The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

Like I said..........most of the Pentacostal churches in this area ARE of the fire and brimstone type. As far as painting all of you with the same brush? Not even close, because when someone tells me they're a Christian, I always ask "what type", because the views of Christians varies from place to place, even in just this country alone.

But.........there is 1 main thing that ALL of 'em believe in, and that is the belief that if you're not "saved", you're gonna go to hell.

But..........if that's true........what about God's Chosen People, Abraham's descendants, you know.....the Jews? Is God gonna break His covenant with Abraham's people because one of those people (Yeshua) came and changed the whole game?

Sounds like you're saying God doesn't keep His Word.

You don't have to be a Christian or even believe in God to to show respect & tolerance for Christianity. Most on the Left do show quite a bit of respect & tolerance towards other Religions. Most of their hate & ridicule is directed at Christians. This is just what i've observed from them for many years. When or if i see the Left show the same respect & tolerance for Christianity as they show other Religions,i'll change my views on them. Till then,it is what it is.

Ahhh... so this is a personal beef then? Do you yourself show respect and tolerance for other religions?

respect and tolerance?

I am 53 years old and I dont think I have ever even thought about other religions and how I should be tolerant of them.

It has always been a non factor....
Like I said..........most of the Pentacostal churches in this area ARE of the fire and brimstone type. As far as painting all of you with the same brush? Not even close, because when someone tells me they're a Christian, I always ask "what type", because the views of Christians varies from place to place, even in just this country alone.

But.........there is 1 main thing that ALL of 'em believe in, and that is the belief that if you're not "saved", you're gonna go to hell.

But..........if that's true........what about God's Chosen People, Abraham's descendants, you know.....the Jews? Is God gonna break His covenant with Abraham's people because one of those people (Yeshua) came and changed the whole game?

Sounds like you're saying God doesn't keep His Word.

You don't have to be a Christian or even believe in God to to show respect & tolerance for Christianity. Most on the Left do show quite a bit of respect & tolerance towards other Religions. Most of their hate & ridicule is directed at Christians. This is just what i've observed from them for many years. When or if i see the Left show the same respect & tolerance for Christianity as they show other Religions,i'll change my views on them. Till then,it is what it is.

You still didn't answer the question.........are Jews going to go to hell because they aren't saved by Yeshua?

And, when Christians quit telling me that I'm going to hell for being a Taoist, then I'll quit calling them bigots.

Well then i guess you will continue expressing your own hate & bigotry. Hey,i never said i could change you. I just pointed out what i see from you on the Left regarding your hate for Christians. And i still don't see you guys expressing the same kind of hate for other Religions. So I stand by my observations. Take care and God bless.
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You don't have to be a Christian or even believe in God to to show respect & tolerance for Christianity. Most on the Left do show quite a bit of respect & tolerance towards other Religions. Most of their hate & ridicule is directed at Christians. This is just what i've observed from them for many years. When or if i see the Left show the same respect & tolerance for Christianity as they show other Religions,i'll change my views on them. Till then,it is what it is.

You still didn't answer the question.........are Jews going to go to hell because they aren't saved by Yeshua?

And, when Christians quit telling me that I'm going to hell for being a Taoist, then I'll quit calling them bigots.

Well then i guess you will just continue expressing your own hate & bigotry. Hey,i never said i could change you. I just pointed out what i see from you on the Left regarding your hate for Christians. And i still don't see you guys expressing the same kind of hate for other Religions. So I stand by my observations. Take care and God bless.

Still dodging the question I see..............

I'll ask it again..........are Jews going to hell for not being saved by Yeshua?
What Christians don't like is the extreme far left who want to get rid of Christians voices and their freedom of expression in public.
It is our 1st Amendment right.

So... just to play Devil's Advocate... isn't it their 1st Amendment right to be against it?

After all... it's a Conservatives first Amendment right to speak out against abortion, homosexuality, Muslims and the OWS. But when it's someone else speaking out in regards to something you feel strongly about... it's not cool.

That Ms Peach... it's what is known as Hypocrisy.

Look, I'm a Christian... I don't have a problem with Christians speaking their mind and expressing themselves in Public, Private or anywhere in between. But this country as rights for even the people you don't like.

That's why the Neo-Nazis were allowed to march through Skokie, Ill in the 1970's. Skokie is a predominantly Jewish village. That's why the "God Hates Fags" crowd is allowed to protest near our beloved fallen Serviceman's Funerals.

That is what Freedom is about.... not taxes and paying for poor people's Health Care.

Freedom of speech is for everyone.
But not at shutting up the majority's speech. Which the far left and right are trying to do.
It's not right that a very extreme far right group has the right to protest there at the serviceman's funeral . Laws have been passed so that they can not be that close to the service.
Atheist's are trying to stop public displays of Christians in public. Crosses and Nativity scene's on government property.
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.

Same thing has always happened to me. It used to piss me off, but I realize now that those people are just plain ignorant.

That it took you a while to come to that conclusion isn't really a surprise......

What about people that don't replace the toilet paper roll when they run it out? Any startling revelations?

You are an idiot. Let me guess. You're one of those hypocritical Christians that never practice what they preach. Drop dead, jerk.
I have seen it noted on this thread at least a couple of times that the libs' hostility is not necessarily directed against religion in general.

It is claimed that they are hostile primarily to Christianity.

I get that. It has a kernel of truth to it. But I also heard the Occuturds "speaking" at some of the Occupied Zones, and lots of them sound awfully anti-Jewish, too.

For me, it is not Christianity that I have a problem with. It's people who hide behind it to behave in a crappy manner. It has nothing to do with religion.
I have seen it noted on this thread at least a couple of times that the libs' hostility is not necessarily directed against religion in general.

It is claimed that they are hostile primarily to Christianity.

I get that. It has a kernel of truth to it. But I also heard the Occuturds "speaking" at some of the Occupied Zones, and lots of them sound awfully anti-Jewish, too.

anti-semitism thrives at the extremes of the political spectrum... left and right.
You still didn't answer the question.........are Jews going to go to hell because they aren't saved by Yeshua?

And, when Christians quit telling me that I'm going to hell for being a Taoist, then I'll quit calling them bigots.

Well then i guess you will just continue expressing your own hate & bigotry. Hey,i never said i could change you. I just pointed out what i see from you on the Left regarding your hate for Christians. And i still don't see you guys expressing the same kind of hate for other Religions. So I stand by my observations. Take care and God bless.

Still dodging the question I see..............

I'll ask it again..........are Jews going to hell for not being saved by Yeshua?

You hate Christians. I think we've already established that. So what's the point of further discussion? You're a Left Winger who hates Christians. And that's what we were discussing. The further you go on with your riddles only proves my point more. We get it already. You hate Christians,but I already knew that. That's what i've been saying. Time to move on.
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Freedom of speech is for everyone.
But not at shutting up the majority's speech. Which the far left and right are trying to do.
It's not right that a very extreme far right group has the right to protest there at the serviceman's funeral . Laws have been passed so that they can not be that close to the service.
Atheist's are trying to stop public displays of Christians in public. Crosses and Nativity scene's on government property.

why do christofascists lie about this?

1. no one is keeping you from privately saying "merry christmas".
2. no one is keeping you from privately observing your religion.
3. no one is keeping you from praying.
4. no one is even keeping you from proselytizing.

that said,

5.keep your beliefs away from my son in the public square and at school. he is a member of a minority and would be pressured and brainwashed by people who don't believe what we do simply because of numbers.
6. unless someone asks about your beliefs, chances are no one gives a damn.
7. i celebrate holidays this time of year, too... and i don't celebrate christmas. why should i be excluded by businesses? because you think only your beliefs matter?
The ironic thing here is that the longer this thread goes on,the more the Lefties will begin creeping towards those "I hate Christians" rants. The ones here claiming they don't hate Christians will soon be ranting & raving about how much they do hate those Christians. Just give this thread a little more time and watch & see. It's already beginning. Crazy stuff. lol!
Actually, she never said anyone was trying to keep her from privately saying anything.

We have the right to discuss our religion out in the open, and to observe it in the open. Sorry, that's freedom of speech and religion. You are not protected from ever being exposed to Christianity. It doesn't work that way. You are protected from being FORCED to observe Christian traditions, and you are protected from being forced to recant your own faith.

You can't be fired for being a Jew in this country, and you can't be prevented from observing your own public and private traditions, as long as they don't violate anyone else's rights.

But nobody has a "right" to not have to look at religious displays, or to hear discussions about different religions. Your right lies in your ability to walk away, and to be protected from harm directed at you because of your religion. That's it.
Judeo-Christian religiosity has me in a lather!

Bad as it is, just DON'T make me look at any Islamic shit.

Like a crescent moon and a star.

Yipes. Sometimes I even see that up in the sky. Damn Muslims. They're brainwashing our children!
You don't have to be a Christian or even believe in God to to show respect & tolerance for Christianity. Most on the Left do show quite a bit of respect & tolerance towards other Religions. Most of their hate & ridicule is directed at Christians. This is just what i've observed from them for many years. When or if i see the Left show the same respect & tolerance for Christianity as they show other Religions,i'll change my views on them. Till then,it is what it is.

Ahhh... so this is a personal beef then? Do you yourself show respect and tolerance for other religions?

respect and tolerance?

I am 53 years old and I dont think I have ever even thought about other religions and how I should be tolerant of them.

It has always been a non factor....

I was actually asking paulitician that question... but OK... if you haven't thought about other religions and how you should be tolerant of them, why should you expect them to be tolerant of yours?

You mentioned that you are Jewish. Do you ever wish a Christian a Merry Christmas, or a Muslim a Happy Ramadan? I mean, we aren't talking about Converting's more of a "golden rule" kind of thing.

I'll never understand what is so wrong with "live and let live"? We are all God's Children.. no matter what name we give him.
What Christians don't like is the extreme far left who want to get rid of Christians voices and their freedom of expression in public.
It is our 1st Amendment right.

So... just to play Devil's Advocate... isn't it their 1st Amendment right to be against it?

After all... it's a Conservatives first Amendment right to speak out against abortion, homosexuality, Muslims and the OWS. But when it's someone else speaking out in regards to something you feel strongly about... it's not cool.

That Ms Peach... it's what is known as Hypocrisy.

Look, I'm a Christian... I don't have a problem with Christians speaking their mind and expressing themselves in Public, Private or anywhere in between. But this country as rights for even the people you don't like.

That's why the Neo-Nazis were allowed to march through Skokie, Ill in the 1970's. Skokie is a predominantly Jewish village. That's why the "God Hates Fags" crowd is allowed to protest near our beloved fallen Serviceman's Funerals.

That is what Freedom is about.... not taxes and paying for poor people's Health Care.

Freedom of speech is for everyone.
But not at shutting up the majority's speech. Which the far left and right are trying to do.
It's not right that a very extreme far right group has the right to protest there at the serviceman's funeral . Laws have been passed so that they can not be that close to the service.
Atheist's are trying to stop public displays of Christians in public. Crosses and Nativity scene's on government property.

So, then you are for Democracy then? I thought Conservatives "hated" Democracy because it was like two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner?
Conservatives don't hate democracy. We tend to understand it more fully and rationally than most libbies, that's all.

To put up some barriers and strategic and structural impediments AGAINST a tyranny of any majority, we seek to craft things within the confines of and under the benefits of Constitutional guarantees and checks and balances.

That's all.

But we still love democracy. The voices that governs us, in the final analysis, we believe, ought to be OUR voices.

Actually, she never said anyone was trying to keep her from privately saying anything.

We have the right to discuss our religion out in the open, and to observe it in the open. Sorry, that's freedom of speech and religion. You are not protected from ever being exposed to Christianity. It doesn't work that way. You are protected from being FORCED to observe Christian traditions, and you are protected from being forced to recant your own faith.

You can't be fired for being a Jew in this country, and you can't be prevented from observing your own public and private traditions, as long as they don't violate anyone else's rights.

But nobody has a "right" to not have to look at religious displays, or to hear discussions about different religions. Your right lies in your ability to walk away, and to be protected from harm directed at you because of your religion. That's it.

who is keeping you from "discussing" anything?
who is keeping you from "observing" anything?
who says you as a private citizen can't put up displays.

just keep it out of government. seriously. it's not that complicated.
How is a public display of anything, anywhere interjecting the faith "in our government"?
Grow up yourself.
Conservatives don't hate democracy. We tend to understand it more fully and rationally than most libbies, that's all.

To put up some barriers and strategic and structural impediments AGAINST a tyranny of any majority, we seek to craft things within the confines of and under the benefits of Constitutional guarantees and checks and balances.

That's all.

But we still love democracy. The voices that governs us, in the final analysis, we believe, ought to be OUR voices.


Who's voices? Conservatives? Christians? Whites? the voices in your head? Let me know.
Actually, she never said anyone was trying to keep her from privately saying anything.

We have the right to discuss our religion out in the open, and to observe it in the open. Sorry, that's freedom of speech and religion. You are not protected from ever being exposed to Christianity. It doesn't work that way. You are protected from being FORCED to observe Christian traditions, and you are protected from being forced to recant your own faith.

You can't be fired for being a Jew in this country, and you can't be prevented from observing your own public and private traditions, as long as they don't violate anyone else's rights.

But nobody has a "right" to not have to look at religious displays, or to hear discussions about different religions. Your right lies in your ability to walk away, and to be protected from harm directed at you because of your religion. That's it.

who is keeping you from "discussing" anything?
who is keeping you from "observing" anything?
who says you as a private citizen can't put up displays.

just keep it out of government. seriously. it's not that complicated.

It's not complicated at all.

A creche on public property or a large menorah on public property is simply NOT the same thing as establishing a state religion or prohibiting anybody from the free exercise of whatever religion they have.
Ultimately, conservatives will choose liberty and freedom over democracy...when a democratic government becomes an oppressive tyrant.

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