a verification that it was actually happening….nor that climate change is a fact. But, the rumor had an effect:

“Climate scientists and journalists, who until that time had stayed fairly moderate in their zeal discussing and reporting on the issue, suddenly started responding to claims that Exxon was funding debunkers to go to conferences and talks and instill doubt, and adapted a mentality of 'we must get something done now' and the tone began to change.” Science Journalists Have Met The Enemy, And They Are Bloggers

a. “Science journalists….collectively adopted an activist mentality against anyone who doubted climate change. They believed they were banding together to support objective science. Yet they had inadvertently thrown away their own objectivity. They were now cheerleaders….”
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p.198.

b. “The Royal Society of England wrote directly to sympathetic science journalists and asked them not to cover opposing claims about climate change. It was false to even mention skeptics; the science was settled.”
I wonder how big Kerry's house (houses?) is. My guess it that it has a more than ample carbon footprint. Same with the rest of those that preach one thing and do another. The little people pay so they can live large.

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