The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

Conservatives don't hate democracy. We tend to understand it more fully and rationally than most libbies, that's all.

To put up some barriers and strategic and structural impediments AGAINST a tyranny of any majority, we seek to craft things within the confines of and under the benefits of Constitutional guarantees and checks and balances.

That's all.

But we still love democracy. The voices that governs us, in the final analysis, we believe, ought to be OUR voices.


Who's voices? Conservatives? Christians? Whites? the voices in your head? Let me know.

It's far too simple for a complete dimwit like you to grasp, obviously.

"Our" voices means -- OUR voices. We, the People.

You really and truly are a dolt.

How is a public display of anything, anywhere interjecting the faith "in our government"?
Grow up yourself.

Yes, I agree... a public display really doesn't mean much of anything and that's why I think that we ALL need to step back and cut each other some slack.

Then again, I wouldn't want to see US Stamps that say "Merry Christmas!... Fuck the terrorist Muslims" on it.

A public display is one thing... but we really have to be careful that our policies don't extend beyond trivial shit like that. Probably that's how it got so out of hand in the first place.
Conservatives don't hate democracy. We tend to understand it more fully and rationally than most libbies, that's all.

To put up some barriers and strategic and structural impediments AGAINST a tyranny of any majority, we seek to craft things within the confines of and under the benefits of Constitutional guarantees and checks and balances.

That's all.

But we still love democracy. The voices that governs us, in the final analysis, we believe, ought to be OUR voices.


Who's voices? Conservatives? Christians? Whites? the voices in your head? Let me know.

It's far too simple for a complete dimwit like you to grasp, obviously.

"Our" voices means -- OUR voices. We, the People.

You really and truly are a dolt.


Really? OK... how do you feel about OWS?
Who's voices? Conservatives? Christians? Whites? the voices in your head? Let me know.

It's far too simple for a complete dimwit like you to grasp, obviously.

"Our" voices means -- OUR voices. We, the People.

You really and truly are a dolt.


Really? OK... how do you feel about OWS?

I think they tend to be a bunch of idiots and tools, much like you.

What about them?

Do you even know the derivation of the term "democracy" you dimwit?
The thing is that if you allow one religion to have a display on public property, you have to allow ALL of them. It's unmanageable.

There is HUGE clamor in Buttfuck Iowa for a public display of Muslim religious symbolism!

But guess what? Muslims don't really appreciate artwork that depicts any kind of life. So, if they want to put up a Star and Crescent Moon display of some intricate pattern artwork, they can go for it in whatever towns and burbs they might live in.

And in the larger metropolises, like NYC, there aren't a whole lot of folks who would give a damn if the Jews put a menorah up or the Christians put up a creche or the Muslims put up a star and crescent moon.

You fucking guys need to just get the fuck over yourselves.
Now THAT'S a valid argument (that too many would want to participate and have their own religion represented for it to be manageable).

In which case, you aren't banning the exhibits because they represent the state "forcing" religion on you, but for more plebian reasons. And that makes perfect sense.

Just don't pretend it's because any reference to religion by or on public entities is "forcing" religion.
It's far too simple for a complete dimwit like you to grasp, obviously.

"Our" voices means -- OUR voices. We, the People.

You really and truly are a dolt.


Really? OK... how do you feel about OWS?

I think they tend to be a bunch of idiots and tools, much like you.

What about them?

Do you even know the derivation of the term "democracy" you dimwit?

Hey... those OWS people? They are OUR voices demanding to be heard.. Just like the Tea Party is OUR voices demanding to be heard.

1570s, from M.Fr. démocratie (14c.), from M.L. democratia (13c.), from Gk. demokratia "popular government," from demos "common people," originally "district" (see demotic), + kratos "rule, strength" (see -cracy).

Well...from the definition, it seems to be originally from "Demos" Common People and "Kratos" which was Rule and Strength...

Put them together and you get Common People Rule.... or in the case of our country... "A government for the people, by the people and of the people. Sounds just like America to me.

Let me guess? You are going to say DEMONS or something inane like that.
Except OWS doesn't really represent anything except mob criminality and anarchy. They have no driving, compelling message, they stand for nothing except their desire to stand in the middle of everything and make a big mess.
The thing is that if you allow one religion to have a display on public property, you have to allow ALL of them. It's unmanageable.

There is HUGE clamor in Buttfuck Iowa for a public display of Muslim religious symbolism!

But guess what? Muslims don't really appreciate artwork that depicts any kind of life. So, if they want to put up a Star and Crescent Moon display of some intricate pattern artwork, they can go for it in whatever towns and burbs they might live in.

And in the larger metropolises, like NYC, there aren't a whole lot of folks who would give a damn if the Jews put a menorah up or the Christians put up a creche or the Muslims put up a star and crescent moon.

You fucking guys need to just get the fuck over yourselves.

What I put in Bold is exactly what I've been saying... except that the sentiment extends to ALL OF US.
Freedom of speech is for everyone.
But not at shutting up the majority's speech. Which the far left and right are trying to do.
It's not right that a very extreme far right group has the right to protest there at the serviceman's funeral . Laws have been passed so that they can not be that close to the service.
Atheist's are trying to stop public displays of Christians in public. Crosses and Nativity scene's on government property.

why do christofascists lie about this?

1. no one is keeping you from privately saying "merry christmas".
2. no one is keeping you from privately observing your religion.
3. no one is keeping you from praying.
4. no one is even keeping you from proselytizing.

that said,

5.keep your beliefs away from my son in the public square and at school. he is a member of a minority and would be pressured and brainwashed by people who don't believe what we do simply because of numbers.
6. unless someone asks about your beliefs, chances are no one gives a damn.
7. i celebrate holidays this time of year, too... and i don't celebrate christmas. why should i be excluded by businesses? because you think only your beliefs matter?

No one has ever been pressured and brainwashed just by hearing about Christianity or any other faith.
Hearing about the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah does make you become a Jew.
Hearing about Jesus birth and death does not make you become a Christian
Hearing about the Muslims faith of Mohammad does not make you become Muslim.
Except OWS doesn't really represent anything except mob criminality and anarchy. They have no driving, compelling message, they stand for nothing except their desire to stand in the middle of everything and make a big mess.

Wow... nothing like a little bigotry.

That's all you see, because that's all you want to see. Just like the left tends to see a bunch of old racists when they look at the Tea Party.

But that's OK... we're all human and have our prejudices.
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

Absurd is right. Below are statements from the article which goes into detail about both the House and Senate franking rules.
This section is from the House franking rules. Keep in mind that the House of Reps has a Republican majority.

4(a). Example of Nonfrankable Items
-Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.”

You may make reference to the season as a whole using language along the lines of 'Have a safe and happy holiday season.' It may only be incidental to the piece rather than the primary purpose of the communication."

The following is from the Senate franking rule. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats.

UPDATE: Senators can say 'Merry Christmas'
Just got a response from the Senate Ethics Committee, which handles franking issues for the upper chamber. Looks like senators can say things congressmen can't because the Senate franking regulation say this:

"Senators may not use the frank to mail holiday cards. However, Senators may use officially related funds to mail holiday cards to constituents.
Regardless, the House is controlled by the Republican party. Take up your beef with them.

The ironic thing here is that the longer this thread goes on,the more the Lefties will begin creeping towards those "I hate Christians" rants. The ones here claiming they don't hate Christians will soon be ranting & raving about how much they do hate those Christians. Just give this thread a little more time and watch & see. It's already beginning. Crazy stuff. lol!

You are really stupid!!! How many lefties do you think are Christian themselves??? And remember what Christianity means. Christians need to behave in a Christ like manner. A lot of Christians do not. I think you know who you are. And you are all being deliberately obtuse.
Ultimately, conservatives will choose liberty and freedom over democracy...when a democratic government becomes an oppressive tyrant.

Well... then don't complain when the Non-Christian minority come out against the yearly barrage of our religion onto them

Sigh. Again. There's nothing tyrannical about seeing and hearing religious symbols. It's tyrannical when those symbols are forced upon your private person and private property, and when you are forced to recant your own religion, and prevented from positioning your own symbols or talking and singing about your own faith.
Damn!!! Living in this world should not be so difficult. Celebrate what you want, believe what you want, say what you want. I tell everybody to have a Merry Christmas. If they don't celebrate Christmas, I just tell them to enjoy their holiday. If I run into a Nativity scene or a Jewish or Muslim scene, so what??? People seriously need to relax.
The thing is that if you allow one religion to have a display on public property, you have to allow ALL of them. It's unmanageable.

There is plenty of room on public property.
Yes it is manageable.
Some Atheists don't want religious displays in Government period and that is unconstitutional.
Wisconsin Atheists have no right to shut up what is done in Texas. They should have kept their nose out of it. They don't live there, they would not see it if they had stayed in their state.
No one in the county or the town has filed a complaint about the nativity scene.
Except OWS doesn't really represent anything except mob criminality and anarchy. They have no driving, compelling message, they stand for nothing except their desire to stand in the middle of everything and make a big mess.

Wow... nothing like a little bigotry.

That's all you see, because that's all you want to see. Just like the left tends to see a bunch of old racists when they look at the Tea Party.

But that's OK... we're all human and have our prejudices.


If you know what OWS represents, what big movement they promote, what universal truths they support, please share. It's not bigotry if it's just truth...they look, talk and act like an angry, ignorant (and mentally ill?) mob. Am I missing something?

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