The Lincoln Project’s CHILLING Warning

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The Republicans of the Lincoln Project forget they spent decades fostering the system that encouraged the racism and bigotry in their voting base that responded so favorably to trump’s hate filled ranting.

Americans must not be lulled into the belief these trump-opposing Republicans of the Lincoln Project have changed. If the nation returns to pre-trump conditions, given the opportunity, these same “concerned” Republicans will once again become enablers to another oppressive trump-like regime. In no way have these, or any Republican, become advocates for average Americans.

Bwahahahaha The NAMBLA caucus of the GOP. Fuck ‘em.
Having watched the right become more and more extreme since the 1960s, and the dramatic lurch towards Nazism that was taken by the right-wing nuts after trump moved into the White House, for the devoted trump Nazis there can be no going back to civility.

The trump Nazis' beloved cult leader has been a no-class boor his entire life, and this is an admirable characteristic to his devout followers.

Fortunately, the absolute hatred trump instills in his mindless followers is beginning to be turned inward as the MAGA movement, just like the tea party, eventually falls apart. As history has shown, the enmity inherent in extreme conservatism can only erode its unity.
View attachment 780241

The Republicans of the Lincoln Project forget they spent decades fostering the system that encouraged the racism and bigotry in their voting base that responded so favorably to trump’s hate filled ranting.

Americans must not be lulled into the belief these trump-opposing Republicans of the Lincoln Project have changed. If the nation returns to pre-trump conditions, given the opportunity, these same “concerned” Republicans will once again become enablers to another oppressive trump-like regime. In no way have these, or any Republican, become advocates for average Americans.


You mean the fake repubs, but actual pedophiles from the LP?
Having watched the right become more and more extreme since the 1960s, and the dramatic lurch towards Nazism that was taken by the right-wing nuts after trump moved into the White House, for the devoted trump Nazis there can be no going back to civility.

The trump Nazis' beloved cult leader has been a no-class boor his entire life, and this is an admirable characteristic to his devout followers.

Fortunately, the absolute hatred trump instills in his mindless followers is beginning to be turned inward as the MAGA movement, just like the tea party, eventually falls apart. As history has shown, the enmity inherent in extreme conservatism can only erode its unity.
Fortunately, the absolute hatred trump instills in his mindless followers is beginning to be turned inward as the MAGA movement, just like the tea party, eventually falls apart. As history has shown, the enmity inherent in extreme conservatism can only erode its unity.
Here's hoping. The question will be how much damage is left in its wake.

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