The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

The ironic thing here is that the longer this thread goes on,the more the Lefties will begin creeping towards those "I hate Christians" rants. The ones here claiming they don't hate Christians will soon be ranting & raving about how much they do hate those Christians. Just give this thread a little more time and watch & see. It's already beginning. Crazy stuff. lol!

1. Why is 90% of what you say some sort of strawman?

2. Why do you support using taxpayer dollars for Congressmen to send out holiday greetings?
I'm finding it so hard to care if we fund them to send out Christmas cards, or any other religious holiday cards (do other religions have religious holiday cards? Are there Ramadan cards? Would I care if there were? NOPE.)
Tolerance requires tolerance in all directions. And the mature freedom lover is tolerant of anything that does not infringe on his/her unalienable, civil, legal, or constitutional rights and that is in keeping with the general social contract. And in all things our government should represent the best and most noble in all of us.

So it is NOT okay to put f*ck the Muslims on a postage stamp--that is not the opinion of even a substantial minority of the American population and is an intentional insult to a small minority within it. But there is certainly nothing wrong with putting Merry Christmas on a stamp to be distributed during or near a national holiday. That is something representing the best and most noble of our culture and is an official national holidy. Nor is a Congressman's well intended Merry Christmas in a mailing to his/her constituency over the holidays anything other than his personal wish. He isn't demanding that anybody celebrate or agree with anything regarding Christmas, religious or secular. It is his friendly, well intended, and personal wish for everybody. Why would ANYBODY take offense to that or how is that cramming anything down anybody's throat?

Sending out Christmas cards is NOT the government establishing religion.
The ironic thing here is that the longer this thread goes on,the more the Lefties will begin creeping towards those "I hate Christians" rants. The ones here claiming they don't hate Christians will soon be ranting & raving about how much they do hate those Christians. Just give this thread a little more time and watch & see. It's already beginning. Crazy stuff. lol!

1. Why is 90% of what you say some sort of strawman?

2. Why do you support using taxpayer dollars for Congressmen to send out holiday greetings?

I don't support Congressmen doing ANYTHING that can be done better or more efficiently and effectively at the local level or in the private sector. At the same time, I can accept a periodic mailing to the Congressman's constituents only advising us of actions of Congress and impending legislation and his opinion of the consequences to us of that. And if that periodic mailing happens to fall near the holidays, I have no problem with him/her wishintg anybody a Merry Christmas or any other appropriate greeting in keeping with a national holiday.

So no, nobody in the government should be sending out Christmas cards on the taxpayers' dime. But that wasn't the issue here. The issue here is whether he can conclude his remarks with a Merry Christmas. And I think it is absurd that he cannot.
The ironic thing here is that the longer this thread goes on,the more the Lefties will begin creeping towards those "I hate Christians" rants. The ones here claiming they don't hate Christians will soon be ranting & raving about how much they do hate those Christians. Just give this thread a little more time and watch & see. It's already beginning. Crazy stuff. lol!

1. Why is 90% of what you say some sort of strawman?

2. Why do you support using taxpayer dollars for Congressmen to send out holiday greetings?

I don't support Congressmen doing ANYTHING that can be done better or more efficiently and effectively at the local level or in the private sector. At the same time, I can accept a periodic mailing to the Congressman's constituents only advising us of actions of Congress and impending legislation and his opinion of the consequences to us of that. And if that periodic mailing happens to fall near the holidays, I have no problem with him/her wishintg anybody a Merry Christmas or any other appropriate greeting in keeping with a national holiday.

So no, nobody in the government should be sending out Christmas cards on the taxpayers' dime. But that wasn't the issue here. The issue here is whether he can conclude his remarks with a Merry Christmas. And I think it is absurd that he cannot.

He can't say Happy New Year's either. What's wrong with drawing the line where no one can make any case for claiming that they've crossed it?
For the record, it is NOT the business of Congress to send out holiday greetings on my dime.

Funny that the conservatives are okay with such a waste of taxpayer money.
See,i told you the Lefties here would eventually show their true colors. Just had to give this thread a little more time. They always start off claiming they don't hate Christians but then as the thread goes on,they eventually get around to their ranting & raving explaining why they do hate those dreaded Christians. So why do they even start off denying it? Who do they think they're fooling? It's actually pretty comical.
See,i told you the Lefties here would eventually show their true colors. Just had to give this thread a little more time. They always start off claiming they don't hate Christians but then as the thread goes on,they eventually get around to their ranting & raving explaining why they do hate those dreaded Christians. So why do they even start off denying it? Who do they think they're fooling? It's actually pretty comical.

Show me where this happened... other than in your own fucked up mind.

BTW... you never answered my question... Do you display tolerance to non-christian religions, or people with no religion at all? Do you wish a Jewish person a Happy Hanukkah? Do you wish a Muslim a Happy Ramadan?
See,i told you the Lefties here would eventually show their true colors. Just had to give this thread a little more time. They always start off claiming they don't hate Christians but then as the thread goes on,they eventually get around to their ranting & raving explaining why they do hate those dreaded Christians. So why do they even start off denying it? Who do they think they're fooling? It's actually pretty comical.

Show me where this happened... other than in your own fucked up mind.

BTW... you never answered my question... Do you display tolerance to non-christian religions, or people with no religion at all? Do you wish a Jewish person a Happy Hanukkah? Do you wish a Muslim a Happy Ramadan?

Not what the thread was about. The thread was about how you on the Left routinely show hate for Christianity while showing respect & tolerance for all other Religions. You guys do have a weird 'Hate Christians' fetish. It is what it is.
1. Why is 90% of what you say some sort of strawman?

2. Why do you support using taxpayer dollars for Congressmen to send out holiday greetings?

I don't support Congressmen doing ANYTHING that can be done better or more efficiently and effectively at the local level or in the private sector. At the same time, I can accept a periodic mailing to the Congressman's constituents only advising us of actions of Congress and impending legislation and his opinion of the consequences to us of that. And if that periodic mailing happens to fall near the holidays, I have no problem with him/her wishintg anybody a Merry Christmas or any other appropriate greeting in keeping with a national holiday.

So no, nobody in the government should be sending out Christmas cards on the taxpayers' dime. But that wasn't the issue here. The issue here is whether he can conclude his remarks with a Merry Christmas. And I think it is absurd that he cannot.

He can't say Happy New Year's either. What's wrong with drawing the line where no one can make any case for claiming that they've crossed it?

Because you have hard feelings and nitpicking and stupid remarks and people making a federal case out of it like you have on this thread. There should be NO LINE as to what any elected official or any private citizen may or may not say to his constituency so long as the First or any other Amendment is not violated. As saying Merry Christmas is neither coercive nor an establishment of religion of any kind, to gag a Congress person in that manner looks really sinister to those of us who already suspect some segments of society are using thought manipulation to change the culture, and not in a good way.
For the record, it is NOT the business of Congress to send out holiday greetings on my dime.

Funny that the conservatives are okay with such a waste of taxpayer money.

Funnier that you liberoidals are far more content with wasting taxpayer money in so many other areas.

Anyway, dopey, when the Congress-critters send out their franked mailings, they aren't sending out holiday greetings, you twit.

They are sending out constituent propaganda and, as a small snippet therein, they include a rather generic "wish" for folks to have a happy holiday.

You libs are such a whiny bunch of piss-ant frauds.
But to have some fucking Congressional Committee censoring the Congress-critters in that way on the basis of how they wish folks a happy holiday is just plain antithetical to what our Founders and Framers would have accepted. your opinion.

Right? Or do you have some further documentation as to how the founders and framers specifically outlined how congressional mail should be dealt with?
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

And taxpayers should foot the bill for Congressmen to send Christmas cards to lobbyists - why?
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

And taxpayers should foot the bill for Congressmen to send Christmas cards to lobbyists - why?

Oompy Dumpy can't comprehend simple English sentences.

Here's a hint, ya fuckin' dumbass:

Find the part where anyone said anything about Christmas Cards.

You fucking imbecile.

But to have some fucking Congressional Committee censoring the Congress-critters in that way on the basis of how they wish folks a happy holiday is just plain antithetical to what our Founders and Framers would have accepted. your opinion.

Right? Or do you have some further documentation as to how the founders and framers specifically outlined how congressional mail should be dealt with?

Look real hard and see if you can find "franking privileges" anywhere in the Constitution.

Seriously, didn't you used to be intelligent?
For the record, it is NOT the business of Congress to send out holiday greetings on my dime.

Funny that the conservatives are okay with such a waste of taxpayer money.

Funnier that you liberoidals are far more content with wasting taxpayer money in so many other areas.

Anyway, dopey, when the Congress-critters send out their franked mailings, they aren't sending out holiday greetings, you twit.

They are sending out constituent propaganda and, as a small snippet therein, they include a rather generic "wish" for folks to have a happy holiday.

You libs are such a whiny bunch of piss-ant frauds.
The fraud, and the liar, is you.

You make up this hysterical false thread and have a major meltdown over some slanted bullshit you read in some rightwing rag. If you were anywhere as intelligent as you pretend to be you would have researched the franking rules and realized you've been played.

You're just a tool in hands of the rightwingloons.

So sad.
See,i told you the Lefties here would eventually show their true colors. Just had to give this thread a little more time. They always start off claiming they don't hate Christians but then as the thread goes on,they eventually get around to their ranting & raving explaining why they do hate those dreaded Christians. So why do they even start off denying it? Who do they think they're fooling? It's actually pretty comical.

Show me where this happened... other than in your own fucked up mind.

BTW... you never answered my question... Do you display tolerance to non-christian religions, or people with no religion at all? Do you wish a Jewish person a Happy Hanukkah? Do you wish a Muslim a Happy Ramadan?

Not what the thread was about. The thread was about how you on the Left routinely show hate for Christianity while showing respect & tolerance for all other Religions. You guys do have a weird 'Hate Christians' fetish. It is what it is.

ummm.. you're wrong...furthermore... you're a moron. Like I said...MOST Progressives are Christians themselves. The problem your own twisted mind, is that YOU don't like Progressives showing tolerance for Other Religions and people with no religion at all.... You view that as them "hating Christianity".

Like most other delusions from the right... it stems from not being able to see past your own noses. Not having the ability to walk a mile in another persons' shoes. You have some kind of Genetic Marker that causes a lack of empathy for anyone else... It has to be something like that, because the alternative of you guys just being Complete Selfish Pricks is just so foreign to me.
For the record, it is NOT the business of Congress to send out holiday greetings on my dime.

Funny that the conservatives are okay with such a waste of taxpayer money.

Funnier that you liberoidals are far more content with wasting taxpayer money in so many other areas.

Anyway, dopey, when the Congress-critters send out their franked mailings, they aren't sending out holiday greetings, you twit.

They are sending out constituent propaganda and, as a small snippet therein, they include a rather generic "wish" for folks to have a happy holiday.

You libs are such a whiny bunch of piss-ant frauds.
The fraud, and the liar, is you.

You make up this hysterical false thread and have a major meltdown over some slanted bullshit you read in some rightwing rag. If you were anywhere as intelligent as you pretend to be you would have researched the franking rules and realized you've been played.

You're just a tool in hands of the rightwingloons.

So sad.

No no, Raving Liar. The liar is clearly you, you imbecile.

I didn't make up any dishonest or hysterical thread, you simpleton. I quoted a piece that itself ACCURATELY reported what was forbidden to Congress-critters. It was linked from Drudge, you moron.

It is all part and parcel of the liberal crap we see from liberals in general (not just in this thread and in utterly mornic threads like yours, obsessing with Tebow). It is an overt hostility to religion, especially any expression of Christian faith.

My relative intelligence (especially as judged by a drooling nitwit like you) is not the point. Your dishonest claim notwithstanding, I was not "played," either.

Dipshits like you persist in pretending that thee topic has something to do with sending out "Christmas cards." It doesn't. The whole point, you rank asshole, was that the Franking Committee of the House forbids the Congress-critters from even invoking the holidays in their communications to constituents. How long-standing that is remains unclear, buit if it's of recent vintage or not is irrelevant, you dopey hack. The point is that the Frnaking Committee ought to NOT be looking into the sign-off seasonal wishes of a Congress-critter as a "basis" to say "no franking privilege for you!"

But go on pretending that you have a handle on things, you cretin hack.

Meanwhile, as always, I will be here laughing at you and your footsie stomping whining.

That's not "so sad.' It's kind of funny! :lol:

Raving Liar, you have zero credibility and not a scintilla of common sense.
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