The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

would you be cheering this if they were sending out Praise Allah messages?

(A) I am not cheering them now, you moron.

(B) THE SIGN-OFFS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT MATTER don't presently say "Praise the Lord God" either, you tool.

(C) I would not be cheering them NOR would I be condemning them if they wished the Islamic equivalent OF "Happy Ramadan." It would STILL be a matter of absolute indifference.

(D) I realize that you truly aren't intelligent at all, but must you always be so dishonest? Truth DOES matter. It's not just your false username, you idiot.
Imma have to ride with my boy Liability on this one.

But if he wants something to disagree with me on anyways, lol.....I imagine he can do one of these:

WE - won't be "riding" anything, Geeky Turd. Of course, only an *imbecile* would call an obviously grown man "boy" in such a detestable manor, *hooligan.* THESE are *not* the "streets." Try again, asswipe.
would you be cheering this if they were sending out Praise Allah messages?

IT'S NOT ABOUT SENDING MESSAGES. It's about imposing restrictions on what they're allowed to SAY.

And this ia only about the 10th time you retards have said "what about Islam???" And every time, one or more has said "WE DON'T CARE IF THEY PRAISE ALLAH OR CHARLE BROWN OR VOLKSWAGEN BEETLES."

Can you even read?
Imma have to ride with my boy Liability on this one.

But if he wants something to disagree with me on anyways, lol.....I imagine he can do one of these:

WE - won't be "riding" anything, Geeky Turd. Of course, only an *imbecile* would call an obviously grown man "boy" in such a detestable manor, *hooligan.* THESE are *not* the "streets." Try again, asswipe.

Fuck. If G.T. agrees with any given proposition, it's presumptively erroneous. So, now, I have to reconsider.

why is it these fools cant understand that the constitution says no government support of religion?
Why is it you can't understand that saying Merry Christmas isn't government support of religion, you fearful, cowering tool?
Imma have to ride with my boy Liability on this one.

But if he wants something to disagree with me on anyways, lol.....I imagine he can do one of these:

WE - won't be "riding" anything, Geeky Turd. Of course, only an *imbecile* would call an obviously grown man "boy" in such a detestable manor, *hooligan.* THESE are *not* the "streets." Try again, asswipe.

Fuck. If G.T. agrees with any given proposition, it's presumptively erroneous. So, now, I have to reconsider.


I knew you could 1-up my response, you little fucker. lol

Merry Xmas sir.
why is it these fools cant understand that the constitution says no government support of religion?

You dont have to get all nit picky about it though.............if you find that these (already being paid for without said greetings on it) messages are detestable, don't vote for who signed them. Why is that hard?
why is it these fools cant understand that the constitution says no government support of religion?

Why is it that truth doesn't matter to a dipshit with her username?

That is not what the Constitution says. It forbids governmental establishment of a religion. WE go a bit further (as I think we ought to) in reading into that provision a little bit of "no support for religion."

A Congress-critter signing off a letter with a "Merry Christmas" wish is NOT even remotely akin to governmental establishment of religion, you dishonest hack loser. It also doesn't provide support for any religion. It merely expresses a tiny little bit of recognition of the religious beliefs of the intended recipient of the letter, you utter tool.

I wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope you find your missing brain cell. I hope you someday learn to actually care about truth.
The Founders debated long and hard on how to construct a Constitution that would protect individual freedom while allowing the ambitions of humankind. So they devised a standard that is embodied in the whole of the Constitution.

The Constitution defines a limited government with such powers limited to preserving individual liberty. The Constitution would call the government into existence; but the powers of that government would be limited to those enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no power suggested or implied power in a friendly "Merry Christmas" and to take away the freedom to use that phrase (or any other chosen by an elected official) is contrary to everything the Founders intended when they gave us the Constitution.
I am a Jew and I say Merry Christmas no less than a thousand times a year.

Having a congressperson saying Merry Christmas to a constuant that recognizes the holiday is not combining religuion with government.

It is combining being human with government.

This PC correctness is way out of control.

Sending out Christmas cards is NOT the government establishing religion.


In one breath, conservatives say that people should put Christ, the Lord, back into the meaning of Christmas.

In the next breath, Christmas cards sent out in the US Mail with taxpayer money being used to pay for the postage is NOT the a form of government establishing religion.

Now, let me know if any other religion (and their religious holidays) are exempt from this rule. If you can find an example of one, then you'll have a point. If not, you're just whining about nothing for no other reason than to add your voice to the cacophony of other conservative voices because conservatives aren't happy unless they spend an inordinate amount of time finding something to bitch about.

Sending out Christmas cards is NOT the government establishing religion.


In one breath, conservatives say that people should put Christ, the Lord, back into the meaning of Christmas.

In the next breath, Christmas cards sent out in the US Mail with taxpayer money being used to pay for the postage is NOT the a form of government establishing religion.

Now, let me know if any other religion (and their religious holidays) are exempt from this rule. If you can find an example of one, then you'll have a point. If not, you're just whining about nothing for no other reason than to add your voice to the cacophony of other conservative voices because conservatives aren't happy unless they spend an inordinate amount of time finding something to bitch about.

It's amusing to see libbies acting as though they have just made some telling and revealing insightful commentary. :lol:

Above, we see Mustang imagining that the "distinction" he points to is just such an insightful observation. :cuckoo:

Of course, in reality, there is nothing contradictory between a Christian suggesting that "Christ" is a kind of important part of the holiday we celebrate called "Christmas" and the assertion that it is emphatically NOT a violation of the First Amendment for a franked Congress-critters mailing to include a holiday wish for a Merry Christmas.

Mustang's post makes exactly zero sense.

Not his fault.

He's just another mindless drone lib.

Sending out Christmas cards is NOT the government establishing religion.


In one breath, conservatives say that people should put Christ, the Lord, back into the meaning of Christmas.

In the next breath, Christmas cards sent out in the US Mail with taxpayer money being used to pay for the postage is NOT the a form of government establishing religion.

Now, let me know if any other religion (and their religious holidays) are exempt from this rule. If you can find an example of one, then you'll have a point. If not, you're just whining about nothing for no other reason than to add your voice to the cacophony of other conservative voices because conservatives aren't happy unless they spend an inordinate amount of time finding something to bitch about.

It's amusing to see libbies acting as though they have just made some telling and revealing insightful commentary. :lol:

Above, we see Mustang imagining that the "distinction" he points to is just such an insightful observation. :cuckoo:

Of course, in reality, there is nothing contradictory between a Christian suggesting that "Christ" is a kind of important part of the holiday we celebrate called "Christmas" and the assertion that it is emphatically NOT a violation of the First Amendment for a franked Congress-critters mailing to include a holiday wish for a Merry Christmas.

Mustang's post makes exactly zero sense.

Not his fault.

He's just another mindless drone lib.

If congress members want to send out Christmas cards to people, they have the exact freedom to do so that I have. Namely, they can buy the cards with their own money and pay for the stamps with their own money.

That's freedom, baby.

They're just not free to use MY taxpayer money to do so.

The same is true for Congress regarding every other religious holiday for every other religion, isn't it? No religion is getting preferential treatment, and no religion is being unduly denied what another religion is permitted.


In one breath, conservatives say that people should put Christ, the Lord, back into the meaning of Christmas.

In the next breath, Christmas cards sent out in the US Mail with taxpayer money being used to pay for the postage is NOT the a form of government establishing religion.

Now, let me know if any other religion (and their religious holidays) are exempt from this rule. If you can find an example of one, then you'll have a point. If not, you're just whining about nothing for no other reason than to add your voice to the cacophony of other conservative voices because conservatives aren't happy unless they spend an inordinate amount of time finding something to bitch about.

It's amusing to see libbies acting as though they have just made some telling and revealing insightful commentary. :lol:

Above, we see Mustang imagining that the "distinction" he points to is just such an insightful observation. :cuckoo:

Of course, in reality, there is nothing contradictory between a Christian suggesting that "Christ" is a kind of important part of the holiday we celebrate called "Christmas" and the assertion that it is emphatically NOT a violation of the First Amendment for a franked Congress-critters mailing to include a holiday wish for a Merry Christmas.

Mustang's post makes exactly zero sense.

Not his fault.

He's just another mindless drone lib.

If congress members want to send out Christmas cards to people, they have the exact freedom to do so that I have. Namely, they can buy the cards with their own money and pay for the stamps with their own money.

That's freedom, baby.

They're just not free to use MY taxpayer money to do so.

The same is true for Congress regarding every other religious holiday for every other religion, isn't it? No religion is getting preferential treatment, and no religion is being unduly denied what another religion is permitted.

Another trite twit coming up with the bogus "Christmas Card" "example." Pathetic.

We aren't talking about Christmas Cards.

Try to smarten up.

We have been talking about the usual run of the mill Congress-critters' mailings to their constituencies. We have been talking about the sign-off at the end of such letters (sent under the franking privilege).

Dear Constituent:

I, your humble servant, have been HARD at work trying to prevent the liberal Democrat Administration from undermining your liberties and freedoms. Further, I have been hard working with the GOP majority in the House to thwart the efforts of the liberal Democrat Senate majority to cram the Marxist agenda. I have voted for ___ blah blah and blah. I co-authored a bill on yakkity yak. I co-sponsored several bills to attend to ___ this that and the other thing!

Yay me!

As the year draws to a close, much work remains to be done. Please contact me at ___congressional e-mail address ----. Tell me what concerns you. Tell me how I'm doing. Bear in mind my job is to try, where possible, to deal with the problems we face in this great land. I could always use your guidance and advice. I am here to represent YOU!

Therefore, I exhort you to --whatever! Please accept my sincere wishes for your good health and that of your loved ones. I wish you and them a very Merry Christmas.


Sniveling Congresscritter
Member of Congress.

You libbie goobers actually imagine that that phrase in the sign-off constitutes a Constitutional violation.

You are such tools.
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It's amusing to see libbies acting as though they have just made some telling and revealing insightful commentary. :lol:

Above, we see Mustang imagining that the "distinction" he points to is just such an insightful observation. :cuckoo:

Of course, in reality, there is nothing contradictory between a Christian suggesting that "Christ" is a kind of important part of the holiday we celebrate called "Christmas" and the assertion that it is emphatically NOT a violation of the First Amendment for a franked Congress-critters mailing to include a holiday wish for a Merry Christmas.

Mustang's post makes exactly zero sense.

Not his fault.

He's just another mindless drone lib.

If congress members want to send out Christmas cards to people, they have the exact freedom to do so that I have. Namely, they can buy the cards with their own money and pay for the stamps with their own money.

That's freedom, baby.

They're just not free to use MY taxpayer money to do so.

The same is true for Congress regarding every other religious holiday for every other religion, isn't it? No religion is getting preferential treatment, and no religion is being unduly denied what another religion is permitted.

Another trite twit coming up with the bogus "Christmas Card" "example." Pathetic.

We aren't talking about Christmas Cards.

Try to smarten up.

We have been talking about the usual run of the mill Congress-critters' mailings to their constituencies. We have been talking about the sign-off at the end of such letters (sent under the franking privilege).
Dear Constituent:

I, your humble servant, have been HARD at work trying to prevent the liberal Democrat Administration from undermining your liberties and freedoms. Further, I have been hard working with the GOP majority in the House to thwart the efforts of the liberal Democrat Senate majority to cram the Marxist agenda. I have voted for ___ blah blah and blah. I co-authored a bill on yakkity yak. I co-sponsored several bills to attend to ___ this that and the other thing!

Yay me!

As the year draws to a close, much work remains to be done. Please contact me at ___congressional e-mail address ----. Tell me what concerns you. Tell me how I'm doing. Bear in mind my job is to try, where possible, to deal with the problems we face in this great land. I could always use your guidance and advice. I am here to represent YOU!

Therefore, I exhort you to --whatever! Please accept my sincere wishes for your good health and that of your loved ones. I wish you and them a very Merry Christmas.


Sniveling Congresscritter
Member of Congress.
You libbie goobers actually imagine that that phrase in the sign-off constitutes a Constitutional violation.

You are such tools.

You're right. We are NOT talking about Christmas card, or birthday cards either, for that matter. Those are personal messages which are not meant for official gov't mail, paid for with taxpayer money. If you want to wish someone a happy birthday, or Merry Christmas, dig into your own pocket like everyone else does.

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