The liberals are not relenting on the global warming bullshit. Behold John Kerry.

dudes science isnt on your side

did you forget where science stands on GW?
Science is impartial. Scientists are often not. And not all scientists are on board the man made global warming bandwagon, especially the emergency need to spend money we don't have to "fix" it.
You love how they have elevated scientist into gods and is now who should be running our lives?

I mean, it's not like a Science or Scientist has EVER been wrong

so lets run our country on a bunch of Scientist a lot of them foreigners...I mean what do we have TO LOSE EH?
My Way News - In Indonesia, Kerry blasts climate change deniers

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Climate change may be the world's "most fearsome" weapon of mass destruction and urgent global action is needed to combat it, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday, comparing those who deny its existence or question its causes to people who insist the Earth is flat.

In a speech to Indonesian students, civic leaders and government officials in Jakarta, Kerry laid into climate change skeptics, accusing them of using shoddy science and scientists to delay measures needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases at the risk of imperiling the planet. He also went after those who dispute who is responsible for such emissions, arguing that everyone and every country must take responsibility and act immediately.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," he said, referring to what he called "big companies" that "don't want to change and spend a lot of money" to act to reduce the risks. He later singled out big oil and coal concerns as the primary offenders.

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts," Kerry told the audience gathered at a U.S. Embassy-run American Center in a Jakarta shopping mall. "Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits."

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry said. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society,"

Kerry, saying that 97 percent of scientists who have weighed in on the issue agree that the phenomenon is real, argued that the cost of inaction to environments and economies will far outweigh the significant expense of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that trap solar heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the Earth's rising temperatures.


There is simply too much money here at stake for these con artists to relent. They know they still have the worlds attention and a majority of the world still does not question where all of the money that has been driven by this world wide scam actually goes.

They will not give up and in fact they will be even more insistent, regardless of people being stranded in the antarctic by thick ice that they went to prove was not there, or the fact the polar ice cap grew by 60% last year.

The California drought certainly helps their scam. Oh, Obama is all over it, isn't he? Cause Obama would never tell a lie, right? Right?

see thread on science deniers….. :cuckoo:
My Way News - In Indonesia, Kerry blasts climate change deniers

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Climate change may be the world's "most fearsome" weapon of mass destruction and urgent global action is needed to combat it, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday, comparing those who deny its existence or question its causes to people who insist the Earth is flat.

In a speech to Indonesian students, civic leaders and government officials in Jakarta, Kerry laid into climate change skeptics, accusing them of using shoddy science and scientists to delay measures needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases at the risk of imperiling the planet. He also went after those who dispute who is responsible for such emissions, arguing that everyone and every country must take responsibility and act immediately.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," he said, referring to what he called "big companies" that "don't want to change and spend a lot of money" to act to reduce the risks. He later singled out big oil and coal concerns as the primary offenders.

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts," Kerry told the audience gathered at a U.S. Embassy-run American Center in a Jakarta shopping mall. "Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits."

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry said. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society,"

Kerry, saying that 97 percent of scientists who have weighed in on the issue agree that the phenomenon is real, argued that the cost of inaction to environments and economies will far outweigh the significant expense of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that trap solar heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the Earth's rising temperatures.


There is simply too much money here at stake for these con artists to relent. They know they still have the worlds attention and a majority of the world still does not question where all of the money that has been driven by this world wide scam actually goes.

They will not give up and in fact they will be even more insistent, regardless of people being stranded in the antarctic by thick ice that they went to prove was not there, or the fact the polar ice cap grew by 60% last year.

The California drought certainly helps their scam. Oh, Obama is all over it, isn't he? Cause Obama would never tell a lie, right? Right?

see thread on science deniers….. :cuckoo:

who knew attorneys spoke this way?

science DENIERS...oooo how dare any of you question science

that's got to be the most pathetic label ever
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Hilarious. They cannot even see how they changed the terminology from MAN MADE global warming to CLIMATE CHANGE for a reason.

They cannot even bring themselves to admit there are scams at all. How brainwashed does one need to be to not even acknowledge the vast numbers of scams, and massive sums of money being generated by ths bullshit. How many failed green movement companies have been funded, only to see the company go bankrupt and no one can account for the millions of dollars lost. The press certainly would not ever investigate that, and if they did they are relegated to flat earthers.

Of course Kerry goes to the same favorite boogie man for all demented hypocritical liberals who benefit from so many petroleum based products. THE BIG OIL INDUSTRY. Code word for right wing white republicans. To them BIG OIL is the same thing as the Tea Party, which is the same thing as the KKK.

Yes folks, they cannot even see how the science industry relies heavily on government grants, and they refuse to follow the money. They certainly refuse to acknowledge the scientists that refute the claim that MAN MADE global warming is a fact. There is no consensus for that, and there never will be. They can kick, scream, laugh and always think they are the smartest ones in the room, like the arrogant hypocritical dipshits they are. Hell, they are so ridiculous they think they are actually doing something for the planet, by.....oh......agreeing with each other.

Mean while 99.9% of these morons would shit if they ever got rid of all of those products that the evil BIG OIL industry was eradicated. I swear they want it eradicated. Now, watch folks. They will now deny they want the BIG OIL industry eradicated.

Fucking hypocrites. So easy to lie to these know it alls.
My Way News - In Indonesia, Kerry blasts climate change deniers

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Climate change may be the world's "most fearsome" weapon of mass destruction and urgent global action is needed to combat it, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday, comparing those who deny its existence or question its causes to people who insist the Earth is flat.

In a speech to Indonesian students, civic leaders and government officials in Jakarta, Kerry laid into climate change skeptics, accusing them of using shoddy science and scientists to delay measures needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases at the risk of imperiling the planet. He also went after those who dispute who is responsible for such emissions, arguing that everyone and every country must take responsibility and act immediately.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," he said, referring to what he called "big companies" that "don't want to change and spend a lot of money" to act to reduce the risks. He later singled out big oil and coal concerns as the primary offenders.

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts," Kerry told the audience gathered at a U.S. Embassy-run American Center in a Jakarta shopping mall. "Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits."

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry said. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society,"

Kerry, saying that 97 percent of scientists who have weighed in on the issue agree that the phenomenon is real, argued that the cost of inaction to environments and economies will far outweigh the significant expense of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that trap solar heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the Earth's rising temperatures.


There is simply too much money here at stake for these con artists to relent. They know they still have the worlds attention and a majority of the world still does not question where all of the money that has been driven by this world wide scam actually goes.

They will not give up and in fact they will be even more insistent, regardless of people being stranded in the antarctic by thick ice that they went to prove was not there, or the fact the polar ice cap grew by 60% last year.

The California drought certainly helps their scam. Oh, Obama is all over it, isn't he? Cause Obama would never tell a lie, right? Right?

see thread on science deniers….. :cuckoo:
A lot of science doesn't agree with you, it really isn't settled. :eusa_whistle:
The earth is burning up we're all gonna die!!!


ITS THE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dudes science isnt on your side

did you forget where science stands on GW?

So very glad you spelled "science" correctly!


Waiting for your post about Republicans trying to restrict science by demanding photo IDs for laboratory entrance!
My Way News - In Indonesia, Kerry blasts climate change deniers

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Climate change may be the world's "most fearsome" weapon of mass destruction and urgent global action is needed to combat it, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday, comparing those who deny its existence or question its causes to people who insist the Earth is flat.

In a speech to Indonesian students, civic leaders and government officials in Jakarta, Kerry laid into climate change skeptics, accusing them of using shoddy science and scientists to delay measures needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases at the risk of imperiling the planet. He also went after those who dispute who is responsible for such emissions, arguing that everyone and every country must take responsibility and act immediately.

"We simply don't have time to let a few loud interest groups hijack the climate conversation," he said, referring to what he called "big companies" that "don't want to change and spend a lot of money" to act to reduce the risks. He later singled out big oil and coal concerns as the primary offenders.

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts," Kerry told the audience gathered at a U.S. Embassy-run American Center in a Jakarta shopping mall. "Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits."

"The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand," Kerry said. "We don't have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society,"

Kerry, saying that 97 percent of scientists who have weighed in on the issue agree that the phenomenon is real, argued that the cost of inaction to environments and economies will far outweigh the significant expense of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that trap solar heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the Earth's rising temperatures.


There is simply too much money here at stake for these con artists to relent. They know they still have the worlds attention and a majority of the world still does not question where all of the money that has been driven by this world wide scam actually goes.

They will not give up and in fact they will be even more insistent, regardless of people being stranded in the antarctic by thick ice that they went to prove was not there, or the fact the polar ice cap grew by 60% last year.

The California drought certainly helps their scam. Oh, Obama is all over it, isn't he? Cause Obama would never tell a lie, right? Right?

see thread on science deniers….. :cuckoo:
Well now, horses were once the power of civilization. Somehow we survive just fine without them. Will be the same for using hydrocarbons and coal as fuel. We will do just fine without using them.

As for the rest of the anti-science flap yap here, the coming decade will prove what damned ignorant fools you truly are.

Wind and solar will never replace oil and coal. Nuclear and Fusion will, especially one the later becomes economically feasible, but that is far off - 20 years minimum. We have more than enough coal and oil to last until then. We have enough to last at least 100 years, maybe 200 years.
Without hydrocarbons and their associated industries, the world would be totally fucked.

Now that's what I'd call "most fearsome".

Good thing we're close to fusion ;)

That's one of the few areas where I think the government should spend more money. We could have viable fusion power in 10-15 years if the government doubled or tripled the amount we are spending. I understand that they could build a viable power plant right now if they scaled up some of the existing models enough.
Too bad there's a shortage of dead horses, because Kerry has pretty much whipped this one into a smoothie. If you ever want to bloviate and fillibuster -- Kerry is your man..

The key part of his pitch to the 3rd largest CO2 offender, who GETS that ranking for deforestation and NOT ENERGY USE, was...

Remarks on Climate Change

But think of it this way: If the worst-case scenario about climate change, all the worst predictions, if they never materialize, what will be the harm that is done from having made the decision to respond to it? We would actually leave our air cleaner. We would leave our water cleaner. We would actually make our food supply more secure. Our populations would be healthier because of fewer particulates of pollution in the air – less cost to health care. Those are the things that would happen if we happen to be wrong and we responded

In other words -- we don't NEED to make a case. We don't need to be specific as to what this consensus actually says -- we just need to do this because of the SECONDARY benefits that drive the political bulldozer behind this fraud..

Let's HEAR the actual consensus on the temperature anomaly in 2044. Let's describe the evidence of this "Weapon of Mass Destruction". Let's allow Kerry to DEFEAT the purveyors of bad science. Let's debate.

Remarks on Climate Change

But think of it this way: If the worst-case scenario about climate change, all the worst predictions, if they never materialize, what will be the harm that is done from having made the decision to respond to it? We would actually leave our air cleaner. We would leave our water cleaner. We would actually make our food supply more secure. Our populations would be healthier because of fewer particulates of pollution in the air – less cost to health care. Those are the things that would happen if we happen to be wrong and we responded
No thanks. The science is settled. AGW no more needs debate than does the germ theory.

Nobody thinks its settled except the k00ks........and anyway, even if I acknowledge it is settled, so what?

Its not mattering in the real world. That is just fact.

Its like me saying that Anna Nicole Smiths boobs were the most fabulous boobs ever......its settled.


Too.....if it was "settled", would we even be discussing this?
Hilarious. They cannot even see how they changed the terminology from MAN MADE global warming to CLIMATE CHANGE for a reason.

The Bush administration made that change. Do keep up with the basics, eh?

It must suck for you that all you have are conspiracies piled on top of conspiracies. That's why the whole planet considers you denialists to be liars and laughingstocks. Outside of the right-wing fringe cult, denialism doesn't exist. Denialism is simply one of the many 'tard mantras that the right-wing fringe cult is required to chant, such as saying that ozone depletion was faked, that DDT was harmless, or that President Obama is a socialist.
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Hilarious. They cannot even see how they changed the terminology from MAN MADE global warming to CLIMATE CHANGE for a reason.

The Bush administration made that change. Do keep up with the basics, eh?

It must suck for you that all you have are conspiracies piled on top of conspiracies. That's why the whole planet considers you denialists to be liars and laughingstocks. Outside of the right-wing fringe cult, denialism doesn't exist. Denialism is simply one of the many 'tard mantras that the right-wing fringe cult is required to chant, such as saying that ozone depletion was faked, that DDT was harmless, or that President Obama is a socialist.

LOL.....the "cult" is getting pretty big there Nitz >>>

69% Say It?s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports?

Do you enjoy looking like a bubble dweller?
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